AD Law - Nov - 2021 - 80 Marks
AD Law - Nov - 2021 - 80 Marks
AD Law - Nov - 2021 - 80 Marks
B.B.A. LL.B/B.Com. LL.B. Examination, October/November 2021
Duration :3 Hours Max. Marks: 80
Q. No. 1. (a) Define administrative law. Explain its nature and scope. Marks : 10
udeo{d rcdnd$o mra:Dree. eideo{d uadoed {d"d
** q*o$d1 ador.
Q. No. 1. (b) Write a short note on rule of law. Marks : 6
uadoed eQdddd d:od: ofi,c e^:{ed udou:o.
Q. No. 4. (a) Discuss with the help of decided cases judicial control
over delegated legislation. Marks : 10
edrod giddmddo oari qio, Co edd uondddl oa, o3n Qeddea
aierl &o$o$t':ddod: z,3dr-5.
Q. No. 4. (b) The Central Govern ment delegated powerto the department
of Atomic energy to decide all issues in connection with
setting up of a nuclear plant. When this delegation was
challenged, the Central Govt. contended that as it was a
highly technical issue, delegation was justified. Decide. Marks:6
deoqi ddadd e,od: dddnra: aeb"d ;o;ddd qddrl deod
ao: edo$dsdJ edrot'od c6"uaddRl *rmr3E t "asDsiri
giorCoextd:. eid,oo,o3,oexdcb&, olaoAa, d,a3,erorl
i:.d ddmdd; e eAos: rudd oJg*uou:oa *o6{o*;,
qiocrCnexd do .rod: aoat$. &dro,qr.
Q. No. 7. (a) Explain the salient features of the writs of certiorari and
Quo warranto. Refer to decided Marks : 10 cases.
ioaoSo edo aado do eaadoCo dddndeddd dlan, oddddl
ado::. edrod $ddmdddl weJ_ea)xl.
Q. No. 7. (b) The Central Government notified an export promotion
scheme declaring that the exporters of cotton textiles and
goods would be entitled to import raw materials equal to
1OO"/" of the value of exports. Relying upon the notification,
A a trader exported goods of the value of Rs. 2 crores.
He then sought a licence to import raw material worth
Rs. 2 crores. The Central Government refused to issue the
licence. A challenges the denial in court. Decide. Marks : 6
de uu3 d:& nd*rld& &olnrd d>addorl &olnrdd
a:8oc fooy.".:rjoJ: dz,o ta*S, erd:d: al;Eadrad el qrdrod
oedenrbgdoub deogi iSad phnrd c?pdq ofieado$d1
floeax,d:. qdQ, uqndaaAqf,ood 'e'-'- aou d"q,e"o
2 doeei doaaor:' ?Jso$ de uoS aarto ndd$ &ou>rd
dnad$. ddrl 2 doeei doaaiouro$ dzlo d$dd3r sr*d)
d>adodoer erducd aJeEoc$ ddoapri m?oai:. trofo iduod
ddaa&ri dodOe.r^, 'e'd) & 0earddq dgi"Ed. Ot'ro:r.
lll Semester 3 Year LL.B/ V Semester 5 Year B.A. LL.B. (Maj.-Min. System/
B.B.A. LL.B"/B.Com. LL.B. Examination, October/November 2021
Duration : 3 Hours Max. Marks: 80
Q. No. 1 . (a) Define administrative law. Explain its nature and scope. Marks : 10
udea{d radodd:o aaraar&&. udeo{d uadoed -td"d
drQ mrqdq ador.
Q. No. 1. (b) Write a short note on rule of law. Marks : 6
uado0d eQdddd d>od: e.r{c e^lied udouo.
* ?
oln d
oa, cn Q ed
I Q S 1oi)rd b qeJ o$ o- sro dd d O-
eQad gidreseddea' R o'oodddl zizsrn.
Q. No. 2. (b) Write a note on Droit Administratif (French Legal System) Marks : 6
Gga,f oQjDEUr.3ar (France d anrou:d *od: 0^3{d d*)