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AD Law - Nov - 2021 - 80 Marks

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lll Semester 3 Year LL.B/ V Semester 5 Year B.A. LL.B. (Maj.-Min.

B.B.A. LL.B/B.Com. LL.B. Examination, October/November 2021
Duration :3 Hours Max. Marks: 80

lnstructions : 1. Answer any five questions from group (a) each

question carries 10 marks.
2. Answer any five questions from group (b) each
question carries 6 marks.
3. Answers should be written either in English or
Kannada completely.

Q. No. 1. (a) Define administrative law. Explain its nature and scope. Marks : 10
udeo{d rcdnd$o mra:Dree. eideo{d uadoed {d"d
** q*o$d1 ador.
Q. No. 1. (b) Write a short note on rule of law. Marks : 6
uadoed eQdddd d:od: ofi,c e^:{ed udou:o.

Q. No. 2. (a) Discuss the position of the doctrine of separation of powers

in lndia with reference to the collegium system in appointing
judges to the High Courts and the Supreme Court.Marks : 10
doOdoJ:o a6Ed,q,abedri wz$ oado n{nrea{
an,olnooJ:rlerl an c>qedddl dea:ipd bqeio3:e_ gndddO-
' erQad qidreseddea' tuero*oddd1 aJz^:r,r,.
Q. No. 2. (b) Write a note on Droit Administratif (French Legal System) Marks : 6
cae^f aQDriEqf,3af (France d anrou:d dqg) d;od: ${t6

Q. No. 3. (a) Explain how the parliament of lndia exercises control

over delegated legislation. Marks : 10
qadddO_ dodQ olDd oego$O- gioro3oedd andddl
Dol:o$ioddoc3: adon.


4018/506U6026n026 "p" lffiilxlililililfl lilil][ililHlllililililillilililil1iltiltililililIilililtililnilt

Q. No. 3. (b) The Central Government delegated power to the State
Government to take loans from the Asian Development
Bank for developing infrastructure. The State Government
delegated this power to the city and municipal corporations
of the State. The city corporation borrowed money from
the ADB and imposed the self assessment scheme of
collecting house tax within the corporation limits. A group
of citizen challenged the delegation of power f rom the state
Government to the city corporation. Decide. Marks : 6
deoqi idaaddl ddri "a&d asCn e?pd,Q ao,oE&od d.:oe-r
ild-o:r'rld .' ez,ld onofl tu-ae dad:H&o eeotDdddr J
o.rx. idaadS-, dniPou,la:. oEel. idaoddt' sr e$uadddi
dddamOE bana ai:maddd "mOdd*ri drororl:,$]
ddd m0doSood; s{ mae;dd: idc> oododood i,oJ:o
dFe-:rd>dd oSoexdoS:aoOO- tori diraO C>ad:. ?eo{
iduad d,o.Coedtrd erOtadd$ o,r?d^ idad ddd abd.)
d:maddi L-oddqd w*-4o,,koedS
Ja d>ad$ **rd
oadodd: qigpcnd &drox,.

Q. No. 4. (a) Discuss with the help of decided cases judicial control
over delegated legislation. Marks : 10
edrod giddmddo oari qio, Co edd uondddl oa, o3n Qeddea
aierl &o$o$t':ddod: z,3dr-5.
Q. No. 4. (b) The Central Govern ment delegated powerto the department
of Atomic energy to decide all issues in connection with
setting up of a nuclear plant. When this delegation was
challenged, the Central Govt. contended that as it was a
highly technical issue, delegation was justified. Decide. Marks:6
deoqi ddadd e,od: dddnra: aeb"d ;o;ddd qddrl deod
ao: edo$dsdJ edrot'od c6"uaddRl *rmr3E t "asDsiri
giorCoextd:. eid,oo,o3,oexdcb&, olaoAa, d,a3,erorl
i:.d ddmdd; e eAos: rudd oJg*uou:oa *o6{o*;,
qiocrCnexd do .rod: aoat$. &dro,qr.

Q. No. 5. (a) Define'quasi-judieial' function. On what grounds are

functions elassified as 'quasi-judicial' ? Marks : 10
"e:d uJ,o3)d ddJadd" aao$Fild: ro.aq,&tsr. oJDd
uoaddfi d:ei aao$r-ndQ *d Sr** {an*a
uaoJ:rrldod: dedenfuqd i
ililill1ililtililfi il]ilililtilIiltffiililililil1ffi ililililllililIil]ill] .s" 401 8/5062/6026n026
Q. No. 5. (b) Write a note on : Marks : 6
rJ{r6 udouro :
Personal bias.
{oJrgd dd*md.
Q. No. 6. (a) Discuss the various exceptions to the principles of natural
justice. Refer to decided cases. Marks : 10
ddArd ND.ob dd.dpn&d aad erdandrlddl dcr,l.
P"dr od 6?aeari#f. weJ-esDRr.
Q. No. 6. (b) A writ of mandamus is dismissed by the high court without
affording reasohs. The petitioner challenges the dismissed
on the grounds that the principles of natural justice were
violated. Which principle is violated ? Discuss. Marks : 6
z"ocj: dn.odabt;" oB$ eruzi an^obe.roJr uadsodd$ pedd
dzo dnfudd. s'inJ**i
dzro dn&>aJ. d;dn#d"on.o$a'ag +J* *"-ocri.S*
o.D" o$d 3d. dd$,
add, erueodrier$d
erD e-oe?rier
="" :nl
aod: erdrenddi aaOiooo s{s. o$DS {iffrd Sr*o
flinrd Naro$d
we.r_oolrierofld ? zddrxr.

Q. No. 7. (a) Explain the salient features of the writs of certiorari and
Quo warranto. Refer to decided Marks : 10 cases.
ioaoSo edo aado do eaadoCo dddndeddd dlan, oddddl
ado::. edrod $ddmdddl weJ_ea)xl.
Q. No. 7. (b) The Central Government notified an export promotion
scheme declaring that the exporters of cotton textiles and
goods would be entitled to import raw materials equal to
1OO"/" of the value of exports. Relying upon the notification,
A a trader exported goods of the value of Rs. 2 crores.
He then sought a licence to import raw material worth
Rs. 2 crores. The Central Government refused to issue the
licence. A challenges the denial in court. Decide. Marks : 6
de uu3 d:& nd*rld& &olnrd d>addorl &olnrdd
a:8oc fooy.".:rjoJ: dz,o ta*S, erd:d: al;Eadrad el qrdrod
oedenrbgdoub deogi iSad phnrd c?pdq ofieado$d1
floeax,d:. qdQ, uqndaaAqf,ood 'e'-'- aou d"q,e"o
2 doeei doaaor:' ?Jso$ de uoS aarto ndd$ &ou>rd
dnad$. ddrl 2 doeei doaaiouro$ dzlo d$dd3r sr*d)
d>adodoer erducd aJeEoc$ ddoapri m?oai:. trofo iduod
ddaa&ri dodOe.r^, 'e'd) & 0earddq dgi"Ed. Ot'ro:r.
lll Semester 3 Year LL.B/ V Semester 5 Year B.A. LL.B. (Maj.-Min. System/
B.B.A. LL.B"/B.Com. LL.B. Examination, October/November 2021
Duration : 3 Hours Max. Marks: 80

lnstructions : 1. Answer any five questions from group (a) each

question carries 10 marks.
2. Answer any five questions from group (b) each
question carries 6 marks.
3. Answers should be written either in English or
Kannada completely.

Q. No. 1 . (a) Define administrative law. Explain its nature and scope. Marks : 10
udea{d radodd:o aaraar&&. udeo{d uadoed -td"d
drQ mrqdq ador.
Q. No. 1. (b) Write a short note on rule of law. Marks : 6
uado0d eQdddd d>od: e.r{c e^lied udouo.

Q. No. 2. (a) Discuss the position of the doctrine of separation of powers

in lndia with reference to the collegium system in appointing
judges to the High Courts and the Supreme Court. Marks : 10
doe)dC:o g.4r-Eq$" d:edri waf, aado idnreaf

* ?
oln d
oa, cn Q ed
I Q S 1oi)rd b qeJ o$ o- sro dd d O-
eQad gidreseddea' R o'oodddl zizsrn.

Q. No. 2. (b) Write a note on Droit Administratif (French Legal System) Marks : 6
Gga,f oQjDEUr.3ar (France d anrou:d *od: 0^3{d d*)

Q. No. 3. (a) Explain how the parliament of lndia exercises control

over delegated legislation. Marks : 10
z;ndddO- ioid: o$Dd oegCx)- qioorCoedd mddddl
&oJ:o$t'oddocb adol.


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