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CONTRACT - II (Special Contract) Oct, Nov 2021

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ilirllliilli 4008/5061 t6a25no25

tl Semester 3 Year LL.B.A/ Semester 5 Year B.A.,LL.B. (Maj.-min. System)/
B.B.A.LL.B./B.Com. LL.B. Examination, Oct./Nov. 2021
CONTRACT - II (Special Contract)

Duration : 3 Hours Max. Marks : 80

lnstructions : 1. Answer any five Questions from group (a) each
question carries 10 marks.
2. Answer any five Questions from group (b) eaeh
question carries 6 marks.
3. Answers should be written either in English or Kannada

Q. No. 1. a) Define contract of guarantee and write the difference

between contract of guarantee and indemnity. Marks : 10
avcdo doad: .ad$ orc.aro.&& oado ando dcn& *d>
d{ uler dcnd: =Sdd \,iExA*q zodouo.

Q. No. 1. b) Write a short note on "Rights of the Surety". Marks : 6

"a:o$oadddd)d"rld u{
e-rfiu t^l{d e,rdou:0.

Q. No. 2. a) Define contract of lndemnity. Explain the rights of

indemnity holder. Marks : 10
d{ zJor dcnddl d%srDdo&o. d{ domedpddd d*.rldd)

Q. No. 2. b) 'A' pays to'B' a minor, Rs. 2,00,000/- on the guarantee

of 'C'. 'A' on demand for repayment from 'B'. 'B' refuses
to pay on the ground of his minority can 'A' recover the
amount from 'C' ? Decide. Marks : 6
'o'ad>dddc '?,3' er&d elea,d dc:iCIri add: e-rda\
doaaoS.:rfdd,:o o"-Jn ceaa3qs &a**'tu'dJ
ro&>ed:oaducn$ood. "o)" d: deod& abd:eadgrl zJead
dnacnrl d) *id, eagd .lot^.l #r** $d:md.giq)
ooadot'oEd. 'o)' d) '&' p5d Aeo diraw'dndud;de ?

4008/s061t6025no25 -2- ililtilil][ilfiilffitilil]il[ilililililililililffiiliiiitiiiitiiifi

Q. No. 3. a) Define Bailment. Explain the features of Bailment with

decided cases. Marks : 10
o*ddo$Q q,*rou. erdd $d>al od;arlddl oearor:d
{ddearl$ooori edoxr.

Q. No. 3. b) Write a short note on "Rights of Bailo/'. Marks : 6

"OdJddd d*;'rld ,{ odo r^3id udou:o.

Q. No. 4. a) What is pledge ? Who can make a valid pledge ? Explain. Marks : 10
u$ (nda) aodded: ? r-ocb rado$ &d, ,"go$q ohd)
.adad>d: ? ado:r.

Q. No. 4. b) 'A' hires a horse carriage of 'B'- The horse is unsound,

But'B' is not aware of it. 'A' is injured while using that
horse carriage. ls 'B' responsible to 'A'for the injury ?
Decide. Marks : 6
'.r'd) uoeb $&d nao3:dl'r,l'&od uiDarirl drl*doq!,qd.
qr $cbdob abdoe,la:ddq doood:{oer_ udd '?,)' &rl
€r Ado$d.gQAdOe; u riDAo$dI erudoloeflipaarl 'D, &rf
roobaaorldL'c 0d ud naoJ:{'o' d) do#riadoad:sodobe Z

Q. No. 5. a) Explain the right and duties of Agent. Marks : 10

adrrPooJr d$r abdJ ddr{ridd1 adoxr.

Q. No. 5. b) Write a short notes on Sub-Agent and Substituted Agent. Marks : 6

erud-rodrzpo d:* udel rodrqaood: ,{ od*, ["3{16
iltillililtffilllllllillilllfflilllll!flilllfllillllllilllllllllllllli -3. 4008/506116025n02s

Q. No. 6. a) Explain the modes of termination of Agency. Marks : 10

uadr4ndd erodrrtoeioado$ aqiDdrldQ. adoxr.

Q. No. 6. b) 'A' an agent of 'B', sells the goods to'C'without making

proper enquiry as to the solvency of 'C'. At the time of
sale 'C'was an insolvent. principal 'B'wants to recover
the goods from 'C'. Can he succeed ? Marks : 6
'E' d rooJ:rgnoofJd 'A' d) 'xr' ri nd$d$dl'&'4
otr) uQrd
sad>frrrd n Eed:dodode d"eBd. dd$dddldnoatl.
dDdd-dabo$do'tu' (w) o1r) aa?polDn&od.
'E'o1:) drd qr nd$rlddl dds boddo$sr uoJ:ioqd. erdd:
ndddl ddo$o o$dRloJDrbqdo3:e ?

Q. No. 7. a) Discuss the mutual rights and liabilities between the

partners of a firm. Marks : 10
&e:l6Dod doioS:
O -
mooadd ddnd
d$,d $d)-o
zmdrUrlddl eJasr:,o.

Q. No. 7. b) Write short note on effects of non-registration of

partnership firm. Marks : 6
a"q)urroar nodo$d1 doeocraogrnde .add elrbd
doma$d *ro$.ot e.:{u tl{ed udoqio.

Q. No. 8. a) Explain the different grounds on which a firm is dissolved

by the order of a court. Marks : 10
;nrclne.:o$d erdedd abedri a"e::ciDod do{o$Q
adPu3iDd aad uqaddddi edo$.

Q. No. 8. b) Ganesh and Uday agreed to invest 2 :1 to start a firm.

They earned a profit of Rs. 3,00,000 in a year. How they
can share the profit among themselves ? Marks : 6
d#d dlQ *do3> ao?D#) r-odr DelcDodo ic{l z:t
erd:aaddO- deaddl dro&d&. eg ?.od) d&d erd& ut^1
do. 3,00,000 e>r/ dead&. €rrl er *tJdQ qrd& derl
dozsdoQd& t
4008/5061l602SnAZS -4_ I ffi lil iltil illt illt fl il ililt illt ilIil ililt iit iIi tii iiiifilt Iii li lllt
Q. No. 9. a) Who is unpaid seller ?
Marks : 10
dea docnol:anrld dn oa urro d o$a& ?
Q. No. 9. b) Right of stoppage-in_transit.
Marks : 6
dndr abddd0_ ddbaobd dd)r.
Q. No. 10. a) Explain implied conditions provided under sare of
Goods Act.
Marks : 10
dd$rid dncnud eepo$abd eEoJ:O_ eafi dd$d-J
urin ado,l,.
Q. No. 10. b) A seller undertakes to supply 100 tons of Rice of the
shown as sample. The Rice when supplied, did not
correspond or simirar to one showned as sampte.
the buyer any remedy against the seller ?
Marks : 6
?^,?.I d,ncnulrnd 100 Bdddd* xarodefdod
iduoarc dDdd qJddd d,ndqd. itz,.roamd
otoi, saroderdod .acbdos. t"*rr*Ort dnoaurod.j
d:eeJ otad doaad dricbdodau: ,.r-ofrrad

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