1st Sem LLB QP
1st Sem LLB QP
1st Sem LLB QP
Q. No. 1. What are the principles of legality provided under criminal law
and state the protection available to the accused. Marks : 16
erdcnqd uodoed caobO- oJDd olDd radooa{d dddrldd}
eedeJi^ld *Q erdrDeari edud)md d{#dvodtd Z ee,q,.
0105t2045t0524 -2- Ililililil ililtilil ]il tililililtilil[ililtilil ltil ilil ilil ilfl
Q. No. 6. what is Robbery and how does it differ from Dacoity ? Marks : 16
xborl aodded> *$
xbOrlotu ddoednod deri edaond Z
Q. No. 7. What is force ? State when an act becomes a criminal force. Marks : 16
us aodded: ? odnaarl rod> drdrd erdoaQd ue.:aanbdd. gq:r.
Q. No. 8. Write short notes on any two of the following : Marks : 2xB=16
dr Ednd o3ndaaddo oddt* o-4u r,t{r6 udobo:
(a) Cheating
(b) Adultery
(c) Criminalintimidation.
erdmpd sjdod.
illltilffiil|l[llllililil1ilfillililfflllil]1fiillllilflililt 0104t2044to523
I semester 3 Year LL.BJll semester 5 Year B.A.LL.B./B.B.A.LL.B./
B.A.LL.B. (Mai.-Min. System) /B,Com,LL.B. Exami nation, March/A pril 2A21
FAMILY LAW - I (Hindu Law)
Duration : 3 Hours Max. Marks : 1O0
Q. No. 3. Who is Kartha ? Discuss his position, powers and obligations. Marks : 16
-Ir- - odd
Ogl' ,:JCCJO olnd: '/? (9d$
erdd xo#>d, eroaod d:ido
e r 6fu6#6t6f,fior+.
a104124441a523 i lllill il1il iIil ililt tilil iililllllllllilllfil llIi ililt i lil ]iri ili
(c) Will.
d>deaaid d$ (wourw #9).
rlod: *d,dc
--- t ubd:
pdd dod "a&ad. egdd erzuos$
-o "t
e:dd:derl dosso.
(c) 'A' has two sons 'B' and 'C' and 'B' also has son and
daughter. After sometime 'C' dies leaving behind his wife
and properV but 'B' commits the murder of 'A'. Can son
and daughter of 'B' are entitled to get the property of 'A'.
'A' rl 'B' *Q 'C' Aou q%e dod: d:d*ed:qd d:Q
'B' pilrr nd e"r^1$d a$dJ *dst .adrad. #)o3rd *o.,
dodd 'C'd) {doda dq dood:qd.
ssdd 'B'd:'A' o$dlSoei d>d>qd. €5d 'B'o$ a$rt abQ
abrlSo 'A' d sr&o$dl ddo$ud>de ?
I lllilt ilil ilil| lllll lllll llill lllll llllllllll illl lllll lllllllll llll 01031204310522
Q. No. 6. Explain the rule of "strict liability" and the development of the
rule in lndia. Marks: 16
"dri*D[^fiS do#rood"oir eo$$ db* rpdddO_ u eo$abd
dd#drilo$d1 adox,o. ,
Q. No. 8. Write short notes on any two of the following : Marks : Bx2=16
(a) Negligence
(b) Joint tort feasors
(c) Act of God.
ddndd)ddO_ o$Dd)de oddd r( odo rJ{rd udouo:
(a) oor{d
(b) eroo,s erd{druodd:
(c) da* {,9,.
Q. No. 9. Solve any two of the following problems : Marks : loxz=ze
ddnddiid0_olngaaddo oddr nat { rldq urido:ro.
(a) The defendant drove his van rash and negligently in a
public place. The plaintiff, a pregnant lady saw this and
felt that the van would run over her. She suffered nervous
shock, got seriously ilt and gave birth to a still born child.
She brought an action against the defendant. Decide.
qismod: rodrx&d {dCO_
d{ mrudl c:dapod oadn
Oor{dor:od dpred abbs qdq
zdercos::rdd>. aao, uzg
d:o eaddr $* iladu dq d:eeJ udud;dod:dooCd;.
edoorR eeddo dddd erpDd omrln eed elandro e{d*
?,"drnd$b clQ qd *d;art a{ ceadsb. erddr $omoc:
eeq ood Coaoaod. Ddroxro.