6th Sem Familly Law 2 July 2016-1
6th Sem Familly Law 2 July 2016-1
6th Sem Familly Law 2 July 2016-1
ll Semester 3 Year LL.ts"/Vl Semester 5 Year B.A. LL'B-/B.B.A', LL'B'
Examination, June/JulY 201 6
#Re rn
Mohd. Law and lndian Succession Act)
e. No. 4. Explain the essentials of a valid gift under Mohammaden law. Marks : 16
c) Probate
wJ9 ale€,e.
a) A Hanafi Muslim who has four wives, contracts fifth wife. ls the fifth
marriage valid ?
uq doa+ d"i"Bdd> oau:* xd dodaoJrdq doooc:, ocdde
d8oo3ooorl aaad dcnd: dnadod:uEd. adde aaldd; nndrdde ?
b) A Hanafi Muslim dies leaving behind his wife, mother and father.
Assign their shares.
#dergdd: dq d.gd drol: d:d:
uu,, doa.l, doddq a)[^D.r drdrd,q,d$.
erdd merdddl dozSo.
c) 'A'having domicile in lndia, dies in France leaving movable property
in France, movable property in England and both movable and
immovable properties in lndia. State the law by which succession of
his property is regulated.
zpdddO- uQaai doood'e'd) BqFO- rJd{*, eo{oad{ Cd{Q
a3:{ undddo_ &id dr* Ad Dui} EDqdO_ d>drdtdrd$.
olDd uadoed d*d erdd ulob w$oapuad sdaJedooCq selo.