Unit 05
Unit 05
Unit 05
Communication Engineering
Recording Original signal is preserved Samples of the signal are taken and
Technique preserved
Time domain analysis, gives the signal behavior over a certain time period. In the frequency domain,
the signal is analyzed as a mathematical function with respect to the frequency.
Frequency domain representation is needed where the signal processing such as filtering, amplifying
and mixing are done.
For instance, if a signal such as the following is considered, it is understood that noise is present in it.
The frequency of the original signal may be 1 kHz,
but the noise of certain frequency, which corrupts
this signal is unknown. However, when the same
signal is represented in the frequency domain,
using a spectrum analyzer, it is plotted as shown in
the following figure.
Frequencies in the visible and infrared spectral bands are measured in the millions of megahertz,
commonly referred to as wavelengths rather than frequencies. Wavelength can be measured
interferometrically with great accuracy and it is related to the optical frequency by the universal
equation c = λν, where λ is the wavelength, ν is the optical frequency, and c is the speed of light in
free space (3 × 108 m/sec). The difference between the categories of electromagnetic radiation is the
amount of energy found in their photons. The energy of a photon is inversely proportional to the
wavelength, and is given by E = hc /λ , where h is the Planck constant (6.62 × 10−34 J·sec). Radio
waves have photons with very low energies while and gamma-rays are the most energetic of all.
Communication Systems
The communication system is a system which describes the information exchange between two
points. The process of transmission and reception of information is called communication. The major
elements of communication are the Transmitter of information, Channel or medium of
communication and the Receiver of information.
Depending on the communication channel, the communication system is categorized as follows:
1. Wired (Line communication)
Parallel wire communication
Twisted wire communication
Coaxial cable communication
Optical fibre communication
The baseband signals transmitted by the sender are not capable of direct transmission. The strength of
the message signal should be increased so that it can travel longer distances. This is where modulation
is essential. The most vital need of modulation is to enhance the strength of the signal without
affecting the parameters of the carrier signal.
Modulation has removed the necessity for using wires in the communication systems. It is because
modulation is widely used in transmitting signals from one location to another with faster speed.
Thus, the modulation technique has helped in enhancing wireless communication systems.
Modulation and its types prevent the interference of the message signal from other signals. It is
because a person sending a message signal through the phone cannot tell such signals apart. As a
result, they will interfere with each other. However, by using carrier signals having a high frequency,
the mixing of the signals can be prevented. Thus, modulation ensures that the signals received by the
receiver are entirely perfect.
Size Of The Antenna
The signals within 20 Hz to 20 kHz frequency range can travel only a few distances. To send the
message signal, the length of the antenna should be a quarter wavelength of the used frequency. Thus,
modulation is required to increase the frequency of the message signal and to enhance its strength to
reach the receiver.
L = λ = c/v = 3×108 /ν
Here, L = length of antenna
λ = wavelength of the transmitted signal
ν = carrier wave frequency
Access to remote programs.
Access to remote databases.
Resource sharing such as printers and storage devices
Exchange of information by means of e-Mails and FTP
Information sharing by using Web or Internet
Interaction with other users using dynamic web pages
IP phones
Video conferences
Parallel computing
Instant messaging
Mobile Communication:
Development of the cellular concept in the 1960s at the Bell Laboratories, mobile communications
began to be a promising field of expanse which could serve wider populations. Initially, mobile
communication was restricted to certain official users and the cellular concept was never even
dreamt of being made commercially available. Moreover, even the growth in the cellular networks
was very slow. However, with the development of newer and better technologies starting from the
1970s and with the mobile users now connected to the Public Switched Telephone Network
(PSTN), there has been an astronomical growth in the cellular radio and the personal
communication systems. Advanced Mobile Phone System (AMPS) was the first U.S. cellular
telephone system and it was deployed in 1983.
First Generation Networks The first mobile phone system in the market was AMPS. It was the
first U.S. cellular telephone system, deployed in Chicago in 1983. The main technology of this first
generation mobile system was FDMA/FDD and analog FM.
Second Generation Networks Digital modulation formats were introduced in this generation with
the main technology as TDMA/FDD and CDMA/FDD. The 2G systems introduced three popular
TDMA standards and one popular CDMA standard in the market. These are as follows:
TDMA/FDD Standards (a) Global System for Mobile (GSM): The GSM standard, introduced by
Groupe Special Mobile, was aimed at designing a uniform pan-European mobile system. It was the
first fully digital system utilizing the 900 MHz frequency band. The initial GSM had 200 KHz radio
channels, 8 full-rate or 16 half-rate TDMA channels per carrier, encryption of speech, low speed
data services and support for SMS for which it gained quick popularity. (b) Interim Standard 136
(IS-136): It was popularly known as North American Digital Cellular (NADC) system. In this
system, there were 3 full-rate TDMA users over each 30 KHz channel. The need of this system was
mainly to increase the capacity over the earlier analog (AMPS) system. (c) Pacific Digital Cellular
(PDC): This standard was developed as the counterpart of NADC in Japan. The main advantage of
this standard was its low transmission bit rate which led to its better spectrum utilization.
CDMA/FDD Standard Interim Standard 95 (IS-95): The IS-95 standard, also popularly known as
CDMAOne, uses 64 orthogonally coded users and codewords are transmitted simultaneously on
each of 1.25 MHz channels. Certain services that have been standardized as a part of IS-95 standard
are: short messaging service, slotted paging, over-the-air activation (meaning the mobile can be
activated by the service provider without any third party intervention), enhanced mobile station
identities etc. 2.5G Mobile Networks In an effort to retrofft the 2G standards for compatibility with
increased throughput rates to support modern Internet application, the new data centric standards
were developed to be overlaid on 2G standards and this is known as 2.5G standard. Here, the main
upgradation techniques are: ff supporting higher data rate transmission for web browsing ff
supporting e-mail traffic ff enabling location-based mobile service 2.5G networks also brought into
the market some popular application, a few of which are: Wireless Application Protocol (WAP),
General Packet Radio Service (GPRS), High Speed Circuit Switched Dada (HSCSD), Enhanced
Data rates for GSM Evolution (EDGE) etc. 3G:
Third Generation Networks 3G is the third generation of mobile phone standards and technology,
superseding 2.5G. It is based on the International Telecommunication Union (ITU) family of
standards under the International Mobile Telecommunications-2000 (IMT-2000). ITU launched
IMT-2000 program, which, together with the main industry and standardization bodies worldwide,
targets to implement a global frequency band that would support a single, ubiquitous wireless
communication standard for all countries, to provide the framework for the definition of the 3G
mobile systems.
Several radio access technologies have been accepted by ITU as part of the IMT-2000
framework. 3G networks enable network operators to offer users a wider range of more advanced
services while achieving greater network capacity through improved spectral efficiency. Services
include wide-area wireless voice telephony, video calls, and broadband wireless data, all in a mobile
environment. Additional features also include HSPA data transmission capabilities able to deliver
speeds up to 14.4Mbit/s on the down link and 5.8Mbit/s on the uplink. 3G networks are wide area
cellular telephone networks which evolved to incorporate high-speed internet access and video
telephony. IMT-2000 defines a set of technical requirements for the realization of such targets,
which can be summarized as follows: _ high data rates: 144 kbps in all environments and 2 Mbps in
low-mobility and indoor environments _ symmetrical and asymmetrical data transmission _ circuit-
switched and packet-switched-based services _ speech quality comparable to wire-line quality _
improved spectral efficiency _ several simultaneous services to end users for multimedia services _
seamless incorporation of second-generation cellular systems _ global roaming _ open architecture
for the rapid introduction of new services and technology.
Beyond 3G networks, or 4G (Fourth Generation), represent the next complete evolution in
wireless communications. A 4G system will be able to provide a comprehensive IP solution where
voice, data and streamed multimedia can be given to users at higher data rates than previous
generations. There is no formal definition for 4G; however, there are certain objectives that are
projected for 4G. It will be capable of providing between 100 Mbit/s and 1 Gbit/s speeds both
indoors and outdoors, with premium quality and high security. It would also support systems like
multicarrier communication, MIMO and UWB.
Satellite Communications:
In 1962, the American telecommunications giant AT&T launched the world's first true
communications satellite, called Telstar. Since then, countless communications satellites have been
placed into earth orbit, and the technology being applied to them is forever growing in
The Satellite
The satellite itself is also known as the space segment, and is composed of three separate units,
namely the fuel system, the satellite and telemetry controls, and the transponder. The transponder
includes the receiving antenna to pick-up signals from the ground station, a broad band receiver, an
input multiplexer, and a frequency converter which is used to reroute the received signals through
a high powered amplifier for downlink. The primary role of a satellite is to reflect electronic
signals. In the case of a telecom satellite, the primary task is to receive signals from a ground
station and send them down to another ground station located a considerable distance away from
the first. This relay action can be two-way, as in the case of a long distance phone call. Another use
of the satellite is when, as is the case with television broadcasts, the ground station's uplink is then
downlinked over a wide region, so that it may be received by many different customers possessing
compatible equipment. Still another use for satellites is observation, wherein the satellite is
equipped with cameras or various sensors, and it merely downlinks any information it picks up
from its vantagepoint.
This is the earth segment. The ground station's job is two-fold. In the case of an uplink, or
transmitting station, terrestrial data in the form of baseband signals, is passed through a baseband
processor, an up converter, a high powered amplifier, and through a parabolic dish antenna up to
an orbiting satellite. In the case of a downlink, or receiving station, works in the reverse fashion as
the uplink, ultimately converting signals received through the parabolic antenna to base band
Television Signals Satellites have been used for since the 1960's to transmit broadcast
television signals between the network hubs of television companies and their network affiliates. In
some cases, an entire series of programming is transmitted at once and recorded at the affiliate,
with each segment then being broadcast at appropriate times to the local viewing populace. In the
1970's, it became possible for private individuals to download the same signal that the networks
and cable companies were transmitting, using c-band reception dishes.
Spacebourne Land Mobile Along the same lines as the marine based service, there are
VSAT devices which can be used to establish communication links even from the world's most
remote regions. These devices can be hand-held, or fit into a briefcase. Digital data at 64K ISDN is
available with some (Inmarsat).
Satellite Messaging for Commercial Jets Another service provided by geosyncronous
satellites are the ability for a passenger on an airbourne aircraft to connect directly to a landbased
telecom network.
Global Positioning Services Another VSAT oriented service, in which a small apparatus
containing the ability to determine navigational coordinates by calculating a triangulating of the
signals from multiple geosynchronous.
Radars can be used for various applications on ground, on sea and in space. The applications of
Radars are listed below.
The electronic principle on which radar operates is very similar to the principle of sound-wave
reflection. If you shout in the direction of a sound-reflecting object (like a rocky canyon or cave),
you will hear an echo. If you know the speed of sound in air, you can then estimate the distance
and general direction of the object. The time required for an echo to return can be roughly
converted to distance if the speed of sound is known.
Mathematically, the cosine wave representing the higher-frequency carrier is given by:
vc (t) Vc cos 2 f ct c
Modulation is the process of varying any of three properties (amplitude, frequency or phase, underlined above) of a high-
frequency carrier using the lower-frequency information signal (baseband signal). A modulator is a component of a
communication system which achieves modulation. The three types of modulation we will focus on are:
2.1 Amplitude modulation (AM) Varying the amplitude Vc of the carrier with the info signal.
2.2 Frequency modulation (FM) Varying the frequency fc of the carrier with the info signal.
2.3 Phase modulation (PM) Varying the phase angle c of the carrier with the info signal.
3. Amplitude Modulation (AM)
In amplitude modulation, the information signal is used to vary the amplitude of the carrier sine wave. For simplicity,
consider a cosine wave information signal, vm(t) (a 440 Hz tuning fork) and a cosine carrier, vc(t) (frequency 5000 Hz (or 5
vm (t) Vm cos 2 f m t Vm cos 2 440t
The diagram of an amplitude modulation system using this information signal follows.
The AM wave (vAM(t)) is the product of the carrier (with amplitude = 1) with a modulating signal. The modulating signal is
the information signal vm(t) with an added offset, Vc. The AM signal is then given by:
𝑣𝐴𝑀 (𝑡) = �+ 𝑣𝑚 (𝑡)�cos(2𝜋𝑓𝑓𝑐 𝑡) = (𝑉𝑐 + 𝑉𝑚 cos(2𝜋𝑓𝑓𝑚 𝑡))cos(2𝜋𝑓𝑓𝑐 𝑡)
The envelope of the modulating signal (which is drawn onto the AM signal below in a dashed red line) varies above and
below the unmodulated carrier amplitude, Vc. It is the envelope that carries the information signal; the receiver must separate
the envelope from the received AM signal to recover the information that was transmitted. In this case, the envelope is in the
shape of a sine wave, which is the same as the information signal. The values of Vm and Vc are related by the modulation
index (m).
3.1 Modulation Index The relationship between the information signal amplitude, Vm , and the unmodulated carrier
amplitude, Vc, is expressed as a ratio called the modulation index (m), defined as:
Sometimes m is expressed as a percentage: percent modulation = m x 100%. The following figure shows the AM signal at
three different values of percent modulation: 20%, 50% and 90%. Overall, the greater the value of m, the closer the envelope
gets to the horizontal (time) axis.
We can also mathematically determine the modulation index m from the maximum and minimum values of the envelope of
vAM(t) as follows, where Vmax is the maximum value of the envelope and Vmin is the minimum value:
Vmax Vmin
Vmax Vmin
Vm Vmax Vmin
Vc Vmax Vmin
4. AM in Frequency Domain
Recall the equation for the amplitude modulated waveform if the information signal is a single sine wave is given by: .
v AM (t) Vc Vm cos 2 f m t cos 2 f c t . We already know the frequency domain representations of the modulating signal
(vm(t)) and the carrier signal (vc(t)), but how does the amplitude modulated signal look in the frequency domain?
To answer this question, recall the trig identity for the product of two sine waves:
cos A cos B 21 cos( A B) 12 cos( A B)
Applying this trig identity for product of two sine waves to the AM signal results in:
v AM (t ) Vc Vm cos 2 f m t cos 2 fc t
V c cos 2 fc t V m cos 2 fc t cos 2 fm t
V cos 2 f t V cos 2 f f t V cos 2 f f t
m m
c c 2 c m 2 c m
1 2 3
This means that when a single sine wave information signal is used to modulate the carrier in AM, the resulting AM signal
contains three sinusoids (labeled above): one at the carrier frequency (1), one fm Hz above the carrier frequency (2), and one
fm Hz below the carrier frequency (3). For the tuning fork example, we have: fc = 5 kHz, fc − fm = 4.560 kHz and fc + fm = 5.440
kHz. The trig identity puts the amplitudes at frequencies fc − fm and fc + fm at one half that of Vm.
This means the resulting frequency domain plot for this tuning fork example looks like the following (the labels follow the
ones above):
3 2
The process of modulating a carrier creates an upper and a lower sideband that is apparent in the frequency plot. The lower
sideband (or LSB) is that portion of the transmitted signal that has frequency content less than the carrier frequency, and the
upper sideband (or USB) has frequency content greater than the carrier frequency. For the tuning fork example, the USB is
the 5440 Hz cosine, and the LSB is the 4560 Hz cosine. On a frequency plot of an AM signal, the lower sideband is a mirror
image of the upper sideband centered about the carrier frequency.
What is the AM signal’s bandwidth? Since bandwith is the highest transmitted frequency minus the lowest frequency
transmitted, it is (fc + fm) − (fc − fm) = 2 fm = 880 Hz. This is twice the bandwith of the information signal we started with…if
we didn’t modulate the information signal, the transmission bandwidth would have only been fm (440 Hz in this case)1. This
means that by transmitting with AM, we have doubled the required bandwith to transmit the signal. Why is this a concern?
Bandwidth is the #2 limiting factor in communications systems, and can be expensive to use… so we’re going to want to
send as much information as possible while occupying the minimum amount of bandwith possible. (The #1 limiting factor in
communications systems is noise, but that’s a subject for a future lesson.)
Other common information signals, such as voice or music, are composed of many different frequencies. AM modulation still
works the same way, but in order to compute transmission bandwidth, we again compute it as BW = 2 fmax. Again, here, fmax
is the maximum frequency content present in the information signal.
5. Demodulation
Modulation is used to upshift the frequency content of a baseband signal, to facilitate transmission (e.g., to allow a smaller
antenna). Demodulation is performed in the receiver to downshift that frequency content back to its baseband frequency. For
example, if the 440 Hz tuning fork signal were transmitted on Annapolis AM radio station WYRE 810AM (fc = 810 kHz), the
transmitted signal is at a frequency of approximately 810 kHz, which is well outside our hearing (we can hear signals with
frequency content up to approximately 20 kHz). In order to hear the tuning fork signal, our car’s radio receiver must shift the
frequency content back down to its original range (440 Hz). This is demodulation; it basically “undoes” what modulation did
to the information signal.
Amplitude modulation applications
Amplitude modulation is used in a variety of applications. Even though it is not as widely used as it was in previous
years in its basic format it can nevertheless still be found.
Broadcast transmissions: AM is still widely used for broadcasting on the long, medium and short wave bands.
It is simple to demodulate and this means that radio receivers capable of demodulating amplitude modulation are
cheap and simple to manufacture. Nevertheless many people are moving to high quality forms of transmission
like frequency modulation, FM or digital transmissions.
Air band radio: VHF transmissions for many airborne applications still use AM. . It is used for ground to air
radio communications as well as two way radio links for ground staff as well.
Single sideband: Amplitude modulation in the form of single sideband is still used for HF radio links. Using a
lower bandwidth and providing more effective use of the transmitted power this form of modulation is still used
for many point to point HF links.
Quadrature amplitude modulation: AM is widely used for the transmission of data in everything from short
range wireless links such as Wi-Fi to cellular telecommunications and much more. Effectively it is formed by
having two carriers 90° out of phase.