Project 3 Final Draft
Project 3 Final Draft
Project 3 Final Draft
Cloris Zhang
Dr. Warwick
June 5 2024
My 109ED Story
As an international student whose native language is not English, I often feel unconfident
about my English writing skills. Throughout my past writing journey, this lack of confidence led
me to avoid starting an English writing, using this avoidance as a shield to mask my self-doubts.
Whenever I attempted to begin an English writing task, I often found myself getting distracted by
various other stuff as I prepared to begin writing, using this way to prolong the process of
starting. The first step of starting writing is the most challenging part for me. I used to believe
that there were plenty of other people or AI tools that could write things much better than me, so
I often wondered what is the purpose and meaning for me to struggle and write. However, my
perspective shifted through the journey of the 109 ED course, it made me realize that my
thoughts made up of my personal experiences and of my own stories thread in a line together to
contribute to the unique ideas I expressed on a paper, which are the essence of my writing. The
understanding shifted my focus away from tiny grammar mistakes and toward the significance of
expressing my ideas. Therefore, I became more confident on beginning writing and expressing
the free writing exercises at the beginning of each class, the brainstorming process before each
project, and also the readings that point out theoretical concepts about my previously contorted
thoughts. My teacher used some ways to help me shift my mindset to positive and let me first
believe in myself as a writer during the course instead of forcing an engagement. The free
writing activity was a new experience for me to have 5 minutes to clear my mind and think either
about the picture given or about things that happened around me, giving me a chance to write my
ideas freely. Different from other types of writing, free writing does not require me to write in a
formal language or with all-corrected grammar, therefore, it helped me not to be afraid of starting
a piece of writing. Since there were only 5 minutes, it forced me to stop negative self-talk since
there was no time for me to hesitate. Also, there was often a time for meditation before the free
writing, which made my ability to clear my mind to improve through the exercise. When the first
time I had a meditation practice, I did not truly deepen my mind, instead, I concerned about
many other things such as what to eat after class. But with having more classes of practicing, I
feel being more calm down during the process. I began to feel my body from my head to my
toes, and being relax. The activity gave me a chance to stop my busy schedule to think about
myself and look at tiny things happening around me. Stories and memories are constructed by
people, but we often did not notice them during a busy schedule. A stop inspires me to observe
Similarly, since I am always not sure about how to start with writing a big essay, the
brainstorming part assigned by the teacher greatly helped me to begin with an essay. Since I got
the idea that it is only brainstorming, I can easily begin to write my ideas without worrying about
the structure of a long essay. The teacher would give us several small questions about the prompt
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of the essay, which inspired me to write some pieces that helped with the final draft. This
assignment helped me step out of the hardest step of my writing journey. All of these small
activities taken in class helped me to start writing a piece without hesitation. The course made
positive and negative mindsets while pointing out the importance and how to help student shift
their mindset to positive (Hammond). As Hammond points out, the real root of the problem is the
students’ self-doubt which leads to a negative academic mindset that makes students unwilling to
work harder. When I read this article in week 3, I realized that this mindset had appeared in me:
“It fits me since I sometimes give a subject up when I believe I cannot do it well before trying it”
(Week 3 Reflection) During my past journey of writing, I have a fixed mindset that tells myself
that I cannot write an English writing well since it is not my first language. With the internal
belief that I could not be successful, I was stuck on the idea and turned into a loop. I keep telling
myself that I cannot do it, and then I believe what I say and use reason to avoid the bad result it
brings. It seems like I got a shell from the self-talking and got a reason to escape from starting an
English writing. This idea also resonates with “attribution bias”, which “makes systematic errors
when trying to find the reasons for our behaviors” (Duncan). The idea shows that “people tend to
resist the truth and blame other factors using the power of narrative with conviction, which leads
to storytelling in lies every day and we all engage in daily fiction”. We may be misled by the
story we tell, and ignore the true reasons of the problem. I may stuck in the idea that I cannot
write an essay well because I might make grammar mistakes, and therefore ignore the problem
that I should take more time to explore my thoughts to write a better essay. The videos and
readings I learned in the course gave me a clearer sight of my previous behavior using concepts.
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By finding realizing my problem logically and theoretically, I will be more likely to stop being
influenced by a negative mindset in the future. When I am stuck on a topic of writing and find it
hard to begin writing since I feel that I cannot do it, after learning the concept, I stop negative
self-talk and discuss it with my friends or teachers or anyone who is expert on it to get some
advice and ideas. I should jump out of doubting myself, instead, I should find ways through
The course also uses the strategies of “help students connect with their current expertise
and competencies” to shift my mindset and improve my confidence toward writing (Hammond).
During Project 2 which is group work, the teacher first gave us a chance to write out our
preference of what we are good at and not good at before assigning the peers. As Hammond
points out, by having students state in writing and share with others their area of expertise, you
are helping stimulate those regions of the brain related to self-concept and competency”. By this
way, it gave us a sense of “get good” since we can do what we good at in the group and
therefore gain more confidence to do more. Also, there was a process of having a short talk with
the classmates, asking their questions either about their abilities or expressing our own abilities.
All of these are helping to access better collaboration and engagement of students in class.
Another key skill I learned from the course this term is how to revise my writing. During
my past revising process, I often felt afraid to delete too much of my content and mess up my
structure, the problem caused by my lack of confidence came up again. After watching the
videos of “How to Revise” and having plenty of revising practices during the projects in class, I
realized that the most important thing for a revision is to “kill your darlings”. A revision process
often does a lot of rewriting and making critical changes, where we can have new perspectives
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and new sentences, paragraphs, or pages during this process. This changed the way I approach
writing. As I reflect on Week 4, I always edit and check the grammar of my paper for the first
step, before revising the content and structure, since I believe checking the grammar is lighter
than rethinking the structure. “I learned that it might be a waste of time since I need to edit again
after the revision and the revising process might change the whole article” (Week 4 Reflection).
talk-to, or peer review. The course gave me opportunities to not only learn theoretical knowledge
about how to revise but also take it into practice. As I reflect, “By reading their essay and giving
their advice, I also learn from their project. There are some things that we can adopt in our
project. Therefore, I believe the peer review process is a really helpful process for both those
who giving the advice and those receiving the advice, especially if all of them are doing the same
task. Overall, last week’s assignments were really helpful for me to be a more mature writer”. We
have done plenty of pair reviews during this term. Every time I gave comments after reading
their essay, I would gain some new sights of ideas. As I pointed out in my Week 1 reflection, “
Writing things that can also contribute to someone else’s well-being or simply make them feel
your writing is interesting will make our writing more meaningful”. Although I did not begin
with a peer review process at the moment, I was ready to get the idea and meaning of a peer
review through readings that related to self-value. When it came to Week 5 when I actually doing
a peer review, I chose the comments that I thought were helpful for my future revision and added
them to my revision plan with specific steps of what I should do. This was a great chance for me
to rethink my essay and improve it. “Through this process, I learned the importance of pair
review because I can get a view of others that I might not think about by simply self-reviewingz’.
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Therefore, revising and giving others comments to help with their revising both help me become
a better writer.
Finally, the change in my attitude toward writing can also be shown when I writing this
109 ED story. I can obviously feel that it is easy for me to start telling my stories for the quarter
and be free to express my ideas. I stop hesitating and escaping, instead, I enjoy expressing and
shouting out all my ideas and changes. I stop worrying about things like grammar, language, or
any tiny mistakes, instead, I focus on the structure and idea of the story first. I realize that I
should first be confident in writing out, other things can help the revision and editing process to
I realize that I do not need to think too much before writing. Do not overlook and be
shocked by a big, long essay. Instead, begin with expressing ideas freely. It could first be without
a clear structure and definitely without all-corrected grammar. Then, revise it time by time to
make it closer to a complete essay. Do not be afraid to change for a whole page. It could be seen
as a process of improvement. Edit is always the last step to do. In this way, it would be more
efficient to write a good essay. Just start to do it and stop negative self-talking. This seems to be a
common problem for me of hesitating to start due to lack of confidence, not only shown in
Project 1, “Turning over the first page of a new book is the most difficult thing for me”. Thus,
when this course helped me adjust this mindset, its impacted more than just in my writing.
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Works Cited
“The Dark Side of Storytelling: Suzanne Duncan: Ted Institute.” YouTube, 12 Jan. 2016, (Duncan)
“How to Revise: Study Hall Composition #5: ASU + Crash Course.” YouTube, 28 Apr. 2020,