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Arkeo Obskura

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Narrative Horror Skirmish

byMassimo Torriani
Based on the
Survival Heroes system

(Order #10353714)
• Name and Type of Group

(Order #10353714)
Arkeo Obskura


• Copyright 2016. Photocopies of this Roster are allowed for personal use only

with VALENTINO DEL CASTELLO Copyright 2016

Arkeo Obskura Logo: Mauro Perini

We would like to thank our playtesters for all of their help:

Stefano Bellissimo, Andrew Carless, Salvatore Intravaia, Adriano Losi, Emilio Pezzini,
and the wargamers at the Mediolanum Club Milano.
Translation: Andrew Carless

Miniatures: Giorgio Bassani, North Star Military Figures, Pulp Figures, Artizan Design,
Wargames Factory, Wargames Illustrated, Wargames Foundry

Photo and collections: Adriano Losi (pages 15 and 45),

Renato Genovese (pages 12 and 63), Marco Germani (page 4), Massimo Torriani

Scenery: Manor House Workshop, Petite Proprieties Ltd,

Sarissa Precision Ltd, Renedra Ltd, Manor House Workshop


Printed by: Zev Multimediale – Vicenza – 2016

No part of these rules may be reproduced by any means, including mechanical and/or
electronic methods without the author’s prior written permission.

(Order #10353714)

SURVIVAL HEROES is a new, versatile game With Arkeo Obskura you can play a cooperative
system that will let you play small and medi- game (the players against the system or a Mas-
um-sized encounters in different historical or ter), a solitaire game (one player against the
fantasy settings and can include, like in Arkeo game itself) and even a competitive game (where
Obskura, a simple Action and Reaction Engine two players fight the system but also fight each
that manages the way your enemies behave and other!). The settings provided can be played with
helps you to elaborate stories and campaigns, Victorian, 1920s, 1940s or Modern characters
even in Solitaire. depending on your personal taste. Weapons and
ARKEO OBSCURA is the first release in the Sur- accessories will depend on the setting.We have
vival Heroes series and presents a skirmish- also introduced an extra classification: Pre-Apoc-
level Horror setting that covers forgotten cults, alypse and Post-Apocalypse. These two terms are
urban legends, ancient mythological creatures used to identify scenarios that are set in a world
and fantastic archetypes that are the backdrop that is aware of the dangers (zombies are every-
for the adventures that our Heroes will face to where) and those where the Heroes are unaware
save themselves and to save humanity! of the danger that awaits them (maybe a Vampire
PREFACE. Fear is an important part of our life. is in town but no one believes it exists…). In this
Everyone is scared of something, but when you latter sort of scenario you won’t be allowed to
grow up some phobias are forgotten - or lose walk around firing at people or breaking down
their power - because our rational mind labels doors! In the Groups section you’ll find a selec-
them as absurd, impossible, or childlike. But tion of archetypal Heroes and Bad guys that you
isn’t it strange that many of our ancestral fears can use. The rules and the examples below al-
are the same, all over the world? That’s why we ways present a game between one or more play-
decided to write a game that would give you the ers and the game-system itself which, using the
chance to explore these various aspects of fear Action and Reaction engine, manages the way
in scenarios and campaigns that are dedicat- the Bad guys behave. The Master, or the person
ed to these various genres (zombies, witches, that knows the rules best, will enrich the story
mummies, the forgotten, demons, aliens, vam- with atmospheric details like in a Role-Playing
pires…). Game.

Pulp Figures North Star Military Figures (coll. e Foto Marco Germani

(Order #10353714)
Game Components

Apart from the rules you’re reading, let’s have a Each human-sized model should be put on a
look at what you’ll need to play. 2.5cm (1") diameter base; monsters and other
creatures may need larger ones. Try to ensure
Dice: In this game we use ten-sided dice which that each model is equipped exactly as shown
we will refer to as “d10” so in the Group Roster to ease identification.
1d10 means one dice, 2d10
means two dice etc. You Markers: Various mark-
will often have to roll one ers are used to show
or more dice during play special situations that
to see what has happened. happen to the models
Normally you must check during play (Ammo!, Ac-
the result of each single roll, adding or subtract- tivated, Target Acquired,
ing any applicable penalties/bonuses that may Running, Wounded, Hid-
derive from special situations, and comparing den, Shaken, etc.). These markers will be ex-
the number with a certain value. plained later in the rules.
You may also be asked to add a number to the
Roll and compare it to your opponent’s total. Wargames table: This is a wargame so you’ll
The d10 is also used to decide where grenades have to prepare a wargames table that recre-
and burst weapons deviate. Some d10s show ates a themed setting. The amount of scenery
a “0” instead of a “10”; treat this as a “10” for you’ll need will depend on the type of scenar-
the game. Sometimes you’ll be asked to roll 1d5. io you want to play. A few houses, some walls
Just roll 1d10 and work out the result as follows: and a few fields will be enough for a country-
1 or 2 = 1; 3 or 4 = 2; 5 or 6 = 3; 7 or 8 = 4; 9 or side setting but if you want to play in a city
10 = 5. you’ll need a lot of buildings. Generally the ta-
ble should have enough scenery to allow am-
Charts and tables: We ple cover, but shouldn’t have too much either.
have put all the charts and We suggest using a battlefield that measures
tables on a separate Play- 120x120cm (4’ x 4’).
sheet that you can pull out
and use during the game.

Tape measure: Move-

ment, weapon ranges,
explosions… All meas-
urements in the game
are shown in inches and centimetres. The two
values shown don’t coincide perfectly but we
preferred this method to avoid awkward frac-
tions which would be hard to measure properly.
You can only measure after stating what you’ll
do each turn (see declaration of intents, below).

Models: You will need plastic or metal minia-

tures to represent your Group or the monster.

(Order #10353714)

General comments Let’s look at all these terms and our classifica-
When you’re reading these rules, and in the tions in detail:
descriptions of the various phases of the game,
you’ll often find the terms Group and Model. • Heroes: These are all the models in the Group,
Group means the models that are part of your represented by your miniatures on the table.
force on the table. Model, on the other hand,
means a single Hero, monster or creature. • Master: This is the player that manages the
Bad guys. His goal is not necessarily to kill the
Heroes but rather to help the players enjoy an

Artizan Designs Giorgio Bassani North Star Military Figures, Wargames Factory, Wargames Illustrated (coll. Massimo Torriani)
exciting game experience. The game-system
and the scenarios outline the mechanisms that
outline the way the story develops and also
dictate the Bad guy’s Actions and Reactions
but the Master can also enrich the game with
atmospheric narrative, conversations, sounds
and special effects, transforming the roll of a
dice into a concrete situation that the players
can really experience to the full. If there is no
Master, one of the players will manage the Bad
guy’s Actions and Reactions, referring to the
Hero’s declarations.

• Models: These are the miniatures on the ta-

ble. Each human-sized model should be set on
a 2.5cm (1”) diameter base but some monsters
or other creatures may need larger bases. For
Gigantic creatures we suggest a minimum base
diameter of 5cm (2”), while for Monstrous
creatures the base diameter should be at least
6cm (2.5”).
Important: When you have to fit a monster or a
creature onto a base, use your common sense
and try to use a base that takes the whole fig-
ure without looking too small and without the
model hanging over the front or sides in such a
way that enemy units can’t contact it.

• Bad guy models: These are the models in

the Group of Bad guys represented by minia-
tures on the table.
All models can have specific characteristics
that change some aspects of the game. If they
have them, these will be mentioned in the
Group Roster.

(Order #10353714)

Artizan Designs North Star Military Figures (coll. Massimo Torriani)

Each model is described with a series of char-
acteristics and Values; let’s have a closer look:

This is a short description of the model and it’s
standard equipment.

Tactical Value (TV):

This value reflects the model’s discipline, train-
ing, nerve and ability to react and lead others.
The Tactical Value is sometimes added to a dice
roll (like in the Priority Test), and in other cases
it is used as a reference number; for example, in
order to shrug off a graze you need to roll Tacti-
cal Value or under.

Melee Value (MV):

This number is an indication of your model’s
skill in hand-to-hand combat and its strength.
When you want to hit an enemy in a melee you
must roll your Melee Value or under.

Ballistic Value (BV):

This value shows the skill with missile weapons
and aim. In order to hit an enemy by firing or
throwing something at him you’ll need to roll
under Ballistic Value; if you roll the same num-
ber it’s only a graze…

Armour Value (AV):

When present, this value reflects how well pro-
tected the model is, taking into account type of
protection worn and any other peculiarities (such
as bullet-proof jacket, tough skin...). In order to
block a Hit (both from missile weapons and in me-
lee) you have to roll Armour Value or under.

Wounds (W):
This is the number of wounds a model can take
before being put out of action.

These are the model’s characteristics.

Cost: This is the model’s cost, in points, and re-

flects the model’s effectiveness in the game.

(Order #10353714)
The Game Turn

General comments RALLY

In order to rationalise the various events that In this phase players take turns to try to Rally
occur during a battle, we have sub-divided the any Shaken models by performing a Bravery
game into a number of turns which are then Test. After indicating a model the player rolls
sub-divided into a series of Phases. A scenario 1d10 and compares the result with the mod-
ends when the Heroes complete their mission… el’s Tactical Value: if the roll is TV or less then
or die trying! In every full turn all the models the Shaken marker is removed; but if the roll
MUST be Activated. The turn sequence below is higher than the Tactical Value, the model re-
requires one or more players and a Master, so mains Shaken.
if you don’t have a Master, one of the players Players take turns to attempt to rally all their
should ensure that these steps are followed. Shaken models. In this phase models within
For Competitive games check the specific sec- 20cm (8”) of a model with the leader charac-
tion. teristic can Re-roll the d10 (this Re-roll also ap-
plies to the Leader himself). Remember that
Turn Sequence even engaged models can try to rally.
1) Rally The attempt to rally doesn’t count as an Activa-
2) Heroes Action Sequence tion, so no Activated marker is given. The Bad
(and maybe Bad guy reactions) guys can also try to rally in this phase.
3) Bad guys Action Sequence
5) Turn ends The Group of Heroes chooses a model and
states which Action that model will perform.
Artizan Designs (coll. Massimo Torriani)

The Master checks if the Bad guys can react in

accordance with the Automatic Action and Re-
action Engine shown below.

If the Bad guy reacts then another Hero can

counter-react; the player indicates a model
and states what Action it will perform. This
counter-reaction may trigger the reaction of
another Bad guy and so on.

If the Bad guys don’t (or cannot) react then

the player that declared the Action will im-
mediately execute that Action. If, on the other
hand, there have been one or more reactions
(and/or counter-reactions) then you’ll need to
perform a Priority Test: each model involved
in this chain of Actions rolls 1d10 and adds
their Tactical Value. Remember to subtract -1
if the model is shaken or wounded; and remem-
ber that these penalties are cumulative too! It
makes it easier if the dice are left next to each

(Order #10353714)
model to remind you of the order in which the ample above where the Follower can’t do what
Actions will be performed. Actions are now ex- he originally planned. The Heroes Action Se-
ecuted, starting with the highest Priority and quence is repeated until all the Heroes on the
finishing with the lowest. table have performed an Action and have their
If there is a draw then the Hero model goes Activated marker.
first; check the specific section for what to do
in Competitive games. If more than one model Declaration of Intents
(that are owned by the same player) has the Once you’ve decided to activate a model you
same Priority result then the player can decide must state which Action it will perform. In game
which will perform its Action first. terms you must declare your intents. There are
When a model has performed its declared Ac- a lot of Actions to choose from, but a model can
tion give it an Activated marker to remind you only choose one per turn. You can Move & Fire, or
that it can’t do anything else this turn. Move Fast, but not both. For the sake of simplic-
Once this phase has been completed (no mat- ity in these rules we’ve used the term fire even
ter whether the Bad guys have reacted or not) where it would be more precise to say “throw”
the Heroes choose another model and say (such as with grenades or a knife). Let’s have a
which Action it will perform. Obviously a Bad look at the different Actions available and their
guy model that hasn’t been activated yet could related declarations:
react, and the unactivated Heroes may coun-
ter-react, just like in the text above. Fire: State your model’s target and the weapon
When all the Heroes on the table had performed he’ll use. If you want to interrupt the movement
an Action and have their Activated marker then of an enemy model you must identify the exact
move to the Bad guy Action Sequence. point where you will fire (see Anticipate or In-
terrupt below). This Action also lets you spot
 Massimo won the Initiative and says that his Hidden models. A shaken or Pinned model can-
Follower (TV5) will fire at a Cultist (TV3) in the not perform this Action.
middle of the road. The Master checks the Au-

Artizan Designs, North Star Military Figures (coll. Massimo Torriani)

tomatic Action and Reaction Engine and reacts,
saying that the Cultist will move out of sight
by Moving Fast around the corner. Massimo
counter-reacts, saying that his Leader (TV8)
will Move & Fire, moving to the window and fir-
ing at the same Cultist. There are no other reac-
tions. Dice are now rolled for Priority. Massimo
gets a 10 for the Follower and the Leader man-
ages a 12. The Master gets 11. Now it’s time to
Execute the Actions. First, Massimo moves his
Leader to the window and fires.
If the Cultist survives then the Master will
move him into cover, meaning the Follower’s
Action is pointless – he doesn’t fire.
After performing their Actions the models all
get their Activated markers to remind the play-
ers that they can’t do anything else that turn.

Remember that once you’ve stated your inten-

tions you can’t change your mind, like in the ex-

(Order #10353714)
Move Carefully: State the route, the intended Move & Heal (or vice versa): You must say if
destination and the model’s facing. If the model you plan to heal before or after movement and
is Pinned it must stand up, paying a -5cm (2”) which wounded model you want to heal. State
movement penalty. If a model moves carefully the route, the intended destination and the
it automatically gets a Hidden marker. You model’s facing. If the model is Pinned it must
can use this Action to pick up a discovered or stand up paying a -5cm (2”) movement penalty.
dropped object with no penalty. This Action is only available if the model owns
a first aid kit or has the first aid characteristic. A
Move & Fight (or vice versa): You must say shaken model cannot perform this Action.
if you plan to fight before or after movement,
which model you want to fight and the weap- Move & Indicate a Target (or vice versa): You
on (or weapons) your model will use in melee. must state if you plan to indicate the target be-
State the route, the intended destination and fore or after movement, the route, the intended
the model’s facing. destination and the model’s facing. If the model
If the model is Pinned it must stand up paying a is Pinned it must stand up paying a -5cm (2”)
-5cm (2”) movement penalty. movement penalty. State which “target” your
model wants to point out to the Group. This Ac-
Artizan Designs (coll. Massimo Torriani)

tion also lets you spot Hidden models. A shaken

model cannot perform this Action.

Move & Interact (or vice versa): You must

state if you plan to interact before or after
movement, the route, the intended destina-
tion and the model’s facing. If the model is
Pinned it must stand up paying a -5cm (2”)
movement penalty. You can use this Action to
examine a Clue. A shaken model cannot per-
form this Action.

Move & Rally (or vice versa): You must state

if you plan to Rally before or after movement,
the route, the intended destination and the
model’s facing. If the model is Pinned it must
stand up paying a -5cm (2”) movement penalty.
If a model is shaken before it can perform any
declared Action then that Action can be changed
into Move & Rally.

Move & Fire (or vice versa): You must state if Move & Re-load (or vice versa): You must
you plan to fire before or after movement, the state which weapon you will re-load and if
route, the intended destination, the model’s fac- you will do so before or after movement, the
ing, which weapon he will use and the target. If route, the intended destination and the mod-
the model is Pinned it must stand up paying a el’s facing. If the model is Pinned it must stand
-5cm (2”) movement penalty. You can also turn up paying a -5cm (2”) movement penalty. As-
on the spot and/or spot Hidden models with this sistants can also re-load an adjacent model’s
Action. A shaken or Pinned model cannot per- support weapon. A shaken model cannot per-
form this Action. form this Action.

(Order #10353714)
Move Fast: State the route, the intended des- firer has a rate of fire greater than 1, you can
tination and the model’s facing. If the model sacrifice a shot and fire the remaining shots at
is Pinned it must stand up paying a -5cm (2”) other enemy targets (see Multiple Shots on
movement penalty. If a model Moves Fast at Page 22). After the Action give the model an
least 10cm (4”) it automatically gets a Running Activated marker.
marker. You can use this Action to pick up a dis-
covered or dropped object with no penalty. Move Carefully: You can move the model up to
10cm (4”). After the Action give the model an
Execution of Actions and Priority Activated marker and a Hidden marker. You can
After declaring your Actions they are now execut- use this Action to pick up discovered or dropped
ed. If no one has reacted, the model will perform objects and reorganise your inventory.
the Action as declared. If one or more models
reacted or counter-reacted you’ll have to decide Move & Fight (or vice versa): You can move the
the order they are executed in – this depends on model up to 15cm (6”) on the shortest route to
their Priority. Models that are being activated move adjacent to the target and engage it in
must perform a Priority Test: each rolls 1d10 and melee. If a model uses a Move & Fight Action to
adds their Tactical Value (TV): the final result is move into contact with an enemy model then it
the Priority. Remember to subtract -1 if the mod- is engaged, transforming any Action the target
el is shaken or wounded; these two handicaps are may have declared or will declare into Move &
cumulative too. Starting with the highest Prior- Fight. If the target moves by performing an Ac-
ity and in descending order (the highest goes tion with a higher Priority then you can move
first), start executing the Actions respecting the your model towards the target model’s new
intentions that were declared previously. If there position or towards another enemy model
is a draw between two models the Hero model that is within 10cm (4”) of the target model’s
moves first; in Competitive games check the spe- original position. If the target is put out of ac-
cific section. In cooperative games, if more than tion before this Action is performed then you
one of the player’s models have the same Prior- can move towards a model that is within 10cm
ity then the player can choose in which order (4”) of the target model’s original position. If
the models will be activated. Once the model has you had declared you would move after the me-
performed its Action give it a coloured Activated lee and your opponent is put out of action, then
marker to remind you that it can’t do anything you can move to the declared destination. After
else this turn. the Action give the model an Activated marker
and a Fatigue marker.
Fire: The model remains stationary and fires/
throws an object at the target. If the model is Move & Fire (or vice versa): You can move
using this Action to react or counter-react you the model up to 15cm (6”) and fire at an enemy
can interrupt (see next page). You can react model with a -1 penalty on Ballistic Value for the
by firing at a model that wasn’t on the firing Roll to Hit. You can fire at the target model before
line initially as long as it is when you fire; if, or after moving and/or turning your model. You
for any reason, it should not enter (or leaves) can fire at a model that was not in the firing arc
the firing line, then the model doesn’t fire and before you moved/turned so long as it is when
doesn’t lose its Hidden marker if it had one. If you fire. If the target is Hidden you’ll have to Spot
the target is Hidden you’ll have to Spot it be- them first before firing; just perform the Spotting
fore firing; first perform a Spotting Test and, if Test first and if it’s successful perform the Roll
successful, the Roll to Hit. If the original target to Hit. If the target moves using an Action with
is put out of action or is no longer on the fir- a higher Priority you can move your model to-
ing line before the Action is performed and the wards the target’s new position to fire at it.

(Order #10353714)
If the original target is put out of action or is no marker next to the model whose position has
longer in the firing arc before the Action is per- been identified (see Communications on Page
formed and the firer has a rate of fire greater 29). A model with a radio or Cell phone can
than 1, you can sacrifice a shot and fire the re- communicate the position of a valid “target” to
maining shots at other enemy targets (see Mul- another model with the same equipment no
tiple Shots on Page 22). After the Action give the matter the range. If you perform this Action
model an Activated marker. you don’t lose your Hidden marker. After the
Action give the model an Activated marker.

Wargames Factory (coll. e foto Renato Genovese)

Move & Interact (or vice versa): You can
move the model up to 15cm (6”). If you have
declared that you will examine a Clue and the
model finds an object he can pick it up and re-
organise his inventory. You can use this Action
to pick up objects that have been discovered or
dropped and reorganise your inventory. After
the Action give the model an Activated marker.

Move & Rally (or vice versa): You can move

the model up to 10cm (4”) and rally a shaken
model automatically without a Bravery Test.
You don’t lose your Hidden marker when per-
forming this Action. If a model is shaken be-
fore it can perform any declared Action then
it can change that Action into Move & Rally.
After the Action give the model an Activated
marker and remove its Shaken marker.

Move & Re-load (or vice versa): You can

Move & Heal (or vice versa): any model with move the model up to 10cm (4”) and Re-load
a first aid kit or the first aid characteristic can the weapon. Assistants can Re-load an adja-
move up to 15cm (6”) and try to heal an adja- cent support weapon. After the Action give
cent wounded model (see Heal). If the model the model an Activated marker and remove
to be healed was already adjacent and you’ve an Ammo! marker. You don’t lose your Hidden
said you’ll move the model after the healing marker when performing this Action.
attempt then you can move to the declared
destination. If you perform this Action you Move Fast: You can move the model up to
lose your Hidden marker. After the Action give 20cm (8”). If an enemy fires at a model that
the model an Activated marker. has a Running marker the firer must subtract
-1 from Ballistic Value in the Roll to Hit. You
Move & Indicate a Target (or vice versa): You can use this Action to pick up discovered or
can move the model up to 10cm (4”). If the tar- dropped objects and to reorganise your in-
get is Hidden you’ll need to spot the target be- ventory. After the Action give the model an
fore attempting the communication; just per- Activated marker, a Fatigue marker and also a
form the Spotting Test first and, if successful, Running marker (only if the model has moved
do a Communication Test. If the communica- at least 10cm). If a Bad guy contacts a Hero
tion is a success then place a Target Acquired when using this movement they are engaged.

(Order #10353714)
Pulp figures (coll. Massimo Torriani)
them) or to force his opponent to Re-roll (if he
can) or to pass. The procedure continues until
any remaining Re-rolls are used up or until both
players pass in turn; apply results. The player
that Re-rolls or forces a Re-roll must accept the
new roll even if it’s worse than the previous one.


All the Bad guy models that haven’t yet been
activated this turn (by reacting) can now per-
form an Action using the Automatic Action En-
gine. The Master, or whoever is moving the Bad
guys on his behalf, now activates them and ex-
ecutes their Actions.

If there are models in Reserve, and the scenar-
NOTE: io’s conditions regarding Reinforcements are
Anticipate or Interrupt met, then roll 2d10 (of different colours) and
Let’s have a closer look at these terms in order to deploy the models on the specific Entry Point,
avoid any confusion. In game terms, anticipating following the instructions in the scenario.
means performing an Action before the enemy,
while interrupting means that the enemy can TURN ENDS
complete part of his move before you act. In this phase remove Fatigue and Target Ac-
You can anticipate with any Action; basically quired markers. Leave markers that show other
you try to roll a higher Priority in order to per- situations (Ammo!, Running, Wounded, Hidden,
form an Action before the opponent does. Shaken). If the scenario objective hasn’t been
In some cases it may be better to let the oppo- reached then the turn is over and a new turn
nent perform part of his movement before fir- starts; if the objective has been reached, the
ing, for example when a model is moving out of game ends and it’s time to check the Victory
cover into the open or when moving forward; in Conditions.
these cases the wait may allow a better Roll to
Artizan Designs (coll. Massimo Torriani)
Hit (less cover, shorter range...). You’ll need a lot
of concentration, though, so you can only inter-
rupt with a Fire Action.

Some weapons, situations or characteristics al-
low you to Re-roll 1d10 or force your opponent
to Re-roll one of his.
After both players have rolled their dice, the
player that performed their Action first in the
chain of events decides whether to use one or
more Re-rolls (i.e. Re-roll one or more of his own
dice or force his opponent to Re-roll a dice or
more) or to pass. Now his opponent can, in turn,
decide to use one or more Re-rolls (if he has

(Order #10353714)

General comments  For a model that moves 10cm (4”) it counts

Models can move with all Actions except for as if he’d moved 20cm (8”).
Fire. The maximum distance that a model can
move will depend on the Action chosen, and If part of the movement is on clear ground and
some types of terrain may slow them down too part on difficult ground, only the portion cov-
(see Terrain Table). You can turn the model’s ered on difficult ground counts double.
facing freely during movement, but when the
move is completed the facing must be easy  If a model moves 5cm (2”) on clear ground
to understand since the model’s firing arc is and 5cm (2”) on difficult ground then it will be
180° across the base front. Movement is al- considered to have moved 15cm (6”) because
ways measured from the front of the base to the difficult ground counts double.
the front of the base’s new position (so a model

Artizan Designs (coll. Massimo Torriani)

right on the edge of an area of cover won’t have
to slow down). You can move over models in
your own Group (except for some exceptions
shown, and in cooperative games where you’ll
need the other player’s consent) as long as the
bases don’t overlap after movement. You are
never allowed to cross the base of a friendly en-
gaged model (even partially), nor can you ever
cross the base of an enemy model (even par-
tially). Areas of cover and/or linear obstacles
apply some reductions even if a small part of
the base goes inside and/or over them.

Linear obstacles
Every type of linear obstacle gives a 2.5cm (1”)
movement penalty and can be jumped over. Extremely Difficult ground
Walls or gates that are higher than the model Swamps, thick woods and any other terrain
(up to 5cm/2”) will subtract 5cm (2”). Some of this type hinder movement and the model
weak models will need another model adjacent may fall. Movement in this terrain costs double
to them who helps them over, sacrificing 2.5cm and after movement the model must perform
(1”) of their own movement as well; the model a Dexterity Test: roll 1d10 and if the roll is less
that sacrifices this amount will have 2.5cm (1”) than or equal to TV then nothing happens, but
less to move when they perform their next Ac- if you roll over the model slips and falls Pinned.
tion (which MUST include some movement). A
model can choose to jump over a low obstacle Moving from one floor to another inside
instead of paying the 2.5cm (1”) penalty (see buildings
rules). Depending on the level of realism you want to
obtain, you may require stairs be used to move
Difficult ground from one floor to another. An alternative is to
Woods, broken ground, buildings and any other spend 10cm (4”) and move the model to the
terrain of this type hinder movement. Move- same coordinates but one floor above or below
ment in this terrain costs double. the original position.

(Order #10353714)
Empress Miniatures (coll.Adriano Losi)
If a model enters or leaves a building through
the window after movement the model must
perform a Dexterity Test: roll 1d10 and if the
roll is less than or equal to TV then the model
gets through and can continue movement, but
if the roll is higher then he falls Pinned just be-
yond the window.

A model that uses the Move Fast Action and
moves at least 10cm (4”) distance is run-
ning and immediately gets a Running marker,
which applies as soon as it starts moving.
A model firing at a Running enemy will apply
a -1 penalty to Ballistic Value to simulate the
difficulty of hitting the target.

 Massimo wants his Leader to fire at a Rav-

enous beast which is Running. He has a Ballis-
tic Value of 7 but must treat it as a 6 given that
the enemy’s Running makes his shot harder
(7-1= 6).
After moving at least 5cm (2”) the model can
The Running marker is automatically removed attempt to jump over an obstacle up to 2.5cm
when the model slows down (moves less than (1”) high by performing a Dexterity Test: roll
10cm (4”)) or performs an Action that isn’t a 1d10 and compare with the model’s TV.
Move Fast. Models with the slow or extreme- If the roll is less than or equal to TV then the
ly slow characteristics never get a Running attempt was successful, the model is over
marker. The model gets a Fatigue marker after the obstacle and can keep moving; if the roll
movement. is higher than TV he falls; place the model
Pinned just past the obstacle. The distance
Jump jumped also counts as part of the distance
A model can jump using the Move Fast Action. covered; after performing this Action give the
After moving at least 5cm (2”) the model can model a Running marker (if conditions apply
attempt to jump up to 5cm (2”) by performing and it doesn’t fall) and also a Fatigue marker.
a Dexterity Test: roll 1d10 and compare with
the model’s TV. If the roll is less than or equal to Swimming in rivers
TV then the attempt was successful, the model A model in water is considered to be swim-
is over the gap and can keep moving; if the roll ming. Distance covered in water costs dou-
is higher then he falls and takes a wound for ble and the model must perform a Dexterity
every 5cm (2”) of fall. The distance jumped Test after movement; if the roll is less than or
also counts as part of the distance covered; equal to TV then everything is fine, but if it
after performing this Action give the model is higher the model is Shaken. If a swimming
a Running marker (if conditions apply) and model is already shaken when he fails a Dex-
also a Fatigue marker. Models can also use the terity Test then he is automatically out of ac-
Move Fast Action to jump over a low obstacle. tion (he drowns).

(Order #10353714)
Terrain and Cover Table This Terrain Table shows the different types
Some terrain may provide cover and hinder of cover, their terrain type (for movement
(or even prevent) movement. purposes) and also the armour value they of-
The various types of cover will be explained in fer to models that are inside or behind this
the Firing section. cover during missile fire.


Terrain Type of cover Terrain Type Armour Value
Barricade, Barrels, Boxes Linear obstacle ¬- 3
Woods Area of Cover Difficult 4
Thick woods Area of Cover Extremely difficult 5
Bunker Area of Cover Difficult 6/7/8#
Cultivated field/ Thick
Area of Cover Difficult 2
Hill Special Area Difficult -
Crest Linear obstacle - 4
Building Area of Cover Difficult 4/5#
River Area of Cover Extremely difficult § 1§
Wall Linear obstacle - 4
Swamp No Cover Extremely difficult -
Ruins Area of Cover Difficult 4
Sandbags/Trench Linear obstacle - 4
Hedge Linear obstacle - 2
Fence Linear obstacle - 3
Broken ground No Cover Difficult -
Rocky ground Area of Cover Difficult 4
Armoured vehicle Area of Cover Difficult 6/7/8*#
Non-armoured vehicle Area of Cover Difficult 3/4*#

§ A model in a river is swimming (see rules).
* Apply cover when firing at models inside or even behind a vehicle.
# In some scenarios the Armour Value may vary (e.g. a wooden house has AV4 while a brick house
has AV5). Check which one applies.

• A model that enters or leaves a building via the window must perform a Dexterity Test; if it fails it is Pinned
• A model beyond the crest of a hill gets cover when being fired at by someone on the other side of the crest.
• A wounded model subtracts -2.5cm (1”) from movement.
• All modifiers are cumulative.
• A roof is not an area of cover. It may be a linear obstacle if it has a parapet (that gives cover like a wall).
• A cultivated field is a special area of cover because cover depends on the season and crop-type. Some can
limit the firing line to 7.5cm (3”) (a cornfield in the Summer), or not limit it at all (in Spring or after a harvest,
etc.). Agree what’s there with the Master before starting the game.
• Rocky ground is another special area of cover since it doesn’t limit the firing line to 7.5cm (3”).

(Order #10353714)
Hills Flight
In order to avoid treating hills in an abstract A model with this characteristic can take
way, we suggest applying the real firing line. off and fly, paying 5cm (2”) movement and
If the hill is high enough then a model on top specifying this intention in the declaration of
should ignore linear elements and interven- intents phase. Taking off is not a separate Ac-
ing models if the range between these and the tion but is part of the Movement. Don’t apply
firing model is less than the distance between a penalty when landing. You can take off, move
the intervening model (or linear element) and and land in the same turn. Flying models can’t
the target. land in areas of cover or across linear obsta-
A crest is defined for each hill. The closer you cles; if they are forced to do so they are put out
are to the crest, the higher you are. of action (except for models with the predator
In a melee, the model that is closest to the characteristic). When a model is flying tempo-
crest gets a free Re-roll. rarily remove the miniature and replace it with
A model behind a crest or partially behind a a neutral-coloured base that represents the
hill gets AV4 when fired at. flying model’s shadow. You can move over or
through this shadow base and stop on it freely;
it is only used to measure the distance moved
Wargames illustrated, Artizan designs (coll. Torriani)

by the flying model and to check the range if it

becomes a target or if it wants to fire.

A flying model that fires at a model that is on

the ground:
• Measures the range to the shadow;
• Ignores intervening models and low linear
elements of scenery or low areas of cover but
does consider intervening woods, buildings,
hills or higher structures.
• Consider range to be one level higher.
E.g. If the model target is within 10cm (4”) use
the range band >15 - 30cm (>6 - 12”);

Models that are not flying that want to fire at

a flying model apply the same rules as well
• All models that are not flying can see flying
models if there are no intervening woods,
buildings, hills or higher structures.
• Flying models don’t get cover.

You can hover instead of fly; in this case mount

the model on a transparent base. The model
is flying slightly above ground-level; it doesn't
pay 5cm (2") to take-off and fly, ignores pen-
alties for terrain and intervening models and
doesn't apply the extra range-band. Consid-
ering their position, these models can be at-
tacked in melee by models that aren't flying.

(Order #10353714)

General rules The firing arc

A model that fires must declare its target As we have already stated, the firing arc
model. In order to be able to fire at an enemy spreads out 180° across the front of the mod-
model you must perform a Fire or Move & Fire el; if the enemy model is outside this arc it
Action but to do so you need to be able to see cannot be a valid target. If the weapon has
the target. Sometimes the enemy model may a limited firing arc then of course the target
be Hidden: in this case you’ll need to pass a must be inside that specific firing arc.
Spotting Test before firing. As an indication, if
you bend down and can see the enemy model Firing line
from behind the firing model’s head then the The firing line is an imaginary line that goes
enemy model is a valid target. from the firing model’s head to the target
Don’t confuse firing arc with firing line. model. In game terms, if you can see at least
The former represents the possibility of see- 90% of the target model from the model’s-eye
ing the enemy model and spreads out 180° view (from behind it’s head) then the firing
across the firing model’s front, while the lat- line is clear and no cover is applied. If you can
ter is the real possibility of hitting the target. see less then the enemy model is considered
The firing model must declare which weapon to be a valid target but gets cover, while if
it will use. Normally a model can only fire one you can only see a small portion of the model
firearm per Action, but if it has two one-hand- (rucksack, hand etc.) then it is not a valid tar-
ed weapons it can use them both at the same get and you can’t fire at it.
time applying a penalty of -2 to BV for both
Rolls to Hit (there are some rare exceptions). Roll to Hit
The targets can be different for each weapon. The Roll to Hit is performed by rolling 1d10
2-handed weapons can’t be used at the same for each point of rate of fire the weapon has,
time as other weapons. and comparing the rolls with the model’s Bal-
A model can never carry more than four weap- listic Value (BV).
ons of which no more than two can have the The Ballistic Value may be modified depend-
2-hands characteristic. ing on certain circumstances such as: the
weapon’s range modifier, the model’s condi-
Wargames illustrated, Giorgio Bassani (coll. Torriani)

tions (wounded), if the target is Running and

if the firing model used a Move & Fire Action.
Zombie A
Let’s have a look at the firing sequence:

Zombie B • Aim
• Check the range
• Rate of fire
Zombie C • Roll to Hit
• Check damage

Only Zombie A is outside the Aristocrat’s
firing arc
Models have a 180° firing arc that extends
across the front of the model, and you cannot
fire at a target that is outside this arc.

(Order #10353714)
If the target model is within 2.5cm (1”) we

Wargames illustrated, Artizan Designs (coll. Torriani)

consider the shot to be at Point Blank; as well
as a BV bonus for the Roll to Hit you also get a
-2 reduction to any cover present (see specific

Rate of fire
Each weapon has a rate of fire, which is how
many dice it rolls in the Roll to Hit. Weapons
showing “Tri” or “A” use a template; treat them
as if they had rate of fire 1 (see specific rules).

Roll to Hit
Perform the Roll to Hit by rolling 1d10 for each
point of rate of fire and comparing the rolls
with the modified Ballistic Value; if the roll is
lower then it’s a Hit (keep the dice to one side
to see if it’s Odd or Even), if the roll is equal to
the BV then it’s a graze, if higher then you’ve
missed. Remember to add or subtract all appli-
cable modifiers from the Ballistic Value (the
model used a Move & Fire Action, the target is
Running, the target wasn’t in sight when the
Action was assigned, weapon range modifiers
etc.) to decide the Ballistic Value that must be
Check the range: used.
Weapon ranges are classified as follows:
Point Blank: 0 – 2.5cm 0 – 1” Check damage
Short: >2.5 - 15cm >1 - 6” For every graze, the target model must perform
Medium: >15 - 30cm >6 - 12” a Bravery Test by rolling 1d10: a roll less than
Long: >30 - 60cm >12 - 24” or equal to its Tactical Value means that it has
Extreme: >60 - 120cm >24 – 48” shrugged it off; if it rolls higher then the model
gets a Shaken marker.
Range is measured from the firing model’s base For every Hit the target model can perform an
to any point of the target’s base or model. If a Armour Test if it is in cover or has Armour; roll
range is shown as “NE” this means you can’t fire 1d10 for each type of Armour or Cover the mod-
this weapon at that range. If a model says it will el has. A roll of less than or equal to the Armour
fire at a target which, after measurement, is be- Value of the cover or clothing blocks the Hit, but
yond the maximum range (i.e. the table shows a higher roll means the Hit becomes a wound
NE for the given range) the model is considered (if the roll was EVEN) or two wounds (if the roll
to have fired and missed. Depending on the was ODD).
range there may be some modifiers (positive or If there is no intervening cover and if the model
negative) that are applied to the firing model’s is not wearing armour, a Bullet-proof vest, or
Ballistic Value. any other sort of protection then just assign the
wound (even) or wounds (odd).
 A revolver firing at 18cm (7”) gets a -2 pen- After checking for damage give the target model
alty to BV. any markers for wounds and/or being Shaken.

(Order #10353714)
Armour Test DAMAGE
Armour, elements of scenery or other charac- Shaken
teristics can allow an Armour Test which lets All grazed results that haven’t been shrugged
you block a Hit. If the model can perform an off become Shaken markers.
Armour Test roll 1d10 for each Hit taken: roll If a model takes multiple grazed
less than or equal to Armour Value and the Hit results it will have to perform a
is blocked, but a roll over AV means the Hit be- Bravery Test for each. A shaken
comes a wound, (if the roll was EVEN) or two model can only perform Move
wounds (if the roll was ODD). Carefully, Move Fast or Move & Rally Actions.
If it moves it can only go towards the closest
 A Bourgeois with Ballistic Value 6 says he’ll cover or its own Deployment Area.
use a Fire Action to fire his revolver at a Fol- If it is engaged in melee it can only Move &
lower 25 cm (10”) away. The weapon’s rate of Rally; it defends itself but can’t attack even if
fire is 1 and there is a -2 modifier to BV at this it parries.
range. The Bourgeois’ BV drops to BV4 (6 – 2
= 4). There is also a wall on the firing line (but A shaken model:
he ignores the car because he’s next to it). The • Fights with a -1 penalty to its Melee Value;
Bourgeois performs the Roll to Hit and gets a 2: it can parry but not attack and can block Hits
an even Hit. The Follower tries to block the Hit with an Armour Test.
with an Armour Test thanks to the intervening • When a shaken model is grazed again it must
wall. He rolls 1d10 and gets a 5. The wall’s Ar- perform a Bravery Test; if it fails it is Pinned.
mour Value is 4, so the shot gets through - the • Performs Priority Tests with a -1 penalty to its
Follower takes a wound and gets the corre- own Tactical Value.
sponding marker. • In the Rally Phase it performs a Bravery Test
by rolling 1d10; if the roll is less than or equal
If the opponent is using a Multiple Shot weapon to its Tactical Value then the Shaken marker is
and more than one Hit needs to be blocked then removed.
perform all the Armour Tests one by one. Apply
results progressively and assign damage (see Note: Some models can’t be shaken; this is
Multiple Shots on Page 22). shown on their Roster or in their character-
Artizan Designs (coll. Massimo Torriani)

A Pinned model is never considered to inter-
rupt the firing line. First it must get up with
any Movement Action, paying 5cm (2”). A
model in melee with a Pinned model can Re-
roll 1d10 in its Melee Roll. When a model is
Pinned behind a low wall, a window or a gap
you can throw grenades past the obstacle at
it if you pass a Spotting Test and if the enemy
model is within 5cm (2”) of the obstacle that
is blocking line of sight.
If a model is behind a low hedge you can fire
at it or throw grenades over the hedge if you
pass a Spotting Test and if the enemy model is
within 5cm (2”) of the hedge.

(Order #10353714)
A wounded model:

Empress Miniatures,Wargames Factory (coll.Massimo Torrianii)

• Fights in melee with a -1 Penalty to Melee
• Moves with a -2.5cm (1”) penalty for all Ac-
tions that involve movement.
• Fires with a -1 penalty to Ballistic Value in
Rolls to Hit.
• Performs Priority Tests with a -1 penalty to its
Tactical Value.
• Gets a -1 penalty to any value used for any
Skill Test (Heal, Dexterity, Strength, Aim).

Some models can take more than two wounds

before being put out of action; in this case even
the wounded penalties are cumulative.

 A Mummy has three wounds and the Hard

Pinned & Shaken to Kill characteristic. If it doesn’t take three
A Pinned and Shaken model can only Move wounds in a single attack (melee or missile fire)
Carefully, Move Fast or Move & Rally and ini- then it doesn’t take any Wound markers.
tially it must get up paying 5cm (2”) of move-

North Star Military Figures (coll. Massimo Torriani)

ment. If it moves it can only go towards the
closest cover or its own Deployment Area. If
engaged in melee it doesn’t defend or attack.

A Pinned & Shaken model:

• Cannot fight; if attacked in melee the model
doesn’t attack and can’t defend but it can block
Hits with an Armour Test.
• Performs Priority Tests with a -1 penalty to its
Tactical Value.
• In the Rally Phase it performs a Bravery Test
by rolling 1d10; if the roll is less than or equal
to its Tactical Value then the Shaken marker is

All Even Hits that are not blocked become a
wound, while all Odd Hits that
are not blocked become two Out of action
wounds. Some characteris- When the number of wounds taken matches
tics may increase the number the model’s Wounds Value the model is out of
of wounds. Take note of the action; remove the model from play. If the re-
wounds and give the model the relative mark- moval of this model means the Group’s Break-
ers. If the number of wounds taken reaches point has been reached, then all of this side’s
the model’s Wound number then the model is models on the table must perform a Break Test,
out of action (remove from play). and if they fail they are removed from the table.

(Order #10353714)
THE WEAPONS TABLE  Massimo won Priority and now his Leader
The Weapons Table on the next page is generic (BV7) wants to fire his semi-automatic pistol
and not tied to a specific period. at the Wandering Zombie coming his way! The
For each weapon it shows rate of fire, maxi- gun has a rate of fire of 2. He checks the range:
mum range and modifiers to the Ballistic only 13cm (5”)! He Rolls to Hit rolling 1d10
Value depending on the range the weapon is and gets a 4: an Even Hit. There is no cover or
used at. Some weapons may even have char- protection so the Hit becomes 1 wound that
acteristics that can modify the Armour Test or puts the Zombie out of action. There is an-
number of wounds inflicted by each Hit. other zombie 4cm (1.5”) away so he decides
The table also tells you if you can perform in- to fire the remaining shot at this target, with
direct fire (see rules). a -1 modifier to BV. The range is 17cm (7”).
The range is subdivided in 5 categories: Point Looking at the Weapons Table, at this range
Blank - Short – Medium - Long – Extreme; the Leader’s BV is penalised by another -2 so
each point of rate of fire allows you to roll becomes a 4 (7-1-2= 4). He rolls and gets a 3,
1d10 in the Roll to Hit. Sometimes instead of a an Odd Hit which is worth two wounds. There
number you’ll find “A” or “TRI”; this means it’s is no cover here either… and the second zom-
a burst weapon (see rules). A model carrying bie is put out of action too!
any firearm whatsoever loses the Bare hands

Wargames illustrated, North Star Military Figures (coll. Torriani)

Throwing weapons
A throwing weapon is normally used in melee
but can also be thrown applying normal mis-
sile weapon rules.
A thrown weapon is lost and cannot be used
again until it is picked up.
Mark the place where the weapon was thrown
to: the model that threw it can pick it up again
like any other object, after which the weapon
can be used normally.
You can’t throw two one-handed weapons
with the throwing weapon characteristic at
the same time (there are some exceptions).

Multiple Shots
Some weapons have a lot of ammunition or a
rapid-firing mechanism; in these rules they
have a rate of fire greater than 1.
These weapons can fire repeatedly at the
same target or fire at multiple targets. Multiple Shot weapons declare a single target
Use the normal firing procedure for each sin- model but if the target is put out of action, is
gle shot; if the original target is put out of ac- no longer in the firing arc or is not in sight
tion you can use any remaining shots against when the Action is executed then instead of
another enemy model as long as it is within taking a -1 penalty to BV you can sacrifice a
10cm (4”) of the original target’s position and shot and fire the remaining shots at another
not Hidden. Apply a -1 penalty to BV for these enemy model up to 10cm (4”) from the origi-
shots. nal target as long as it is not Hidden.

(Order #10353714)
Ballistic Value Range modifiers
Point Blank Short Medium Long Extreme
Rate of
Type >0-2,5 cm >2,5-15 cm >15-30 cm >30-60 cm >60-120 cm Characteristics
>0-1” >1-6” >6-12” > 12- 24” >24-48”
silent weapon, throwing
Knife +1 -1 NE NE NE 1
pole weapon, silent weapon,
Spear +1 -1 -2 NE NE 1
throwing weapon
Improvised weapon -1 -2 NE NE NE 1 low impact
Sling +1 -1 -2 NE NE 1 silent weapon
+1 - -2 NE NE 2 selective-fire, up close
Revolver +1 - -2 NE NE 1 up close
Large calibre
+1 - -2 NE NE 1 devastating, lethal, up close
Machine-pistol +1 - -2 NE NE 3 up close
Sub-machine gun +1 - -1 NE NE 3 2-hands
Rifle +1 +1 - - -1 1 2-hands
2-hands, assault weapon,
Assault rifle +1 +1 - -2 NE 3
2-hands, single shot, slow
Muzzle-loading rifle +1 +1 - -1 -2 1
Semi-automatic rifle +1 +1 - -2 NE 2 2-hands, selective-fire
Automatic rifle +1 +1 - - -1 4 2-hands, support weapon
Pump-action shotgun
/shotgun with nickel +1 +1 NE NE NE TRI 2-hands, devastating
Shotgun +1 +1 NE NE NE TRI 2-hands, low impact
Large calibre rifle +1 +1 - - -2 1 2-hands, devastating, lethal
Semi-automatic 2-hands, low impact, selective-
+1 - -1 -2 NE 2
carbine fire
2-hands, low impact, single
Musket/Carbine +1 - -1 -2 NE 1
2-hands, indirect fire at
Bow +1 - - -2 NE 1 minimum range 15 (6”), low
impact, silent weapon,
2-hands, silent weapon, single
Crossbow +1 +1 - -3 NE 1
dangerous, devastating,
deflagrating, indirect fire only
TNT/Dynamite NE - NE NE NE A
at minimum range 5cm (2”),
single shot
devastating, indirect fire only
Grenade NE +1 NE NE NE A at minimum range 5cm (2”),
single shot
dangerous, indirect fire only
Molotov NE +1 NE NE NE A at minimum range 5cm (2”),
no place to hide, single shot
2-hands, devastating, indirect
Grenade-launcher NE NE - - NE A fire only at minimum range
15 (6”), single shot
2-hands, dangerous, fuel tank,
Light flame-thrower +1 +1 NE NE NE TRI
no place to hide,
2-hands, deflagrating,
Rocket-launcher NE NE -1 -1 NE A devastating, single shot,
support weapon

(Order #10353714)
Point Blank Fire
A model that fires at a target within 2.5cm (1”) 1-2 deviates 2,5 cm (1”)
applies the BV modifier and considers armour 3-4 deviates 5 cm (2”)
to be two levels less (a brick house with AV5
would provide AV3). 5-6 deviates 7,5 cm (3”)
It’s hard to miss at this range! 7-8 deviates 10 cm (4”)
explodes without causing
Burst weapons 9-10
any damage
These weapons are identified by the letter “A”
in the rate of fire column and are very danger-
ous since they can wound more than one mod- Place the Burst Area template over the new
el at a time and have a burst area inside which point of impact to see how many models have
the explosion or flames are effective. When been caught in the explosion.
you find an “A” on the table the rate of fire is
1 but damage is applied to all models (both A grenade deviates 7.5cm (3”)
friends and enemies) whose base is even par- in the direction the arrow is
tially inside the burst area (a template with a pointing. A shot from a grenade-
diameter of 7.5cm/3”). launcher would deviate 15cm
When using a weapon of this type you must (6”).
declare the point of impact, obviously within
range of the firing model. Weapons with the single shot
The point of impact must be on the centre of characteristic get an Ammo! marker after firing.
the target model’s base. Normally the characteristics for each indirect
Roll to Hit as normal with all applicable modi- fire burst weapon show a minimum range in-
fiers. If the result is less than or equal to the side which you can’t fire. With hand-grenades
firing model’s Ballistic Value then you’ve hit; the declared point of impact must be at least
if the result is higher than BV then the shot 5cm (2”) from the throwing model. After de-
deviates. fining the point of impact (whether you hit the
To find the deviation roll 1d10: the direction target or whether the shot deviated), roll 1d10
the dice is pointing in and the number rolled on the Burst Weapon Damage Table for each
will show the direction the point of impact de- model (friendly and enemy) that have been
viates, and how far too! caught in the burst area, even partially, to see
If the firing weapon is a grenade-launcher what damage has been done. Add a +1 modifier
then deviation distance is doubled. to the roll in the event of a failed Roll to Hit.


An Odd Hit with the Lethal characteristic (but the model can block the Hit with an
Armour Test). The model is Pinned.
An Even Hit (the model can block the Hit with an Armour Test).
The model is Pinned.
Just a graze (the model can shrug off the graze with a Bravery Test).
The model is Pinned.
7-8 Pinned: the model doesn’t take any damage but is Pinned.
9-10-11 Incredibly, the model doesn’t take any damage and isn’t even Pinned.

(Order #10353714)
Shotguns, pump-action shotguns and flame- Priority Target
throwers Although a model is free to choose its target,
These weapons aren’t very effective at Long once you’ve established the firing line there
range, but can be devastating up close. Place mustn’t be intervening enemy models on it
the triangular template with the point next to (in other words, the target must be the closest
the firing model’s base and perform a a normal enemy model on the chosen firing line). You
Roll to Hit for all models that are even partially can ignore all Pinned or Hidden models. Some-
touched by the template. Firing line limitations times after a model has declared its target, an
will remain, so a flame-thrower or a shotgun enemy model with a higher Priority may move
(normal or pump-action) can only fire into a into the firing line; in this case the intervening
building through doors, windows or gaps. model automatically becomes the target (bar-
ring the exceptions already mentioned).

Giorgio Bassani, Wargames Foundry (coll. Massimo Torriani)

Friendly fire
If the firing line traced between the firing mod-
el and its target goes through friendly models,
you may hit them by mistake.
Before rolling To Hit, perform a modified Aim
Test. Roll 1d10 and compare to the firing mod-
el’s Ballistic Value with a -2 penalty.
A roll of BV or less means you’ve hit the deca-
lared target but if it’s over the BV then you’ve
hit the intervening model.
Now perform Rolls to Hit as normal. You can
ignore models from your own Group that are
adjacent to the Firing model (they are not in-
tervening). Pinned models are never interven-
ing either.

It’s impossible to represent every wall, piece
of furniture or tree on even the most detailed
Double “10”s: Ammo! wargames tables; this is why some elements
In heated battle it is easy to lose control and use of scenery limit the firing line within their
up all your ammunition, especially if you’ve got perimeter. Woods, cultivated fields, buildings
a Multiple Shot weapon, a shotgun or pump- and ruins are defined as areas of cover and the
action shotgun. If you roll a “10” during the firing line can only cross 7.5cm (3”) of these
Roll to Hit, using these weapons, leave the dice elements. In some terrain such as thick woods,
on the table; if you roll another 10 during the the firing line can only cross 5cm (2”).
same Action then you run out of ammo. Give Models beyond this distance cannot be consid-
the model an Ammo! marker. The weapon can’t ered as valid targets because they are not in
fire until an Action has been spent to re-load. the firing line (out of sight).
Models inside buildings or ruins can trace a
The “0” rule firing line outside through doors, windows
If modifiers bring the Ballistic Value down to or gaps and models outside buildings or ru-
0 (or lower) then the Roll to Hit can’t be at- ins can only trace a firing line inside through
tempted. doors, windows or gaps.

(Order #10353714)
Use the real firing line and your common sense;

Giorgio Bassani (coll. Massimo Torriani)

if in doubt, roll a dice to decide. If a model is be-
hind an area of cover and the firing line crosses
7.5cm (3”) or less of this area then the model is
considered to be in cover even if it isn’t actually
inside that cover.
You can throw explosive devices over high
walls (higher than the models) if the model
Zombie A
passes a Spotting Test and only if the enemy
model is within 5cm (2”) of the obstacle that is Zombie D
blocking the view.
You can throw explosive devices over or fire
through a high hedge if the model passes a
Zombie B
Spotting Test and only if the enemy model is
within 5cm (2”) of the hedge. Zombie C
If the firing line crosses various elements or ar-
eas of cover, or if the Bad guy has armour, then Only Zombie D is outside the firing arc
the model can perform more than one Armour
If the firing model is inside an area of cover, but
 Massimo’s Firearms Specialist (Ballistic Val- its base is within 2.5cm (1”) of the outside edge,
ue 8) says he’ll use a Fire Action to shoot at a then the model can trace a clear firing line out of
Mummy 25cm (10”) away with his large-cali- the area of cover, but if it is beyond 2.5cm (1”)
bre revolver. The Weapons Table shows that the target can apply the cover provided by the
the gun has rate of fire 1 and he must apply a area of cover. If the target and the firing model
-2 penalty to BV at this range. There is a pile of are both in the same area of cover, that cover ap-
boxes on the firing line. plies (may be modified for Point Blank fire).
The Specialist rolls a 3, which, when compared
to his modified BV of 6 (8 - 2 = 6), means he’s Firing line through doors and windows
got an Odd Hit. Normally this would cause two A model inside a building and next to a door
wounds but thanks to the Lethal characteristic or window will have a reduced firing arc (90°)
the damage would be three wounds, enough to when firing outside. Use the template provided.
put the Mummy out of action.
The Master tries to block the Hits with the two Leaning through doors, windows and gaps
available Armour Tests, one for the boxes and (optional rule)
one for the monster’s tough skin. Both have Ar- When firing from a window, door or gap the
mour Value 3. The weapon has the Devastating firing arc is dramatically reduced to simulate
characteristic that lowers the Armour Value by the fact that normally models don’t lean out-
-2 bringing the boxes and skin to 1. A roll of the side. If, on the other hand, a model actually
dice... a 5 means the boxes didn’t stop the shot! wants to lean outside, its firing arc is 180° but
But a “1” on the second roll means his tough any models outside that can see the window,
skin blocked a Hit. The Mummy survives. door or gap can fire at the model even if it’s
physically inside. For the same reason, cover is
Linear obstacles, like walls and hedges, do NOT reduced by two levels (e.g. cover provided by a
offer cover to target models if the element of brick house will be 3 instead of 5). The model
scenery is in contact with the base-front of the that is leaning out is exposed until it performs
firing model or within 2.5cm (1”) of its base. another Action.

(Order #10353714)
Throwing yourself to the ground and out of Even if he’s been spotted the Follower is still
the firing line (Pinned!) Hidden so the Master can force a Re-roll. Mas-
A model that is Shaken or takes a Wound when simo Re-rolls and gets a 9 this time… a Miss!
behind a wall, gap or next to a window can Luckily he has another shot!
elect to throw itself Pinned to the ground to get
out of the firing line of the models on the other If a Hidden model is not in cover with respect to
side (lay the model down to remind you of its the firer it keeps its marker (in case of fire from
status or replace the model with one that is other models) but there is no need to Spot it
laying down). Resolve ALL the firing weapon’s and it can’t force a Re-roll in the Roll to Hit.
Rolls to Hit before letting the model lay down
Pinned.  Massimo uses a Move & Fire Action to move
his Specialist up to the fence (which he can
Hidden Models: Spotting therefore ignore for firing purposes) and fires
In order to conceal their presence from the at the Follower.
enemy, and apart from moving carefully, mod- The Follower is Hidden but isn’t in cover with
els try to make the most of the cover that their respect to the Specialist so the latter won’t
environment provides. In this game your mod- have to perform a Spotting Test and the Fol-
els can Hide. In order to Hide a model must be lower can’t force a Re-roll in the Roll to Hit. The
in cover with respect to the firing model and Follower keeps its Hidden marker for fire from
must use a Move Carefully Action. other opponents (but only if the fence is in the
When firing at a Hidden model you need to pass way, of course!).
a Spotting Test: both players roll 1d10 and add
TV. If the Spotting model gets the same as or Note: the Spotting Test is only valid for the cur-
more than his enemy then the target has been rent turn. Next turn another Spotting Test will
Spotted and ONLY for this turn he can consider be needed to fire at the Hidden target.
the target as valid and fire at it; if the total is

Atizan Designs, Wargames Illustrated (coll. Massimo Torriani)

lower then the shot can’t be attempted.
If the Spotting model doesn’t fire and was Hid-
den then it keeps the Hidden marker.
If the Firing model and the Hidden target are
within 10cm (4”) of each other the target is au-
tomatically spotted.
A spotted model keeps its Hidden marker for
fire from other models.
It is hard to fire at a Hidden model so the target
can force his opponent to Re-roll a Hit or graze.
You must keep the result of the Re-roll even if it F
is worse than the original roll.

 Massimo’s Firearms Specialist (BV8) has

spotted a Hidden Follower 14cm (5.5”) away
behind a fence. He is armed with a semi-auto-
matic pistol so he checks the rate of fire and
modifiers on the Weapons Table (no bonus or
penalty at this range!). The rate of fire is 2, so
two shots. He rolls 1d10 and gets a 4 which,
when compared to his BV, means an Even Hit.

(Order #10353714)
Target model is not on the firing line when Support weapon
the Action is assigned The Weapons Table contains some weapons
It’s hard to hit a target that suddenly comes into with the support weapon characteristic.
view. If the target model is not visible when the These weapons can be re-loaded by the assis-
Action is assigned (in the Declaration of Intents tants; in order to re-load the weapon the as-
phase), and your model must move or wait for sistant must be in base-contact with the model
the enemy to move into sight before firing etc. carrying the support weapon. If the model with
then you get a -1 penalty to firing model’s Bal- the support weapon is put out of action, an ad-
listic Value. jacent assistant can pick it up; leave a marker
to show where the weapon is.
Dangerous Weapons: Explosion Test
When a model carrying a weapon that has the  Massimo wants to fire with a model that has
dangerous characteristic is Wounded by a fire- a rocket-launcher but that also has an Ammo!
arm it must perform an Explosion Test by roll- marker; there is an assistant adjacent to it.
ing 1d10; a “10” means the weapon explodes, Massimo could decide to use a Move & Re-load
while other numbers mean nothing special has Action (but he couldn’t fire) or he could acti-
happened, just apply the regular Wound. If the vate the assistant first, who could use a Move
weapon explodes then place a Burst area tem- & Re-load Action, allowing the model with the
plate over the model, checking which other rocket-launcher to fire. After firing the weap-
models have been caught in the explosion. The on will get another Ammo! marker because it
model with the exploding weapon is out of ac- has the single shot characteristic.
tion... remove it from play. The other models
caught up in the explosion roll 1d10 on the Burst Indirect fire
Weapon Damage Table and apply effects. This classification helps distinguish between
direct fire (where the projectile follows a direct
Artizan Designs, North Star Military Figures (coll. Massimo Torriani)

route to the target) and indirect fire, where the

projectile follows an arched trajectory.
You can always trace this firing line through in-
terveninig models (friendly and enemy) if the
distance from the firing model to the interven-
ing model is less than that between the inter-
vening model and the target model.
When a model uses indirect fire it performs a
normal Roll to Hit but only considers cover (lin-
ear obstacles or areas of cover) if these are ad-
jacent or overlapping the target model’s base
and applying a -2 penalty to Ballistic Value. If
the firing model doesn’t have their own firing
line (they’re behind a house, some woods etc.)
then another model will have to indicate the
exact position of the target enemy model (see
If the target model is not visible, you get an ex-
tra -1 penalty to Ballistic Value. In order to use
indirect fire a model behind woods, a building
etc. must be at least 5cm (2”) from this ele-
ment of scenery.

(Order #10353714)
Wargames Foundry (coll.Massimo Torriani)
Roll 1d10 and compare with TV. If the roll is
less than or equal to the TV then the commu-
nication is successful; place a Target Acquired
marker on the target model (if the roll is over
the TV then the communication has failed.. no
marker!). Models with direct-fire weapons
within 20cm (8”) of the indicating model can
fire at the indicated target, even if it is Hid-
den, without having to Spot (as long as there
is a clear firing line to the target). Models with
indirect fire weapons within 20cm (8”) of the
indicating model can fire at the target this turn
even if it isn’t visible and is Hidden. Normal-
ly the marker is removed if the target model
moves but if it was indicated to a model with
indirect fire weapons, leave it on the table (see

Indirect fire on acquired targets that move

If a target moves after the Fire Action has been
declared but before the Action is performed
Indirect fire on buildings with multiple (or the target is put out of action), the shot
storeys takes place anyway. Remember to apply a -3
An indirect fire shot describes an arched tra- penalty to the Roll to Hit due to the fact that
jectory; if the building still has its roof the the target is not in the firing line (-1) and for
explosion will only affect the models on the the indirect fire (-2).
roof (if it can be walked upon like a terrace)

Wargames Illustrated, Giorgio Bassani (coll. Massimo Torriani)

or the top floor (in the case of a sloping roof).
If the building is in ruins then measure from
the floor where the target model is and not
from the roof. Remember that no matter how
large the burst area is, the explosion can only
damage models on ONE floor of the building.
Hand-grenades can be thrown at enemy mod-
els behind windows or gaps on higher floors..
remember you’ll have to Spot a model you
can’t see.

Communications: Indicating a Target

During the declaration of intents phase a model
can Indicate a target to its companions. The mod-
el that is indicating must have a valid firing line to
the target model. If the enemy model is Hidden,
then a Spotting Test will be needed first. When
the Action is performed the model will perform a
Communication Test to communicate the position
of the enemy model to its companions.

(Order #10353714)
Artizan Designs (coll. Massimo Torriani)
Enemy model is beyond maximum range,
out of action or not in line-of-sight when a
Fire Action is performed
If the target model is put out of action, moves
out of the firing line or is no longer in range
when a model executes its Fire Action then you
can fire at another enemy model (not Hidden)
within 10cm (4”) of the original target’s origi-
nal position, applying a -1 penalty to Ballistic
Value. If there aren’t any alternative enemy
models within 10cm (4”), the model doesn’t fire
and loses the Action. Remember that Multiple
Shot weapons can ignore this penalty if they
sacrifice a shot.

Communications: Radio and Cell phone Firing at engaged models

During the declaration of intents phase a model You can’t fire at engaged models since the risk
with a radio or cell phone that uses the Move of hitting a friendly model is too high. An excep-
& Indicate Action can communicate the coor- tion is weapons with the up close characteristic
dinates of an Acquired Target to another radio which can be can be used against models even
operator or cell phone owner, no matter the if they’re already engaged.
distance between them. When the Action is per-
formed the model will perform a Communica-
tion Test. Roll 1d10 and compare with TV.
If the roll is less than or equal to the TV then the
communication is successful; place a Target Ac-
quired marker on the target model; the model
that received the communication can now con-
sider it a valid target. If a leader is within 20cm
(8”) of a model with radio/cell phone he’ll auto-
matically acquire the target and can communi-

Artizan Designs (coll. Massimo Torriani)

cate it, in turn, to other models by performing a
successful Communication Test.

Interrupting movement to fire with a burst

If you use a Fire Action to interrupt the move-
ment of an enemy model and shoot at it then
clearly indicate the point at which you will fire.
In some cases it may be a good idea to wait be-
cause the model wasn’t on the firing line when
the Action started, or just to allow them to move
into short range of your weapons. If you are us-
ing a grenade then remember to apply devia-
tion if you miss. If the burst area overlaps the
model’s base then proceed as normal by check-
ing the Burst Weapon Damage Table.

(Order #10353714)

General rules Move & Fire (or vice versa) Actions. Engaged
A melee is a struggle in hand-to-hand combat models can’t leave the melee until the enemy
and can only take place between two models is put out of action. If a model in melee has al-
in base contact. Contact is made after a Move ready performed an Action this turn then it
& Fight Action (bringing the model’s base ad- is considered to lose the Priority Test. If more
jacent to the enemy model’s base) following than one model declares that they will fight
the shortest route you must compare
possible, but you Priority to see who
can avoid any wins (see Page 11).
obstacles along The model with
the way. Bad the highest total
guys are allowed wins Priority and
to contact a Hero gets an extra Me-
with any Action lee Roll (but only
that includes if it isn’t Shaken).
Movement. If a If a Shaken model
model’s front is wins Priority then
already taken the opponent only
by other models gets one attack. If a
you can move Shaken and Pinned
around them model wins Prior-
to contact the ity then the op-
first available ponent only gets
place. Models one attack. Actions
separated by a are then executed
wall, hedge or in Priority order.
any other type Your Hero wins
of low crossable Priority if there’s a
obstacle are con- draw. If both mod-
sidered to be in els are still on the
Wargames Illustrated, North Star Military Figures (coll. Torriani)
contact. If the table after apply-
target is Hidden ing damage then
when the Action both are considered
is assigned then a Spotting Test will be re- engaged. After the melee give both models a
quired; if the target model is not spotted then Fatigue marker and an Activated marker. If a
the model that declared the Action will Move model fights more than one melee in the same
Carefully towards the target but can’t do any- turn then its Melee Value will drop depending
thing else this turn. on how many Fatigue markers it has; each Fa-
Two models in contact are engaged and both tigue marker will mean a -1 penalty to Melee
transform any previously declared Action (or Value. If this value drops to 0 (or less) than the
Action that must be declared) into Move & model can’t attack or defend.
Fight or Move & Rally; the only exception is for Remember to check the modifiers for Prior-
models with missile weapons with the up-close ity Tests and Melee Value after taking damage
characteristic as they can also use the Fire or (see Page 20).

(Order #10353714)
Melee Resolution After performing all Melee Rolls give the models
After contacting the enemy model, melee en- any Wounds they may have taken and give both
sues. Each roll of 1d10 performed during the models their Fatigue and Activated markers. If
melee is called a Melee Roll. Normally a model the model is using a blunt weapon remember to
can only attack with a melee weapon, but if it has apply the specific rules.
two 1-handed weapons they can both be used, Note: a model that has already been activated
performing an extra Melee Roll but applying a -2 automatically loses Priority and the opponent
penalty to Melee Value for both weapons (there gets the extra Melee Roll in melee.
may be some exceptions). 2-handed weapons
can’t be used at the same time as other weap- Whether you have performed an Action or not,
ons. The Melee Roll can if the model survives the
be performed both to at- enemy’s attacks then it
tack and to defend (par- can perform a Melee Roll
rying an enemy attack). as attacker if it isn’t Shak-
The model performing en. Do not apply cover
the Move & Fight Ac- from areas of cover or
tion attacks while the linear obstacles but only
enemy defends (for the from natural armour
moment!). The attacker (tough skin or similar)
rolls 1d10 and com- or armour (bullet-proof
pares to his own Melee vests, hockey kit, etc.).
Value; if it is less than
or equal to MV he has Multiple Attacks
Hit, but if it is higher Some weapons, char-
he has Missed (in melee acteristics or situations
you can’t graze).The de- (like winning Priority) al-
fender can try to parry low you to perform mul-
each Hit by rolling 1d10 tiple attacks in melee.
for each: if the roll is less Follow the normal pro-
than or equal to his own cedure, one attack after
Melee Value the mod- the other (attack/parry);
el has parried the Hit Artizan Designs, North Star Military Figures (coll. Torriani)
if one Melee Roll puts the
(which is blocked); if the original target out of ac-
roll is higher than MV tion then you can use any
then the Hit got through but can still be blocked residual attacks against another enemy model
by an Armour Test (if available). If the Hit gets as long as the latter is in contact too.
through then assign the corresponding Wounds:
one wound if Even, two Wounds if Odd. The “0” rule
If the defender survives, the attacker can per- If Melee Value drops to 0 or less after modifiers
form any other remaining attacks. then you can’t attack or parry.
If all available attacks have been performed
then you swap roles; now the defender attacks Damage
and the attacker defends. In order to better understand the effects of
After this step that melee stops (for this turn). wounds see “Damage” on Page 20.
Remember to add or subtract all applicable Unlike the Roll to Hit, in the Melee Roll a result
modifiers from the Melee Value (e.g. model is equal to the Melee Value is a Hit. In a melee you
Wounded) before comparing the dice rolls. fight for your life!

(Order #10353714)
Models that are already engaged becomes the new target – but again the attacker
If a model fights an enemy that is already en- doesn’t get the extra Melee Roll.
gaged, he adds +1 to his Melee Value both in
attack and in defence as long as the number of Fight from the rear
models in the melee from his own Group is larg- A model that fights an enemy from the rear au-
er than that of the enemy. tomatically Shakes the enemy before the melee
starts; this also applies to the current melee. If a
Models fighting in an area of cover model was already shaken it is Pinned, while if it
A model in melee with an enemy inside an area was already Pinned and Shaken the model is put
of cover gets a -1 penalty to his Melee Value in out of action and is removed from play before
attack if he is outside that cover. the melee starts. In order to treat the attack as
being from the rear, the attacking model’s base
Model fighting from behind a linear obstacle must be completely to the rear before the Ac-
A model in melee with an opponent who is be- tion starts (see example in the photo). The de-
hind a linear obstacle gets a -1 penalty to Melee fending model is turned towards the enemy’s
Value in attack if it had to move to contact the front after contact.
The model is contacted before the Action is
Model fighting a Pinned opponent performed
A model on foot fighting a Pinned opponent can If a model that declared an Action is engaged
Re-roll 1d10 in the Melee Roll both in attack and by an enemy model that reacted with an Move
defence. & Fight Action, the model must transform the
Action into Fight & Move and his target will au-
The target moves, is unreachable or has been tomatically become the model that contacted it.
put out of action before the Move & Fight Ac- The enemy model will get the extra melee roll
tion is executed because it wins priority.
If, after declaring a Move & Fight Action (but be-
fore that Action is performed), the target model Multiple fights involving more than one
moves using an Action with a higher Priority, model
then you can move your model towards the target Melees take place one at a time even when more
model’s new position. If the target can no longer than one model is engaged.
be reached or is put out of action then the attack-
Artizan Designs (coll. Massimo Torriani)
er will have two choices: either move towards the
target model’s original position (or where it was Follower A
before being eliminated) or move and contact an-
other enemy that is within reach to begin melee.
If you decide to contact another model then leave
your Priority dice on the table because if the new
target hasn’t been activated yet it may roll 1d10 Only
for Priority. If the new target rolls higher then it Follower B
is to the
will get the extra Melee Roll and will attack first; rear
if the roll is lower then it will be attacked but the
attacker doesn’t get the extra Melee Roll since
this model was not the original target. If an en- Follower B
emy model has moved to be in the way of the at-
tacking model and thus renders contact with the
Follower C
target impossible then the former automatically

(Order #10353714)
Just solve each combat one at a time to decide Fearsome, Ghastly and Disgusting Models
who wins and who takes any eventual wounds. When a model without the fearsome character-
Models that have already performed a melee will istic is contacted by a model with the fearsome,
see their Melee Value drop depending on how ghastly or disgusting characteristic, then the for-
many Fatigue markers they have accumulated mer must perform a Fear Test. Roll 1d10: If the
this turn. result is less than or equal to its Tactical Value
then the model has passed the Test and there
 Massimo’s Leader (MV7) is engaged with two are no consequences; but if it rolls higher than
Zombies (MV2) and says he’ll fight. The Auto- TV then the model is overcome by fear and is
matic Action and Reaction Engine tells us that immediately Shaken. It should be noted that the
the attacked Zombie will also Fight & Move. The Fear Test must be attempted even if the model
Priority Test follows and the Leader will start. is already Shaken since a double Shaken result
He performs his Melee Roll on the first Zombie; would mean it is Pinned. If a model without the
he rolls 1d10 and gets a 3, a Hit. The Zombie fearsome characteristic wants to contact a mod-
tries to parry and gets a 1: a block! The Leader el with the fearsome characteristic then it must
won the Priority so he gets another attack, this perform a Fear Test before moving; a pass means
time a 5 – another Hit. The Zombie rolls 3 to it can move into contact but a failure means the
parry and fails but since the Leader is engaged model is Shaken and remains stationary (the Ac-
with another model the Zombie gets a +1 to tion is lost). The Melee Roll deriving from the pole
MV which means it blocks the attack. Now the weapon characteristic takes place after the Fear
Zombie can attack. Its attack Melee Roll is a 5, a Test. When contacting a Gigantic creature the Test
Miss. Both Leader and Zombie have used their becomes more complex: there is a -1 penalty to
attacks so they both get an Activated marker. TV, and this becomes a -2 penalty if the creature
The Leader also gets a Fatigue marker so his is Monstrous! Models with the fearsome charac-
Melee Value drops to 6 (7 -1 = 6). At the end of teristic never have to perform a Fear Test, even if
the turn, during the Bad guys Action Sequence, the enemy is Monstrous or Gigantic.
the second Zombie will attack; the roll of 1d10
gives a 6. Comparing this roll with its modified Fighting in Flight
Melee Value of 3, the Zombie Misses. The Zom- If a flying model wants to fight a melee with a
bie uses its second attack (given that the Leader model on the ground then it must land. If it was
had already been activated we consider that the already on the ground it can just keep moving on
Zombie had won Priority) and rolls again… a 2! the ground. A flying model ignores the movement
The Leader must try to block the Hit. He rolls penalties for scenery it flies over and does not
1d10 and gets a 6: blocked! The Zombie has suffer penalties for flying over friendly or enemy
used all his attacks so now the Leader inverts models as long as its base doesn’t overlap an-
the roles and attacks. He rolls a 4 on 1d10, a Hit. other base when it lands. A ground-level model
The Zombie tries to parry but a feeble 9 means can’t contact or fight a flying model; the base on
the attack gets through and, with no protection, the battlefield is only the shadow of the model
the Hit becomes a wound, which puts it out of ac- in flight! Two flying models can fight a melee by
tion. Massimo adds another Fatigue marker too. moving their shadow bases into contact. The pro-
cedure is the same as normal.
NB: You only get ONE Fatigue marker after every
melee no matter how many attacks or parries Movement: Failure to contact
you performed. If you fight more than one melee If, after a bad measurement or some movement
in the same turn you will get more than one Fa- limitation, the model that declared it would
tigue marker. Remember to remove all Fatigue Move & Fight doesn’t manage to reach the target
markers at the end of each turn. model then it must move as close as possible to it.

(Order #10353714)
Not all objects or weapons used in melee have the same characteristics. Some are more lethal and may
cut bodies in two while others give more protection or even stun. The various melee weapons in this
game are shown in the table below. Any missile weapon can be used in melee and will be considered
an improvised weapon. A bare-handed model inflicts a Shaken result instead of a wound, and a Shaken
& Pinned result instead of two wounds.


Type Characteristics
Improvised weapon low impact
Axe/Hatchet 1 or 2-hands, devastating* (*only if used with 2-hands), sharp
Rifle with Bayonet 2-hands, blunt (butt), pole weapon (point)
Stick/Truncheon/Cosh blunt
Knife throwing weapon, silent weapon
Pitchfork 2-hands, pole weapon
Katana 1 or 2-hands, lethal, light, rending* (*only if used with 2-hands), sharp
Spear 2-hands, pole weapon, silent weapon, throwing weapon
Iron bar 1 or 2-hands, blunt, lethal* (*only if used with 2-hands)
Meat-cleaver rending
Giant meat-cleaver 2-hands, devastating, lethal, rending, sharp
Shovel 2-hands, blunt, sharp
Pick 2-hands, lethal
1 or 2-hands, devastating, lethal, fuel tank, rending* (*only if used with
2-hands), sharp
Sword/Machete sharp
Bastard Sword 1 or 2-hands, lethal* (*only if used with 2-hands), sharp
Knuckle-duster light, low impact
*Declare if you will use the weapon with one or two hands before the melee starts

(Order #10353714)
Bad-Guy Actions and Reactions

Artizan Designs, Giorgio Bassani (coll. Torriani)

General comments
The Bad guys represent the forces of Evil that
our Heroes must defeat, so in order to give
you a stimulating game it is important that the
Bad guys move in a logical and rational way.
This is why each scenario includes specific
notes that may modify some actions or reac-
tions depending on characteristics. A Cultist,
for example, can Hide and if it can, it will try
to ambush your Heroes while a Zombie, on
the other hand, is brainless so it can’t Hide at
all. As we have already mentioned, the Actions
and Reactions of the Bad Guys are managed
with a mechanism that lets you play against
the game instead of a human opponent. A
Master will certainly add “colour” but isn’t
necessary. The Bad Guys mainly move at one
of two different times; either when they react If the Bad guys have firearms, go to 1, oth-
or in the Bad Guy Action Sequence. erwise go to 2.

BAD GUY REACTIONS 1) Measure the distance between the closest

When a Hero declares an Action that includes Hero and the Bad guys with firearms. If more
a some Movement, Melee or Firing check the than one Bad guy can Fire then choose the
table below. Remember that the rules below closest one with an effective weapon and with-
are generic and may change in some scenari- out penalties. If the Bad guy model is in cover
os. Firing Actions have precedence over those with respect to the Heroes then he’ll Fire. If he
related to Movement, so a Hero that says he is not in cover then he’ll Fire & Move or Move
will Move & Fire will first activate the reaction & Fire; depending on the situation he’ll move
related to the Firing and not the Movement. towards the closest cover first (if this shortens
The rules also mention the term “effective”. the range and reduces the penalties) or after
In order to consider a weapon as “effective” it (if moving would mean moving farther away).
must be able to fire at that range (so no NE or If the Bad guy’s weapon is not effective (or
less than 1). has penalties) but it could render it effective
(or reduce penalties) by moving then he’ll de-
 A Revolver is effective up to 30cm, no farther. clare he will Move & Fire, choosing the shortest
route and preferring those that provide cover.
The rules below refer to Bad Guys that haven’t If he can’t make his weapon effective even after
performed an Action yet. If a Bad guy reacts, movement then go to point 2).
perform a Priority Test.
2) Measure the distance from the Hero and
If the closest Hero (in line of sight and least the closest unactivated Bad Guy. If the range
protected) wants to Move, leaving the firing is such that the Bad guy could initiate a me-
arc of one of the Bad guys or moving away lee then he’ll declare a Move & Fight Action; if
from it, then check the possible reactions: the distance only allows the Bad guy model to

(Order #10353714)
contact the Hero then he’ll Move Fast to engage If the target Bad guy or another Bad guy
him. If none of the Bad guys is able to reach the within 20cm (8”) have a firearm go to 1,
Hero then there is no reaction. otherwise go to 3.

If a Hero declares he will Fight (before or af- 1) Measure the distance between the Hero
ter movement) check the possible reactions that will Fire and any Bad guys in the firing arc
below: with firearms within 20cm (8”) of the target
model (including the target model). If more
If the Bad guy is already in contact go to 1. than one Bad guy can fire then the target re-
If the Bad guy isn’t in contact but has a fire- acts first then the next closest. If the weapon
arm, go to 2, otherwise go to 3. is effective and the Bad guy model is in cover
with respect to all the Heroes then he’ll Fire,
1) The target Bad guy declares a Fight & Move; selecting the closest model that is in sight and
if he puts the Hero out of action then he’ll try less protected as his target; if he’s not in cover
to move in order to engage another. If it has then he’ll Fire & Move or Move & Fire; depend-
up close firearms and his BV is higher than or ing on the situation he’ll move towards the
equal to his MV he’ll Fire & Move; if he puts the closest cover first (if this shortens the range
Hero out of action then he’ll try to move and and reduces the penalties) or after (if moving
engage another. would mean moving farther away). If he needs
to move to make his weapon effective (or has
2) If the reacting Bad guy is in cover with re- penalties) then he’ll declare a Move & Fire Ac-
spect to the Hero that wants to fight it and his tion, choosing the shortest route and the one
BV is higher than or equal to his MV then he’ll that offers most cover. If no Bad guy can make
Fire, waiting to intercept him at the closest their weapon effective even by moving then go
point and least in cover on his firing line. If he to point 2).
is not in cover then he’ll Fire & Move or Move
& Fire; depending on the situation he’ll move 2) If the target Bad guy model is already in
towards the closest cover first (if this shortens cover with respect to the firing Hero then he’ll
the range and reduces the penalties) or after Move Carefully to move closer and Hide; if he is
(if moving would mean moving farther away). not in cover he’ll Move Fast towards the clos-
If the Bad guy’s weapon is not effective (or est cover (use the shortest route).
has penalties) but it could render it effective
(or reduce penalties) by moving then he’ll de- 3) Measure the distance between the clos-
clare he will Move & Fire, choosing the shortest est Hero and the target Bad guy. If the range
route and preferring those that provide cover. is such that the Bad guy could initiate a me-
If his BV is less than MV then go to point 3). lee then he’ll declare a Move & Fight Action,
if the distance only allows the Bad guy model
3) Measure the distance between the Hero and to contact the Hero then he’ll Move Fast to en-
the target Bad guy. If the range would allow gage him. If he can’t engage him or fight him
the Bad guy to perform a melee he’ll declare and the Bad guy model is already in cover
a Move & Fight Action; if the distance only al- with respect to the firing Hero then he’ll Move
lows the Bad guy model to contact the Hero Carefully to move closer and Hide; if he’s not
then he’ll Move Fast to engage him. in cover then he’ll Move Fast towards the clos-
est cover (use the shortest route). If the Bad
If a Hero Fires at a Bad guy (before or after guy is brainless and the distance won’t allow
movement, or without moving) check the pos- him to engage or fight the Hero then there will
sible reactions below: be no reaction.

(Order #10353714)
If he can’t make his weapon effective even by

Artizan Designs, Giorgio Bassani (coll. Massimo Torriani)

moving then go to point 2).

2) If the Bad guy model is already in cover then

he’ll Move Carefully towards the closest Hero
to move closer and Hide; if he is not in cover
he’ll Move Fast towards the cover closest to the

3) Measure the distance to the closest Hero.

If it is already engaged then the model will
perform a Fight & Move Action; if the model
puts the Hero out of action then it will try to
move and engage another Hero.
If it is not engaged but the range is such that
the Bad guy could initiate a melee with the
closest Hero then he’ll declare a Move & Fight
Action, if the distance only allows the Bad guy
model to contact the Hero then he’ll Move Fast
to engage him. If he can’t engage him or fight
him and the Bad guy model is already in cover
BAD GUYS ACTION SEQUENCE (with respect to the closest Hero) then he’ll
Now the Bad guys that haven’t performed an Move Fast towards the cover that is closest to
Action this turn get their chance. And given the closest Hero (use the shortest route). If the
that the Heroes have already performed their Bad Guy is brainless it will Move Fast towards
Actions in the previous phase they won’t be the closest Hero using the shortest route.
able to react. Starting with the model that is
closest to the Heroes and in increasing “dis-

Artizan Designs, Giorgio Bassani, North Star Military Figures (coll. Massimo Torriani)
tance” order, use the system below to decide
which Action each model will perform.

If the Bad guy model have a firearm go to 1,

otherwise go to 3.

1) Measure the range to the closest Hero. If

the firearm is effective and has no penalties
and the firing model is in cover with respect
to the closest Hero then the Bad guy will Fire;
if it is not in cover it will Fire & Move or Move
& Fire; depending on the situation he’ll move
towards the closest cover first (if this shortens
the range and reduces the penalties) or after (if
moving would mean moving farther away). If
the Bad guy needs to move to make his weapon
effective or reduce penalties then he’ll declare a
Move & Fire Action, choosing the shortest route
and preferring the one that offers most cover.

(Order #10353714)
Pinned or Shaken Bad guys Closest models – Reachable models – mod-
If the Bad guy is Pinned or Shaken then follow els in sight
these indications first: When a Bad guy model without firearms must
• If the Bad guy is Pinned the first thing he’ll move towards the closest model we always
have to do is to get up using any Movement Ac- choose reachable models.
tion paying 5cm (2”) so instead of Firing the For models with the brainless characteristic,
model will have to Move & Fire. when two Heroes are the same distance away
• If the Bad guy that reacts or acts is Pinned choose the one in sight; if neither is in sight,
and Shaken and out in the open then it can only move towards the closest source of noise
Move Fast towards the closest cover (use the (shots etc.), and if there is no noise then they
shortest route). move towards the centre of the table.
• If the Bad guy is Pinned and Shaken in cover, it Some scenarios may suggest a different direc-
can only Move & Rally; the first thing he must do tion to follow.
is to get up and Rally paying 5cm (2”) of move-
ment, then he moves towards the closest Hero Heroes that are already engaged
but remaining in cover. In some cases the closest Hero may already be
• If the Bad guy is Shaken and out in the open engaged; if this happens and you can engage,
he can only Move Fast towards the closest cover fight or fire at another Hero, then do so.
(use the shortest route). Brainless models will move towards the clos-
• If the Bad guy is Shaken in cover it can only est model in line of sight.
Move & Rally, moving towards the closest Hero
but remaining in cover. Intervening Heroes
Sometimes if you lose a Priority Roll a Hero
When all the Bad guy models have been given an may find themselves on the firing line or the
Action and have received their Activated mark- shortest path of a declared melee. In both cas-
er, you should move to the Turn Ends phase. es, the intervening model becomes the target.

Artizan Designs, Giorgio Bassani, North Star Military Figures, Wargames Factory, Wargames Illustrated

(Order #10353714)

During their encounter ours Heroes will face  Massimo’s Group comprised 10 models with
situations that may make them run away. This a Breakpoint of 4. During play they have al-
is especially likely when they see their com- ready had to perform a Break Test when they
panions drop under enemy fire or devoured by lost their fourth model. But after an enemy at-
some monster. tack their eighth model is put out of action so
the entire Group Routs.
Breakpoint and Break Test
Each Group of Heroes has a Breakpoint. This The scenarios are balanced to a certain num-
number indicates the number of out of action ber of Group points so it follows that Groups of
models the Group can suffer before they need four models or less must contain extraordinary
to Break Test. In order to work out a Group’s characters with incredible skills. The idea that
Breakpoint just check this table: they might flee the battle seems very unlikely
which is why they don’t have a Breakpoint.


Starting number of When a model is forced to perform a Break Test
models in the Group
you can always choose to fail it on purpose.
4 or less - In this case the model flees and is removed from
5- 6 2 play.

7-8 3 “Tomorrow is another day…

9-10 4 that is worth living for”
11-12 5

Artizan Designs (coll. Massimo Torriani)

13 or more 6

A Group of ten models will have a Breakpoint

of 4, so it must test when the fourth model is
put out of action (or is eliminated for other
reasons!). When the Group reaches this Break-
point it must perform a Break Test immediately.
Roll 1d10 for each model left on the table, and
compare the roll to their TV; if the result is
less than or equal to TV then the Test has been
passed and the model stays in the game; but if
the roll is higher than TV then the model flees
demoralised (remove from play).
If the Group’s leader is within 20cm (8") of the
model that is testing then you can Re-roll (this
also applies to the leader himself).

When you reach the Breakpoint for the second

time the Group automatically Routs (remove all
models); the Group automatically loses.

(Order #10353714)
Skill Tests

Contamination Test Strength Test and Dexterity Test

Roll 1d10 and compare the roll with your In some scenarios you may be required to per-
model’s TV: if you roll less than or equal to form a Strength or Dexterity Test.
TV then you’ve passed; if you roll higher you Roll 1d10 and compare the roll with your MV
have failed the Test and the model is contami- (for Strength) or TV (for Dexterity): if you roll
nated. Sometimes you may have to perform less than or equal to the target number you’ve
this Contamination Test with some modifiers. passed and you get the “reward”, but if you
Contaminated models immediately take an ex- roll higher you fail and your Action has been
tra wound; if this puts them out of action don’t spent pointlessly this turn. Check the scenario
remove the model but lay the model on one for more details.
side. Next turn it will transform as indicated
in the scenario.

Artizan Designs (coll. Massimo Torriani)

Heal Test
A model with the first aid characteristic or
a first-aid kit can try to heal a wound on an
adjacent model. Roll 1d10 and compare the
roll with your model’s TV (the one that has
the first aid characteristic or first-aid kit): if
you roll less than or equal to TV then you’ve
passed – remove the Wound marker and the
Firts-aid kit; if you roll higher you’ve failed but
nothing else happens. A model with the first
aid characteristic and a First-aid kit can heal
a wound on another model (or itself) without
a Test; just remove the Wound marker and the
First aid kit. A model with the first aid charac-
teristic can try to remove the Shaken marker
of an adjacent model with a Heal Test; if it
passes just remove the Shaken marker.

Persuasion Test
In some scenarios, in order to solve certain
situations you may be required to pass a Per-
suasion Test. Roll 1d10 and compare the roll Aim test (generic)
with your TV (using your Charisma) or MV (to Roll 1d10 and compare the roll with your Bal-
threaten): if you roll less than or equal to the listic Value: if you roll less than or equal to BV
target number then you’ve passed and you get you’ve passed and you get the “reward”, but
the “reward”, but if you roll higher you fail and if you roll higher you fail and your Action has
your Action has been spent pointlessly this been spent pointlessly this turn.
turn. Sometimes there may even be a modifier Sometimes there may even be a modifier to be
to be applied in the Persuasion Test. Some ob- applied in the Aim Test. Some objects or char-
jects or characteristics can modify results or acteristics can modify results or guarantee an
guarantee an automatic success. automatic success.

(Order #10353714)

Introduction When using two 1-handed weapons you get an

As we have already mentioned, some models extra Melee Roll. When using two weapons the
and weapons have special characteristics that model gets a -1 penalty to BV in Rolls to Hit
can influence the game; let’s look at them one or to MV for Melee). Roll separately for each
by one. weapon.
• Armour: a model with this characteristic

Gorgio Bassani (coll. Massimo Torriani)

wears some sort of protection (helmet, pad-
ding, etc.) and gets Armour Value 2 in melee.
• Assault weapon: an assault weapon doesn’t
apply the -1 penalty to Ballistic Value even if
the model uses the Move & Fire Action.
• Assistant: an assistant model can Re-load a
support weapon used by an adjacent model
(see rules, page 28). If the model with the sup-
port weapon is put out of action leave a mark-
er to show where the weapon is; the assistant
can then pick it up.
• Baptism of fire/Traumatised: when the first
model of the Group is put out of action, a model
with this characteristic performs a Break Test
as if the Group had reached its Breakpoint.
He’ll do another Test if the Group reaches its
• Bare hands: In a melee, a model with this
characteristic inflicts a Shaken instead of a
Wound for every Even Hit that isn’t blocked,
and a Shaken and Pinned result for every Odd
Hit that isn’t blocked.
• 1- or 2-hands: These weapons can be used • Beast: This model can’t perform intelligent
with one or two-hands. Often two-handed use actions such as opening a door, picking up or
will give other characteristics (the intention using an object but it can climb over a low wall
to use it with two hands must be specified or hedge, or climb through an open ground-
when declaring your intents). floor window. It cannot climb over gates, high
A model can only use one 2-handed weapon walls or hedges.
or two 1-handed weapons in a specific Action. • Binoculars: a model with binoculars gets a
• 2-hands: a weapon with this characteristic +5 bonus in the Spotting Test. The model can’t
needs two free hands to be used. use binoculars if it is using a weapon.
• Agile: an agile model adds +1 to TV when at- • Blood lust: a model with this characteristic
tempting a Dexterity Test. gets a +1 bonus in the Melee Roll if they move
It can also force the opponent to perform a Re- before performing the melee. There is no bo-
roll in a Roll to Hit. nus if they are already engaged.
• Ambidextrous: an ambidextrous model can • Blunt: if the Hit is not parried, a blunt weap-
use two 1-handed weapons at the same time on inflicts a Shaken result as well as normal
and the targets of each weapon can be different. damage.

(Order #10353714)
• Brainless: a brainless model cannot perform • Ethereal: an Ethereal model is difficult to hit;
intelligent actions like Hide, opening a door, apply a -2 penalty to MV in melee and to BV in
climbing over a walls or gates or picking up or your Roll to Hit when you target this model.
using an object, etc. By sacrificing the Actions Models with blessed weapons don’t suffer this
of other models you can perform some Move- penalty. Ethereal models don’t apply reduc-
ment Actions (see rules). tions or movement bonuses shown on the
• Bullet-proof vest: a model with this vest has Terrain Table.
Armour Value 3 against missile fire and in me- • Extra ammo: a model with extra ammo ig-
lee. nores the first Ammo! result it gets in the
• Camouflage: a model with this characteristic game.
is trained to Hide. When an enemy model tries • Extremely slow: a model with this charac-
to Spot them they can force a Re-roll of 1d10 teristic gets a -5cm (2”) penalty to movement
or, if it is a Sniper, the highest dice. before any other penalty (e.g. Broken Ground)
• Charismatic Leader: a model with this char- and can never have a Running marker.
acteristic allows all models in his Group with- • Fearsome: any model that is contacted or
in 30cm (12") of his position to Re-roll 1d10 in that wants to contact a fearsome creature
Break Tests and they can use his Tactical Value must perform a Fear Test.
instead of their own. • First aid: a model with this characteristic
• Class IV body-armour: a model wearing this can perform a Heal Test (see rules Page 41)
has Armour Value 5 but he can’t Hide or Move • Flight: A model with this characteristic can
Fast. fly (see rules).
• Claws: a Gigantic or Monstrous model with • Fuel tank: if you roll a natural “10” when
claws transforms Even Hits into Odd if the op- performing a Roll to Hit for a weapon with a
ponent fails their Dexterity Test. fuel tank, the fuel runs out; the weapon loses
• Dangerous: if a model using a dangerous all characteristics and becomes an improvised
weapon is wounded by a firearm you must weapon.
perform an Explosion Test (see rules Page 28). • Full Metal Jacket: a model with these bullets
• Deflagrating: this weapon can disintegrate a adds the Lethal and Devastating characteris-
body. Each wound inflicted means the model tics to his weapon.
can perform an extra Roll to Hit. If the extra

Wargames Foundry (coll. Massimo Torriani)

Roll to Hit causes a new wound this also gener-
ates an extra Roll to Hit…
• Determined: a determined model can Re-roll
1d10 in its Break Tests.
• Devastating: a devastating weapon treats Ar-
mour Values as two levels less (e.g. an inter-
vening wall has AV2 instead of AV4).
• Disgusting: any model that is contacted or
that wants to contact a disgusting creature
must perform a Fear Test with a -2 penalty.
• Disturbing: these Bad guys scare the enemy.
The Heroes in the Group must Re-roll 1d10 in
each successful Break Test.
• Eagle-eyes: a model with eagle-eyes can Re-
roll 1d10 in the Spotting Test when trying
to Spot a target and ignores the Camouflage

(Order #10353714)
• Ghastly: any model that is contacted or that It can be deployed anywhere (at least 40cm
wants to contact a ghastly creature must per- (16") from any enemy model).
form a Fear Test with a -1 penalty. • Laser sight: a weapon with a laser sight can
• Gigantic creature: a gigantic model gets an Re-roll 1d10 in its Roll to Hit even when using
extra Melee Roll. Any model that is contacted the Move & Fire Action.
or that wants to contact a Gigantic creature • Lawful: a lawful model can’t break-into hous-
must perform a Fear Test with a -1 modifier es or cars without the owner’s permission and
to TV and a Dexterity Test which, if it fails, im- can’t search anywhere other than in a Police Sta-
plies it must take 1d5 automatic Even Hits. tion and will prevent anyone within 20cm (8”)
• Hard to kill: if a model that is hard to kill from performing these Actions. In order to con-
doesn’t take as many wounds as its Wounds vince this model and perform the Action, a Lead-
Value in a single attack (missile fire or melee), it er must spend a Move & Interact Action within
heals immediately; if it is not out of action then 20cm (8”) to attempt a Persuasion Test; you get a
after the attack don’t give it any Wound markers. +2 TV bonus in Pre-Apocalypse scenarios.
• Indirect fire (minimum range x): a weapon • Leader: This model allows all models in its
with this characteristic can fire on an arched Group within 20cm (8”) of its position to Re-
trajectory and when it doesn’t have a firing roll 1d10 in Break Tests.
line; in this case a communication is needed • Lethal: a lethal weapon inflicts two wounds
(see rules). Can only fire at models beyond the for every Even Hit that isn’t blocked; each Odd
distance shown. Hit that isn’t blocked causes three wounds.
• Infected: if an infected model wounds a mod- • Light: Using a light weapon means you don’t
el without this characteristic it may infect it. get Fatigue markers after each melee. If you get
Perform a Contamination Test. If an infected a natural “10” on the Melee Roll the weapon
model puts a model without this characteris- breaks and becomes an improvised weapon.
tic out of action, leave the model on the table; If this characteristic is used together with the
next turn it’ll stand up with the characteris- rending characteristic the model only gets ONE
tics as shown in the scenario. Fatigue marker after each melee instead of two.
• Infiltrator: an infiltrator model is deployed • Low impact: Hits caused by a weapon or
last, together with stealthy models. creature with this characteristic only produce
one wound even if they are Odd.
• Marksman: a model with this characteristic
North Star Military Figures, Artizan Designs (coll. Torriani)

can Re-roll 1d10 in the Roll to Hit when firing

with a weapon with rate of fire 1 (or with the
selective-fire switch set to single shot) and if he
doesn’t use the Move & Fire Action.
• Martial Arts/Boxer: a model with this char-
acteristic can Re-roll 1d10 in the Melee Roll
(both in attack and defence).
• Monstrous creature: a monstrous model gets
two extra Melee Rolls. Any model that moves
into line of sight of a Monstrous creature for
the first time must perform a Fear Test with a
-2 modifier to TV. A Hero that is contacted (or
intends to contact a monster with this charac-
teristic) must perform a Fear Test and a Dex-
terity Test; failure means it must take 1d10 au-
tomatic Even Hits.

(Order #10353714)
• Move & Fire: A model with this characteris-

Empress Miniatures (coll.Adriano Losi)

tic ignores the -1 penalty to BV even if it per-
forms a Move & Fire Action
• No place to hide: a weapon with this char-
acteristic treats Armour Values as three levels
lower (e.g. an intervening wall counts as AV1
instead of AV4).
• One use only: if a weapon with this charac-
teristic is fired or thrown then give the model
a No Ammo Left! marker; it can no longer be
used this game.
• Pole weapon: a model using a pole weapon
always gets +1 to TV in the Priority Test. The
model always performs one of its Melee Rolls
when contact is made, no matter the Prior-
ity, but only if the opponent is in the model’s
frontal arc. The Melee Roll takes place before
the melee and the results are applied immedi-
ately: the enemy can attempt to parry. If the
enemy isn’t put out of action then the normal
melee takes place, when both models can use After performing all the extra Melee Rolls the
their remaining Melee Rolls. If the opponent model gets two Fatigue markers.
also has a pole weapon then combat takes • Seasoned fighters: a seasoned fighter can
place as normal. force its opponent to a Re-roll in Melee (both
• Predator: a predator can land on areas of in attack and defence).
cover or linear obstacles without being put • Selective-fire: a weapon with a selective-fire
out of action. switch can choose to fire a single shot with
• Quick on his feet: a model with this charac- rate of fire 1.
teristic is difficult to hit and if you try to hit it • Sharp: a model using a sharp weapon can
you’ll have a -1 penalty to both Rolls to Hit and Re-roll 1d10 in the Melee Roll (if attacking).
Melee Rolls. This bonus is cumulative with the Martial Arts
This characteristic doesn’t apply is the mod- characteristic.
el is wearing a Bullet-proof vest or any other • Sight: a model with a sight treats Armour
type of armour. Values as two levels lower (e.g. an intervening
• Radio/Cell phone: a model with this charac- wall counts as AV2 instead of AV4).
teristic can communicate and/or receive co- • Silent weapon: A model remains Hidden if it
ordinates of a Acquired Target. See rules about fires a silent weapon from cover.
Communications. • Single shot: if you fire a single shot weapon
• Relentless: a relentless model never per- give the firing model an Ammo! marker. The
forms the Break Test, but does Rout with the weapon can’t be used again until a Re-load Ac-
rest of the Group if the Breakpoint is reached tion is used to re-load the weapon or an as-
for the second time. sistant re-loads. The model can fire with other
• Rending: a rending weapon can amputate weapons it may be carrying.
limbs. For each wound inflicted in melee the • Slow: a slow model gets a -2.5cm (1”) penal-
model can perform an extra Melee Roll. If the ty to movement before any other penalty (e.g.
extra Melee Roll causes a fresh wound this Broken Ground) and can never have a Running
generates another extra Melee Roll. marker.

(Order #10353714)
Giorgio Bassani (coll. Massimo Torriani)
any enemy model). Emerging from the ground
takes the entire movement; the model should
be facing the closest Hero.
• Support weapon: a support weapon can be re-
loaded by an adjacent assistant model.
• There are so many of them!: when a model
with this characteristic is put out of action put it
in the Reserve (see Reinforcements).
• Throwing weapon: a throwing weapon can be
thrown (see rules): use normal firing rules. You
can’t throw two 1-handed throwing weapons at
the same time (apart from some rare exceptions).
• Undead: an undead model is never considered
to have the Bare hands characteristic (it bites,
scratches, rips etc.). An Undead model doesn’t
get a Fatigue model after Melee. They never per-
form Break Tests but will Rout with the rest of
the Group if the Breakpoint is reached for the
second time.
• Unstoppable: an unstoppable model treats a
grazed result as a Miss and ignores any Shaken
results (don’t ever give this model a Shaken
• Slow re-load: you need to spend two Re-load • Up close: a weapon with this characteristic
Actions to Re-load a weapon with this charac- can be used to fire at models that are adjacent
teristic. After firing give the model two Ammo! even if they are already engaged or if the firing
markers. model is already engaged. In this case the model
• Sniper: a sniper rolls 2d10 (instead of 1d10) can perform either a Fire or Move & Fire Action.
for all Spotting Tests and can use the higher • Veteran: A veteran can Re-roll 1d10 for the
of the two dice both when spotting and being Priority Roll each turn.
spotted. The sniper also treats damage inflict- • Weak: a weak model can’t climb over high
ed as one level higher, so a graze result means gates or walls without the help of another mod-
the target is Hit and a Wound means the target el who sacrifices 2.5cm (1”) of movement.
takes two Wounds, etc.
Artizan Designs, (coll. Massimo Torriani)

• Stealthy: a stealthy model is deployed last,

together with infiltrator models and can be de-
ployed anywhere (but more than 30cm (12”)
from any enemy model).
• Strong: if a strong model performs a Strength
Test it can have one Re-roll. In Melee Rolls, treat
Even results as Odd (inflicting two wounds).
• Summoned: a model with this characteristic
is not deployed at the start of the game. When
it performs its first Action (which must be Move
Carefully) it emerges from the ground and is
deployed anywhere (at least 20cm (8”) from

(Order #10353714)
Building Groups


Each model has a Points value that represents Each Group has a Roster that shows:
how powerful it is in the game. These Points val-
ues allow players to fight with balanced forces. Alignment: This distinguishes between Heroes
Before each game the players agree on how many and Bad guys
points to use. The game is designed for 500-point
Groups. If more players are in the game we sug- Type: This is the type of scenario based on the
gest using equal numbers of points (two players setting (Modern, Vintage, etc.). The Vintage
should have 250 points each). The most experi- period ranges from the Victorian Age to the
enced player on each side should buy the Leader. 1920s and 1940s. Feel free to add or limit the
Each Group Roster indicates some compulsory use of certain weapons depending on the pe-
models and some optional ones. We have also riod chosen.
provided some Variants that can be bought for
the cost shown. Setting: This shows if the setting is Pre- or Post-
Apocalypse. Some scenarios can be played in
 A Group of Survivors must have at least one both.
Leader but you can but up to two Specialists, a
veteran, up to two Policemen, a Doctor… Description: This shows the type of Group: Sur-
vivors, Evil Hordes, Demons, Hordes of Undead
In the scenarios the type of Group allowed may (of various categories), Vampires and acolytes,
be shown, together with a maximum number Satan worshippers, etc.
of models you can use. Once you’ve decided
the Group’s Points value you’ll have to choose Composition: These are the models available
the Bad guys you want to use in the game, us- and the number you can choose of each catego-
ing the same number of Points that you used ry: leader, second-in-command, followers, spe-
for the Group. Each Hero can carry up to 10 ob- cialists, assistants, recruits… the numbers show
jects, 4 of which can be weapons. Once you’re at the minimum and maximum number of these
this limit you’ll have to drop something to pick models that you are allowed.
something else up.
 For a Group of Survivors the text “0-2 Fire-
arms specialists” shows that you can buy from
Artizan Designs, Wargames Factory (coll. Massimo Torriani)

none to two models of this type.

Group Characteristics: This part shows special

notes and rules.

Model Description: This shows what sort of per-

son the model represents and his equipment.

Values: This shows what sort of TV, MV, BV etc

each model has.

Variants: These are the Variants you can buy

and their points cost.

(Order #10353714)
Alignment: Heroes - Type: Modern - Setting: Pre- and Post-Apocalypse.

1 Leader, 0-1 Former Soldier, 0-2 Firearms Specialist and/or Melee Weapons Specialists, 0-1
Veteran, 0-2 Policemen, 0-9 Followers/Criminals, 0-9 Employees, 0-9 Shop Assistants, 0-3
Sportsman, 0-5 Hunters, 0-5 Builders/Carpenters, 0-1 Doctor, 0-5 Teenagers, 0-5 Children,
0-3 Pensioners

Group Characteristics: -

Model and description TV MV BV AV W Characteristics Cost

semi-automatic pistol, knife
8 7 7 - 3 determined, leader 88
Former Soldier:
rifle, knife
7 7 7 - 2 leader 70
Firearms Specialist:
rifle, knife
6 5 8 - 2 marksman, veteran 71
Melee Weapons Specialist:
6 8 5 - 2 agile, martial arts 55
assault rifle, knife
6 7 7 - 2 traumatised, veteran 85
semi-automatic pistol, truncheon
6 6 6 - 2 lawful 58
revolver, knife
5 6 6 - 2 48
improvised weapon
5 5 5 - 2 31
Shop Assistant:
improvised weapon
5 4 4 - 2 27
improvised weapon
5 6 5 - 2 agile 38
knife, shotgun
5 5 6 - 2 44
7 5 5 - 2 first aid 48
Builder, Carpenter:
iron bar
5 6 5 - 2 strong 46
improvised weapon
4 4 4 - 2 agile 30
improvised weapon
4 3 3 - 1 weak 15
improvised weapon
5 3 4 - 1 slow, weak 16

(Order #10353714)
- The Leader can become a charismatic leader for +5 points.
- The Leader can buy a rifle for +19 points.
- The Leader can buy an Assault rifle for +46 points.
- The Leader can replace his semi-automatic pistol and knife with TWO machine-pistols and get the ambidextrous
characteristic for +46 points.
- The Leader can replace his knife with a second semi-automatic pistol and get the ambidextrous characteristic
for+26 points.
- The Leader can replace his semi-automatic pistol with a sub-machine gun for +10 points.
- The Leader can replace his semi-automatic pistol with a machine-pistol for +10 points.
- The Leader can replace his semi-automatic pistol with a large calibre revolver for +10 points.
- The Former Soldier can replace his rifle with a pump-action shotgun for +28 points.
- Any Firearms Specialist can replace his rifle with a crossbow for -11 points.
- Any Firearms Specialist can replace his rifle with a bow for -3 points.
- Any Firearms Specialist with a bow can replace it with a composite bow and remove the low impact characteristic
for +3 points each.
- Any Firearms Specialist can replace his rifle with a semi-automatic rifle for +8 points.
- Any Firearms Specialist can replace his rifle with an assault rifle for +27 points.
- Any Firearms Specialist can fit a rifle or semi-automatic rifle with a sight for +10 points.
- Any Melee Weapons Specialist can replace his stick with a sword for +1 point.
- Any Melee Weapons Specialist can replace his stick with a katana for +24 points.
- The Veteran can fit his assault rifle with a laser sight for +5 points.
- The Veteran can fit his assault rifle with a grenade-launcher for +26 points.
- The Veteran can buy grenades for +15 points.
- The Veteran can buy a bullet-proof vest for +15 points.
- The Veteran can replace his assault rifle with a rocket-launcher for -7 points.
- Any Policeman can buy a pump-action shotgun for +47 points.
- Any Policeman can buy a bullet-proof vest for +15 points.
- Any Policeman can replace his semi-automatic pistol with a large calibre revolver for +10 points.
- Any Follower/Criminal can buy a pump-action shotgun for +47 points each.
- Any Follower/Criminal can replace his revolver with a semi-automatic pistol for +10 points each.
- Any Follower/Criminal can replace his revolver with a machine-pistol for +20 points each.
- Any Employee can buy a stick for +4 points each.
- One Employee can buy a semi-automatic pistol for +20 points each.
- Any Shop Assistant can buy a stick for +4 points each.
- Any Shop Assistant can buy a knife for +4 points each.
- Up to two Shop Assistants (cooks, butchers) can buy meat-cleavers for +10 points each.
- One Sportsman can replace his improvised weapon with a knife for +3 points.
- One Sportsman can buy a semi-automatic carbine for +17 points.
- Any Sportsman can buy a base-ball bat (stick) for +4 points each.
- One Hunter can replace his shotgun with a pump-action shotgun for +39 points.
- Up to two Hunters can replace their shotguns with rifles for +11 points each.
- Up to two Hunters can load their shotguns with large-calibre shot, removing the low impact characteristic for +3
- One Builder/Carpenter can replace his iron bar with a chainsaw for +24 points.
- Any Builder/Carpenter can buy a hatchet for +10 points each.
- Any Builder/Carpenter can buy a knife for +4 points each.
- One Builder/Carpenter can buy TNT/dynamite for +29 points.
- One Doctor can buy a revolver for +10 points.
- One Doctor can buy a semi-automatic pistol for +20 points.
- One Doctor can buy a first aid kit for +10 points.
- Any Teenager can buy a sling for +13 points each.
- Any Teenager can buy a knife for +4 points each.
- Any Pensioner can replace his improvised weapon with a stick for +3 points.

(Order #10353714)
Alignment: Heroes - Type: Vintage - Setting: Pre- and Post-Apocalypse.

1 Leader, 0-1 Former officer, 0-1 Rifleman, 0-1 Boxer, 0-3 Former soldiers, 0-3 Policemen, 0-4 Bourgeois/
Aristocrats, 0-4 Criminals, 0-3 Hunters/Poachers, 0-2 Chefs, 0-10 Waiters, 0-3 Builders, Carpenters or
Blacksmiths, 0-1 Doctor, 0-6 Teenagers, 0-4 Children and/or Pensioners, 0-3 Aristocratic ladies

Group Characteristics: -

Model and description TV MV BV AV W Characteristics Cost

rifle, revolver
8 7 7 - 3 determined, leader 93
Former officer: determined, leader,
revolver, sword
7 7 7 - 2 marksman, 72
rifle, knife
6 6 8 - 2 marksman, veteran 73
6 8 6 - 3 boxer, strong 65
Former soldier:
rifle, knife
6 6 7 - 2 determined, veteran 72
revolver, truncheon
6 6 6 - 2 lawful 48
6 5 6 - 2 lawful 36
cosh, knife
5 6 6 - 2 42
meat-cleaver, knife
5 5 5 - 2 44
knife, shotgun
5 5 6 - 2 41
improvised weapon
5 5 4 - 2 29
Builder, Carpenter or Blacksmith:
iron bar
5 6 5 - 2 strong 46
revolver, knife
6 5 5 - 2 first aid 56
improvised weapon
4 4 4 - 2 agile 30
improvised weapon
4 3 3 - 1 weak 15
5 3 4 - 1 slow, weak 19
Aristocratic Lady
improvised weapon
4 4 4 - 1 25

(Order #10353714)
- The Leader can become a charismatic leader for +5 points.
- The Leader can replace his rifle with a shotgun for -11 points.
- The Leader can replace his rifle with a second revolver and get the ambidextrous characteristic for +1 point.
- The Leader can replace his rifle with a sub-machine gun for +7 points (from 1920).
- The Leader and the Former officer can replace their revolvers with large calibre revolvers for +20 points each.
- The Former officer can buy a second revolver and the ambidextrous characteristic for +20 points.
- The Rifleman can replace his rifle with a shotgun for -11 points.
- The Rifleman can load his shotgun with large-calibre shot, removing the low impact characteristic for +3 points.
- The Rifleman can fit his rifle or semi-automatic rifle with a sight for +10 points.
- The Rifleman can replace his rifle with a large calibre rifle for +19 points.
- The Boxer can buy a knife for +4 points.
- The Boxer can buy a sword for +5 points.
- The Boxer can buy a stick for +4 points.
- Any Former soldier can attach a bayonet to his rifle for +8 points.
- Any Former soldier can replace his rifle with a shotgun for -11 points.
- Any Former soldier can load his shotgun with large-calibre shot, removing the low impact characteristic for +3
- One Policeman can buy a pump-action shotgun for +47 points (from 1920s).
- One Policeman can replace his revolver with a sub-machine gun for +16 points (from 1920s).
- One Bourgeois/Aristocrat can buy a shotgun for +8 points.
- One Bourgeois/Aristocrat can buy a large calibre rifle for +30 points.
- One Bourgeois/Aristocrat can load his shotgun with large-calibre shot, removing the low impact characteristic
for +3 points.
- One Bourgeois/Aristocrat can buy a rifle for +19 points.
- One Bourgeois/Aristocrat can buy a revolver for +10 points.
- One Bourgeois/Aristocrat can become a Scientist for +10 points.
- One scientist can buy a light flame-thrower for +51 points.
- One scientist can buy TNT for +29 points.
- One Criminal can buy a revolver for +10 points.
- Up to two Criminals can replace their sticks with revolvers for +6 points each.
- One Criminal can buy a rifle for +19 points.
- One Criminal can buy a shotgun for +8 points.
- One Criminal can load his shotgun with large-calibre shot, removing the low impact characteristic for +3 points.
- One Criminal can buy a sub-machine gun for +26 points (1920s).
- One Criminal can buy TNT for +29 points.
- One Criminal can buy a crowbar (iron bar) for +5 points.
- One Waiter can replace his improvised weapon with a stick for +3 points.
- One Waiter can buy a knife for +4 points.
- Any Builder/Carpenter/Blacksmith can buy a knife for +4 points each.
- Any Builder/Carpenter/Blacksmith can buy a hatchet for +10 points each.
- One Doctor can buy a meat-cleaver for +10 points.
- One Doctor can buy a first aid kit for +10 points.
- Any Teenager can buy a sling for +13 points.
- Any Pensioner can buy a knife for +4 points.
- Any Pensioner can buy a muzzle-loading rifle for +3 points each.
- Any Pensioner can buy a musket/carbine for +4 points each.
- Any Aristocratic Lady can replace her improvised weapon with a knife for +3 points.

(Order #10353714)
Alignment: Bad guys - Type: Vintage/Modern - Setting: Pre- and Post-Apocalypse.

0-5 Zombie Bruisers, 0-30 Wandering Zombies, 0-10 Broken Zombies, 0-10 Ravenous Zombies, 0-5
Zombie Dogs

Group Characteristics:
- This Group does not test when it reaches its Breakpoint. It only routs when one of the two Groups
reaches their objective.
- The There are so many of them! characteristic increases the cost of the Group by +100 points.
Model and description TV MV BV AV W Characteristics Cost
brainless, fearsome, ghastly, infected,
Zombie Bruiser:
2 3 - 4 2 hard to kill, slow, there are so many of 54
them!, undead, unstoppable
Wandering Zombie: brainless, infected, slow, there are so
2 2 - - 1 many of them!, undead, unstoppable
brainless, extremely slow, infected,
Broken Zombie:
2 2 - - 1 there are so many of them!, undead, 12
blood lust, brainless, infected, there
Ravenous Zombie:
3 2 - - 1 are so many of them!, undead, 22
Zombie Dogs beast, blood lust, infected, there are so
6 3 - - 1 many of them!, undead, unstoppable
- Any Bruiser can buy a meat-cleaver for +10 points.
- Any Bruiser can buy a giant meat-cleaver for +34 points.

Alignment: Bad guys - Type: Vintage/Modern - Setting: Pre- and Post-Apocalypse.

1 Mummy, 1 Dark Priest, 0-30 Cultists, 0-5 Cultist Guards, 0-2 Insect swarms

Group Characteristics:
- This Group does not test when it reaches its Breakpoint. It only routs when one of the two Groups
reaches their objective.
- The There are so many of them! characteristic increases the cost of the Group by +100 points.
Model and description TV MV BV AV W Characteristics Cost
Mummy: disgusting, fearsome, hard to kill, slow,
2 5 - 3 3 undead, unstoppable 80
Dark Priest: meat-cleaver 5 5 5 - 2 unstoppable 50
Cultist: cosh 3 4 4 - 2 there are so many of them! 26
Cultist Guard: revolver 3 4 5 - 2 there are so many of them! 34
beast, flight, low impact, there are so
Insect swarm 2 2 - - 1 many of them!, unstoppable, quick on 18
his feet
- The Priest can buy a knife for +3 points.
- The Priest can buy a revolver for +10 points.
- Each Cultist Guard can buy a knife for +3 points each.
- All the Cultists and Cultist Guard can get the unstoppable characteristic for +10 points each.

(Order #10353714)
Preparing your Scenarios
Introduction Objects
As already mentioned, before play you’ll need When a Hero examine a Clue he may discover
to prepare a battlefield which should measure an object. If he decides to pick the object up
120x120cm (4’ x 4’). It makes it much easier to then the model is equipped with the object
subdivide this area mentally into nine 40x40cm and can use its characteristics or special abili-
(1x1ft) areas in three rows – South, Centre, ties by declaring as much as an Action. You
North. Each area should contain from 1 to 4 can only carry 10 objects so if you pick up an
elements of scenery. The scenario will always eleventh object, the model must drop one.
provide the basic instructions to be followed If a Hero is put out of action you can allow oth-
and underline the indispensable scenery but er Heroes to pick up his objects, or just those
of course these are only guidelines. In future found under Clues. In both cases, remember to
expansions we’ll provide specific campaigns use a marker to show where the dropped ob-
with a series of interconnected scenarios that jects are. Since out of action Heroes can some-
will influence the subsequent games and that times recover (see Last Chance Table in the
will allow your Heroes to grow from one game Campaign Section) agree amongst yourselves
to another. The scenarios always state the Type beforehand if you really want to allow other
(Modern/Vintage), Setting (Pre/Post Apoca- Heroes to pick up all the dropped equipment.
lypse) and the Sort of Bad guys that can be cho- Picking up more than one object in the same
sen as your opponents (Zombies, Demons, Vam- turn costs 2.5cm (1”) of movement for each
pires, Werewolves, Cultists, Aliens, etc.). If you object picked up after the first.
want, ask the most experienced player or the

Giorgio Bassani (coll. Massimo Torriani)

Master to prepare the table to save some time.

Placing Entry Points and Clues

Before deploying the Heroes you’ll have to
place the Entry Points (where the Bad Guys will
appear) and the Clues: check the scenario for

Hero Deployment: General rules

After preparing the table and choosing your
Group of Heroes you’ll have to deploy them
on the battlefield. If the Group is run by more
than one player, each player rolls 1d10 and
adds the highest TV from amongst his models.
The player with the highest total can choose
to deploy his own model in the Hero Deploy-
ment Area. Then the players take turns until
all Heroes have been deployed.
Infiltrator or stealthy models are declared in
this phase (pass your turn) but are actually
put on the table last, after the Bad guy mod-
els have been deployed. In competitive games
if both Groups have one or more infiltrator or
stealthy models then both players roll 1d10
and add the highest TV in the Group; whoev-
er gets the highest total deploys their model

(Order #10353714)
Clue markers

Artizan Designs (coll. Massimo Torriani)

Scenarios always contain Clue markers. In or-
der to make the game more varied the Clue
markers have the same backs and will be shuf-
fled between locations. When a Hero is adja-
cent to one of these markers (before or after
movement) and is using a Move & Interact Ac-
tion to examine it, turn the marker over to see
what is hidden there. The Clue could hide an
object, event, discovery, unpleasant surprise,
or even a trap; check the scenario for details.
Normally events will trigger special situations
(sunrise, chains breaking etc), while discover-
ies will reveal mysteries or give clues useful to
solve the adventure (the secret spell to banish
the ghost is in the book, the silver bullets kill
werewolves etc.). After turing over the Clue
marker remove and if it represents an object,
note it on the model’s roster. If the Hero that
has an object is put out of action put the mark-
er back on the table so another Hero can come
and pick it up by moving over it. ery that you own. In general you should iden-
tify the locations where the Clue markers will
Entry Points be found. A location can be small, medium or
In nearly all the scenarios you’ll have to pre- large. A small one is normally be a piece of fur-
pare some Entry Points, numbered from 1 to niture such as a cupboard, a desk or a work-
10. This is where the Reserves come back. Put bench. A medium location could be a room
them near woods, roads, buildings etc, check- with at least one entrance.
ing the scenario for more details. A large one must be big enough to contain a
Try to ensure the placement is realistic to Monstrous creature.
avoid strange situations (maybe hordes of
zombies coming out of a car?...) and remember Unpleasant surprises
that the Entry Point markers have two sides – Sometimes when you examine a Clue you
a white-text means a non-activated area, and might get an unpleasant surprise. Check the
the other side (with black text) shows that an scenario for details.
area has been activated and bad guys have ap-
peared here. Traps
We suggest placing the Entry Points next to In some scenarios when you turn over the
Clue markers and around 25/30cm (10/12”) Clue marker you’ll find a trap. Check the sce-
from each other so that when you uncover a nario to see what sort of Test you must pass to
Clue you also activate an Entry Point. avoid the terrible consequences.

Unpleasant events There are so many of them!

When a player rolls a natural “10” Bad Guys Models with the There are so many of them!
appear. Check the scneario to see how this characteristic are in the reserve and come
happens. into play as Reinforcements.
The scenario will tell you how they appear
Locations and behave. When models with the There are
The scenarios will provide some hints about so many of them! characteristic are put out
how you should set up the table but feel free of action they are put in the Reserve ready to
to adapt the table to the actual items of scen- come back into play!

(Order #10353714)
Gigantic Creatures can also break through a barred & barricaded
As well as applying a -1 penalty to TV in Fear door or window; after sacrificing the Action,
Tests, Gigantic creatures get an extra Melee Roll consider them as cleared and models can move
and when a model is contacted by a Gigantic through them. A Gigantic or Monstrous creature
creature the former must perform a Dexterity can only be stopped by an armoured door with
Test: if it fails it automatically takes 1d5 Even at least AV7.
Hits. If the creature has the claws characteristic
the Hits are Odd. Consider these Hits like tenta- Brainless
cles, horns or being trampled on, depending on A brainless model can’t perform intelligent Ac-
the type of monster in play. tions so it can’t open a closed door, it can’t climb
over a hedge or wall, it can’t climb over a gate
Monstrous Creatures or fence and it can’t climb through an open win-
As well as applying a -2 penalty to TV in Fear dow either. But if enough models bunch up then
Tests, Monstrous creatures get two extra Melee the mass may push them over low obstacles!
Rolls and when a model is contacted by a mon- Sacrificing the Actions of 3 adjacent brainless
strous creature the former must perform a Dex- models, any subsequent models can be placed
terity Test: if it fails it automatically takes 1d10 adjacent but on the other side of a low lin-
Even Hits. If the creature has the claws charac- ear obstacle (wall, window, hedge, fence); this
teristic the Hits are Odd. Consider these Hits costs their full Movement Action. Barred and
like tentacles, horns or being trampled on, de- barricaded doors and windows prevent access
pending on the type of monster in play. no matter how many models bunch together.
Gates, high hedges and walls can’t be climbed
Seeing a Gigantic or Monstrous Creature for by models with the brainless characteristic.
the first time
When a Hero sees a model with these charac- Beast
teristics for the first time he must perform a A model with this characteristic can’t perform
Fear Test with all applicable TV penalties; if he intelligent actions like opening doors but can
fails he’ll be Shaken. hide, climb over a low wall or hedge, enter a
building through an open ground-floor window
Exploring rooms: “Home sweet home” (jumping in). Normally they can’t climb over
The first time a model is next to an unexplored gates or high walls and hedges but some crea-
room and looks through a door or window roll tures can (like monkeys or flying insects) and
on the Reinforcements Table to see how many this is specified in the various Rosters.
(and which) Bad guy models are inside. If the
Reserve is empty or if there are not enough North Star Military Figures (coll. Massimo Torriani)
models then use models that are already on the
table and farthest from the Heroes. From now
on the room is considered explored and won’t
generate other rolls on the Reinforcements Ta-

Gates, Fences, Barred & barricaded doors

and windows, high walls and hedges
A gate or wire fence can be pushed over by
sacrificing the Actions of 15 human-sized adja-
cent models. Gigantic and Monstrous creatures
count as 15 models for this rule. Gigantic and
Monstrous creatures can sacrifice an Action to
breach a gap in a high wall or hedge. In both cas-
es, after sacrificing the Action, remove a 10cm
(4”) stretch. A Gigantic or Monstrous creature

(Order #10353714)
Scenario 1: Escape to the country
Scenery needed: A road at least 120cm (4’) long

Giorgio Bassani (coll. Massimo Torriani)

and at least 10cm (4”) wide, a building with a
door and three open windows (if there are more
doors or windows consider them as already
barricaded), a stable, a tool-shed, a tractor/car-
riage and a pig-sty or a hen-coop. We suggest
some cultivated fields to underline the country-
side setting. For the purposes of the Home Sweet
Home rule, the main building must have at least
four rooms, the stable should have at least two
rooms and the shed is only one room. On the
Southern edge we suggest you prepare a few
cars or a roadblock (in modern scenarios) or a
barricade with carriages (in vintage scenarios),
that simulate some sort of attempt at a hasty de-

Clue markers: 1 carpenter’s tools, 2 first aid kits,

1 axe, 1 shotgun, 5 unpleasant surprises.

Type: Modern/Vintage Entry Points markers: Numbered from 1 to 10

Setting: Post-Apocalypse
Category of Bad guys: Zombie Horde Preparation
Place the road in the middle of the table running
Description: North to South. Place the house next to the road
The Apocalypse started during the night. in the central northern area, surrounded by
The city is in flames and swarming with the fields. Place the stable, the tool-shed, the tractor,
Undead looking for new victims to eat. Will the pig-sty and the hen-coop etc. in the central
out Heroes manage to escape the flesh eating area. Add some scenery to increase the realism
hordes? but leave some gaps for the Zombies too.

NB: The game is designed for a Group worth Placing Clue markers
500 Hero points fighting Bad guys worth 400 Shuffle the following markers: 1 carpenter’s
points, comprising: 10 Wandering Zombies, 4 tools, 1 axe, 3 unpleasant surprises, 1 first-Aid kit.
Ravenous Zombies and 3 Zombie Bruisers. You Place them face-down in 6 different locations in
can change these numbers as long as the total the central or northern rows, chosen from sta-
points value remains the same (you could use a ble, tool-shed, tractor/carriage, pig-sty and hen-
Zombie dog instead of two wanderers). coop, or other items of scenery that they could
reasonably be found in. Shuffle the remaining:
Objective for the Heroes: 1 shotgun, 1 first aid kit, 2 unpleasant surprises.
The Group must reach the house, explore all the Place them face-down in the rooms in the house.
rooms, kill any Bad guys they find inside and
then barricade themselves in, barricading the Entry Points
doors and windows. Place 6 Entry Points corresponding to the Clue
markers outside the house; the remaining 4
Objective for the Bad guys: must be placed on the table edge; 1 in the cen-
Eat all the Heroes (or rout them) and stop them tral-southern area, 1 in the central-north area, 1
barricading themselves inside the house. to the east of the central row and one to the west.

(Order #10353714)
Hero Deployment: Within 30cm (12") of the Reinforcements
Southern edge In the Reinforcements Phase, when a Hero is
within 30cm (12”) of an unactivated Entry Point
Bad guy Deployment: The first wave is already the Master rolls on the Reinforcements Table.
on the table; Roll 2d10 (of different colours). The Bad Guys that appear are placed next to
The first identifies the Entry Point and the sec- the Entry Point and can start moving next turn.
ond is the number for the Reinforcements Ta- Once activated turn the Entry Point marker over
ble. Place the models shown. Do this 5 times. to its black side; no fresh Reinforcements will
appear here (apart from unpleasant events).
Hero points: 500 points
Bad guy points: 400 points REINFORCEMENTS TABLE
1-2: Two wandering zombies (or a Zombie
SPECIAL RULES Dog or Ravenous Zombie) arrive here.
Unpleasant events 3-4: Three wandering zombies (or Zombie
When a player rolls a natural “10” he/she ac- Dogs or Ravenous Zombies) arrive here.
tivates an unpleasant event. Roll 2d10 (of dif- 5-6: Three Ravenous zombies (or Zombie
ferent colours). The first identifies the Entry Dogs or Bruisers) arrive here.
Point and the second is the number for the Re- 7-8: Two Bruisers (or Ravenous Zombies,
inforcements Table. The Bad Guys that appear Zombie Dogs, Wandering Zombies) arrive here.
can perform an action this turn. 9-10: No Bad Guys here!

Unpleasant surprises When rolling for Reinforcements, check to see if

When you turn over an unpleasant surprise the models are in the Reserve; if they aren’t then
marker then, in this scenario, a Wandering check the alternatives in brackets in that order,
Zombie appears. Place it 5cm (2”) from the taking different ones to get to the required to-
Hero that used the Move & Interact Action to tal needed. If there are none available then the
trigger it. The Wanderer can be activated in area is clear!
the same turn in which it appeared. If the Re- When rolling for the Home Sweet Home rule
serve is empty then remove one of that sort of take the Bad guys from both the Reserve as well
model from the table (the furthest) and use it as the models on the table, starting with those
instead. Think of this as a model being discov- farthest from the Heroes.
ered suddenly or that you hadn’t seen yet.
Game ends
Contaminated The game is over when one of these conditions
Contaminated Heroes that are put out of ac- is met:
tion become wandering zombies; use the cor- a) The Heroes have explored all the rooms in
responding stats. the house, have checked all Clues in the house
and have barricaded all the access points in the
Barricading doors and windows house.
You can barricade an adjacent door or win- b) The Bad guys have forced the Heroes to flee
dow if you have the carpenter’s tools (hammer or Rout or the Heroes have been put out of ac-
and nails); after spending a Move & Interact tion.
Action (or vice-versa) the door or window is
considered barricaded. A Bad guy can react The Heroes each get 15 Experience points for
by moving next to a window/door that is go- each barricaded door or window.
ing to be barricaded to engage or fight a Hero They each get 10 Experience points for being in-
on the other side, even if it can’t get in. Barri- side the house when the last point of access is
caded doors and windows are considered im- barricaded.
passable unless you have a crowbar and you The Heroes each get 5 Experience points if they
use a Move & Interact Action that allows you are on the table but outside the house when the
to open the door/window again. last point of access is barricaded.

(Order #10353714)
Scenario 2: The Mummy
The game ends as soon as these four tasks have

North Star Military Figures (coll. Massimo Torriani)

been completed.

Objective for the Bad guys:

Eliminate all the Heroes, get the Book and com-
plete the ritual.

Specific scenery needed:

This should be an Egyptian or European set-
ting, so try to use a Pyramid for the Egyptian
setting with four rooms to show the insides
and other scenery (tents, obelisks, statues,
oasis, Arab houses...). In Europe maybe try an
old setting such as a temple, church etc., four
rooms and thematic scenary (tents, columns,
earth-movers, boxes & crates, etc.)

Clue markers:
1 pick, 1 first aid kit, 1 map of the dig (discov-
ery), 3 unpleasant surprises, 3 traps, 1 Book of
the Dead (discovery), 1 sarcophagus (event), 1
notebook (discovery).
Type: Modern/Vintage
Setting: Pre-Apocalypse Entry Points: da 1 a 10
Category of Bad guys: Cultists
Description: Place the tents, buildings and other elements to
A recent archaeological dig has uncovered represent the dig; decorate the area with the-
the burial chamber of the Sorceror Akhena- matic scenary. The Pyramid entrance (or ruins)
ton. Dark tales have been told about his reign. and it’s rooms are in the central Northern zone.
A Cultist Priest, master of the Dark Arts, has In that same zone place the two open entrances
brought the Sorceror back to life but to com- - one to the East and one to the West - with the
plete the ritual and restore his powers the closed entrance in the middle pointing South.
Priest needs the terrible Book of the Dead Place the rooms accordingly.
which he and his followers are looking for
desperately. Will our Heroes manage to elimi- Placing Clue markers
nate the Mummy and banish its evil spirit for Shuffle: 1 first aid kit, 1 pick, 2 unpleasant sur-
evermore? Or will they die trying? prises, 1 map of the pyramid and the notebook
face down in 6 different locations outside the
NB: The game is designed for a Group worth 500 pyramid or ruins. Shuffle the remaining mark-
Hero points fighting Bad guys worth 400 points, ers: 1 unpleasant surprise and 3 traps and place
comprising: 1 Priest with revolver, 1 Mummy, 4 them each face-down in the 4 different rooms
Cultists, 4 Cultist Guards and an insect swarm. inside the pyramid or tunnels.

Objective for the Heroes: Entry Points

The Group must eliminate the Mummy, find the Place 3 Entry Points near to the pyramid (or tunnel)
Book of the Dead, banish the Mummy’s soul and entrances, 6 outside next to the Clue markers and 1
eliminate the Priest. on the centre of the southern edge of the table.

(Order #10353714)
Hero Deployment: Remove (at random) an unpleasant surprise
Within 30cm (12") of the Southern edge. or trap and add the Book of the Dead mark-
er. Shuffle them and redistribute randomly
Bad guy Deployment: face down in the locations that haven’t been
There are no Bad guys on the first turn. searched yet.
If all the locations have already been searched
Hero points: 500 points the Book of the Dead is placed in this location
Bad guy points: 400 points and is automatically picked up.

SPECIAL RULES Book of the Dead

Unpleasant events The Book contains the spell needed to banish
When a player rolls a natural “10” he/she ac- the Mummy’s soul forever and also the spell
tivates an unpleasant event. Roll 2d10 (of dif- needed to restore the Mummy’s powers.
ferent colours). In order to banish its soul forever, a Hero
The first identifies the Entry Point and the sec- must spend an entire Move & Interact Action
ond is the number to look for on the Reinforce- to recite the arcane words in the same turn
ments Table. that the Mummy is put out of action.
If this doesn’t happen then the Priest, if still in
Unpleasant surprises play, can bring the Mummy back to life. In this
In this scenario when you turn over an un- case in the Reinforcements Phase roll 1d10;
pleasant surprise a Cultist appears. Place it the Mummy reappears at this Entry Point.
5cm (2”) from the Hero that used the Move & If the Priest is dead then the Mummy will only
Interact Action to search. reappear if a Hero rolls a natural “10” (un-
The Cultist can be activated in the same turn pleasant event); in this case instead of rolling
in which it appeared. on the Reinforcements Table, the Mummy ap-
If the Reserve is empty then use a Cultist mod- pears.
el from the table (the farthest).
Map of the dig When a Hero finds a trap it must perform a
When a Hero finds the map remove all Clue Trap Test to see what happens.
markers in the Pyramid or tunnels that The Hero rolls 1d10 and compares it to its
haven’t been examined. Remove (at random) Tactical Value: If the result is less than TV
an unpleasant surprises or trap and add the then the model saw the trap in time and
sarcophagus marker. Shuffle them and redis- avoided it; if the roll is equal to TV then the
tribute randomly face down in the locations model is Shaken; if the roll is higher than TV
that haven’t been searched yet. then the trap is triggered and the hero takes
If all the locations have already been searched a wound.
the sarcophagus had been moved and is placed Leave the trap marker on the table; from this
in this current location. moment any model that moves within 5cm
(2”) of the marker must perform a Trap Test
Sarcophagus (the area is full of them!).
When a Hero finds the Sarcophagus, place it
together with the Priest and the Mummy 5cm Mummy
(2”) away from that Hero. Both can be activat- If the Mummy is wounded by fire (e.g. flame-
ed in the turn they appear. thrower, Molotov etc.) then ignore it’s hard to
kill characteristic.
The Notebook contains all the Priest’s notes Pick
about the Book fo the Dead. When a Hero finds A Hero with a Pick and adjacent to a closed
the notebook remove all Clue markers in the entrance can spend a Move & Interact Action
Pyramid or ruins that haven’t been examined. to open it. From now on it is an open door.

(Order #10353714)
then check the alternatives in brackets (in that

Artizan Design, North Star Military Figures (coll. Massimo Torriani)

order), even taking different ones to get to the
required total.
If there are none available, because they are all
on the table, then the area is clear!
When rolling for the Home Sweet Home rule
take the Bad guys from both the Reserve as well
as the models on the table, starting with those
farthest from the Heroes.

Game ends
The game is over when one of these conditions
is met:

a) The Heroes have killed the Priest and the

Mummy and have also banished his soul.

b) The Bad guys have forced the Heroes to flee

or the Heroes have been put out of action.

The Hero that killed the Priest gets 20 Experi-

ence points and the Hero that killed the Mum-
my gets 30 Experience points. The Hero that
banishes the Mummy’s soul gets 10 Experience
Reinforcements points. The Heroes get 10 Experience points
In the Reinforcements Phase, when a Hero is each for surviving until the Victory conditions
within 30cm (12”) of an unactivated Entry have been met.
Point the Master rolls on the Reinforcements
The Bad guys that appear are placed next to

Artizan Design, North Star Military Figures (coll. Massimo Torriani)

the Entry Points. Starting on the next turn all
the Bad guys that have returned as reinforce-
ments can act as normal.
Once activated, turn the Entry Point over to
their black side; this means that no other rein-
forcements will turn up here unless there is an
unpleasant event.

1-2: A Cultist (or Swarm or Cultist Guard)
arrives here.
3-4: Two Cultists (or Swarms or Cultist
Guards) arrive here;
5-6: Three Cultists (or Swarms or Cultist
Guards) arrive here;
7-8: Two Cultist Guards (or Swarms or Cult-
ists) arrive here;
9-10: The area is all clear.

When rolling for Reinforcements, check to see

if the models are in the Reserve; if they aren’t

(Order #10353714)
Campaign Game

GENERAL COMMENTS If you decide to use a Group with a higher points

In order to make your games even more var- value then make sure that the Bad-guys also
ied and allow you to manage campaigns we have more points (but 100 less than the Heroes.
have included the following rules that allow
your Heroes to improve from one game to an- Models recovering after an adventure
other. Depending on the result of each game After each scenario Groups can rally and/or
the Heroes may win some Experience points medicate their models for the next game. Mod-
(XP) that can be used to buy new models, im- els that fled, were abandoned or that Routed
prove the ones you already have in the Group are automatically recovered. Models that were
or buy objects and/or variants. wounded when the game ended can be healed
by a model with the first aid characteristic or
If you want to use these rules then you should with a First aid kit (see Heal Test); if the Roll fails
photocopy the Roster at the front of this book there may be permanent damage (see Convales-
and fill it in, keeping it updated at all times. cence Table). Models that have been put out of
When you play with Experience you must take action must roll on the Last Chance Table. If a
into account the amount of XP that each hero model rolls the same Permanent damage more
has gained. There are two ways to play the than once then the effects are cumulative (e.g. a
Campaign game: Cooperative or Solitaire. model with two limps becomes Extremely Slow)
In a Cooperative game you should share the but if the reduction reduces any Value to 0 the
available Hero points amongst yourselves to model dies (remove from the Roster).
buy Heroes and equipment. The Solitaire cam-
paign just foresees a single player exploring Experience points and Total Value of a Group
the scenario, using all the Heroes. Experience Points must be noted on the Roster in
the squares below each model. Before playing a
The scenarios have been balanced with the new game the Heroes can spend any Experience
suggested models but you can change them so points they may have for objects, weapons, equip-
they correspond to the models that you have ment and new companions. The Total Value of a
in your collection, trying to keep the same Group is the sum of the value of the various He-
number of points. roes and the accumulated Experience Points.


There are serious complications and the model is momentarily maimed. In the next
1-2 game the TV drops by -1 (e.g. TV4 becomes TV3). After the next game the wound heals
and the penalty no longer applies.
There are some minor complications and the model has temporary damage for the
3-4 next scenario. Roll 1d10: 1-5 the MV drops by -1; 6-10 the BV drops by -1. After the
next game the wound heals and the penalty no longer applies.
The cure isn’t perfect and the model has a limp for the next game, becoming Slow.
After the next game the wound heals and the penalty no longer applies.
7-8 The wound doesn’t heal and the model starts the next game wounded.

9-10 The model recovers perfectly.

(Order #10353714)
1-5 The model dies of blood-loss or is eaten (remove it from the Roster).
The model has been miraculously saved but takes permanent damage. Roll 1d10:
6-9 1-3 its TV drops by -1; 4-6 its BV drops by -1; 7-9 MV drops by -1; 0 the model has
a permanent limp and becomes slow. These are all cumulative.
The model comes through in the end. It can’t play in the next game but will come
back after that. It gets the veteran characteristic and if it was already veteran it
10 becomes determined. If it was already veteran and determined it becomes unstop-
pable. If it was already veteran, determined and unstoppable its TV is permanently
increased by +1.

Spending Experience points Personal Equipment and additional charac-

The Personal XP spent to buy a weapon or ob- teristics
ject are considered Model Points and are add- Instead of buying weapons, objects or Heroes
ed to the original model value. The Group can a model can spend 10XP to roll on the Personal
spend XP for a new model; just subtract the XP Equipment Table or Additional Characteristics
required from various models' savings up to the Table. This time the Hero’s total XP is reduced by
value of the new companion on the Roster. 10 but don’t forget to add 10 points to the Hero’s
points value.
 A Leader was worth 85 points and subtracts
(spends) 10XP to transform the semi-automatic  Mario’s Leader had won 15XP.
pistol into a sub-machine gun. The Leader’s cost Before the new scenario he decides to spend
doesn’t change. 10 to roll on the Physical Characteristics Table.
A roll of 1 means the model is Ambidextrous.
 The Group has 100 XP and subtracts The 10XP are subtracted and the model’s value
(spends) 84 XP to buy a Veteran. The Group’s is increased by +10 points (85 +10 = 95) .
cost doesn’t change. The Leader’s total cost doesn’t change.

Artizan Miniatures, Giorgio Bassani, North Star Military Figures, Wargames Illustrated (coll. Massimo Torriani)

(Order #10353714)
Pulp Figures (coll. e foto Renato Genovese)
PERSONAL EQUIPMENT TABLE The object or weapon bought can be given to an-
Choose a category and roll 1d10. other member or the Group, adding 10 points of
value to the receiving model and reducing the val-
Modern Personal Equipment ue of the model that gives the weapon by 10 points.
1: bullet-proof vest
4-5: extra ammo Choose a category and roll 1d10.
6-7: binoculars
8-9: sight Personal Characteristics
10: armour (Hockey kit or similar) 1: agile
2-3: first aid
Vintage Personal Equipment 4-5: eagle-eyes
1: crowbar (equivalent to iron bar) 6-7: determined
2-3: lucky charm (+1 on Convalescence Table) 8-9: veteran
4-5: first-aid kit 10: unstoppable
6-7: binoculars
8-9: sight Physical Characteristics
10: armour (breastplate or colonial helmet) 1: ambidextrous
2-3: blood lust
Modern/Vintage Firearms 4-5: seasoned fighter
1: sub-machine gun (if allowed, if not then bow/ 6-7: strong
crossbow) 8-9: quick on his feet
2-3: revolver 10: infiltrator
4-5: knife
6-7: rifle Training Characteristics
8-9: axe 1: assistant
10: shotgun 2-3: marksman
4-5: camouflage
6-7: martial arts/boxer
Modern/Vintage melee weapons 8-9: stealthy
1: knuckle-duster 10: sniper
2-3: sword
4-5: pick If the model already has the characteristic it can
6-7: stick re-roll on another Characteristics table; if it rolls
8-9: spade something it already has for the second time then
10: meat-cleaver it can try again on the original category.

(Order #10353714)
Competitive Game
GENERAL COMMENTS Engine), player’s models can always react. If a
Instead of playing Solitaire or Cooperative Hero acts, then the Bad guys and enemy Hero
games you can play Competitive mode, defin- can counter-react by indicating a model and
ing different deployment areas while keep- stating its intentions and so on.
ing the objectives unchanged. You’ll need to If there are actions and counter-reactions
change some other rules slightly. then perform a Priority Test to see in what or-
der these Actions will be performed.
Deployment If neither the bad-guys nor the opponent react
Player A’s models can only be deployed in the (or can’t…) then the player that declared the
South-East zone and Player B’s in the South- Action will execute that Action.
West. The players take turns to deploy their
Heroes. Infiltrator or stealthy Heroes will be HERO ACTIVATION SEQUENCE
declared (passing) but they are physically de- In this phase the models will be activated al-
ployed at the end of this phase after all mod- ternately and perform specific Actions.
els without these characteristics have been
deployed. If both players have stealthy or in- - The Player that won the Initiative decides if
filtrator models then both roll 1d10 and add they want to go first or second.
their highest TV; whoever gets the highest to- - The Player that starts becomes Player A
tal will deploy their model first. - Player A chooses a model and states what
Action it intends to perform.
Bad guys - The Bad guys check the Action and Reaction
The points value of the Bad guys in competi- Engine to see if they must react.
tive games should be equal to the sum of the - Whether a Bad guy reacts or not, Player B
points values of the two Groups of Heroes. can react by choosing a model and declaring
which Actions it intends to perform.
TURN SEQUENCE - Player A can counter-react choosing another
model and declaring which Actions it intends
1) Rally to perform.
2) Initiative - The Bad guys check the Action and Reaction
3) Heroes Action Sequence Engine to see if they must react.
4) Bad guys Action Sequence - Player B can react by choosing a model and
5) Reinforcements declaring which Actions it intends to perform.
6) Turn ends - This alternance continues until one of the
Players passes (and in any case up to a maxi-
INITIATIVE mum of three Activations per player.
In order to decide who starts perform an Ini-
tiative Test: both players roll 1d10 and add Dice are rolled to define the Priority of each
their Leader’s TV. If all leaders are out of ac- declared activation.
tion or Shaken then use the highest TV on the Activations are performed in Priority order
(non-Shaken) models still on the table with a (highest first) and after each Action give the
-1 penalty; if all models are Shaken then don’t model an Activated marker. This sequence
add TV. Compare results; the player with the is then followed by the other player until all
highest total has won the Initiative. Hero models on the table have performed an
If it’s a draw then roll again. Action and have their Activated marker. If the
The winner of the Initiative can decide wheth- opponent doesn’t react and the Bad guys don’t
er to activate one of their Heroes first or force activate, then there is no need to roll for Prior-
the opponent to play first. Unlike Bad-guy re- ity and the Player (A ) that declared the activa-
actions (that are managed with the Reaction tion immediately executes the Action.

(Order #10353714)
Artizan Miniatures (coll. Massimo Torriani)
If, on the other hand, there were reactions
(and maybe counter-reactions) then a Pri-
ority Test is needed (roll 1d10 as normal).
The rolled dice are left next to each model
to make it easier to remember who rolled
which number and therefore in which order
the Actions will be performed.
The Actions are then executed starting with
the highest total, and in reverse numerical
order. If there is a draw between Heroes
from the two Groups then the model that de-
clared the Action first in this chain of events
will perform their Action first. If you draw
with a Bad guy then the Hero goes first.
If the same player’s models draw then he
can decide which will move first. All models
that perform an Action must be given an Ac-
tivated marker. Once this phase is complete
it’s Player B’s turn (no matter who reacted
or not). He will choose an unactivated mod-
el and declare his intents.
Of course, his opponent can then react if he
wants, and Player B can counter-react just
like in the example above. This sequence
(Player A – Player B) is repeated until all
the Heroes on the table (both Groups) have
performed an Action and have received an
Activated marker.

Remember! Reacting and counter-reacting

are not compulsory; you can always pass. The
turn isn’t over after three models have been
activated – once the declared activations
have been performed then the phase starts
again with Player B, then Player A again etc.
Sometimes one of the players may finish mov-
ing his models before his opponent does; in
this case obviously the player that has al-
ready activated all his models can’t react.
This helps simulate the times when a numeri-
cally superior force overcomes a smaller en-

When all the Heroes have their Activated

marker then it’s the Bad guys Action se-
quence followed by the Reinforcements and
the End of the Turn.

(Order #10353714)
PAG. 4 PAG. 41

PAG. 5 PAG. 42

PAG. 6 PAG. 47

PAG. 8 PAG. 53

PAG. 14 PAG. 56

PAG. 18 PAG. 58

PAG. 31 PAG. 61

PAG. 36 PAG. 64









(Order #10353714)
Bad Guys Reaction Engine
If the closest Hero (in line of sight and least protected) wants to Move, leaving the firing arc of one of the Bad guys or moving
away from it, then check the possible reactions below:
Do the Bad guys have firearms? If “YES“ go to 1, if “NO” go to 2.
Measure the distance between the closest Hero and the Bad guys with firearms. If more than one Bad guy can Fire then choose the
closest one with an effective weapon and without penalties. If the Bad guy model is in cover with respect to the Heroes then he’ll
declare he will Fire. If he is not in cover then he’ll declare a Fire & Move or Move & Fire; depending on the situation he’ll move to-
1 wards the closest cover first (if this shortens the range and reduces the penalties) or after (if moving would mean moving farther
away). If the Bad guy’s weapon is not effective (or has penalties) but it could render it effective (or reduce penalties) by moving
forwards then he’ll declare he will Move & Fire, choosing the shortest route and preferring those that provide cover. If he can’t
make his weapon effective even after movement then go to point 2).
Measure the distance between the Hero and the closest unactivated Bad Guy. If the range is such that the Bad guy could initiate a
2 melee then he’ll declare a Move & Fight Action; if the distance only allows the Bad guy model to contact the Hero then he’ll declare
a Move Fast Action to engage him. If none of the Bad guys is able to reach the Hero then there is no reaction.

If a HERO declares he will Fight (before or after movement) check the possible reactions below.
Is the target Bad guy already in contact? If “YES” go to 1.
If the target Bad guy isn’t in contact but has a firearm? If “YES“ go to 2, if “NO” go to 3.
The target Bad guy declares a Fight & Move; if he puts the Hero out of action then he’ll try to move in order to engage another. If it
1 has up close firearms and his BV is the same or higher than his MV he’ll Fire & Move; if he puts the Hero out of action then he’ll try
to move and engage another.
If the reacting Bad guy model is in cover with respect to the Hero that he wants to fight in melee and his BV is higher than or equal
to his MV then he’ll declare a Fire Action, waiting to intercept him at the closest point on his firing line. If he is not in cover then he’ll
declare a Fire & Move or Move & Fire; depending on the situation, he’ll move towards the closest cover first (if this shortens the range
and reduces the penalties) or after (if moving would mean moving farther away). If the Bad guy’s weapon is not effective (or has
penalties) but it could render it effective (or reduce penalties) by moving forwards then he’ll declare he will Move & Fire, choosing the
shortest route and preferring those that provide cover. If his BV is less than MV then go to point 3).
Measure the distance between the Hero and the target Bad guy. If the range would allow the Bad guy to perform a melee he’ll
3 declare a Move & Fight Action; if the distance only allows the Bad guy model to contact the Hero then he’ll declare a Move Fast
Action to engage him.

If a HERO FIRES at a Bad guy (before or after movement or without moving) check the possible reactions below.
Does the target Bad guy or another Bad guy within 20cm ( 8”) have a firearm?
If “YES“ go to 1, if “NO” go to 3.
Measure the distance between the firing Hero and any Bad guys in the firing arc with firearms and within 20cm (8”) of the target
model (including the target model). If more than one Bad guy can fire then let the target react first (if it has a firearm), then the
closest. If the weapon is effective and the Bad guy model is cover with respect to the Hero that he wants to fight then he’ll declare
a Fire Action, selecting the closest model that is in sight and less protected as his target; if he’s not in cover then he’ll Fire & Move
or Move & Fire; depending on the situation he’ll move towards the closest cover first (if this shortens the range and reduces the
penalties) or after (if moving would mean moving farther away). If he needs to move to make his weapon effective (or has penal-
ties) then he’ll declare a Move & Fire Action, choosing the shortest route and the one that offers most cover. If no Bad Guy can make
their weapon effective even by moving then go to point 2).
If the target Bad guy model is already in cover with respect to the firing Hero then he’ll Move Carefully to move closer and Hide; if he
is not in cover he’ll Move Fast towards the closest cover (use the shortest route).
Measure the distance between the closest Hero and the target Bad guy. If the range is such that the Bad guy could initiate a melee
then he’ll declare a Move & Fight Action, if the distance only allows the Bad guy model to contact the Hero then he’ll declare a
Move Fast Action to engage him. If he can’t engage him or fight him and the Bad guy model is already in cover with respect to the
firing Hero then he’ll Move Carefully to move closer and Hide; if he’s not in cover then he’ll Move Fast towards the closest cover
(use the shortest route). If the Bad guy model has the brainless characteristic and the distance won’t allow him to engage or fight
the Hero then there will be no reaction.

(Order #10353714)
Narrative Horror Skirmish

Imagine a world where all of your deepest fears

have come to life, a place where monsters, terrifying creatures and
deviant criminals threaten your very existence and that of the entire planet.
You and your friends are the only ones that can stop these terrible plans…
Will you succeed or will you die trying?

In Arkeo Obskura a handful of heroes (from the Modern or Victorian eras or

even from the early 1900s) face incredible adventures populated by zombies,
witches, mummies, ghosts, the forgotten, aliens... Each scenario contains
clues, events and discoveries that enrich the story. The game system is easy
to lean and intuitive and you don’t need a Master.
You can play solitaire or with friends in cooperative or competitive mode.
You will see your characters grow, buying new characteristics and
equipment from one game to the next.
This book contains two adventures and others can be
downloaded free from our website.

This is a complete game.

Don’t miss our updates and news!
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(Order #10353714)

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