Dog Body Language
Dog Body Language
Dog Body Language
Dogs are very social animals. The ancestors of todays domestic dogs lived in packs. Communication among the members of a pack is necessary for the pack to cooperate to hunt, raise the young, and to get along. We can see pack behavior when watching two or more dogs together. For the most part dogs communicate through body language, that is dogs use their bodies to explain their moods and thoughts. Dogs in a pack communicate easily with each other. It is important for every dog owner to learn to read these messages so we can adjust our training to how the dog is feeling. A dog basically uses five parts of his body to communicate. These are the tail, ears, mouth and teeth, eyes and the fur along the dogs back (which are also called the hackles). A dogs posture, that is whether it is standing, crouched or lying down, is also very important.
Head high
for the first time. The dog has not yet decided if it needs to communicate submission play, aggression, or fear. This state usually lasts only a brief moment before the dog chooses to show another feeling.
Ears forward
pub/behavior/dog lit/body language.p65 rev 11/03
F E A R : A frightened dog can very easily become an aggressive dog, and many people have been bitten by dogs showing signs of fear.
S U B M I S S I O N : This is the way a dog explains that he is not the boss, that he is less dominant than those around him. It is often used when a dog is afraid of punishment and is trying to appease his more dominant pack members.
fear-based posture may bite if cornered may be growling may urinate and/or express anal glands
Hackles up Tail tucked Ears back Pupils dilated Wrinkled nose Body lowered Corner of mouth back
may urinate may be whining avoids eye contact tail may be wagging & held low OR tail may be tucked completely under body
Forhead smooth Tail down Body lowered Ears back Licks at mouth of superior dog Corners of mouth back Grovelling movements
explains that he is the boss, that he is more dominant than those around him.
dominant/confident posture dog is dangerous, may attack at any time may be growling/barking tail may be held high & stiff while wagging slowly
Ears forward Wrinkled Hackles up nose Corner of mouth forward Stands tall and forward on toes
Tail tucked
P L A Y : May look like submission in some aspects but the dog will be active and excited. It is the way he says Play with me! PLAY BOW
an invitation to play! front end lower than hind end tail up and wagging may bark & run in circles ears up or slightly back hackles smooth
S T R E S S : A dog who is showing signs of stress is telling the rest of the world that he is uptight and unsure about his situation. The more signs of stress a dog is showing, the more anxious he is becoming. Some stress in training is natural but a dog that is severely stressed can not learn. He needs to rest. If pushed much further in the current situation he may react with fearful aggression. SIGNS OF STRESS
sniffing licking lips scratching excessive blinking dilated pupils panting and salivating increased activity or pacing, restlessness, distraction, agitation whining, excessive vocalizing shaking hiding behind owner need for repeated commands when ordinarily responds to one command excessive shedding loss of appetite (will not eat treats ordinarily loves) shutting down by turning away or avoiding eye contact or freezing in place diarrhea sweating through the pads of feet