- Mobile phones and other wireless technologies emit microwave radiation that can affect the brain and body, and intelligence agencies have exploited this for mind control purposes.
- ELF signals transmitted through cell towers, phones, and other devices can mimic brain waves and influence moods, making people more docile and easy to control.
- The UK government has deployed these weapons targeting low-income housing areas to pacify residents and expand control over the population.
- Mobile phones and other wireless technologies emit microwave radiation that can affect the brain and body, and intelligence agencies have exploited this for mind control purposes.
- ELF signals transmitted through cell towers, phones, and other devices can mimic brain waves and influence moods, making people more docile and easy to control.
- The UK government has deployed these weapons targeting low-income housing areas to pacify residents and expand control over the population.
- Mobile phones and other wireless technologies emit microwave radiation that can affect the brain and body, and intelligence agencies have exploited this for mind control purposes.
- ELF signals transmitted through cell towers, phones, and other devices can mimic brain waves and influence moods, making people more docile and easy to control.
- The UK government has deployed these weapons targeting low-income housing areas to pacify residents and expand control over the population.
- Mobile phones and other wireless technologies emit microwave radiation that can affect the brain and body, and intelligence agencies have exploited this for mind control purposes.
- ELF signals transmitted through cell towers, phones, and other devices can mimic brain waves and influence moods, making people more docile and easy to control.
- The UK government has deployed these weapons targeting low-income housing areas to pacify residents and expand control over the population.
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1/12 www.whale.to/b/rifat.html MICROWAVE MIND CONTROL by Tim RiIat UK INTELLIGENCE FORCES AND MICROWAVE MIND CONTROL MIND CONTROL As a scientist researching into microwave weapons used on the general public, evidence that the GM900 microwave network as used by Vodaphone and British Telecom, is a major health hazard, has come to my attention. DeIence Intelligence Agency (DIA) documents entitled: Biological Effec Of Elecomagneic Radiaion (Radioae and Micoae) Eaian Commni Conie, show that microwave Irequencies similar to those oI the cellular phones can cause health problems in the Iollowing areas: Blood. Cardiovascular System. Cells. Central Nervous System. Digestive System. Glands. Metabolism. Reproduction. Visual System. Internal Sound Perception. Equipment to test the Irequency and intensity oI microwave phones shows that they produce signals similar to microwave ovens. Two Vodaphone cellular phones were producing 100mW/cm 2 and 50 mW/cm 2 respectively. The danger level Ior microwave ovens is 5mW/cm 2 and the Russians regularly used 10 mW/cm 2 Ior weapon research. These Vodaphones will thereIore cause signiIicant health problems iI used. A variety oI cell phones can be tested to see how dangerous they are. The GM1800 system used by Orange uses higher Irequency microwaves. Australian scientists Iound this caused cancer in mice exposed to radiation oI this type. The documents in my possession show that microwaves pass deeply into the body and can have a negative eIIect on the brain and body. The DIA research dates Irom 1976 and shows the dangers were known about over twenty years ago. The Soviets used the Irequencies and intensities used by mobile phones, 1800 MHz and 900 MHz, as weapons. It is a rule oI the intelligence community that you hide things in plain view, getting the public to accept microwave mind control weapons which eIIect their behaviour under the guise oI mobile phones was a stroke oI genius. Getting the public to pay Ior these microwave mind control devices, so their brains and behaviour can be damaged, to make them more docile and easy to control, was pure diabolical genius. UK INTELLIGENCE FORCES AND MICROWAVE MIND CONTROL Microwave weapons that turn people into stressed, conIused, submissive zombies are being used in Britain's inner cities. Developed by the communists, microwave weapons similar to microwave ovens have since the 1980s, been targeted on inner city council estates. These weapons transmit extremely low Irequency (ELF) signals which mimic natural brain waves; at the Ilick oI a switch, all the people around these microwave transmitters are turned into submissive zombies who cannot think clearly, become depressed, apathetic and want to lounge around all day doing nothing: the inner city malaise Iound on Britain's streets. With the advent oI new ELF detectors designed by the author's research teams, the mass mind control oI the metropolitan 29.11.11 MICROWAVE MIND CONTROL b Tim Rifat 2/12 www.whale.to/b/rifat.html UK population can be proved. ELF signals are oIIicially only Iound at nuclear submarine communication stations, so the researchers were shocked to Iind microwave and UHF, mind control signals in city centres, the author's Ilat, being sent through mobile phones, the BT telephones and Irom the numerous transmitters that dot the country. The massive increase in mobile phones has enabled the UK security Iorces to use this network oI transmitters to beam mind control signals into the brains oI anyone living near these transmitters. Microwave phones use pulse modulated microwaves oI the correct intensity to pass through the skull into the brain and control behaviour. Microwave transmitters are thereIore the perIect medium Ior the transmission oI ELF signals to mind control the UK population. Researchers are oI the opinion that the inner city riots oI the early eighties Iorced the Thatcher regime to deploy ELF mind control devices developed in the 1970s to turn the working class housing estates into total policing zones. In these zones, ELF transmitters turned the inhabitants into docile zombies. So successIul was this technology that it was expanded to cover all major towns. Mass mind control oI the UK public to make them submissive and obey authority was expanded, hand-in-hand with the mobile phone network and military and police microwave transmitters. Now the entire London conurbation is covered by UHF and microwave carrying mind numbing ELF. Research into the use oI microwave weapons and their use Ior mind control began in 1950s at the Tavistock Institute, one oI Britain's leading psychiatric research establishments. The UK institute was researching into ways oI mind controlling the British population without them knowing. The monkey submission response, whereby the dominant monkey caused submissive behaviour in the underlings, was the brain state oI most interest to the British scientists. Having Iound this speciIic brain rhythm Ior docile submissive, zombie-like behaviour, it was then recorded and used as the template Ior the ELF signal beamed on UK microwave transmitters. Britain was the Iirst discoverer oI microwave technology, used Ior radar, in the 1940s and thereIore had a commanding lead over everyone else in this Iield. The 1970s brought a darker side to the story, with the news that the Russians were microwaving the US embassy in Moscow. One third oI the staII eventually died oI cancer Irom this microwave irradiation. Australian scientists proved in 1997, that tiny amounts oI microwave produced by the very saIest mobile phones, cause cancer in mice, when exposed to this radiation. Greenham Common was the Iirst time that the Ministry oI DeIence was involved in the oIIensive microwaving oI women protesters, the so called Greenham Common Women. This event showed that the UK security Iorces were willing to use lethal doses oI microwave radiation on large groups oI the general public. Equipment showed that the women peace protesters were subject to high levels oI microwave radiation, some oI them have subsequently died Irom cancer. Northern Ireland would have been a perIect proving ground Ior mass mind control technology. Research at the Tavistock institute enabled the Thatcher government to put into large scale use, the Irequency which causes submission in humans. Radiating this ELF Irequency on microwave transmitters, cellphones, BT phones and by use oI other transmitters, the inner city population can be behaviourally controlled. My research group have ELF detectors, which can prove all manner oI UK transmitters are being used to mind control the population. Since ELF is not Iound naturally, and is only used Ior nuclear submarine communication, its presence proves mind control weapons are being used on the general public. The author also has access to scientiIic documents showing the devastating eIIects oI ELF broadcast by microwave, UHF and VHF on humans. It is alleged that Marconi put this microwave technology into Iull scale production, and around thirty scientists and military personnel on the project who began to ask questions committed `suicide' under mysterious circumstances. 29.11.11 MICROWAVE MIND CONTROL b Tim Rifat 3/12 www.whale.to/b/rifat.html My research has Iound that microwave weapons are targeted on middle class troublemakers and researchers who cause problems Ior the establishment. Russian and American research has Iound that pulse modulated microwaves (as used Ior mobile phones) can, when modulated with ELF which mimics speciIic brain patterns change the behaviour oI the victim at the Ilick oI a switch. It has been Iound that UK security police, such as MI5 use the 450 MHz Irequency used Ior this research (legally allowed to be used by the police) Ior behavioural control. A vast catalogue oI mind control Irequencies in the MHz range, FM radio, TV and mobile phone Irequencies, have been measured, which are used in the UK Ior mind control and killing or disabling victims: 147, 153, 197, 199, 447, 453, 456, 466, 853, 883, 884, 887... Symptoms can be depression, beIuddled thinking, loss oI memory, stress, not being able to cope, manic behaviour, schizophrenia, nervous breakdowns, physical collapse, brain and nervous system damage, heart attacks, cancer... An example was Brighton police van, parked outside the Brighton Pavilion which was used to beam UHF and microwaves at vagrants to clear them Irom the area. All Brighton's city centres are bombarded with microwaves when vagrants congregate to make them so ill they have to Ilee. The Evening Argus newspaper asked the police iI the white van which was parked in the Brighton Pavilion grounds Ior months, was their van, they replied it was one oI their 'surveillance' vehicles. On Wednesday, 4th oI February the author was passing Brighton Police station with a Irequency counter which detects microwave weapons, and I detected a 452 MHz microwave beam being directed at two young oIIenders sitting on a wall opposite the station. I conIronted the police with the reading, Robert Galloway, spokesperson Ior the police stated, "they were not interested in microwaves even iI they were a danger to health." The author has uncovered widespread use oI microwave weapons in Brighton by the police and MI5 as a test programme to clear vagrants Irom the city centre. Contacting researchers in this Iield oI enquiry, they all complain oI microwave-like symptoms, headache, nausea, giddiness, eye damage, ear problems... Readings I have taken show that the 750-1000 MHz range is used by the intelligence services Ior inducing nervous and physical collapse. Microwave ovens give oII 1000 MHz. On the Channel 4 programme, For the Love ofNew World Order, shown on Monday night at 12pm, on April 6th, the author revealed some oI these Iacts on television. The presenter, and researchers oI this programme complained oI severe headaches in the days preceding Iilming symptomatic oI microwave attack. As the Ioremost non-military expert microwave weapons, remote viewing (psychic spying) and Psi-warIare, the author became aware oI the microwave problem when he was targeted to stop his Iorthcoming book on remote viewing being released. This book on psychic spying, published by Century Books, is the Iirst book by a scientist on the subject oI Psi-warIare and the techniques the superpowers developed. Subsequent to the Iilming oI the Channel 4 programme, he was arrested by Brighton Police on February I5th outside their building and his Irequency counter was conIiscated to stop him recording the use oI microwave weapons around the police station and in public places around the town. Even though no law was broken. It appears Brighton Police are worried that their use oI microwave weapons on Brighton's vagrants is coming to light. The UK government has also bought up all the readily available Irequency counters, these being the Watson FC-128 Irequency counters, and the Optotronic devices, and the manuIacturers now market a 'modiIied' model, which most probably has a digital Iilter so that the microwave weapon Irequencies given above, cannot be shown. The author's Irequency counter has still not been returned. With such high-level manipulation oI events it seems that microwave mind control is part oI a secret policy which is being practised on the general public in this county. As part oI a covert government policy oI harassing and disabling critics, this means oI attack is not covered by the law and highly deniable, the perIect intelligence device Ior civilian control. The author's Ilat is targeted with a 900 MHz beam which seems to be designed to cause massive 29.11.11 MICROWAVE MIND CONTROL b Tim Rifat 4/12 www.whale.to/b/rifat.html neurological damage and produce tumours. The BT phone network has the potential to be used Ior docilisation oI the UK public. A 30-40 MHz signal is carried by the phone. When the earpiece is placed against the head, bone conduction carries the ELF component into the brain oI the phone user. A ELF signal which can eIIect behaviour or health is thereIore passed into all BT phone users. It appears Irom experts I have consulted on the subject that the digital phones have been designed to carry this mind control carrier Irequency. Vodaphone have supplied a mobile phone to a Iriend oI mine that pumps out an 847 MHz signal at over 100 mW/cm 2 , this is equivalent to 4x100 watt lightbulbs being turned on in the body oI the user. This means that mobile phones can potentially be used to kill or so disable a person they no longer become a problem to the establishment. Another Vodaphone tested pumped out 50 mW/cm 2 . UK saIe levels Ior microwave ovens are 5 mW/cm 2 - which are not held near the head. There are reports by military researchers that 1 mW/cm 2 will cause swelling oI nerve cells exposed to microwave. It is obvious that a total policing oI the population by means oI UHF, VHF, and microwave EM radiation, amongst others, is being used to keep the UK population in a docile and submissive mental state. Mental conIusion can also be added to the signal Ior working class inner city areas to keep them docile and conIused. A land oI stultiIied zombies, who are mind controlled to make them docile and unable to think clearly. Subversives are habitually targeted with microwaves to drive them mad or make them Iatally ill On July 4th 1976 seven giant transmitters in the Ukraine, powered by the Chernobyl nuclear Iacility, pumped a 100 megawatt radio Irequency at the West, which contained a 10 Hz ELF mind control Irequency. According to a US scientist, Dr. Andrija Puharich, MD, the soviet pulses covered the human brain Irequencies. With a Dr. Bob Beck Andrija proved that the Soviet transmissions were a weapon. He Iound that a 6.66 Hz Irequency would cause depression and an 11 Hz signal would cause manic and riotous behaviour. transmissions could indeed entrain the human brain, and thereby induce behavioural modiIication populations can be mind controlled en masse by ELF transmissions. More importantly he Iound that an ELF signal could cause cancer at the Ilick oI a switch. It did this by modiIying the Iunction oI the RNA transIerases so that amino acid sequences are scrambled and produce unnatural proteins. MIND CONROL Torture is alive and well in the UK. MI5, the UK's secret police, regularly use Non-Lethal Weapons on any dissidents. Since MI5 have a well documented history oI hating the Labour Party, and were instrumental in bringing down the Labour Prime Minister Harold Wilson, they naturally took to spying on, and discrediting, any group or person who did not Iollow their rabid right wing dogma. When Margaret Thatcher became Prime Minister oI a right wing Conservative Government in 1979, she soon saw the power in recruiting MI5 to be her own secret police. During the Miner's strike in the early eighties, Arthur Scargill and his National Union oI Miners nearly brought the Conservative Government down, with their year long strike. Margaret Thatcher used MI5 to spy on the Miners and to discredit Arthur Scargill. Leading police oIIicers argued against the use oI MI5 on the civilian population, they were ignored or replaced - iI they proved too vociIerous. Margaret Thatcher was the Iirst Prime Minister Ior many a year to sit in on the Joint Intelligence Committee's meetings on a regular basis. Thatcher, as a trained scientist, would have been well aware oI the useIulness oI microwave weapons. They are impossible to detect unless you have a detector, dissidents have no idea these weapons exist, and best oI all, they are totally deniable. It may be that MI5 kept this research secret Irom Margaret Thatcher, but the resources the UK has put into these Iearsome, so-called non-lethal weapons, is extensive. UK intelligence runs a Ileet oI microwave weapon carrying vans, as well as portable microwave 29.11.11 MICROWAVE MIND CONTROL b Tim Rifat 5/12 www.whale.to/b/rifat.html weapons that can be deployed near the dissident's home. The vast expense can be disguised as communications equipment, Ior as we all know, microwave telephone communication is all the rage in our modern world. My research shows that the microwave telephone network also has the potential to be used as a major mind control weapon system to control the behaviour oI the microwave phone users. Developed under the Conservative government, which was in power Irom 1979-97. The UK secret, or 'black' government, has at its disposal a Iearsome array oI mind control weapons. These abhorrent devices are euphemistically called 'non-lethal weapons' by the UK military. In Iact they kill you slowly by causing: nerve damage, cancers, mental collapse leading to suicides, or tissue Iailure, such as heart attacks due to the cooking eIIect oI microwaves. Precisely modulated microwave radiation is used to inIluence brain Iunction. Human behaviour and reactions can be entirely controlled by using pulse modulated microwave EM radiation. Pulse modulated microwaves are useIul as the carrier Ior the mind control signals as they are able to pass through the skull, which is rather resistant to low level EM. The massive number oI microwave antennae that dot the country, some oI which are used Ior the microwave phone network, all use pulse modulated microwaves, which makes their use Ior a strategic mind control device against the civilian population in times oI trouble, or rioting, crucial to modiIying the behaviour oI the general population. In modern democracies it is no longer viable to shoot rioters, or torture dissidents by normal means, as the bad publicity is selI deIeating. Thus, microwave weapons have been developed by the UK's military intelligence as they leave no marks, or gaping wounds. This pulse modulated microwave carrier beam can then be used to carry signals. These signals are extremely low Irequency recordings oI brain electrical potentials, which have been recorded by neuro-medical researchers such as Dr Ross Adey. Dr Ross Adey's research at the Brain Research Institute oI the University oI CaliIornia, was Iunded by the CIA. In their Pandora project a catalogue oI diIIerent brain signals Ior speciIic actions, emotions and pathological states oI mind were recorded. It was Iound that when microwaves were used to Iire these signals at victims' brains, they experienced the moods, behaviour, and the pathological states, carried by the signals. This meant that by mimicking natural brain Irequencies, the human brain could be controlled remotely by use oI extremely low Irequency broadcast carried by pulse modulated microwave beams (ELF pulse modulated microwave remote mind control technology). It is now possible to broadcast mind control commands directly into the brain by use oI microwave beams. All that is needed is a catalogue oI every speciIic brain Irequency Ior each: mood, action and thought. These catalogues oI excitation potentials are available Irom Russian neuro-medical research institutes, so any one with enough cash can have the same technology at their disposal, as UK military mind control groups (the psychological-enIorcement arm oI MI5). The Aum sect bought microwave weaponry via their 50,000 Russian converts. Particular excitation potential, is then broadcast by pulse modulated microwave transmitter. This pulse modulated microwave beam has the ELF excitation potential Irequency imprinted upon it. It was Iound that each behavioural set in humans had a distinctive Irequency. There was one Ior: anger, suicide, hysteria, trauma, serial killing, paranoia, lust...etc. Intelligence operatives in the UK regularly park microwave transmitters outside targets' houses and beam speciIic mood inducing excitation potentials at the victims. To aid them, they have sophisticated millimetre wave scanners to look through the victims' walls, so they can see the targets' in their homes. Pulse modulated microwaves are regularly directed at the victims' brains, while other people in their homes are oblivious oI what is going on. A leading conspiracy researcher, who looks into GCHQ at Cheltenham, Iound one oI these vans, with two spheres on its rooI parked in his road. When he took the number plate and through contacts checked who owned it, he Iound it was an MOD van. HopeIully he has Iound the microwave weapon system beIore it has done him too much harm. 29.11.11 MICROWAVE MIND CONTROL b Tim Rifat 6/12 www.whale.to/b/rifat.html These microwave weapons were developed allegedly at Marconi. When Iiring microwave beams through walls at one speciIic target, every material in the way oI the microwave beam attenuates or modiIies the intensity and Irequency oI the beam. Since precise Irequencies and intensities are needed Ior mind control, very sophisticated microwave arrays and computer programmes had to be developed so that the microwave beam could be changed in response to the materials which lay between the target and the weapon, as the victim moved around the house. To do this, the reIlectivity and reIractivity oI the materials between victim and weapon had to be analysed in real-time and Ied to a computer which could change the microwave array in concert with the changing environment between victim and weapon, as the target moved around his/her home. Secondly, there had to be an automatic interrupter iI another person walked in Iront oI the beam. The victim needed to be driven mad or disabled, without anyone else being aware that he or she was being targeted. The technology Ior this was very complex but eventually it was perIected. Twenty Iive or more scientists and military personnel, associated with the Marconi project, then died in mysterious circumstances. Intelligence personnel regularly kill people to keep them quiet. Maybe they killed the entire research team to keep such a diabolical weapon secret. For iI it were made public, the scandal would bring down the government. Whatever the real story, by the mid to late eighties, all the problems had been ironed out and these new smart microwave weapons were deployed on the UK s streets. Northern Ireland would have proved the perIect place to test them out. Pulse modulated microwave weapons had now come oI age. By this method, any mood or behavioural set, can be conditioned into the target's brain. Intelligence agents keep a log oI the victim's behaviour to see iI more intense 'treatment' is needed and as a guide Ior Iuture mind control projects. It is alleged that by this method, UFO and conspiracy researchers, are routinely driven to commit suicide. having the excitation potential Ior suicide beamed into your brain day and night by microwave mind control weapons, soon resets the brain into a cycle oI depression that spirals out oI control ending in suicide. Many intelligence and technical oIIicers in the UK, who have spilled the beans, or could be a potential leak, are driven to commit suicide by the special mind control teams run by MI5. II you look at the long list oI UK military and intelligence experts who inexplicably commit suicide, one can see an underlying mind control logic that drives them to kill themselves. Behavioural reinIorcement is used in a synergistic way with the mind control. It was Iound that the eIIect oI the microwave beams could be greatly enhanced by external reinIorcement. Intelligence community personnel destroy the target's property, ruin their Iinancial aIIairs spread vicious rumour, make sexual peccadilloes public knowledge - such as wearing women's underwear, while checking oneselI - with an orange in one's mouth. External reinIorcement oI pulse modulated microwave mind control technology was Iound to be very eIIective. Intelligence chieIs are now in seventh heaven; iI some one becomes a problem they get the 'suicide mind control team' parked outside their house. Within weeks, the victim kills himselI. This is very pleasing to the intelligence mandarins, as suicides are easy to explain away - even iI the victim was a highly placed politician or military man. II the military intelligence agency does not wish you to commit suicide, they can drive you mad. This is done by beaming the excitation potential oI a particular pathological mental state at your brain while you are at home. To aid in this, the intelligence operatives can place sounds and speech in the target victim's brain. This inter cerebral hearing is used to drive the victim mad, as no one else can hear the voices transmitted into the brain oI the target. Transmission oI auditory data directly into the targets' brains using microwave carrier beams is now common practise. Instead oI using excitation potentials, one uses a transducer to modiIy the spoken word into ELF audiograms, that are then superimposed on the pulse modulated microwave beam. Discrediting well known people who are causing problems Ior the shadowy elite, by driving them mad, seems to be standard operating procedure Ior the intelligence community. Victims are subject to pulse modulated microwaves which carry diIIerent types oI madness and behavioural aberrations, encoded as ELF excitation 29.11.11 MICROWAVE MIND CONTROL b Tim Rifat 7/12 www.whale.to/b/rifat.html potentials. This makes the troublesome high proIile person, display manic or insane behaviour that discredits them. Examples oI this technique are allegedly: David Icke, Fergie, Princess Diana... Outside environmental reinIorcement, by use oI media agents in league with MI5, makes it assured that the high proIile person's mind controlled madness, will be put in the worst possible light to discredit them. In this way, high proIile subversives who cannot be wrongly imprisoned (unlike the Carl Bridgewater prisoners, Birmingham Six, GuilIord Four...) in the normal way by Britain's police, or killed by assassination squads, such as the Pegasus group, are made to look ridiculous. Public humiliation is the Iinest weapon the authorities have, to make harmless, a potential well known Iigure, who is causing trouble. II the VIP needs to be made temporarily ill, microwave beams containing the signal the brain gives oII during a vicious bout oI Ilu can be Iired at the victim. This causes the target to display all the symptoms oI Ilu, even though they have not caught the virus. Major Ed Dames, the remote viewing specialist, who has close links with the US secret military, alluded to this device on a US TV programme. The intelligence agents can also use low level microwaves to cause mental and physical conIusion that leads to illness. Beaming microwaves at victims makes them Iatigued, damages their immune system, causes neurological damage that eIIects their thinking, and ability to carry out tasks, induces premature ageing, cancer and cataracts. Sussex Police regularly use this low level microwave to clear drunks Irom city centres. While researching this matter, I was subject to high levels oI microwave ~10mW/cm 2 whenever I approached their headquarters, whilst MI5 irradiated my home continually with microwaves. It seems that I touched a raw nerve while researching mind control weapon usage in the UK. Organisations that irritate the authorities have their building turned into a 'hot spot' by microwave transmitters, so the staII all suIIer sick building syndrome caused by microwave damage. Or the staII oI the target organisation have their behaviour changed to cause discord. UFO Reality, a leading UFO and conspiracy magazine have complained oI mysterious health problems, while another New Age group complained oI eye damage, nausea and headaches brought on whenever they had a meeting, which may have been caused by microwaves. Heating the victim to death, by microwave cooking is caused by increasing the Iield intensity oI the radiation, to cause local hot spots in the victims' eyes and gall bladder, which have poor circulation, so cannot carry away the heat. Irradiating the optic nerve oI the victim with the same signal that is sent to the brain by this nerve, causes the nerve tissue to overload. In this way, subversives can be blinded by the intelligence community without them knowing what has occurred. An American researcher complained oI this problem to me and warned me that this weapon system was being used on my person by MI5. Neurological research has Iound that the brain has speciIic Irequencies Ior each voluntary movement called preparatory sets. When you pick up an object, there is a speciIic preparatory set Ior this action. By Iiring at your chest a microwave beam containing the ELF signals given oII by the heart, this organ can be put into a chaotic state, the so called heart attack. In this way, high proIile leaders oI political parties, who are prone to heart attacks, can be killed oII -beIore they cause any trouble. Neil Kinnock's Labour government was allegedly cheated out oI an election victory by postal vote rigging in twenty key marginal seats. When a new even more electable Labour leader was Iound, it is rumoured that John Smith, the then Labour leader, was prompted to have a Iatal heart attack, while walking in the country with his Iamily, by means oI a concealed microwave device which operated on the Vagus nerve to bring about a massive heart attack. Since MI5 have a long history oI naked hatred toward the Labour Party, there may be some truth in the above, though no hard evidence has yet been Iound. 29.11.11 MICROWAVE MIND CONTROL b Tim Rifat 8/12 www.whale.to/b/rifat.html Paralysis can be induced in the target by use oI this method oI broadcasting preparatory sets encoded on microwave beams. A pulse modulated microwave beam, carrying an ELF signal, which is identical to the one in the motor neurone centre oI the brain, is used to jam the victim's motor co-ordination. This is analogous to radar jamming, using a more powerIul signal at the same Irequency to swamp out the enemy's radar. Motor neurone preparatory set potentials are jammed by a bigger signal carried by a microwave carrier beam, that literally overloads the brain, so it cannot control the body. Pulse modulated microwave weapons which broadcast the ELF preparatory sets oI the motor cortex at the victim, will paralyse the victim without killing them. Breathing and heartbeat are involuntary actions controlled by another set oI Irequencies in another part oI the brain. This technique can be used to abduct people Ior secret government mind control experiments, under the guise oI alien abduction. A microwave beam oI this nature will paralyse the victim, so they can be bundled into a black helicopter and airliIted away Ior experimentation. Once the procedure is complete, hypnosis can be used to plant Ialse memories oI alien abduction. In this way, real alien abductions can be used by the authorities to enable them to obtain a limitless supply oI guinea pigs Ior their mind control experiments. Real memories oI government involvement are erased electronically. This technique clears all short-term memories Irom the victim's consciousness by broadcasting microwave beams at the target which carry the signals used Ior memory retention. When you remember something, it is Iirst stored in your short-term memory. AIter approximately twelve hours, this short-term memory is converted in the brain to long-term memory, aIter which you remember this inIormation Ior the rest oI your liIe. II this conversion Irom short-term memory to long-term memory does not occur, the data is lost. We all see details around us, but try to recall the decor in a restaurant you ate at some weeks ago and you will see how tenuous memory is. Microwave radiation oI a speciIic Irequency can interIere with the transIer oI memories Irom short to long-term memory. Microwave radiation oI a speciIic Irequency can interIere with the synapses oI the brain. By interIering with the connections between brain cells, memory oI people can be disrupted. In this way, Seal special Iorces assassins can be brain wiped aIter a mission, so they have no idea oI the target they killed. Using hypnosis, Ialse memories can then be planted in the brain, so the gap leIt by the real memory is papered over. The latest advance in electronic mind control were discussed in my previous articles in Nexus, but Ior those who missed the ESP oI Espionage, this equipment uses special types oI microwave beams called MASERs. These are the laser equivalent oI microwave beams. These MASER beams have been used to develop something called synthetic telepathy. This is the ability to read peoples' minds Irom a distance. Electronic scanning oI victims' brains by monitoring the electromagnetic (EM) emissions Irom peoples' brains and using amongst other things, the brain waves (as measured on an EEG), to read the victim's subvocalised thoughts. Head oI US Special Forces Major-General Schaknow, talked about synthetic telepathy during a lecture in July 1992 at Fort Bragg North Carolina. The US military is hard at work perIecting synthetic telepathy. In synthetic telepathy, the weak electromagnetic signals in the brain associated with subvocalised thought, are connected to a computer by use oI electrodes, or in more advanced mechanisms by MASER beams. Sophisticated computer systems have learnt to read the subvocalised thoughts in the brain, by associating a speciIic brain excitation potential, with a particular word. In this case, only one speciIic language can be decoded, as each word in a language has a speciIic set oI Irequencies that must be discovered. Once the donkey work oI Iinding the speciIic Irequencies Ior all the words in a language has been programmed into a super computer, which can carry out massive parallel processing, Iuzzy logic soItware is used to match this with real world excitation potential associated with subvocalised thought obtained Irom thousands oI abductees, who are used to calibrate the synthetic telepathy devices. GCHQ Cheltenham, the intelligence gathering arm oI MI5, possess the advanced computer systems needed Ior synthetic telepathy. 29.11.11 MICROWAVE MIND CONTROL b Tim Rifat 9/12 www.whale.to/b/rifat.html Synthetic telepathy detects the l5Hz, 5 milliwatt auditory cortex brain emissions, that are linked with the excitation potentials in the brain associated with subvocalised thought. New technology, involving low Irequency microwaves and RF, has enabled devices to be built which can scan through walls and look inside peoples' bodies like X-rays. This enables security personnel to see a target in his own home and to track him throughout the house. Further to this, being able to see inside the victim's head, would allow computer controlled targeting oI speciIic brain centres in the victim's brain, even when he was walking around the house. A scan oI the speciIic brain emissions given oII when the victim subvocalises using an array oI pulsed Irequency MASERs Iired at the speciIic brain centres oI the subversive, while he resides in his own home, enables the victim to be scanned. By Iiring an array oI ELF pulse modulated MASERs, which scan up and down the window oI Irequency emissions given oII by subvocalised thought, interIerence eIIects can be measured in the MASER beam. The victim's ELF brain emissions will interact constructively or destructively with the pulsed Irequency MASER carrying ELF in the ELF window associated with subvocalised thoughts. II we Iire an array oI pulsed MASERs, which are out oI phase with each other, extraneous noise can be Iiltered out in the digital domain. Since the converging ELF modulated MASERs are being eIIected by the low level emissions in the victim's brain, the shiIts in the ELF pulsed signal going into the subversive's brain can be detected. A simplistic version oI this would be the LASER beam shone at the window oI the person that is being bugged. The vibrations in the window cause modulations in the LASER that can be converted into electrical signals and hence into sound. In this way the subvocalised thoughts in the victim's brain can be read. Having already built up a library oI excitation potential signatures Ior diIIering words and groupings oI words, a sophisticated computer can begin to decode the emission signatures into word streams. In this way the subvocalised thoughts oI the victim can be stored in the memory oI a supercomputer and analysed to give a read out oI what the target is thinking.. Using ELF audiograms carried by a single pulse-modulated Maser, subvocalised thoughts can be placed in the victim's brain. This enables UK synthetic telepathy operators the ability to enter into conversations with the subversive to drive him mad or to bring up key words which will get the victim thinking about the inIormation they wish to Iind. Visual cortex excitation potentials can also be broadcast into the victim's brain so that illusory images can be projected into their brain to drive them mad, or to programme them to commit suicide. My research has led me to uncover a truly nation-wide mind control weapon system. Each UK police station is equipped with a vast array oI microwave antennae. The Sussex Police headquarters has a two hundred Ioot antenna. The building is surrounded by a Ience and is oII limits to the public. This microwave complex sits in the middle oI a council housing estate, which means the people in this area are being bathed in low level microwaves. New research has shown that low level microwaves give mice cancer, since the emitters tested by the scientists, were the new ultra saIe mobile phones which give oI much smaller intensities than the police antennae, the Police microwave system is a serious health hazard. It seems that low level microwave radiation excites the hydrogen bonds in the cell and can interIere with meiosis. This causes cell division to go wrong, which leads to cancerous cells and hence tumours. Secondly, the police have been granted the exclusive use oI the 450 MHz microwave Irequency range. This is exactly the Irequency used by Dr Ross Adey, the CIA mind control expert, in his experiments on behavioural modiIication. It seems the police have the exclusive use oI this mind control Irequency and a vast array oI antennae to broadcast this Irequency all over the country. Very useIul Ior mass mind control in times oI emergency. Adey Iound that by using 0.75mW/cm 2 intensity oI pulse modulated microwave at a Irequency oI 450 MHz, it was discovered that an ELF modulation could be used to control all aspects oI human 29.11.11 MICROWAVE MIND CONTROL b Tim Rifat 10/12 www.whale.to/b/rifat.html behaviour. The Sussex police headquarters is connected to CCTV, closed circuit television cameras throughout the town. Some of these cameras have microwave telemetry devices that could easily be used to broadcast this frequency. The large antennae that bracket the town could also be used. The most insidious aspect of this, is that the entire mobile phone network could easily be used to control the behaviour of the phone users. By use of my microwave detector, I have found that mobile phones of the newer type, give off a pulse modulated microwave signal of around 0.75mW/cm 2 at the earpiece. This may be coincidence, but it is exactly the intensity required form behavioural control as found by Dr Ross Adey, the pioneer of microwave mind control. So in theory, an ELF signal could be added to the microwave network to feed a precise behavioural pattern into every mobile phone user in the UK. If their were widespread riots, the ability to broadcast behavioural stimuli to mollify all the mobile phone users in the country would prove useful. Since mobile phone users are generally middle class, it means authority has a useful method of controlling the behaviour of the key voters. Microwave carrier beams are perfect for transmitting the excitation potential of docility to the phone user to keep them servile in times of trouble. When no ELF signal is broadcast the phone acts in a completely different manner on behaviour in humans. In this case the microwave phones causes the neurones to release calcium ions which makes the user tired irritable and when stresses likely to emotional outbursts such as road rage. In Brighton, the local MI5 headquarters has a large microwave array on its roof. Secret bunkers in the area also have large microwave arrays above them. It is child's play to transmit an ELF modulated signal to be broadcast by the entire mobile phone network - if need be. By this means the entire mobile phone users can be behaviourally modified. At the cost of developing cancer from low level microwave exposure from the phones they constantly use, stressing the neural network by constant calcium ion efflux and interference with bioelectric fields. It seems strange that a few milliCuries of ionising radiation will get the National Radiological Protection Board excited, whilst high intensity cancer inducing non ionising microwave radiation, goes unchecked. So high are levels near transmitters, that litter the countryside, that light bulbs will explode near them. If the intelligence community is using microwaves on a large scale as mass mind control weapons, then the NRPB's silence is easily explainable. To add to this, the numerous microwave detectors that were cheaply available to check leakage from microwave ovens are no longer made by any company in the country. It seems the UK authorities do not want the population to be able to detect when they are being microwave. In conclusion, it can be seen that the UK intelligence and police, have a dizzy array of high-tech mind control devices. They regularly target their own populations and thousands of people are made ill by microwave weapons. With the advent of synthetic telepathy, 'CCTV of the mind' becomes a reality. With the election of a New Labour government unaware of microwave weapons and untainted, as they had no part in their development and deployment, it is certain that Tony Blair's government will outlaw these abhorrent microwave weapons - as they have done land mines. The only problem will be convincing the Labour government that MI5's microwave communication equipment is in fact microwave mind control weaponry. With the total secrecy the MI5 organisation operates under, one can be sure they will be mendacious as to how their 200 million pound budget is used to hone their leading edge microwave mind control torture weapons that are used on the public. Even more disturbing is the use of EMP and microwave weapons by the police on anyone researching into this area. REFERENCES ELECTRONIC MND CONTROL [1] Non-Lethality: John B Alexander, the Pentagon's Penguin, by Armen Victorian, Lobster June 1993. This is an excellent article on the US black government's 'hard-man' of the mind control world -recommended for 29.11.11 MICROWAVE MIND CONTROL b Tim Rifat 11/12 www.whale.to/b/rifat.html those who really would like to know how these people think and work. UFO Reality No 1-3, Jon King, Mind Control. Mind Control and UFO's, by Alex Constantine, Feb 1996. [2] UFO Reality No 4. [3] Enigma Vol 2, It's All In The Mind, T Rifat. [4] Ross W Adey: Neurophysiologic Effects of Radiofrequency and Microwave Radiation, Bulletin of the New York Academy of Medicine, Vo1.55 No 1 1, Dec 1979; The Influences of Impressed Electrical Fields at EEG Frequencies on Brain and Behaviour, in Behaviour and Brain Electrical Activity, Burch, N and Altshuler, H.I., eds, Plenum press, 1975; Effects of Modulated Very High Frequency Fields on Specific Brain Rhythms in Cats, Brain Research, Vol 58, 1973; Spectral Analysis of Low Frequency Components in the Electrical Activity of the Hippocampus During Learning, Electroencephalography and Clinical Neurophysiology, Vol 23, 1967. Dr Ross Adey, formally of the Brain Research centre at the University of Southern California, Los Angeles, now at Loma Linda University Medical School, Loma Linda, California. He worked on the CIA Pandora Project and was concerned with inducing specific behaviour modification by electromagnetic means as well as induction of calcium efflux events to interfere with brain function - the so called 'confusion weaponry'. C.S. Blackman is a researcher who worked in the US on theoretical research that underlies the electronic RMCT devices now deployed world-wide. Electronics World and Wireless World: The healing face of electromagnetic fields; 1993. [5]. Martin Cannon, The Controllers. [6]. Secret and Suppressed, Jim Keith. [7]. Psychic Dictatorship in the USA, Alex Constantine. [8]. Encounters, Vol 7, Psi Spies, Marie-Louise Small. Cosmic Top Secret: America's Secret UFO Program,1992 William Hamilton III. [9] Encounters, Vol 10, Room with a Remote View, by Richard Forsyth. This is an article about the author. http://www.fastnet.co.uk/pms ; Paranormal Management Systems' web site. For an information pack on RV/RI, send 3 plus a SAE to PMS, PO Box 2749, Brighton, BN2 2DR, UK. Correspondence and normal courses are available, phone 01273 690424 to book for courses. We also offer consultancy on mind control problems. Nexus Vol 3 No 6, Remote Viewing: The ESP of Espionage, by T Rifat. Nexus Vol 4 No 1 The Esp of Espionage, Part 1, by T Rifat. Nexus Vol 4 No 2, The Esp of Espionage, by T Rifat. These three articles cover the theory of RV, RI and ESP in very great detail. recommended for the serious RV/RI student. For more information contact the author. Alien Encounters No 1 1 Alien and Government Mind control, T Rifat. Sightings Nol2, Losing Your Mind! Mind control Technology, by T Rifat. UFO Reality No 8, Mind Control, Big Brother Is All In The Mind, T Rifat. Enigma 6, Mind Control, by T Rifat. Fortean Times 95, Police State of Mind, by David Guyatt. US Synthetic Telepathy info supplied by David 29.11.11 MICROWAVE MIND CONTROL b Tim Rifat 12/12 www.whale.to/b/rifat.html Guatt. Guatt, David. "Some Aspects of Antipersonnel Electromagnetic Weapons (paper prepared for ICRC Smposium for the medical profession.
Remote Brain Targeting - Evolution of Mind Control in U.S.A.: A Compilation of Historical Information Derived from Various Sources: "Mind Control Technology" Book Series, #1
Misled and Betrayed: How US Cover Stories Are Keeping A Cold War of Weapon Neuroweapons and Illegal Human Testing A Secret, by Cheryl Welsh in August 2013