Ma3 Answer Keys
Ma3 Answer Keys
Ma3 Answer Keys
1. The factors for the application of the doctrine of 11. A corporation consisting of only one member for
piercing the corporate veil are the following, except: the purpose of administering and managing as
a. Stock ownership by one or common ownership of trustee, the affairs, property and temporalities of
both corporations any religious denomination, sect or church.
b. Identity of directors and officersThe manner of Corporation sole
keeping corporate books and records
c. the manner of keeping corporate books and 12. A corporation organized for religious purposes.
records Ecclesiastical corporation
d. Identity of the stockholders
13. A corporation organized for charitable purposes.
2. I. Any application of the doctrine of piercing the Eleemosynary corporation
corporate veil should be done with caution.
Il. A corporation its powers through its board of 14. It is an artificial being created by operation of
directors and/or its duly authorized officers and law, having the right of succession and the powers,
agents. Both are true attributes and properties expressly authorized by law
or incidental to its existence. Corporation
3. The continuation of a corporation's legal status
despite changes in ownership or management. 15. I. A corporation is a juridical entity vested with a
Succession legal personality separate and distinct from those
acting for and in its behalf and, in general, from the
4. I. Property acquired by a corporation is the people comprising it.
property of stockholders or members. II. Not every stockholder or officer can bind the
II. A corporation exercises said powers through its corporation considering the existence of a corporate
board of directors and/or its duly authorized officers entity separate from those who compose it.
and agents. Only Il is true Both are true
5. Corporations which have capital stock divided into 16. I. Well-settled is the principle that the corporate
shares and are authorized to distribute to the mask may be removed or the corporate veil pierced
holders of such shares dividends or allotments of the when the corporation is just an alter ego of a person
surplus profits on the basis of the shares held. or of another corporation.
Stock corporation Il. It is a basic principle in Corporation Law that a
corporation has a personality which is the same as
6. Is one where no part of its income is distributable the officers or members who compose it. a.
as dividends to its members, trustees, or officers. Both are false
Non-stock corporation
17. The following are the characteristics of a
7. One which has exercised corporate powers for an corporation, except:
indefinite period without interference on the part of a. It is an artificial being
the government. Corporation by prescription b. Created by meeting of the mind
c. It has the right of succession
8. A corporation incorporated under the laws of the d. It has the powers, attributes and properties
Philippines. expressly authorized by law or incident to its
Domestic corporation existence
9. A corporation is formed, organized or existing 18. It refers to any agency organized as a stock or
under any laws other than those of the Philippines non-stock corporation, vested with functions relating
and whose laws allow Filipino citizens and to public needs whether governmental or
corporations to do business in its own country or proprietary in nature, and owned by the
State. Foreign corporation Government directly or through its instrumentalities
either wholly, or, where applicable as in the case of
stock corporations, to the extent of at least 51 per MULTIPLE CHOICE PART II
cent of its capital stock. 1. I. In non-stock corporations, the voting rights does
Government-owned or controlled corporation not attach to membership.
Il. Members vote as persons, in accordance with the
19. Two requisites must concur before one may be law and the bylaws of the corporation. a.
classified as a stock corporation, namely: Only Il is true
1. That it has capital stock divided into shares
Il. That it is authorized to distribute dividends and 2. I. One of the rights of a stockholder is the right to
allotments of surplus and profits to its members. participate in the control and management of the
Both are true corporation that is exercised through his vote.
Il. The right to vote is a right inherent in and
20. I. The provisions governing stock corporation, incidental to the ownership of corporate stock, but
when pertinent, shall be applicable to non-stock as such is not a property right. Only I is true
II. A non-stock corporation must have shareholders. 3. A class of stock entitling the holder to vote on
Only I is true corporate matters, to receive dividends after other
claims and dividends have been paid (especially to
21. L. Non-stock corporations can distribute 10% of preferred shareholders), and to share in assets upon
their income to their members. liquidation. Common stock
Il. Non-stock corporations are organized for
charitable, religious, educational, professional, 4. Is one which entities the holder thereof to certain
cultural, recreational, fraternal, literary, scientific, preferences over the holders of common stock.
social, civil service, or similar purposes. Preferred stock
Only Il is true
5. They may be purchased or taken up by the
22. A private corporation which have accepted from corporation upon the expiration of a fixed period,
the State the grant of franchise or contrast involving regardless of the existence of unrestricted retained
the performance of public duties but which are earnings in the books of the corporation, and upon
organized for profit. Quasi-public corporation such other terms and conditions as may be stated in
the articles of incorporation, which terms and
23. A corporation created in strict or substantial conditions must also be stated in the certificate of
conformity with the mandatory statutory stock representing said shares. Redeemable stock
requirements for incorporation and the right of
which to exist as a corporation cannot be 6. Shares with a value fixed in the articles of
successfully attacked or questioned by any party incorporation and the certificate of stock. Par value
even in a direct proceeding for that purpose by the stock
De jure corporation 7. The following are limitations on no par value
shares, except:
24. The due incorporation of any corporation It can be issued for a consideration of at least
claiming in good faith to be a corporation, and its P3.00.
right to exercise corporate powers, shall not be It is deemed fully paid and non-assessable.
inquired into collaterally in any private suit to which The entire consideration for its issuance constitutes
such corporation may be a party. De facto capital so that no part of it should be distributed as
corporation dividends.
It cannot be issued as preferred shares.
25. All persons who assume to act as a corporation
knowing it to be without authority to do so shall be 8. I. The exclusive right to vote and be voted for in
liable as general partners for all debts, liabilities and the election of directors must be for a limited period
damages incurred or arising as a result thereof. not to exceed 5 years subject to the approval of the
Corporation by estoppel SEC.
II. Preferences granted to preferred stockholders
gives them a lien upon the property of the
corporation nor make them creditors of the IL. Only stock actually issued and outstanding may be
corporation. Only l is true voted. Both are true
9. I. The law provides that shares classified and 20. Shares classified in the articles of incorporation
issued as preferred or redeemable shares may be which may be given certain rights and privileges (eg.
deprived of voting right. dividend payments) not enjoyed by the owners of
Il. Each member shall be entitled to one vote unless other stocks. Founders' share
so limited, broadened, or denied in the articles of
incorporation or bylaws. Both are true 21. Are shares usually preferred, which by their
terms are redeemable at a fixed date, or at the
10. Is one which has no preference and entitle the option of either issuing corporation, or the
shareholder to a pro rata division of the profits, if stockholder, or both at a certain redemption price.
any. Redeemable share
Common stock
22. Subscriptions to the capital stock of a
11. Shares without a right to vote. corporation constitute a fund to which the creditors
Non-voting share have a right to look for the satisfaction of their
12. I. It acquires a judicial personality either by Trust fund doctrine
special law or a general
II. The general law under which a private corporation 23. Are shares of stock which have been issued and
may be formed or organized is the Revised fully paid for, but subsequently reacquired by the
Corporation Code. Both are true issuing corporation by purchase, redemption,
donation or through some other lawful means.
13. The stockholders or members mentioned in the Treasury stock
articles of incorporation as originally forming and
composing the corporation and who are signatories 24. Stocks issued for a consideration less than the
thereof. Incorporators par or issued price thereof or in any other form
other than cash valued in excess of its fair value. a.
14. Is the governing body in a stock corporation. Watered stock
Board of directors
25. I. Redeemable shares, once redeemed are retired
15. Is the governing body in a non-stock corporation. unless reissuance is expressly allowed in the articles
Board of trustees of incorporation.
Il. The Corporation Code allows redemption of
16. Is a person who brings about or cause to bring shares only if there are unrestricted retained
about the formation and organization of a earnings on the books of the corporation. Only l is
corporation. Promoter true
5. I. It is the certificate of incorporation that gives 11. The following are grounds for such disapproval,
juridical personality to a corporation and places it except:
under the jurisdiction of the Securities and a. The purpose or purposes of the corporation are
Exchange Commission, patently unconstitutional, illegal, immoral or
contrary to government rules and regulations.
b. The certification concerning the amount of capital organized for the purpose of practicing a profession,
stock subscribed and/or paid is false. shall not be allowed to organize as a corporation.
c. The required percentage of Filipino ownership of Both are true
the capital stock under existing laws or the
Constitution has not been complied with. 16. I. Incorporators who are natural persons must be
d. The articles of incorporation or any amendment of legal age.
thereto is not substantially in accordance with the II. Each incorporator of a stock corporation must
form prescribed by the Philippine Cooperative own or be : subscriber to at least 1 share of the
Code. capital stock.
Both are true
3. It is a person who, apart from shareholdings and 8. I. If the corporation is vested with public interest,
fees received from the corporation, is independent the board shall also elect a compliance officer.
of management and free from any business. or other Il. The officers shall manage the corporation and
relationship which could, or could reasonably be perform such duties as may be provided in the
perceived to materially interfere with the exercise of bylaws and/or as resolved by the board of directors.
independent judgment in carrying out the Both are true
responsibilities as a director.
Independent director. 9. A person shall be disqualified from being a
director, trustee or officer of any corporation if,
4. I The acts of corporate officers within the scope of within 5 years prior to the election or appointment
their authority are binding on the corporation. as such, the person was:
Il. Any 2 or more positions may be held concurrently a. Convicted by final judgment of an offense
by the same person, except that no one shall act as punishable by imprisonment for a period exceeding
president and secretary or as president and vice- 6 years.
president at the same time. b. Found administratively liable for any offense
Only l is true involving fraudulent acts
C. Found by a foreign court or equivalent foreign Only I is true
regulatory authority for acts, violations or
misconduct. 15. I. It is well settled in this jurisdiction that where
d. All of the above. corporate directors are guilty of a breach of trust, a
stockholder may institute a suit in behalf of himself
10. A person shall be disqualified from being a and other stockholders and for the benefit of the
director, trustee or officer of any corporation if, corporation.
within 5 years prior to the election or appointment II. The board of directors (or trustees, in case of non-
as such, the person was convicted by final judgment. stock corporations) has the sole authority to
a. Of an offense punishable by imprisonment for a determine policies, enter into contracts, and conduct
period exceeding 6 years; the ordinary business of the corporation within the
b. For violating the Revised Corporation Code. scope of its charter. a.
For violating The Securities Regulation Code. Both are true
d. All of the above.
16. A corporation's board of directors is understood
11. I. The SEC shall, motu proprio or upon verified to be that body which, except:
complaint, and after due notice and hearing, order Exercises all powers provided for under the
the removal of a director or trustee elected despite Corporation Code.
the disqualification, or whose disqualification arose Conducts all business of the corporation.
or is discovered subsequent to an election. Controls and holds all property of the corporation.
II. The removal of a disqualified director shall be None of the above.
without prejudice to other sanctions that the SEC
may impose on the board of directors or trustees 17. I. The property of the corporation is not the
who, with knowledge of the disqualification, failed to property of its stockholders or members; however, it
remove such director or trustee. may be sold by the stockholders or members.
Both are true II. The power and responsibility to decide whether a
corporation can enter into a binding contract is
12. I. Any vacancy occurring in the board of directors lodged with the board of directors. a.
or trustees other than by removal or by expiration of Only Il is true
term may be filled by the vote of at least a majority
of the remaining directors or trustees, if still 18. I. The directors of a corporation shall not receive
constituting a quorum. any compensation for being members of the board
IL. Any directorship or trusteeship to be filled by of directors, except for reasonable per diems.
reason of an increase in the number of directors or Il. In no case shall the total yearly compensation of
trustees shall be filled only by an election at a regular directors, as such directors, exceed 10% of the net
or at a special meeting of stockholders or members income after income tax of the corporation during
duly called for the purpose, or in the same meeting the preceding year. a.
authorizing the increase of directors or trustees if so Only l is true
stated in the notice of the meeting.
Both are true 19. I. The general rule is that obligations incurred by
the corporation, acting through its directors, officers
13. 1. Every director must own at least 100 share of and employees, are its sole liabilities, and vice versa.
the capital stock of the corporation of which he is a Il. A contract of the corporation with one or more of
director, which share shall stand in his name on the its directors or trustees or officers is void.
books of the corporation. Both are true
Il. Trustees of non-stock corporations must be
members thereof. 20. A contract of the corporation with one or more
Only Il is true of its directors or trustees or officers.
Doctrine of self-dealing board of directors
14. I. The governing body of a corporation is its
board of directors. 21. The requisites for a contract of the corporation
Il. The board of directors of a corporation is a with one or more of its directors or trustees or
creation of law. officers to be valid are the following, except:
a. That the presence of such director or trustee in 27. When the vacancy prevents the remaining
the board meeting in which the contract was directors from constituting a quorum and emergency
approved was not necessary to constitute a quorum action is required to prevent grave, substantial, and
for such meeting. irreparable loss or damage to the corporation, the
b. That the vote of such director or trustee was not vacancy may be temporarily filled from among the
necessary for the approval of the contract. officers of the corporation by unanimous vote of the
c. That the contract is fair and reasonable under the remaining directors or trustees.
circumstances. Emergency board of director
d. That in case of an officer, the contract has been
previous authorized by the stockholders. 28. I. Stockholders or members periodically elect the
board of directors or trustees, who are charged with
22. A director, by virtue of his office, acquires for the management of the corporation.
himself a business opportunity which should belong Il. Stockholders or members also elects officers to
to the corporation, thereby obtaining profits to the carry out management functions on a day-to-day
prejudice of such corporation, he must account to basis.
the latter for all such profits by refunding the same. Only I is true
a. 29. I. Acts of management pertain to the
Doctrine of corporate opportunity stockholders or members.
II. Acts of ownership pertain to the board.
23. It is a body created by the by-laws and composed Both are false
of not less than three members of the board which,
subject to the statutory limitations, has all the 30. I. Once the directors or trustees are elected, the
authority of the board of directors to the extent stockholders or members relinquish corporate
provided in the by laws. powers to the board in accordance with law.
Executive committee Il. Contracts intra vires entered into by the board of
directors are binding upon the corporation.
24. The following are the limitations of an executive Both are true
committee, except:
a. Approval of any action for which shareholders'
approval is also required.
b. Filling of vacancies in the board.
c. Amendment or repeal of by-laws or the adoption
of new by-laws.
d. Amendment or repeal of any resolution of the
14. The following are the requisites of a derivative 20. I. A certificate of stock is one, entire and divisible
suit: contract.
a. The party bringing suit should be a shareholder as Il. The stockholder shall not be entitled to a
of the time of the act or transaction complained of, certificate until he has remitted the full payment of
the number of his shares not being material; his subscription together with any interest or
b. He has tried to exhaust intra-corporate remedies, expenses, if any is due. Only Il is true
i.e., has made a demand on the board of directors
for the appropriate relief but the latter has failed or 21. I. The general rule is that obligations incurred by
refused to heed his plea; and the corporation, acting through its directors, officers
c. the cause of action actually devolves on the and employees, are their joint liabilities.
corporation, the wrongdoing or harm having been, Il. It is basic that a corporation is a juridical entity
or being caused to the corporation and not to the with legal personality separate and distinct from
particular stockholder bringing the suit. those acting for and in its behalf and, in general,
d. All of the above from the people comprising it.
Only Il is true
15. Where a stockholder or member is denied the
right of inspection, his suit would be individual 22. The following, except one, are the exceptional
because the wrong is done to him personally and not circumstances warranting the disregard of the
to the other stockholders or the corporation. doctrine of separate personality:
Individual suit a. When a director, trustee or officer is made, by
specific provision of by-laws, personally liable for
16. Where the wrong is done to a group of his corporate action.
stockholders, as where preferred stockholders' rights b. When directors and trustees or, in appropriate
are violated, a class suit will be proper for the case, the officers of a corporation vote for or assent
protection of all stockholders belonging to the same to patently unlawful acts of the corporation.
group. c. When a director or officer has consented to the
Representative suit issuance of watered down stocks or who, having
knowledge thereof, did not forthwith file with the
17. Any contract for the acquisition of unissued stock corporate secretary his written objection thereto.
in an existing corporation or a corporation still to be
formed shall be deemed a subscription
d. When a director, trustee or officer has articles of incorporation substantially prejudicing the
contractually agreed or stipulated to hold himself rights of the stockholders.
personally and solidarily liable with the corporation. Only I is true
11. I. The number of trustees shall be fixed in the 6. A close corporation is one whose articles of
articles of incorporation or bylaws which may or may incorporation provides the following, except:
not be more than 15. a. All the corporation's issued stock of all classes,
Il. Except with respect to independent trustees of exclusive of treasury shares, shall be held of record
nonstock corporations vested with public interest, by not more than a specified number of persons, not
only a member of the corporation shall be elected as exceeding 20;
trustee. b. All the issued stock of all classes shall be subject to
Both are true 1 or more specified restrictions on transfer.
c. The corporation shall not list in any stock exchange
TITLE XII - CLOSECORPORATIONS or make any public offering of its stocks of any class.
MULTIPLE CHOICE d. All of the above.
7. The following are corporations that cannot
1. An action by the directors of a close corporation incorporate as a close corporation, except:
without a meeting shall not be deemed valid if: a. Industrial companies
Before or after such action is taken, written consent b. Mining or oil companies
thereto is signed by a majority the directors. c. Stock exchanges
d. Banks
2. I. The pre-emptive right of stockholders in close
corporations shall extend to all stock to be issued, 8. The following are characteristics of a close
excluding reissuance of treasury shares. corporation, except:
II. A close corporation may, at its option, refuse to a. Where the articles of incorporation provide that
register the transfer of stock in the name of the the business of the corporation shall be managed by
transferee if the person is not qualified to be a the stockholders themselves rather than by the
stockholder and has notice thereof. . board of directors, then the stockholders shall be
deemed to be the directors with all the liabilities
imposed by the Corporation Code on directors. The
stockholders shall not be personally liable for
corporate torts.
b. Quorum may be greater than mere majority.
c. Restrictions on transfer of shares can be validly
d. Any action by the directors of a close corporation
without a meeting shall nevertheless be deemed
7. I. The single stockholder shall designate a nominee 11. I. The One Person Corporation converted from an
and an alternate nominee who shall, in the event of ordinary stock corporation shall succeed the latter
the single stockholder's death or incapacity, take the and be legally responsible for all the latter's
place of the single stockholder as director and shall outstanding liabilities as of the date of conversion.
manage the corporation's affairs. Il. The ordinary
Il. The articles of incorporation shall state the names, stock corporation converted from a One Person
residence addresses and contact details of the Corporation shall succeed the latter and be legally
nominee and alternate nominee, as well as the responsible for all the latter's outstanding liabilities
extent and limitations of their authority in managing as of the date of conversion.
the affairs of the One Person Corporation. Both are true
Both are true
12. I. Trustees of educational institutions organized
8. I. When the incapacity of the single stockholder is corporations shall not be less than 5 nor more than
temporary, the nominee shall sit as director and 15.
manage the affairs of the One Person Corporation Il. The number of trustees shall be in multiples of 5.
until the stockholder, by self determination, regains a.
the capacity to assume such duties. Both are true
Il. In case of death or permanent incapacity of the
single stockholder, the nominee shall sit as director 13. I. The board of trustees shall, as soon as
and manage the affairs of the One Person organized, so classify themselves that the term of
Corporation until the legal heirs of the single office of 1/5 of their number shall expire every year.
stockholder have been lawfully determined, and the Il. Religious corporations may be incorporated by
heirs have designated one of them or have agreed one or more persons. Such corporations may be
that the estate shall be the single stockholder of the classified into corporations sole and religious
One Person Corporation. societies.
IlI. The alternate nominee shall sit as director and Both are true
manage the One Person Corporation in case of the
nominee's inability, incapacity, death,or relusal to 14. A corporation formed by the chief archbishop,
discharge the functions as director and manager of bishop, priest, minister, rabbi or other presiding
the corporation, and only for the same term and elder of a religious denomination, sect, or church, for
under the same conditions applicable to the the purpose of administering or managing, as
nominee. trustee, the affairs, properties and temporalities of
I, II, and Ill are true such religious denomination, sect or church.
9. I. The single stockholder may, at any time, change Corporation sole
its nominee and alternate nominee by submitting to
the SEC the names of the new nominees and their 15. A corporation formed for the same purpose as
corresponding written consent. corporation sole. It consists of two or more persons.
II. A One Person Corporation shall maintain a Corporation aggregate
minutes book which shall contain all actions, 16. 1. For the purpose of administering and
decisions, and resolutions taken by the One Person managing, as trustee, the affairs, property and
Corporation. temporalities of any religious denomination, sect or
Both are true church, a corporation sole may be formed by the
chief archbishop, bishop, priest, minister, rabbi, or
other presiding elder of such religious denomination, b. A report containing explanations or comments by
sect or church. the president on every qualification, reservision, or
Il. In order to become a corporation sole, the chief adverse remark or disclaimer made by the auditor in
archbishop, bishop, priest, minister, rabbi, or the latter's report;
presiding elder of any religious denomination, sect c. A disclosure of all self-dealings and related party
or church must file with the Commission articles of transactions entered into between the One Person
incorporation. Corporation and the single stockholder.
Both are true d. All of the above.
17. 1. A corporation sole may be dissolved and its 23. I. A sole shareholder claiming limited liability has
affairs settled voluntarily by submitting to the the burden of affirmatively showing that the
Commission a verified declaration of dissolution. corporation was adequately financed.
Il. Upon approval of such declaration of dissolution Il. Where the single stockholder cannot prove that
by the SEC, the corporation shall cease to carry on its the property of the One Person Corporation is
operations except for the purpose of winding up its independent of the stockholder's personal property,
affairs. the stockholder shall be jointly and severally liable
Both are true for the debts and other liabilities of the One Person
18. I. A One Person Corporation is a corporation with Both are true
a single stockholder.
Il. Only a natural person, trust, or an estate may 24. I. The principles of piercing the corporate veil
form a One Person Corporation. applies with equal force to One Person Corporations
Only I is true as with other corporations.
II. The Commission may place the corporation under
19. 1. Banks and quasi-banks, preneed, trust, delinquent status should the corporation fail to
insurance, public and publicly-listed companies, and submit the reportorial requirements 3 times,
non-chartered government-owned and - controlled consecutively or intermittently, within a period of 5
corporations may not incorporate as One Person years.
Corporations. Both are true
Il. A natural person who is licensed to exercise a
profession may organize as a One Person 25. I. When a single stockholder acquires all the
Corporation for the purpose of exercising such stocks of an ordinary stock corporation, the latter
profession. may apply for conversion into a One Person
Only l is true Corporation.
Il. A One Person Corporation may be converted into
20. L. A One Person Corporation shall not be an ordinary stock corporation after due notice to the
required to have a minimum authorized capital SEC of such fact and of the circumstances leading to
stock. the conversion, and after compliance with all other
Il. The One Person Corporation is required to submit requirements for stock corporations.
and file corporate bylaws. Both are true
Only l is true