Unit I Soil Properties: Soil Mechanics Is A Discipline of Civil Engineering Involving The Study of Soil, Its
Unit I Soil Properties: Soil Mechanics Is A Discipline of Civil Engineering Involving The Study of Soil, Its
Unit I Soil Properties: Soil Mechanics Is A Discipline of Civil Engineering Involving The Study of Soil, Its
Formation of soil:
In the Earth's surface, rocks extend upto as much as 20 km depth. The major rock types are
categorized as igneous, sedimentary, and metamorphic.
Igneous rocks: formed from crystalline bodies of cooled magma.
Sedimentary rocks: formed from layers of cemented sediments.
Metamorphic rocks: formed by the alteration of existing rocks due to heat
fromigneous intrusions or pressure due to crustal movement.
Soils are formed from materials that have resulted from the disintegration of rocks
by various processes of physical and chemical weathering. The nature and structure of a
givensoil depends on the processes and conditions that formed it:
Breakdown of parent rock: weathering, decomposition, erosion.
Transportation to site of final deposition: gravity, flowing water, ice, wind.
Environment of final deposition: flood plain, river terrace, glacial moraine,
lacustrineor marine.
Subsequent conditions of loading and drainage: little or no surcharge, heavy
surcharge due to ice or overlying deposits, change from saline to freshwater,
All soils originate, directly or indirectly, from different rock types.
Soil types:
Soils as they are found in different regions can be classified into two broad categories:
(1) Residual soils
(2) Transported soils
(3) Residual Soils
Residual soils are found at the same location where they have been formed. Generally,
thedepth of residual soils varies from 5 to 20 m.
Chemical weathering rate is greater in warm, humid regions than in cold, dry regions
causing a faster breakdown of rocks. Accumulation of residual soils takes place as the rate
of rock decomposition exceeds the rate of erosion or transportation of the weathered
material. In humid regions, the presence of surface vegetation reduces the possibility of
soil transportation.
As leaching action due to percolating surface water decreases with depth, there is a
corresponding decrease in the degree of chemical weathering from the ground surface
downwards. This results in a gradual reduction of residual soil formation with depth, until
unaltered rock is found.
Residual soils comprise of a wide range of particle sizes, shapes and composition.
The major soil physical properties are:
o Soil Texture
o Soil Structure
o Soil Consistence/Soil Strength
o Soil Color
o Soil Permeability
o Soil Temperature
1. Soil texture:
Each soil separate represents a distinct physical size group. Mineral particles less
than 2 millimeters in equivalent diameter and ranging between specified size limits. The
names and sizes of the soil separates recognized in the United States are as follows
Very Coarse Sand 2.0 - 1.0 mm
Coarse Sand 1.0 - 0.5 mm
Medium Sand 0.5 - 0.25 mm
Fine Sand 0.25 - 0.10 mm
Very Fine Sand 0.10 - 0.05 mm
Silt 0.05 - 0.002 mm
Clay 0.002 mm
General classification is as follows:
2. Soil structure:
Structure is the arrangement of primary sand, silt and clay particles into secondary
aggregates called peds or structural units which have distinct shapes and are easy to
recognize. These differently shaped aggregates are called the structural type.
The five basic types of structural units are as follows:
a. Platy:
Plate-like aggregates that form parallel to the horizons like pages in a book.
This type of structure may reduce air, water and root movement.
common structure in an E horizon and usually not seen in other horizons.
b. Blocky:
Two types--angular blocky and subangular blocky
These types of structures are commonly seen in the B horizon.
Angular is cube-like with sharp corners while subangular blocky has rounded
c. Prismatic:
Vertical axis is longer than the horizontal axis. If the top is flat, it is referred
to as prismatic.
If the top is rounded, it is called columnar.
d. Granular:
Peds are round and pourous, spheroidal. This is usually the structure of A horizons.
e. Structureless
No observable aggregation or structural units.
Single grain-sand
Massive-solid mass without aggregates
3. Soil Consistence
Expresses cohesive and adhesive forces holding soil particles together; varies with
moisture content. Describes the resistance of a soil at various moisture contents to
mechanical stress or manipulation. It is described at three moisture levels:
a. Wet
Stickiness (non-sticky, slightly sticky, sticky,very sticky)
Plasticity (non-plastic, slightly plastic, plastic, very plastic)
b. Moist
Very friable, friable, firm ,very firm
c. Dry
Loose.soft. slightly hard, hard, very hard ,extremely hard
It indicates amount and type of clay material, condition for tillage and potential for
compaction. Consistence is the resistance of the soil to deform or rupture. Soil consistence
is the forces of cohesion and adhesion that are holding the peds together. It refers to the
degree of plasticity and stickiness of the soil. Soil consistence is affected by the type and
amount of clay that is in the soil.
Soil consistence indicates:
where are zones that may restrict root growth and seedling emergence.
whether a soil is likely to develop compacted zones; ruts, crusts, hardpans etc.
Determining soil consistence
Fingers - squeeze aggregates or push fingers into the soil.
Penetrometer - measures how hard it is to push into the soil. this would be the
same effect as a plant root.
Examine roots : J roots or a root mat indicate problems.
Sand has a very weak consistence, there is little force between the
particles. This means that a car tire can easily push the sand apart and it is
easy to getstuck.
Factors Affecting Soil Consistence
Water Content
Soil Texture
Soil Density
3.Soil colour:
It is the most obvious and easily determined soil property It has little direct effect
on the soil, but is an indicator of soil properties. However, there are many things we can
tell about the soil by observing the color.
Organic matter content; the more organic content the darker the soil color
Soil color and soil temperature : dark colored soils absorb more heat so they
warm up quicker and have higher soil temperatures.
Soil color and parent material : generally dark parent material will develop into
dark soils.
Soil color and drainage:
- soil drainage refers to the length of time a soil is waterlogged. Not how fast
the soil is drained.
4. Soil permeability:
Permeability is the speed of air and water movement in a soil -- this is affected
bytexture and structure
1. if permeability is high : water moves quickly
2. if permeability is low : water moves slowly
Drainage is the frequency and duration of saturation. The time that the soil is
waterlogged. -- this is affected by landscape position and permeability
Another way to view this is; drainage refers to the amount of oxidation which
has taken place in the soil and permeability
A clay could be very permeable, but in a low landscape position and be poorly drained.
dry soil, the three-phase system thus reduces to two phases only, as shown.
2. Porosity (n) is the ratio of the volume of voids to the total volume of soil (V ),
3. The volume of water (Vw) in a soil can vary between zero (i.e. a dry soil) and the
volumeof voids. This can be expressed as the degree of saturation (S) in percentage.
For a dry soil, S = 0%, and for a fully saturated soil, S = 100%.
4. Air content (ac) is the ratio of the volume of air (Va) to the volume of voids.
5. Percentage air voids (na) is the ratio of the volume of air to the total volume.
Weight relation :
Density is a measure of the quantity of mass in a unit volume of material. Unit weight
is a measure of the weight of a unit volume of material. Both can be used interchangeably.
The units of density are ton/m³, kg/m³ or g/cm³. The following are the basic weight
1. The ratio of the mass of water present to the mass of solid particles is called the
watercontent (w), or sometimes the moisture content.
Its value is 0% for dry soil and its magnitude can exceed 100%.
2. The mass of solid particles is usually expressed in terms of their particle
For most inorganic soils, the value of G s lies between 2.60 and 2.80. The presence of
organicmaterial reduces the value of Gs.
3. Dry unit weight is a measure of the amount of solid particles per unit volume.
4. Bulk unit weight is a measure of the amount of solid particles plus water per
unit volume.
5. Saturated unit weight is equal to the bulk density when the total voids is
filled upwith water.
6. Buoyant unit weight or submerged unit weight is the effective mass per unit
volumewhen the soil is submerged below standing water or below the ground water table.
Inter relation :
It is important to quantify the state of a soil immediately after receiving in the
laboratory and prior to commencing other tests. The water content and unit weight are
particularly important, since they may change during transportation and storage.
Some physical state properties are calculated following the practical measurement of others.
For example, dry unit weight can be determined from bulk unit weight and water content.
The following are some inter-relations:
1. A soil sample has a porosity of 40 percentage . The specific gravity of solids is 2.7.
Calculate (a) voids ratio (b) Dry density (c) Unit weight is the soil is 50 % saturated
(d)Unit weight if the soil is fully saturated.
Methods for determining water content:
Water content of a soil sample can be determined from the following methods:
Oven drying method
Sand bath method
Alcohol method
Calcium carbide method
Pycnometer method
Radiation method
Torsion balance method
Where V is the terminal velocity of the particles. Stokes’ s law is valid only for grain sizes
between 0.2 mm to 0.0002 mm .If the size is greater than 0.2 mm turbulency develops and
stokes law becomes invalid. If the size is less than 0.0002 mm , particle will not settle
properly and brownian movement takes place.
Uniformity co efficient:
Cu= D 60 / D 10
Where D60 is the diameter corresponding to 60% finer in the particle-size
distribution.Cu< 2 – It is poorly or uniformly graded soil
Cu > 6 – It is well graded soil
Co efficient of gradation :
It is also called the co efficient of curvature. It represents the general shape of the
particlesize distribution curve.
Cc=30D /(D
10 xD
60 )
Where D30 is the diameter corresponding to 30% finer in the particle-size distribution.
Fig- Well graded soil
Skip or gap graded soil:
A sample in which some of the intermediate sizes of soil are missing is called skip
Fig – Consistency limits
limit (wL):
It is defined as the minimum water content at which part of the soil cut by a groove
ofstandard dimensions will flow together for a distance of half an inch under impact
of 25 blows in the device.
Determination of liquid limit :
It is determined using Casagrande’s apparatus. It consists of the following parts .
The handle is rotated at a rate of 2 rps. Number of blows are counted until two parts of
the soil sample come into contact at the bottom of the groove along a distance of 10mm .
Water content corresponding to 25 blows is called liquid limit.
Fig – Soil sample before testing with groove
Plastic limit(wP):
Soil specimen passing through 425 microns is mixed with distilled water to
form a plastic paste. It is rolled on a glass plate to make a thread of uniform
diameter. Water content at which 3 mm diameter thread starts crumbling is called
plastic limit of the soil.
Shrinkage limit:
Shrinkage ratio:
S.R= {[(v1-v2)/vd]/(w1-w2)}x 100
But v2=vd
and w2=ws
S.R= {[(v1-vd)/vd]/(w1-
It refers to the range of water content over which the soil will remain in
theplastic state. It is equal to the difference between liquid and plastic limit.
Consistency index(IC):
It defines the firmness of the soil. It indicates the nearness of the water content to its
plastic limit.
Where IC is the
liquid limit
content Ip is the
plasticity index.
Liquidity index(IL):
Where IC is the
plastic limit
Activity of clay :
Sensitivity of clay:
Thixotropy of clay:
When sensitive clays are used in construction ,they loose strength due
to remoulding .With passage of time, strength again increases though not to the
level. This phenomenon of “strength loss-strength gain “ with no change in volume or
water content is called thixotropy.
Classify the soil, and determine its activity and liquidity index
According to the Plasticity Chart, the soil is classified as CI, i.e. clay of intermediate
Purpose of classification:
This standard classifies soils from any geographic location into categories
representing the results of prescribed laboratory tests to determine the
particle-size characteristics,the liquid limit, and the plasticity index.
The assigning of a group name and symbol(s) along with the
descriptive information required in Practice can be used to describe a
soil to aid in the evaluation of its significant properties for engineering
The various groupings of this classification system have been devised to
correlate in a general way with the engineering behavior of soils. This
standard provides a useful first step in any field or laboratory investigation
for geotechnical engineering purposes.
This standard may also be used as an aid in training personnel in the
use ofPractice
This standard may be used in combination with Practice when working
withfrozen soils.
Soils are arranged according to grain size. Grain sizes are gravel,sand,silt and clay.
c. M.I.T classification
d. Indian standard classification based on M.I.T system.
3. Textural classification:
4. Highway Research Board classification:
The grain-size range is used as the basis for grouping soil particles into
boulder,cobble, gravel, sand, silt or clay.
Fine-grained soils are those for which more than 50% of the material has
particle sizes less than 0.075 mm. Clay particles have a flaky shape to which water
adheres, thus imparting the property of plasticity.
A plasticity chart , based on the values of liquid limit (WL) and plasticity
index (IP), is provided in ISSCS to aid classification. The 'A' line in this chart is
expressed as
Depending on the point in the chart, fine soils are divided into clays (C),
silts (M), or organic soils (O). The organic content is expressed as a percentage of
the mass of organic matter in a given mass of soil to the mass of the dry soil
solids.Three divisions of plasticity are also defined as follows.
Fig -Indian soil classification
Unit II
When a load is applied to soil, it is carried by the water in the pores as well as the
solid grains. The increase in pressure within the pore water causes drainage (flow out of
the soil), and the load is transferred to the solid grains. The rate of drainage depends on
the permeability of the soil.
The strength and compressibility of the soil depend on the stresses within the solid
granular fabric. These are called effective stresses
Changes in water level below ground (water table changes) result in changes in
effective stresses below the water table. Changes in water level above ground (e.g. in
lakes, rivers, etc.) do not cause changes in effective stresses in the ground below.
Changes in strength
Changes in volume
If both total stress and pore pressure change by the same amount, the effective stress
remains constant. A change in effective stress will cause: a change in strengthand a change
in volume.
Changes in strength
The critical shear strength of soil is proportional
to the effective normal stress; thus, a change in
effective stress brings about a change in strength.
A seaside sandcastle will remain intact while damp, because the pore pressure is negative;
as it dries, this pore pressure suction is lost and it collapses. Note: Sometimes a sandcastle
will remain intact even when nearly dry because salt deposited as seawater evaporates
slightly and cements the grains together.
Changes in volume
Immediately after the construction of a foundation on a fine soil, the pore pressure
increases, but immediately begins to drop as drainage occurs.
The rate of change of effective stress under a loaded foundation, once it is constructed,
will be the same as the rate of change of pore pressure, and this is controlled by the
permeability of the soil.
Settlement occurs as the volume (and therefore thickness) of the soil layers change. Thus,
settlement occurs rapidly in coarse soils with high permeabilities and slowly in fine soils
with low permeabilities.
The worked examples here are designed to illustrate the principles and methods dealt with
in Pore pressure, effective stress and stresses in the ground. The examples chosen are
typical and simple.
Simple total and effective stresses
Stresses under foundations
From an initial state, the stresses under a foundation are first changed by excavation,
i.e. vertical stresses are reduced. After construction the foundation loading increases stresses.
Other changes could result if the water table level changed.
Unit weights: sand above WT = 16 kN/m³, sand below WT = 20 kN/m³, clay = 18 kN/m³.
Calculations for
The figure shows how an extensive layer of fill will be placed on a certain site.The
unit weights are:
clay and sand = 20kN/m³ ,
rolled fill 18kN/m³ ,
assume water = 10 kN/m³.
Calculations are made for the total and effective stress at the mid-depth of the sand and the
mid-depth of the clay for the following conditions: initially, before construction;
immediately after construction; many years after construction.
The construction of the embankment applies a surface
surcharge:q = 18 x 4 = 72.0 kPa.
The sand is drained (either horizontally or into the rock below) and so there is no
increase in pore pressure. The clay is undrained and the pore pressure increases by
72.0 kPa.
After many years, the excess pore pressures in the clay will have dissipated. The pore
pressures will now be the same as they were initially.
Initial stresses at mid-depth of sand (z = 5.0 m)
Vertical total stress
sv = 20.0 x 5.0 + 72.0 = 172.0 kPa
Pore pressure
u = 10 x 5.0 = 50.0 kPa
Vertical effective stress
s´v = sv - u = 122.0 kPa(i.e. no further change)
Introduction - Permeability.
Permeability of the soil quantitatively describes how easily water can flow through it. In
loose soil, amount of pores within the soil grains is more. Water can flow easily through
loose soils. However, in case of dense soil, amount of pores within the soil grains is
less. Water can not flow easily through dense soils (as shown in Figure 17.1). Thus,
permeability is high in case of loose soil whereas, it is low in case of dense soil.
Darcy’s Law
V = Ki (17.1)
Grain Size
Void ratio
Introduction to Permeability
Importance of Permeability:
(i) Seepage through earthen dams and canals.
(ii) Unfit pressure under hydraulic structure and safety against piping
(iv) Yield from a well and drainage of water logged agricultural land.
Permeability is the property of the soil which allows water to pass through its
interconnecting voids.
Laminar Flow:
The flow in which all the particles of water move in parallel paths without crossing the
Turbulent Flow:
The flow in which all the particles of water move in zig-zag path.
Hydraulic Gradient:
The loos of hydaulic head per unit distance of flow is called hydraulic gradient. Consider a
saturated flow through a uniform porous soil mass of length ‘L’ and let h P1 and hP2 be
the piezometric head” or “Pressure head” at the entry and exit face respectively. Let + Z1
and – Z2 be the elevation head at the entry and exit face assuming the downstream water
level as the datum line. The velocity head for flow through soil is negligible.
Method of Determination of Co-Efficient of Permeability:
Water flows from the overhead tank consists of three tubes: inlet, outlet and overflow
tube. Constant head ‘h’ is maintained throughout the test. As the length of the soil sample
‘L’ is fixed throughout the test, the hydraulic gradient ‘i’ remains constant all through the
We know I = h/L
Where h = difference of water level of overhead tank and bottom tank. If Q is the total
The measurement of Q is done after reaching the steady state. The test is repeated two or
three times and the average value of Q is taken for the calculation of K. This test is
suitable for coarse grained soil where a reasonable discharge can be collected in a given
Falling Head Permeability Test:
Falling head test is suitable for less permeable soils. A stand pipe of known cross-
sectional area ‘a’ is fitted with the permeameter and water is allowed to run down through
this pipe. The water level in the stand pipe constantly falls as water flows. Observations
are started after steady state of flow has reached. The head at any time‘t’ is equal to the
difference in water levels in the stand pipe and the bottom tank.
Let h1 and h2 be heads at time intervals t 1 and t2 respectively (t1 > t2). Let h be the head
at any intermediate time interval t and -dh be the change in the head in a smaller time
interval ‘dt’ (minus sign has been used since h decreases as t increases). From Darcy’s
The laboratory observations consist of measurement of the heads h1 and hg at two chosen
time intervals t 1 and t2. The averages of time intervals are taken for calculations.
Permeability of Stratified Soils:
Where a soil profile consists of a number of strata having different permeability, the
normal to, the strata. For flow parallel to layers the hydraulic gradient in each layer is the
same and the total flow rate is the sum of flow rates in all the three layers.
Where Kx = Equivalent or average permeability in direction parallel to the layers. For
flow normal to the layers the flow rate must be same in all layers for steady flow, and as
the flow area ‘A’ is constant the flow velocity across layer is also the same
Where Kz = equivalent permeability for flow normal to the layers. So the equivalent
permeability for flow parallel to the strata is always greater than that for flow normal to
Solved Example:
Example 1:
In a falling head permeability test on a specimen 6 cm high and 50 cm2 in cross- sectional
area, the water level in the stand pipe, 0.8 cm2 in sectional area, dropped from a height of
UNIT – 3
Compressibility and Consolidation
An important task in the design of foundations is to determine the settlement; this is shown
Schematically in Figure 1.
The skeletal soil material and the pore water are relatively incompressible and any change in
volume can only occur due to change in the volume of the voids. For the volume of the voids to
change, pore water must flow into or out of a soil element. Because this cannot happen
instantaneously when a load is first applied to a soil there cannot be any immediate change in its
For one-dimensional conditions with no lateral strain this implies that there is no immediate
vertical strain and hence that the excess pore pressure is equal to the change in vertical stress.
However, under more general conditions both lateral (or horizontal) and vertical strains can
occur. Immediately after load is applied there will be no change in volume, but the soil
deformations will result in an initial settlement. This is said to occur under undrained conditions
because no pore water has been able to drain from the soil. With time the excess pore pressures
generated during the undrained loading will dissipate and further lateral and vertical strains will
occur. Ultimately the settlement will reach its long term or drained value.
On figure 3, the tube on the left of the container shows the water pressure in the container.
1. The container is completely filled with water, and the hole is closed. (Fully saturated soil)
2. A load is applied onto the cover, while the hole is still unopened. At this stage, only the
later resists the applied load. (Development of excessive pore water pressure)
3. As soon as the hole is opened, water starts to drain out through the hole and the spring
shortens. (Drainage of excessive pore water)
4. After some time, the drainage of water no longer occurs. Now, the spring alone resists the
applied load. (Full dissipation of excessive pore water pressure. End of consolidation)
The Oedometer or Consolidometer Laboratory Test
The behaviour of soil during one-dimensional loading can be tested using a device called an
oedometer4, which is shown schematically in Fig. The one-dimensional condition in which the
vertical strain, zz ≠ 0, and the lateral strains, xx = yy = 0 is also referred to as confined
The soil is loaded under conditions of no lateral strain (expansion), as the soil fits tightly into a
relatively rigid ring.
Uncontrolled drainage is provided at the top and bottom of the specimen by porous discs (two
way drainage). In more sophisticated Oedometer apparatus control of drainage is possible.
A vertical load is applied to the specimen and a record of the settlement versus time is made. The
load is left on until primary consolidation ceases (usually 24 hours although this depends on the
soil type, impermeable clays may take longer) shown in the graph
The load is then increased (usually by a factor of 2, so the vertical stresses might be e.g. 20, 40,
80, 160 kPa). When the maximum load is reached, the soil is unloaded in several increments. If
desired reloading can be carried out. At each step, time-settlement records are made.
It is conventional to plot the void ratio versus the logarithm of the effective stress in examining
the behaviour of soil, rather than plotting the relationship between effective stress and strain as is
often done in materials testing. The reason for this is that the relationship between effective
stress and voids ratio is fundamental to an understanding of soil behaviour.
Thus the final voids ratio can be determined by measuring ∆ and the initial voids ratio ei
Over Consolidation Ratio
Settlement Analysis
The theory for the time rate of one-dimensional consolidation was first proposed by Terzaghi
The underlying assumption in the derivation of the mathematical equations are as follows:
1. The clay layer is homogeneous.
3. The compression of the soil layer is due to the change in volume only, which, in turn, is
due to the squeezing out of water from the void spaces.
With the above assumptions, let us consider a clay layer of thickness as shown in Figure. The
layer is located between two highly permeable sand layers.
The term Cv is called the coefficient of consolidation
1. For a laboratory consolidation test on a soil specimen that is drained on both sides, the
following were obtained:
e2 = 0.78
Compaction is the process of increasing the bulk density of a soil or aggregate by driving out air.
For any soil, at a given compactive effort, the density obtained depends on the moisture content.
An “Optimum Moisture Content” exists at which it will achieve a maximum density. Compaction
is the method of mechanically increasing the density of soil. The densification of soil is achieved
by reducing air void space. During compaction, air content reduces, but not water content It is not
possible to compact saturated soil. It should be noted that higher the density of soil mass, stronger,
stiffer, more durable will be the soil mass.
Hence, Compaction
1) Increases density
2) Increases strength characteristics
3) Increases load-bearing capacity
4) Decreases undesirable settlement
5) Increases stability of slopes and embankments
6) Decreases permeability
7) Reduces water seepage
8) Reduces Swelling & Shrinkage
9) Reduces frost damage
10) Reduces erosion damage
11) Develops high negative pore pressures (suctions) increasing effective stress
Mechanism of Compaction-
Optimum Moisture Content (OMC) is the moisture content at which the maximum possible dry
density is achieved for a particular compaction energy or compaction method. The corresponding
dry density is called Maximum Dry Density (MDD). Water is added to lubricate the contact
surfaces of soil particles and improve the compressibility of the soil matrix. It should be noted that
increase in water content increases the dry density inmost soils up to one stage (Dry side). Water
acts as lubrication. Beyond this level, any further increase in water (Wet side)will only add more
void space, thereby reducing the dry density. Hence OMC indicates the boundary between the dry
side and wet side. Hence the compaction curve as shown in figure indicates the initial upward
trend up to OMC and the down ward trend.
4. Now nearly impossible to drive out the last of the air – further increase in water content
results in reduced dry density (curve follows down parallel to the maximum possible
density curve – the Zero Air Voids curve)
5. MDD and OMC depend on the compaction energy and are not unique soil properties.
6. For sand, suction at low water contents also prevents compaction (but not if completely dry)
7. In cohesionless soils, MDD is achieved either when completely dry, or when completely
8. At low water content, grains are held together by suction (water at grain contacts only)
9. This prevents compaction.
10. Laboratory test for MDD on sand requires fully saturated
sample, and involves vibration
1. Water Content
2. Amount of Compaction
3. Method of Compaction
4. Type of Soil
5. Addition of Admixtures
1. With increase in water content, compacted density increases up to a stage, beyond which
compacteddensity decreases.
2. The maximum density achieved is called MDD and the corresponding water content is called
3. At lower water contents than OMC, soil particles are held by the force that prevents the
development ofdiffused double layer leading to low inter-particle repulsion.
4. Increase in water results in expansion of double layer and reduction in net attractive force
betweenparticles. Water replaces air in void space
5. Particles slide over each other easily increasing lubrication, helping in dense packing.
6. After OMC is reached, air voids remain constant. Further increase in water, increases the
void space, thereby decreasing dry density.
Effect of Amount of Compaction-
1. As discussed earlier, effect of increasing compactive effort is to increase MDD And reduce OMC
(Evident from Standard & Modified Proctor’s Tests).
The dry density achieved by the soil depends on the following characteristics of compacting method.
Type of compaction
Area of contact of Time of exposure of these approaches will yield different compactive effort.
Further, suitability of a particular method depends on type of soil.
Maximum density achieved depends on type of Coarse grained soil achieves higher density at lower
water content and fine grained soil achieves lesser density, but at higher water content.
Influence on Density:
Effect of compaction is to reduce the voids by expelling out air. This results in increasing the dry
density of soil mass.
Effect of compaction on permeability
1. Increased dry density, reduces the void space, thereby reducing permeability.
2. At same density, soil compacted dry of optimum is more permeable.
3. At same void ratio, soil with bigger particle size is more permeable.
4. Increased compactive effort reduces permeability.
Effect on Settlement
1. Compaction increases density and decreases void ratio.
2. This results in reduced settlement.
3. Both elastic settlement and consolidation settlement are reduced.
4. Soil compacted dry of optimum experiences greater compression than that compacted wet of
Effect on Compressibility
Optimum shows more compressibility than that on dry side. But at higher pressure, behavior is similar.
1. On dry side of optimum, the structure is flocculated. The particles repel and density is less.
2. Addition of water increases lubrication and transforms the structure into dispersed
structure In coarse grained soil, single grained structure is maintained
Effect on Pore Pressure
1. Clayey soil compacted dry of optimum develops less pore water pressure than that
compacted wet ofoptimum at the same density at low strains.
2. However, at higher strains the effect is the same in both the cases.
The strength and modulus of elasticity of soil on the dry side of optimum will always be better
than on the wet side for the same density. Soil compacted dry of optimum shows brittle failure
and that compacted on wet side experiences increased strain.
1. Cylindrical metal mould with detachable base plate (having internal diameter 101.6 mm, internal height
116.8 mm and internal volume 945000 mm3)
2. Collar of 50 mm effective height
3. Rammer of weight 2.5 kgf (25 N) with a height of fall of 304.8 mm
1. About 3 kg of dry soil, with all lumps pulverized and passing through 4.75 mm sieve is taken.
2. The quantity of water to be added in the first trial is decided. (Less for Corse grained soil and more
for Fine grained soil).
3. Mould without base plate & collar is weighed
4. The inner surfaces of mould, base plate and collar are greased.
5. Water and soil are thoroughly mixed.
6. Soil is placed in mould and compacted in three uniform layers, with 25 blows in each layer. Blows
are maintained uniform and vertical and height of drop is controlled.
7. After each layer, top surface is scratched to maintain integrity between layers.
8. The height of top layer is so controlled that after compaction, soil slightly protrudes in to collar.
9. Excess soil is scrapped.
10. Mould and soil are weighed (W)
11. A representative sample from the middle is kept for the determination of water content.
12. The procedure is repeated with increasing water content.
13. The number of trials shall be at least 6 with a few after the decreasing trend of bulk density.
Modified Compaction Test
In early days, compaction achieved in field was relatively less. With improvement in knowledge and
technology, higher compaction became a necessity in field. Hence Modified Compaction Test became
relevant. It was developed during World War II by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineering tobetter represent
the compaction required for airfield to support heavy aircraft.
Degree of Compaction
Relative compaction or degree of compaction
A Standard Proctor test has yielded the values shown below. Determine:
a) The maximum dry unit weight and its OMC; remember V=1/30ft3.
b) The moisture range for 93% of maximum dry unit weight.
UNIT – 4
Let a point load P act at the ground surface, at a point O which may taken as the origin of
the x, y and z axes as shown. And the Table shows the variation of influence factor with
respect to r/z
Vertical Stress Increase in soil for Point Load
=Change in Vertical Stress
q = Load per Unit Length
z = Depth
R= Radius
Table:Variation of /q with z/R
An exposed ground surface that stands at an angle ( ) with the horizontal is called
slope. Slopes are required in the construction of highway and railway embankments,
earth dams, levees and canals. These are constructed by sloping the lateral faces of
the soil because slopes are generally less expensive than constructing walls. Slopes
can be natural or manmade. When the ground surface is not horizontal a component
of gravity will try to move the sloping soil mass downwards. Failure of natural
slopes (landslides) and man-made slopes has resulted in much death and destruction.
Some failures are sudden and catastrophic; others are widespread; some are
localized. Civil Engineers are expected to check the safety of natural and slopes of
excavation. Slope stability analysis consists of determining and comparing the shear
stress developed along the potential rupture surface with the shear strength of the
soil. Attention has to be paid to geology, surface drainage, groundwater, and the
shear strength of soils in assessing slope stability.
In this chapter, we will discuss simple methods of slope stability analysis from
which one will be able to:
Man made slopes are used in
Earth Dams
River Training works
Intense Rain-Fall
1. Erosion: The wind and flowing water causes erosion of top surface of slope
and makes the slope steep and thereby increase the tangential component of
driving force.
2. Steady Seepage: Seepage forces in the sloping direction add to gravity forces
and make the slope susceptible to instability. The pore water pressure
decrease the shear strength. This condition is critical for the downstream
Types of failure
2. Toe failure
3. Base failure
centre of
rotation „O‟
Slip or failure
crest of B
surface slope toe of slope
Slip or failure zone: It is a thin zone of soil that reaches the critical state or
residual state and results in movement of the upper soil mass.
Slip plane or failure plane or slip surface or failure surface: It is the surface of
Sliding mass: It is the mass of soil within the slip plane and the ground surface.
Slope angle: It is the angle of inclination of a slope to the horizontal. The slope
angle is sometimes referred to as a ratio, for example, 2:1 (horizontal: vertical).
Types of Slopes
1. Infinite Slopes
2. Finite Slopes
Infinite slopes: They have dimensions that extend over great distances and thesoil
mass is inclined to the horizontal.
Infinite Slope
Finite slopes:
A finite slope is one with a base and top surface, the height being limited. The
inclined faces of earth dams, embankments and excavation and the like are all finite
When FS = 1, then the slope is said to be in a state of failure.
Infinite Slopes:
Infinite slopes have dimensions that extended over great distances and the soil mass is
inclined to the horizontal. If different strata are present strata boundaries are assumed
to be parallel to the surface. Failure is assumed to occur along a plane parallel to the
The maximum inclination of an infinite slope in cohesion less soil for
stability is equal to the angle of internal friction of the soil”.
Unstable Slope
Mohr – cumlomb
Strength envelope
Condition Stable stress
Normal stress Vs. Shear stress indicating the limiting condition of aslope
& %
Infinite slope in pure cohesive soil
Finite Slopes
A finite slope is one with a base and top surface, the height being limited. The
inclined faces of earth dams, embankments, excavation and the like are all finite
c) Repeating the process until the worst slip surface, that is, the one with
minimum margin of safety is found.
II. Total stress analysis for cohesive –frictional (c-ϕ) soil – (Swedish method
of slices or Method of slices)
III. Effective stress analysis for conditions of steady seepage, rapid drawdownand
immediately after construction.
V. Taylor’s method.
Finite slope in cohesive soils
Let AB be a trial slip surface in the form of a circular arc of radius „r‟ with respect to
center of rotation „O‟ as shown in Fig
Let `W' be the weight of the soil within the slip surface
The exact position of G is not required and it is only necessary to ascertain the
position of the line of action of W, this may be obtained by dividing the failure plane
into a set of vertical slices and taking moments of area of these slices about any
convenient vertical axis.
In case of cohesive soil when the slope is on the verge slippage there develops a
tension crack at the top of the slope as shown in Fig 11. the depth of tension crack is
Where, c = cohesion
= unit weight
There is no shear resistance along the crack. The failure arc reduces fromArc
AB to Arc AB' and the angle reduces to ´.
The effect of tension cracks are
1. It modifies the slip surface and reduces the length of the slip surface.
2. It is usually filled with water and produces hydrostatic pressure alongthe
3. It acts as channel for water to flow into underlying soil layers, inducing
seepage forces.
4. It reduces the factor of safety.
+ ,-
For a c-ϕ soils the undrained strength envelope shows both c and ϕ values. Thetotal
stress analysis can be adopted.