Steel Sheet, Zinc-Coated (Galvanized) or Zinc-Iron Alloy-Coated (Galvannealed) by The Hot-Dip Process
Steel Sheet, Zinc-Coated (Galvanized) or Zinc-Iron Alloy-Coated (Galvannealed) by The Hot-Dip Process
Steel Sheet, Zinc-Coated (Galvanized) or Zinc-Iron Alloy-Coated (Galvannealed) by The Hot-Dip Process
Designation: A653/A653M − 22
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This specification is under the jurisdiction of ASTM Committee A05 on For referenced ASTM standards, visit the ASTM website,, or
Metallic-Coated Iron and Steel Products and is the direct responsibility of contact ASTM Customer Service at For Annual Book of ASTM
Subcommittee A05.11 on Sheet Specifications. Standards volume information, refer to the standard’s Document Summary page on
Current edition approved Nov. 1, 2022. Published November 2022. Originally the ASTM website.
approved in 1994. Last previous edition approved in 2020 as A653/A653M – 20. Available from American National Standards Institute (ANSI), 25 W. 43rd St.,
DOI: 10.1520/A0653_A0653M-22. 4th Floor, New York, NY 10036,
ISO 4998 Continuous Hot-Dip Zinc-Coated Carbon Steel of 3.2.1 bake hardenable steel, n—steel sheet in which a
Structural Quality significant increase in yield strength is realized when moderate
heat treatment, such as that used for paint baking, follows
3. Terminology straining or cold working.
3.1 Definitions—See Terminology A902 for definitions of 3.2.2 differentially coated, n—galvanized steel sheet having
general terminology relating to metallic-coated hot-dip prod- a specified “coating designation” on one surface and a signifi-
ucts. cantly lighter specified “coating designation” on the other
3.2 Definitions of Terms Specific to This Standard: surface.
CS Type CC,D,E 0.08 0.60 0.100 0.035 A
0.25 0.20 0.15 0.06 0.008 0.008 0.025 A A
DDS Type AD,E 0.06 0.50 0.020 0.025 0.01 0.25 0.20 0.15 0.06 0.008 0.008 0.025 A A
DDS Type CD,E 0.02 0.50 0.020 to 0.025 0.01 0.25 0.20 0.15 0.06 0.10 0.10 0.15 A A
EDDSH 0.02 0.40 0.020 0.020 0.01 0.25 0.20 0.15 0.06 0.10 0.10 0.15 A A
There is no requirement, but the analysis shall be reported.
For steels containing 0.02 % carbon or more, titanium is permitted at the producer’s option, to the lesser of 3.4N + 1.5S or 0.025 %.
When a deoxidized steel is required for the application, the purchaser has the option to order CS and FS to a minimum of 0.01 % total aluminum.
Steel is permitted to be furnished as a vacuum degassed or chemically stabilized steel, or both, at the producer’s option.
For carbon levels less than or equal to 0.02 %, vanadium, columbium, or titanium, or combinations thereof, are permitted to be used as stabilizing elements at the
producer’s option. In such cases, the applicable limit for vanadium and columbium shall be 0.10 % max and the limit for titanium shall be 0.15 % max.
For CS and FS, specify Type B to avoid carbon levels below 0.02 %.
Shall not be furnished as a stabilized steel.
Shall be furnished as a stabilized steel.
Columbium (Cb) and Niobium (Nb) are considered interchangeable names for Element 41 in the periodic table and both names are acceptable for use.
There is no requirement, but the analysis shall be reported.
For carbon levels less than or equal to 0.02 %, vanadium, columbium, or titanium, or combinations thereof, are permitted to be used as stabilizing elements at the
producer’s option. In such cases, the applicable limit for vanadium and columbium shall be 0.10 % max, and the limit for titanium shall be 0.15 % max.
For steels containing more than 0.02 % carbon, titanium is permitted to the lesser of 3.4N + 1.5S or 0.025 %.
Shall be furnished as a stabilized steel.
HSLAS and HSLAS-F steels commonly contain the strengthening elements columbium, vanadium, and titanium added singly or in combination. The minimum
requirements only apply to the microalloy elements selected for strengthening of the steel.
HSLAS-F steel shall be treated to achieve inclusion control.
Columbium (Cb) and Niobium (Nb) are considered interchangeable names for Element 41 in the periodic table and both names are acceptable for use.
hardened steel, and bake hardenable steel shall conform to the 7.2 The typical mechanical properties for CS (Types A, B,
mechanical property requirements in Table 4 for the grade or and C), FS (Types A and B), DDS (Types A and C), and EDDS
class, or both. sheet designations are listed in Table 5. These mechanical
7.1.1 Bake hardenable steel shall conform to bake harden- property values are nonmandatory. They are intended solely to
ing index requirements included in Table 4 for the grade provide the purchaser with as much information as possible to
specified. The method for measuring the bake hardening index make an informed decision on the steel to be specified. Values
is described in Annex A1. Bake hardenable steel shall exhibit outside of these ranges are to be expected.
a minimum increase in yield strength of 4 ksi [25 MPa] as
based on the upper yield point or of 3 ksi [20 MPa] as based on 7.3 When base metal mechanical properties are required, all
the lower yield stress, after a prestrained specimen has been tests shall be conducted in accordance with the methods
exposed to a standard bake cycle (340 °F [170 °C] for 20 min). specified in Specification A924/A924M.
7.4 Bending Properties Minimum Cold Bending Radii— spot/single side coating mass designation (single spot/single
Structural steel and high-strength low-alloy steel are com- side designations are available only in SI units).
monly fabricated by cold bending. There are many interrelated 8.1.3 Use the following relationships to estimate the coating
factors that affect the ability of a steel to cold form over a given thickness from the coating weight [mass]:
radius under shop conditions. These factors include thickness, 1.00 oz/ft2 coating weight = 1.68 mils coating
strength level, degree of restraint, relationship to rolling thickness, and
direction, chemistry, and base metal microstructure. The table 7.14 g/m2 coating mass = 1.00 µm coating thickness.
in Appendix X1 lists the suggested minimum inside radius for 8.1.4 Use the following relationship to convert coating
90° cold bending for structural steel and high-strength low- weight to coating mass:
alloy steel. They presuppose “hard way” bending (bend axis 1.00 oz/ft2 coating weight = 305 g/m2 coating mass.
parallel to rolling direction) and reasonably good shop forming
practices. Where possible, the use of larger radii or “easy way” 8.2 Coating Weight [Mass] Tests:
bends are recommended for improved performance. 8.2.1 Coating weight [mass] tests shall be performed in
accordance with the requirements of Specification A924/
8. Coating Properties A924M.
8.2.2 The referee method to be used shall be Test Method
8.1 Coating Weight [Mass]:
8.1.1 Coating weight [mass] shall conform to the require-
ments as shown in Table 1 for the specific coating designation, 8.3 Coating Bend Test:
or 8.3.1 The coating bend test specimens designated by prefix
8.1.2 If required, the coating mass shall conform to the “G” [“Z”] shall be capable of being bent through 180° in any
requirements as shown in Table S2.1 for the specific single direction without flaking of the coating on the outside of the
The following standardized supplementary requirements are for use when desired by the purchaser.
These additional requirements shall apply only when specified on the order.
S1. Base Metal Thickness S2. Single Spot/Single Side Coating Mass
S1.1 The specified minimum thickness shall apply to the S2.1 The coating designation shown on the order indicates
base metal only. the coating mass to be applied to a single side. The order shall
S1.2 The coating designation shown on the order indicates specify a coating mass designation from Table S2.1 for each
the coating to be applied to the specified minimum base metal surface. No inch pound designations are available, although for
thickness. each SI coating mass designation in Table S2.1, corresponding
inch-pound values are shown for information purposes
S1.3 Tables 15 and A1.12 Thickness Tolerances for Cold
Rolled Sheet (all designations) -1 in. [25-mm] Minimum Edge S2.2 The format for specifying the coating for each surface
Distance and Tables S1.3 and S1.6 Thickness Tolerances for on the order shall be, for instance, 60G60G. In the case of
Cold Rolled (All Designations) - 3⁄8-in. [10-mm] Minimum differential coating masses, the thicker (heavier) coating mass
Edge Distance of Specification A568/A568M. side shall be specified first, for instance 90G45G.
(Mandatory Information)
(Nonmandatory Information)
50 [340] 2t
55 [380] Class 1 2t
55 [380] Class 2 2t
60 [410] 2t
70 [480] 3t
80 [550] 3t
SHS 26 [180] 1⁄2 t
31 [210] 1t
35 [240] 11⁄2 t
41 [280] 2t
44 [300] 2t
BHS 26 [180] 1⁄2 t
31 [210] 1t
35 [240] 11⁄2 t
41 [280] 2t
44 [300] 2t
Material that does not perform satisfactorily, when fabricated in accordance with the requirements in Table X1.1, may be subject to rejection pending negotiation with
the steel supplier.
Bending capability may be limited by coating designation.
X2.1 Subcommittee A05.11 has revised the designations product variables such as substrate thickness and coating
used to classify the various products available in each hot-dip weight.
coated specification. The previous “quality” designations have
been replaced with designations and descriptions more closely X2.3 The new designations also provide the user with the
related with product characteristics. Many of the former flexibility to restrict the steels applied on any order. For
“quality” specifications described the steel only in terms of example, a user can restrict the application of ultra low carbon
limited chemical composition, which in some cases was steels on an application through the selection of an appropriate
identical for two or more qualities. The former designations “type” designator.
also did not reflect the availability of new steels which are the X2.4 There is a limited relationship between the former and
result of the use of new technologies such as vacuum degassing current systems of designation. Some of the reasons for this
and steel ladle treatments. limited relationship are: addition of steels not previously
described in ASTM specifications, restrictions placed on
X2.2 The former “quality” designators, defined in very ranges of chemical composition, the addition of typical me-
broad qualitative terms, did not provide the user with all the chanical properties, and the enhanced capability of steel
information needed to select the appropriate steel for an producers to combine chemical composition and processing
application. The new designations are defined with technical methods to achieve properties tailored to specific applications.
information such as specific chemical composition limits and
typical nonmandatory mechanical properties. These steel char- X2.5 The changes in designation are significant which may
acteristics are important to users concerned with the weldabil- create transition issues that will have to be resolved. Continued
ity and formability of the coated steel products. The typical dialogue between users and producers will have to be main-
mechanical properties included in the new designation system tained to assist with the transition to the new system of
are those indicated by the tension test. These properties are designations. A user with concerns about the appropriate
more predictive of steel formability than other tests such as the coated steel to order for a specific application should consult
hardness test which may not compensate adequately for with a steel supplier or producer.
X3.1 ISO 3575 and ISO 4998 may be reviewed for com- documents should be consulted for actual requirements. Those
parison with this standard. The relationship between the who use these documents must determine which specifications
standards may only be approximate; therefore, the respective address their needs.
X4.1 The proper selection of coating mass to meet a user’s observed). Or, is the application one in which the time to
needs for zinc-coated steel sheet requires some knowledge failure is defined as the time when perforation of the steel sheet
about the relative corrosiveness of the environment in which is observed? In this case, the thickness of the steel sheet as well
the product will be used. The corrosion rate of the zinc coating as the thickness of the zinc coating impact the time to failure.
varies widely depending upon many factors of the environ-
ment. For example, the time of wetness is an important issue X4.3 No matter how one defines the “product life,” there are
that affects the corrosion rate. The presence of impurities such data in the published literature to assist users once the
as chlorides, nitrates, and sulfates can also dramatically affect environment and desired product life are determined.
the rate of corrosion. Other issues such as the presence or
X4.4 Although the corrosion rate can vary considerably
absence of oxygen and the temperature of the environment are
depending on the environmental factors, it is well known that,
important determinants for predicting the “life of the product.”
in most instances, the life of the zinc coating is a linear
X4.2 The final performance requirements can also impact function of coating mass for any specific environment. That
the minimum coating mass needed for a given application. For means, to achieve twice the life for any specific application, the
example, is the application an aesthetic one that requires no red user should order twice the coating mass.
rust. In this case, the time to failure is thus defined as the time X4.4.1 Examples:
for the onset of red rust (the time for the zinc coating to be X4.4.1.1 A G60 coating mass will exhibit approximately
consumed in a large enough area for rusting of the steel to be twice the life of a G30 coating mass.
X4.4.1.2 A G90 coating mass will exhibit about 50 %
Atmospheric corrosion rates do not apply to zinc-iron alloy coatings. longer life than a G60 coating mass.
Committee A05 has identified the location of selected changes to this standard since the last issue
(A653/A653M – 20) that may impact the use of this standard. (Approved Nov. 1, 2022)
ASTM International takes no position respecting the validity of any patent rights asserted in connection with any item mentioned
in this standard. Users of this standard are expressly advised that determination of the validity of any such patent rights, and the risk
of infringement of such rights, are entirely their own responsibility.
This standard is subject to revision at any time by the responsible technical committee and must be reviewed every five years and
if not revised, either reapproved or withdrawn. Your comments are invited either for revision of this standard or for additional standards
and should be addressed to ASTM International Headquarters. Your comments will receive careful consideration at a meeting of the
responsible technical committee, which you may attend. If you feel that your comments have not received a fair hearing you should
make your views known to the ASTM Committee on Standards, at the address shown below.
This standard is copyrighted by ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959,
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