TN 43
TN 43
TN 43
This Technical Note gives advice on films that are applied to glass to improve performance and
recommends that a risk assessment should be carried out prior to installation to establish how risks
have changed and to inform all parties of any changes in hazards and risks.
Films are normally applied to the inside of the
In some instances the performance of glass glazing, although they may in some
panes may be improved prior to installation or circumstances be applied to the outside
more commonly after installation. One of the surface or to both surfaces of the glazing,
simplest, least disruptive and cost-effective where required for performance.
solutions is to add a plastic film to one or both
sides of the glass. The films can improve In general, the addition of films to glass is a
safety, security, solar control and visual remedial action to improve glazing
appearance, while providing privacy, performance or meet demands of legislation.
resistance to graffiti, UV protection and glass There can however be instances when they
manifestation. Some films can fulfil more than are added to new buildings for the same
one purpose. A major advantage of using film reasons and/or for decoration.
is that the need to purchase and install new
glazing can be avoided. The use of films can help non-safety glass in
pre-existing buildings comply with safety glass
Films regulations. They can also improve the
thermal comfort of pre-existing building.
The films have a thickness of less than 1 mm
and are generally available up to 1500 mm in BS 6262 mentions film backed annealed
width. Professional installation is required to glass, but does not provide significant
achieve desired performance, but films are guidance.
often easy to apply, easy to remove and can in
some cases be reused. They have the Film types
potential to be attached in any climate and to
any glazing product, whether they be single Most films are produced from multiple
glazing or insulating glass units. polyester sheets bonded together with
adhesive. They will often have a powerful self-
Films range from completely transparent that adhesive on one side of the film that sticks to
cannot be detected by the human eye to the glass. Polyester film is used due to its
nearly opaque, which can be used to reduce toughness and high optical clarity. Other
fading and provide privacy. Films are also layers such as metallised film, alloys, dyes and
available in a variety of colours or tints (e.g. various oxides for solar control may also be
blue, bronze, gold, green, grey), patterns and present. UV protection is provided by
logos for decoration and to provide ultraviolet absorbers within the film body
manifestation so that the glass can be seen and/or adhesive layer. A scratch resistant
easily. coating may be applied onto the exterior
surface to improve resistance to abrasion and
Reflective and tinted films are used to cleaning. The films have a number of uses,
enhance the appearance, ambience and which include:
energy efficiency of buildings. They will in
general result in less light being transmitted • Anti-graffiti
and an increase in the absorption of solar • Decoration/manifestation
radiation by the glazing. Newly developed • Environmental control
tinted films can have only a very light tint and • Safety/security
good solar energy rejection, which will reduce
the absorption of solar radiation by the glazing.
© CWCT 2004 July 2004
This document has been printed from the CWCT ‘’Cladding Forum’, access to which is restricted to subscribing Members of the
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Film backed glass TN 43
Anti-graffiti film is a clear thick film attached layers of metal alloys, dyes, or various oxides
to the exterior/interior of window glass or any in the film.
other smooth surfaces. The film is designed to
protect surfaces from abuse and is aimed at Solar control film works by reflecting incoming
protecting shop fronts, office buildings, and heat and allowing light in. This helps prevent
public facilities that may be subjected to overheating in warm summer months. It may
graffiti. It can help prevent the need for costly also help to minimize heating and cooling
replacement in cases of severe graffiti. The imbalances that occur within a building as a
film if professionally installed is not obvious to result of parts of the building being in sunny
vandals and can be easily removed and areas while other parts are in shaded areas.
replaced with new film should graffiti occur.
Use of solar control films can therefore lead to
Decoration/manifestation film is designed to improved building comfort as well as energy
make glass attractive and/or noticeable in and cost savings, due to air conditioning costs
appearance. Films can be used to cover the being reduced. Up to 76% of incoming solar
visible surface of the glass and may heat can be reflected by film-backed glass.
incorporate a pattern or design. This can result in up to 83% of incoming solar
heat being rejected by film-backed glass.
The film can be a cheaper, more efficient, non-
permanent alternative to the use of Some films can act to reflect outgoing heat
sandblasting and silkscreen printing to create back into a building, while allowing light and
decorative and/or manifestation patterns on solar heat in. This will help to keep buildings
glass. warm in cold winter months and improve
building comfort.
For manifestation film the pattern or design
must make the location of the glass door The energy saving performance of solar
apparent: control films depends upon film type, location,
climate, building size, sun orientation, rebate
• For people including the visually impaired, amount and other factors.
• When the door is open or closed. The International Window Film Association
(IWFA) suggests caution, where non-clear
Specific requirements are outlined in Building solar control film is used in the following
Regulations Part M and take precedence over circumstances:
manifestation requirements in Building • Single pane glass larger than 9 m2.
Regulations Part N and BS 6262 Part 4.
• Double pane glass larger than 3.5 m2.
In manifestation applications the glazing is
likely to be either single glazing or insulating • Clear glass thicker than 9.5 mm.
glass units that may utilise thick robust
annealed glass, toughened safety glass or • Tinted glass thicker than 6 mm.
laminated safety glass. The effect of the film
on the post-failure breakage characteristics of • Window framing systems of concrete,
the safety glass should therefore be solid aluminium, or solid steel.
• Glass where sealant or glazing
Environmental control film is formulated to compound has hardened.
help control the environment inside a building.
Such films can provide the following functions: • Visibly chipped, cracked or otherwise
damaged glass.
• Heat gain control
• Heat loss control • Reflective, wired, textured, or patterned
• Privacy glass.
• Glare control
• Triple pane glass.
• UV resistance
• Laminated glass windows.
Some products are capable of providing more
than one of these functions. The films function This is because of an increased likelihood of
by either absorbing or reflecting radiation, glass failure from thermal stresses. Film
such as visible light, due to the presence of manufacturers or suppliers should be
Film backed glass TN 43
Film backed glass TN 43
Durability of plastic films can be low, These may not hold or anchor the film in place
particularly if of poor quality materials, on glass breakage to the same degree.
construction, installation, etc. and may age if
not protected from the effects of ultra-violet Another method of installation is to apply the
light. This can be evident as peeling, cracking, film in-situ without deglazing or the use of
demetallisation and delamination. special fixings or anchoring frame. In this
Manufacturers may guarantee films for 5-10 method a gap of 0.5 to 4 mm between the film
years when used internally and for 2-10 years and the frame margin should be left to allow
when used externally. The better films can water present in the adhesive to dissipate. No
have guaranteed lifetime of between 10-20 contact with the frame margin should occur as
years when installed on the interior glass this may raise the film edge and cause film
surfaces of occupied commercial buildings. peeling. On dark films (e.g. tinted, metallised,
Film lifetime will vary with the type of film, type tinted/metallised and sputtered films) an edge
of glass, method of glazing, glass orientation, gap of up to 2 mm is normally recommended
building location and climate. The to reduce the size of the light band around the
manufacturer or supplier should be consulted edge of the film. This approach may not hold
regarding any conditions that may need to be the film in place on glass breakage and could
met if the film-backed glass is to meet its have implications for safety in situations such
expected lifetime. as where explosion resistance is required. It is
the least expensive and quickest method of
Films placed on external surfaces must be installation.
robust and allow for possible damage by the
cleaning process. Films with special scratch Films may not be available in suitable widths
resistant coatings are available for this to fit large glazed areas. Consequently, films
purpose. Also, if the film is applied after the may need to be cut and spliced together. This
glass is installed then the film is only likely to joint may be a visible feature on the glazing.
be fitted up to the edge of the glazing gaskets, To minimise any visual distraction the joint
leaving a path for cleaning fluids and water to should be vertical, in the middle of the pane
reach the adhesive layer and the edge of the and placed parallel to one edge of the frame
film. Delamination of the film and/or margin. Films should also be placed a
separation of the film from the glass could then maximum of 1 mm away from each other.
occur. To overcome this, external films should Overlapping should only be used where films
be edge sealed. are <50 µm thick and are not used for safety
and security applications.
After application the film will need time to cure
The use of specialist installation contractors is so that maximum adhesion can be produced.
recommended. Curing time can be instantaneous for solar
control films and up to a few hours for
A guide to the installation of film is produced safety/security films. The exact time is
by the Glass and Glazing Federation. dependent upon film/adhesive type, thickness
Manufacturers instructions should also be and atmospheric conditions. Where the film is
followed. to be applied externally a sealant may be
required and the manufacturers instructions
Most film-backed glass is installed by should be consulted.
deglazing and filming the glass into the rebate.
This approach is often best at holding the film A guide to assessing the visual quality of
in place on glass breakage. It is however applied film is produced by the Glass and
expensive and time consuming. Glazing Federation. The film can be of
sufficient quality that with good installation
Other methods of installation have been they may add no additional visual defects to
developed and include: the glass. The applied film is considered
acceptable if the presence of dirt particles, hair
• Taking the film into the bolt fixing and fibres, adhesive gels, fingerprints, insects,
assembly in bolted glazing edge lift, water haze, scores and scratches,
film distortion, creases, air bubbles, and nicks
• Use of anchoring frame which secures the
and tears are very low. Inspection can occur
film to the glass frame
within one day of application or at anytime
• Use of anchoring fixings which secure the
before the film fully cures.
film to the glass frame
Film backed glass TN 43
Normal maintenance is by cleaning with a soft where monolithic toughened glass may be
cloth, sponge or towel and a mild soap/water used. Broken film backed glass may fall or
solution. collapse under its own weight or the effects of
external forces, such as fire, wind, etc.
All films complying with safety glass
regulations should be permanently and clearly This could occur because the film is
marked during installation. insufficiently strong to withstand load, that it
tears or where there is insufficient restraint or
If films are incorrectly applied they may not rigidity, such as an anchoring system, to hold
adhere to the glass, thereby reducing any the film backed glass in place on failure. The
safety or performance benefit. end result may be a large weight of glass
falling as a single object, which may have the
Safety considerations potential to cause fatalities, injuries and break
bones depending upon the height of the fall.
The application of a film may alter the safety Consideration should also be given to the
characteristics of the glass and its post failure potential for the film-backed glass to withstand
breakage characteristics. The effect can be the effects of accumulated rainwater or snow
positive if the correct film is selected, negative when broken.
if the incorrect film is chosen or have no
significant effect on safety. As a result, its It has been reported by Bannerman that filmed
effect on building safety should be determined bolted toughened glass was held in place for 5
using a risk assessment. days after failure. He has also reported that
the use of film and a suitable anchoring
Risk assessments are part of good building system in a vertical situation retained the glass
practice and should be carried out prior to the for 6 months and in a horizontal situation for 9
selection and installation of the film to ensure months after failure.
that all parties are aware of any residual
hazards that the film backed glass may pose. In the case of heavy-duty security or anti-
This risk assessment should be included in the shatter film, it can provide significant
building’s health and safety file. resistance to blast pressures produced by
explosions. This is dependent upon the
Where film backed glass exists and no risk properties and thickness of the film and its
assessment has previously been carried out, a adhesive. Installation should either be applied
risk assessment should be completed at the to the full surface of the glass, possibly
earliest opportunity, shown to all relevant including that part within the rebate of the
parties and placed inside the building’s health frame or an appropriate anchoring system
and safety file, where present. used, depending upon the degree of protection
required, film type, etc. Such systems should
Particular consideration should be given to the be tested to ensure performance is
potential alteration of the post-failure satisfactory for the situation.
characteristics of film-backed glass. The film
may cause glass fragments to be held Films have the advantage that they will hold
together on failure, which may be an glass fragments together on failure reducing
advantage or disadvantage, depending upon the potential for flying debris in an explosion.
the circumstances. If subjected to high explosive pressures the
film backed glass may be ‘punched’ out its
In some circumstances, such as those frame as a single piece of glass or the film
involving glass failure on human impact this may have insufficient strength to hold the
may be an advantage. Glass fragments will be glass fragments together on failure creating
more likely to be held together and prevented large pieces of flying debris. Furthermore,
from forming jagged protruding shards that will laminated glass is generally preferred to
pose a higher risk of causing cutting and heavy-duty security film, since it may give
piercing injuries should they come into contact greater blast protection and the plastic
with the body. The likelihood of the person component is protected from atmospheric
falling through the glass possibly from height degradation.
will also be lower.
Monolithic toughened glass doors, will be fully
In other circumstances a greater risk of injury or partially covered in manifestation film, which
may occur should the film backed glass fall or may affect the breakage characteristics of the
collapse after glass breakage. This is a door. Consideration should therefore be given
particular risk in sloping or vertical glazing to the area of film manifestation in the risk
Film backed glass TN 43