Foggy Glass Disease
Foggy Glass Disease
Foggy Glass Disease
Figure 1: The widespread "Florida Glass Disease." Delamination of the PVB interlayer in an improperly designed framing.
Replacement of the glass without the diagnosis and treatment of the underlying cause is almost always futile - the fogging would
reappear in a matter of months.
We need you to verify the age of your glass; modern architectural glass is expensive but has a relatively
short lifespan ranging from 5 to 25 years. There are chances that your glass simply failed due to its age.
On the other hand, a replacement of a prematurely failed glass without curing the underlying problem
would virtually guarantee a quickly ensuing repetitive failure. Owners sometimes replace foggy glass
panes only to discover that the costly replacement was futile. This is particularly typical in Florida, where
almost all new glazing is laminated due to the hurricane protection requirements, and the frequent
underlying reason of the failure is a poor design and construction of framing holding the glass.
Insulated Glass Fogging
Longevity of modern glass is often a significant overlooked factor in the overall cost of owning IGUs and
in life-cycle analysis. Fogging should be expected as a normal result of gradual deterioration. IGUs
typically carry a warranty for 10 to 20 years, and this is often their actual lifespan. They are built as a
hermetically sealed assembly, but in many cases the fogging occurs much earlier, and is sometimes
found to be caused by a fabrication or design error. Unlike the laminated glass delamination, this subject
is fairly well covered by American standards, including the dedicated ASTM E2189 "Standard Test
Method for Testing Resistance to Fogging in Insulating Glass Units."
The mechanism is fairly simple. Haziness indicates presence of excessive volume of moisture in the
cavity between glass layers. Moisture can enter the cavity in several ways, depending on the construction
of the spacer and its seals. It's initially absorbed by the desiccant, and then the excess periodically
condenses or freezes on cool surfaces. The failure is sometimes traced to the primary seal of glazing
spacers. In a modern IGU, the longevity of the primary seal, typically made of a butyl sealant, depends on
many factors, including exposure to shear stresses. And so, generally speaking, a well-made,
conservatively framed, small-size, transparent window in a permanently shaded location would generally
last longer than e.g., a large glass pane, dead loaded by its inner ply, installed as a spandrel and exposed
to large temperature and pressure variations, which are all conditions known to increase shear stresses
of primary seals.
Figure 2: When all dams break loose, IGU may serve as an aquarium. New York City.
Owners often find limited warranties to be useless for two chief reasons: 1) the marginal ratio (sometimes
less than 5%) of the reimbursed cost of material to the total replacement cost and a waiver of
consequential damages, 2) Broad exclusions that indemnify glass providers.
Let's quote some typical exclusions that apply to insulated glass: "This warranty does not apply to or
cover : (a) Units in excess of (50) square feet; (b) use of or application to an IGU, its installation or
subsequent maintenance, materials that are not compatible with the IGU organic seals , coated or
laminated glass surfaces; (c) failure caused by broken glass or other damage to an IGU; (d) IGU that
have been retrofitted with a solar, blast resistant, or security contact film adhered to any glass surface by
others than the fabricator; (e) an IGU installed in a continuous or cyclical high moisture environment,
including without limitation swimming pool enclosures and greenhouses without the use of fabricator's
approved humidity control devices; ( f) any IGU installed in facilities which may incur high vibration; (g) an
IGU installed in sloped glazing; (h) an IGU solely utilizing Lexan, polycarbonate, acrylic or other plastic
materials as a component lite or ; (k) IGU containing unsealed capillary tubes; (l) any IGU not paid for in
full; (m) an IGU that has not been stored, installed and maintained in accordance with GANA Guidelines,
specific instructions and other documented standard industry practices, not limited to the following
instructions, which the installer and purchaser agrees to follow:" (followed by the list of additional
The presence of excess moisture in the IGU cavity is often found to be a purely aesthetic consideration,
but should be investigated further in a structurally sealed glazing which often structurally depends on the
integrity of the spacer assembly.
Figure 3: Frosting observed in failed insulated glass units on a facade. Cleveland, OH.
If occupants find the hazy (and periodically frosted in cold and mixed climates) appearance objectionable,
a questions "can it be repaired" is often asked. A foggy IGU can theoretically be repaired, but a careful
analysis of the overall repair cost versus longevity of a repair would often lead to the conclusion that the
replacement may be the only viable option.
Figure 4: A typical glass mismatch caused by the lack of correct specification in a replacement glass procurement process.
Replacement of failed glass units may lead to the non-uniform appearance of a glazed facade. Due to the
often widespread and systemic character of the failure, the blanket replacement is typically
recommended. Matching of the glass appearance is challenging on aged facades and is recommended
chiefly in case of a glass breakage, when the remaining glass has a high remaining technical life
expectancy, or in a severe maintenance budget shortage situations.
Figure 5: A laminated glass is intended to stay in frame when broken, replacing a wired glass previously used in such applications.
Figure 6: A laminated glass is intended to stay in frame when broken, and prevent simultaneous breakage of plies of glass.
Glass laminate becomes foggy when stretched, indicating the areas stressed after breakage of both plies. New York City.
The appearance of laminated glass is typically specified using Table #1 of ASTM C1172 "Standard
Specification for Laminated Architectural Flat Glass." Like in case of other glass types, it's important to
understand the glass quality criteria stem from production limitations as opposed to users' visual
expectations. Fogging within the 15mm from an autoclaved glass edge and 25mm from cut edges is
normally expected in a brand new glass, but this distance is covered by a glass bite in a typical four-edge
clamped framing configuration, and therefore often hidden from view.
Fogging and bubbling are typically found to be signs of failure of the laminate interlayer, often made of
polyvinyl butyral (PVB). The failure occurs most often by chemical reaction caused by a direct physical
contact of the glass interlayers' edge with substances such as water and solvents, including byproducts
released during a curing process of almost all sealants. PVB moisture content of about 0.5% by weight is
enough to cause loss of adhesion to glass.
Therefore, a laminated glass edge should be treated cautiously in design and engineering of architectural
glazing. A number of conditions are well known to contribute to the failure, including: butt-sealed
laminated glass edges, edges exposed to elements (e.g. in exterior glass guards), edges permanently
submerged in water (e.g. in depressed balustrade cradles), or only periodically exposed to standing water
(e.g. in many sloped glazing applications). These conditions are commonly seen in manufacturers'
catalogs and architectural drawings.
It's worth mentioning that all the above-mentioned items can be successfully re-engineered to keep the
desired architectural appearance without sacrificing the glass performance; however, in our practice we
found that architects of record are seldom interested in those solutions because they typically delegate
the glazing design and engineering to contractors.
Glazing providers in turn indemnify themselves by limited warranties containing broad exclusions. The
warranty is void "if the Laminated Glass is compromised by contact with incompatible glazing lubricants,
glazing soaps, incompatible glazing gaskets, glazing sealants, incompatible cleaning fluids, moisture or
building runoff, gluing or attachment applied films, direct contact with paints, adhesives, solvents or
insulation, or exposure to solvent or chemical fumes. Installation in a system that does not include a weep
system or some means of water repulsion, or used in a butt joint or structural glazing system, or with
edgework (polishing or mitering), or subjected to stress and strain as a result of localized application of
heat, which causes uneven edge stress due to temperature differences in the glass."
A careful reader
would probably find that the above exclusion list have exhausted almost all typical applications of
laminated glass, making the average limited warranty an instrument depriving an owner from essential
Also, production defects (such as e.g. use of salty water for glass cleaning prior to lamination) are
sometimes responsible for the delamination, which would be mainly discernible by its location off edges.
Manufacturers are generally known to reimburse manufacturing and fabrication defects in spite of the
protective language of their warranties. However, as mentioned above, a reimbursed cost of material is a
small fraction of the total cost of replacement.
If occupants find the hazy and bubbly appearance objectionable, a questions "can it be repaired" is often
asked. Unfortunately, such a glass cannot be repaired; it can only be replaced and it should be replaced
before a hurricane season because a delaminated glass was found to be structurally compromised.
The cost of replacement varies depending on many factors, with the most typical range $1-10k per pane
of glass. Among factors increasing the cost are a custom glass makeup, size, access, and union labor.
While a replacement of an ordinary laminated glass in a slider may cost less than $500, a replacement of
a custom-made glass pane in a high-rise curtain wall lacking a permanent facade access may exceed
$300k, consumed mainly by general conditons, such as crane setup and operation, street closures, etc.
As mentioned above, the replacement is very often futile without curing the underlying problem which
typically lies within the surrounding glazing assembly. The most typical example is a recurring glass
replacement undertaken in glazed doors and windows in which the edge of the glass is positioned in
contact with a seal or water in an insufficiently wept framing. Such a replacement should be preceded by
diagnosis of the underlying problem by a glass expert, and a subsequent re-design of the glass edge
conditions in order to avoid the same problem reoccurring in the nearest future.
Important condideration is the building code compliance. Commentaries to The Florida Building Code
"Existing" clarify the replacement of a glass pane is considered a repair and not an alteration; therefore, a
replacement glass does not need to meet the current building code. Otherwise, it would most often
require a replacement of framing as well, due to the new requirements mandating a heavier glass.
Figure 7: Laminated glass is characterized by poorer dimensional tolerances than other types of glass.
However, this fact is seldom accounted for a glazing design when a standard framing is used, resulting in glass edge contamination.
We are often approached by apparently confused building envelope consultants asking about the glass
fogging; therefore, we have a reason to believe that even the average enclosure consultants may not be
privy with glass performance issues.
How can you find someone to help? We found that it's not enough to know someone who in turn knows
an expert, like in the case of clients of the building enclosure consultants mentioned above who
eventually got their answers via a middlemen, because the remediation projects in questions were almost
finished by that time, and it was too late to correct them.
Getting a glass expert is challenging for two reasons: they are hard to find and their services may be
considered expensive, and therefore only justified by economies of large projects. There are so few
forensic architectural glazing experts in the country that it seems they know each other by the first name,
and such a tight club is therefore challenging to discover by laymen. Hint: some of them sit on the ASTM
committee called: "E06.51 Performance of Windows, Doors, Skylights and Curtain Walls."
Recommended Further Reading:
special, incidental, consequential, or other damages. The advice of competent legal or construction professionals
should be sought if the reader has any questions. We made a conscious effort to make the examples anonymous.
Particularities of the cases and reports were modified to avoid recognition and protect the guilty. Any similarities to
the actual situations, persons, jobs, constructions, and discussions should be treated as strictly coincidental. This
article is offered free of charge and should not be sold or provided in association to any commercial activity. We
specifically disclaim the use of these materials for education by third parties. We do not endorse any institution
offering such an educational program or course.