CV Manishpopat
CV Manishpopat
CV Manishpopat
To seek Managerial level position in an industrial organization, which utilize
My ability to work as a team, in a span of time to enhance my knowledge, my communication &
Interpersonal skills and contribute in attaining an industry dominant position in quality and price
Work Experience
Key Responsibility:-
Responsible for Raise Demand for WIFI Business from Govt. PSU,MP,MLAs ,Education
institutes, Colleges, Airports and channels or Distributors
Handle Channels and Distributors and boost sales and documentation process
Co-ordination with BSNL and make Process to documentation for WIFI media.
Follow up to customer and closed Order and give the post services.
Sales Cycle – Received order, Wi-Fi site Survey, Make Demand Note from BSNL, Customer
Payment and Wi-Fi Installation.
Participate in Govt. Tendering and Make Quotation on the basis of site Visit.
Follow up (Order Confirmation & Payment follow-up)
Focused on Company Profitability
Maintain Relation with all Segment customers and Work on customer Retention.
Key Responsibility:-
Responsible for right set of Channel Partner for the business of V-FONE (BSNL).
Motivating the channel partners, maintain good and cordial relationship with channel partner as
well as with end customers, to ensure market penetration and reach.
On time support to channel partners through a team of technical Support .
Appoint the DID Operator for sales of V-FONE in his Area.
Actively participated in formulating marketing strategies
Work on customer Retention.
Focus on company profit Centre & Slashed (or cut) expenses by 10%
Academic Qualification
Noteworthy Achievements
Additional Information
Completed “Diploma in Soft Skills” from Élan – The Finishing School, Pune which
included training modules on
1. Presentation skills,
2. Communication skills
3. Corporate grooming etc.
Computer Awareness
1. MS-Office
2. Web Page Designing
3. Visual Basics
1. Google Unlocked
Fundamental of Digital Marketing
2. Harvard University
The Impact of COVID-19 in Pediatrics
3. AWS Training
Introduction to Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud
Personal Information
Address: Livogue Society, Hadapsar, Pune.
Date of Birth :1st April 1985
Sex : Male
Nationality : Indian
Marital Status : Married
Languages Known: English, Hindi, Marathi and Gujarati
Personal interests: Surfing Internet & Learning new things, Social Activities & Travelling.