Biology Paper 2
Biology Paper 2
Biology Paper 2
Form 4
Paper 2
[60 marks]
Diagram 1
a) i) Name cell W and tissue X. (2 marks)
Cell W :
Tissue X :
b) Explain one characteristic of tissue Y that facilitate water absorption from the soil.
(2 marks)
2. Diagram 2 shows the structure of plasma membrane based on the fluid mosaic model
Diagram 2
a) Give one example of substance that is able to move across part X. Explain the
characteristic of the substance related to this ability. (2 marks)
b) A chemical substance inhibits the respiration process in the root hair cells of the
plant. Explain the effect of this substance on the transport of mineral ions into the
root hair cells. (2 marks)
c) Complete the table below to explain the movement of substances in daily life.
(6 marks)
(i) Isotonic drink (ii) Oral (iii) Saline solutions
for athlete rehydration for medical use
solutions for patient
with diarrhoea
Diagram 3
a) i) What are molecules T and U ? (2 marks)
Process Q is involved in the digestion of sucrose.
Support this statement by describing the chemical reaction that takes place.
(2 marks)
b) Diagram 4 shows a polysaccharide found largely in the cell wall of plant cells.
Diagram 4
i) Name the polysaccharide shown in Diagram 4. (1 mark)
ii) Name the monomer that forms the polysaccharide named in (b)(i). (1 mark)
iii) Explain how the polysaccharide named in (b)(i) maintain the shape of the
plant cell. (2 marks)
4. Diagram 5 shows the mechanism action of sucrase.
Diagram 5
a) i) Label X and Y in Diagram 5. (2 marks)
ii) Draw the diagram in the box provided in Diagram 5 to complete the
mechanism of the enzyme reaction. (1 mark)
b) Using the ‘lock and key’ hypothesis, explain why the enzyme sucrase used in the
reaction is highly specific. (2 marks)
Diagram 6
a) Based on the graph, explain the enzyme action at R. (2 marks)
c) Orlistat is a drug designed to treat obesity. Its primary function is to prevent the
absorption of fats from human diet by acting as an inhibitor to enzyme lipase.
Based on the above statement, explain the effect of inhibitor on the rate of enzyme
reaction. (2 marks)
Diagram 7
a) i) Name phases P and Q. (2 marks)
ii) State the chromosomal behaviour during each phases. (2 marks)
Diagram 8
i) On Diagram 8, draw the chromosomes at the end of process R. (1 mark)
c) Cancer cells are formed after the normal cell are exposed to factor such as
radioactive rays, chemical or mutation.
i) Explain the formation of tumour. (2 marks)
7 Mitochondria is known as the “powerhouse” of the cell.
a) State the reaction that occurs in mitochondria. (1 mark)
8. Respiration is a process that occurs in all living organisms. Diagram 9 shows two
individuals, R and S, in two different situations. R is reading a book while S is running in
a 100 metre sprint event.
Diagram 9
a) i) Based on Diagram 9, identify the type of respiration occurs in the body of
individuals R and S. (2 marks)
ii) State one difference between the types of respiration stated in (a)(i). (1 mark)
b) At the end of the 100 metre sprint event, indvidual S experiences muscle fatigue.
i) Explain why muscle fatigue occurs. (2 marks)
ii) Individual S then carries out the following actions :
Takes a few long, and deep breaths
Walks around
Explain why did Individual S carried out the above reactions ? (2 marks)
c) Some bacteria can carry out the same type of respiration as the one occurs in the
muscle cells of Individual S.
i) Give one example of the bacteria. (1 mark)
ii) The bacteria that carried out this type of respiration can only survive in
anaerobic conditions. Predict what will happen to this bacteria if oxygen is
supplied. (1 mark)
[20 MARKS]
Explain the importance of plasma membrane for the survival of living organisms.
(2 marks)
b) The diagram below compares the process of osmosis with that of reverse osmosis.
i) Based on the diagram, explain how does the reverse osmosis work ?
(4 marks)
ii) Reverse osmosis (RO) technology was developed in the late 1950’s as a
possible method of desalinating seawater in America. Today, RO drinking
water systems are used in millions of homes and even by NASA to ensure
the astronauts have clean drinking water in space. (4 marks)
i) Identify molecule M and N. (2 marks)
iii) Consuming of too much fat can lead to diseases. However, our body need a
certain amount of fats to function. Based on your biological knowledge,
what are the importance of fats in human body ? (4 marks)
10.` a) Bromelain is an enzyme that can be harvested from all parts of the pineapple plant.
It can be used as a meat tenderiser. The reaction is shown in the graph diagram
ii) Assuming the water is present in excess and that the temperature and pH are
optimal for the bromelain activity, explain the shape of the graph. (6 marks)
iii) Bromelain powder is sprinkled on the meat for tendering effect. Suggest why
bromelain powder is not added during cooking instead. (6 marks)
b) Protease and lipase enzymes are enzymes that are commonly used in baby food
industry. Explain the uses of enzyme in the production of baby food. (4 marks)
[20 MARKS]
11 a) Stem cell therapy, also known as regenerative medicine, promotes the repair
. response of diseased, dysfunctional or injured tissue using stem cells. The diagram
below shows the potential application of human stem cells.
b) The diagram below shows a karyotype of a person with chromosome abnormality.
You are asked to explain the health issue on the chromosome abnormality shown in
the diagram above to the pregnant mother. Explain this abnormality. (8 marks)
c) Explain the need for meiosis to occur prior to fertilisation in sexual reproduction.
(5 marks)