Najmeh2022-Review of Vibration Assessment Methods For Steel-TimberComposite Floors
Najmeh2022-Review of Vibration Assessment Methods For Steel-TimberComposite Floors
Najmeh2022-Review of Vibration Assessment Methods For Steel-TimberComposite Floors
Review of Vibration Assessment Methods for Steel-Timber
Composite Floors
Najmeh Cheraghi-Shirazi 1,2 , Keith Crews 3 and Sardar Malek 1,2, *
1 Department of Civil Engineering, University of Victoria, 3800 Finnerty Road, Victoria, BC V8P 5C2, Canada
2 Centre for Advanced Materials and Related Technology (CAMTEC), University of Victoria, 3800 Finnerty
Road, Victoria, BC V8P 5C2, Canada
3 School of Civil Engineering, Advanced Engineering Building, The University of Queensland, Staff House
Road, St. Lucia, QLD 4072, Australia
* Correspondence:
Abstract: Human comfort is recognized as an essential serviceability requirement for timber floors.
Although several standards and design criteria are available for designing steel and concrete floors,
there is no consensus among researchers on the applicability of such design methods to timber
composite floors. Adding steel to timber floors is intended to create long spans, however, vibration is
still a major challenge in achieving longer spans. To highlight the extent of this issue, a comprehensive
search in the literature was conducted. The most common vibration criteria that may be used to assess
the performance of steel-timber composite floors under human-induced vibrations were reviewed.
For lightweight composite floors, the 1 kN deflection limit was found to be the most suitable vibration
limit based on a wide range of subjective evaluation studies. For composite floors comprising steel
and heavier timber subfloors, the relevance of 1 kN deflection criterion and other criteria suggested
in the literature are questionable due to the lack of subjective evaluation studies. In the advent of
advanced computing and data analysis, conducting detailed numerical analysis validated by accurate
on-site measurements is recommended. Special attentions should be given to accurate estimation of
connection stiffness and damping ratio according to the findings of this study.
Citation: Cheraghi-Shirazi, N.;
Crews, K.; Malek, S. Review of Keywords: vibration; finite element analysis; timber; steel; frequency; deflection; standards
Vibration Assessment Methods for
Steel-Timber Composite Floors.
Buildings 2022, 12, 2061. https://
1. Introduction
Academic Editor: Jan Fořt As steel-timber composite floors are emerging as a solution in the construction of
Received: 30 October 2022
mass timber buildings with longer spans, human comfort is becoming an important ser-
Accepted: 15 November 2022
viceability concern for the designers of such buildings. In the context of available design
Published: 24 November 2022
standards and code requirements, designing composite floors according to vibration limits
can be debatable. There are some general design guides such as the Design Guide for
Publisher’s Note: MDPI stays neutral
Footfall Induced Vibration of Structures (CCIP-016 [1]) and AISC Design Guide 11 [2] that
with regard to jurisdictional claims in
practitioners commonly use for vibration assessment of concrete, steel, and composite
published maps and institutional affil-
floors. In addition to general design guides, specific standards for timber structures such
as Eurocode 5 [3], Canadian Wood Council (CWC) [4], Canadian Standards Association
(CSA O86-19) [5], CLT Handbook [6], and the American Engineered Wood Association
APA–E710 [7] have specific provisions for the vibration performance of timber floors. Some
Copyright: © 2022 by the authors.
researchers also recommend SCI P354 [8] for lightweight cold-formed steel floors including
Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland. those with timber floorboards.
This article is an open access article To the authors’ knowledge, there is still no consensus among researchers on the appli-
distributed under the terms and cability of different criteria for the vibration performance of composite flooring systems
conditions of the Creative Commons comprising steel joists and wood-based flooring panels. However, it should be noted that
Attribution (CC BY) license (https:// some vibration criteria and assessment methods have gained more attention for timber and composite floors in the literature recently [9–17]. To better understand the discrepancy of
4.0/). such methods, some commonly used vibration criteria are briefly described below. The
validity of such criteria in the context of experimental and numerical studies are explained
in Sections 2 and 3. Some future works are highlighted in Section 4.
Applied Technology Council (ATC) Design Guide [19] provides similar equation
(Equation (3)) to limit the deflection of lightweight floors with a fundamental frequency of
more than 8 Hz:
∆ ≤ 0.61 + 2.54e−0.59( L−1.95) ≤ 2.0 mm (3)
It should be highlighted that Swedish [20] and Australian [21] methods use constant
values of 1.5 mm and 2 mm to limit the 1 kN deflection of the floors, respectively. According
to these standards, the frequency of the floors should be greater than 8 Hz.
Dolan et al. [22] defined the frequency of more than 14 Hz and 15 Hz as the criteria for
acceptable floors in occupied and unoccupied buildings, respectively. Combining frequency
and 1 kN deflection, Hu and Chui [23] proposed a different vibration criterion for wood-
based floors ( f /d0.44 ≥ 18.7). Employing a different approach, SCI P354 [8] presented
vibration criteria for lightweight cold-formed steel composite floors with wood-based
subfloors to limit the frequency, deflection, and response factor (or VDV) of such floors (see
Appendix A).
Based on the deflection and unit impulse velocity response of timber floors with a
frequency more than 8 Hz, Eurocode 5 [3] considers the following two vibration criteria.
≤∆ (4)
v ≤ b ( f 1 ζ −1) (5)
where w is the floor’s vertical deflection (mm) under a concentrated load of F (kN), v is the
unit impulse velocity response (m/(Ns2 )), and ζ is the modal damping ratio. Recommended
damping ratios for timber floors are 1% in Eurocode 5 [3] and 2% in the UK National Annex
(UKNA) [24] to Eurocode 5. More details have been provided in Appendix B. According
to UK National Annex (UKNA) to Eurocode 5, the floor deflection due to the 1 kN force,
∆ (mm), should satisfy the following requirements [25]:
Toratti and Talja [26] defined vibration criteria through a comprehensive study on the
lightweight steel and timber floors. Different classes were defined for offices and residences,
and limits were assumed for each class in terms of aw,RMS , vRMS , vmax, umax and deflection.
Peak velocity limit of 8 mm/s and 1 kN static deflection limit of 0.5 mm and aw,RMS limit of
0.075 m/s2 were defined for a normal apartment. They found for high-frequency floors
(f > 10 Hz), peak velocity and static deflection limits are appropriate parameters to limit
the floor’s vibration.
Figure Plan-viewofofthe
the cold-formed
cold-formed steel-timber
steel-timber composite
composite floors
floors tested
tested byand
by Xu Xu Tangorra
and Tangorra
[34]. Tongue-in-groove OSB sheathing was used as the subflooring. Reproduced with permission.
Tongue-in-groove OSB sheathing was used as the subflooring. Reproduced with permission.
From laboratory testing, the effects of the several construction details such as floor
span and support condition at the boundaries (i.e., the effect of the joist ends or all four
edges supported), joist end restraints (free or restrained to rotate), blocking, bridging, screw
pattern, ceiling, and gluing subfloor on the static and dynamic performance of the floor
were quantified and compared in terms of the natural frequencies, maximum deflection,
and damping ratio. In addition to laboratory testing, on-site testing was also conducted.
Buildings 2022, 12, 2061 5 of 26
The results of laboratory and on-site tests are summarized in Table 1. Due to different
restraints at the joist ends in the laboratory tests, on-site results exhibited generally higher
first natural frequencies and smaller maximum deflections. It should be emphasized that
the on-site floors had more damping, most probably due to non-structural components.
Additionally, less acceleration was measured in the response of a finished floor compared
to an unfinished floor. However, as shown in Table 1, the frequency of fully finished floors
is less than that of unfinished floors. Hence, it can be concluded that the frequency is not
an appropriate indicator to evaluate the vibration of lightweight timber floors.
Table 1. Summary of laboratory and on-site results obtained from static and dynamic tests reported
in Xu and Tangorra [34].
Floorboard Maximum
Cold-Formed Steel Frequency Damping
Thickness and Span (m) Deflection
Joist Type (Hz) Ratio (%)
Type (mm)
Buildings 2022, 12, x FOR PEER REVIEW 6 of 27
C-203 × 41 × 1.22
Laboratory floors * 16 mm OSB 4.12–6.754 10.51–15.98 1.01–1.69 1.29–2.59
C-254 × 41 × 1.91
On-site unfinished C-254 × 41 × 1.91
floors * Table 2. Laboratory
16 mm plywood
C-254 ×and
41 in situ construction
× 1.52 configuration
5.089–5.912 tested by Parnell
14.9–18.0 et al. [35]. See
0.91–1.20 Figure 3
for a typical cross-section of the floors.
On-site fully
16 mm plywood C-254 × 41 × 1.52 5.302 12.3–13.6 - 6–6.5
finished floors Floor Support
Span (m) Joist Section Subfloor Framing
* All floors had two supported edges. System
OSB, FC, FC with
4.42 CSW&TDW
The subjective evaluation tests on floors with span lengths of 6.112 m and 6.754 m
Laboratory LR Balloon framing
were conducted by Liu [37]. The floors were classified free support
as acceptable, non-acceptable, and
floors A person sitting evaluated the floor vibration whilst a 185framing
UFS with LR FC Platform
marginal floors. TDW lb person
with LR
was walking in directions parallel, perpendicular, and diagonal to the joists. It is worth
FC with
mentioning that a simple calculation shows LRthat the
examined onfloors
all do not satisfy the ATC
In situ floors 4.51–6.46 TDW Balloon framing
UFS with
vibration limit of 1 kN force. Hence, goodLR agreementfour sides subjective evaluation and
Notes: vibration prediction based on ATC’s criterion was expected.
Subfloors: To understand the effect of various subfloor types, Parnell et al. [35] investigated
OSB: 19 mm oriented-strand board
the static and dynamic responses of 43 full-scale floors ranging from 4.4 to 6.5 m long.
FC: 19 mm fiber-reinforced cementof the floors, including the floor span, joist section, floor system, joist-end
The details
FC with LR: 19 mm FCrestraints,
structural and the
panel type of
topped subfloor,
with a 19 mmarelift
listed in Table 2. Cold-formed
of LEVELROCK steel deck, OSB,
floor underlayment
and fiber-reinforced cement (FC) were used as a subfloor. To evaluate the effects of joists’
UFS with LR: 0.75 mm Dietrich cold-formed steel deck (UFS) topped with a 38.1 mm lift (to bottom flute) of LR
web openings on the modal properties of the floors, two joist types, i.e., Dietrich C-stud
floor underlayment.
joists (CSW) and Dietrich TradeReady joists (TDW), with the same depth but different web
The LR floor underlayment was a gypsum-based, self-leveling floor topping.
openings, were used as illustrated in Figure 2. The plan-view and cross-section of the tested
All floors were constructed
are blocking
providedand strapping.
in Figure 3.
Figure 3.
3. The
The plan-view
plan-view and
and cross-section
cross-section of
of the
the cold-formed
cold-formed steel
steel floor
floor in
in Parnell
Parnell et
et al.
al. [35].
[35]. Repro-
duced with permission.
with permission.
The maximum static deflection of the floor under a point load of 1 kN was measured at
mid-span. Heel drop and sandbag tests were first performed to obtain the natural frequency
and damping ratio. Then, a walking test was conducted to evaluate the floor response
under footfall force. For this purpose, an 82 kg human walked parallel and perpendicular
to joist directions. Additionally, Parnell et al. [35] assessed the effects of construction
details such as large lip-reinforced web openings, subfloor material, strongback, and
the end framing condition on modal properties and center deflection of the floors. The
highest frequency, 26.3 Hz, was reported for a floor with the OSB subfloor, and the lowest
frequency, 10.6 Hz, was recorded for the UFS with the LR subfloor. Table 3 summarizes
the dynamic and static results of laboratory and in situ tests based on the floor system and
span length. The in situ floor systems had a higher first natural frequency and damping
ratio than corresponding laboratory floors. The authors noted that the in situ floors had
better responses in terms of frequency and damping, most probably due to the presence of
Buildings 2022, 12, 2061 7 of 26
Table 3. The static and dynamic results for laboratory and in situ floors with various conditions of
subfloor, joist type, ceiling, and strongback, evaluated by Parnell et al. [35].
All measured static deflections were found to be less than 0.71 mm, which is acceptable
according to ATC Design Guide [19]. In addition to deflection, the RMS acceleration
response of the tested in situ floors showed satisfactory floor performance according to the
ISO [28] criterion; ISO recommends using RMS acceleration as a vibration performance
indicator. The RMS acceleration considers changes in vibration amplitude over time and
hence could be different from peak values predicted in transient vibration analysis. Figure 4
shows agreement between the results of ATC [19] and ISO for in situ floors. Floors with
acceptable vibration performance according to the deflection limit prepared in ATC
Buildings 2022, 12, x FOR PEER REVIEW 8 of[19]
(Figure 4a) were also acceptable according to the RMS acceleration limit provided in ISO
for offices and residences [28] (Figure 4b).
(a) (b)
Figure 4.
4. Investigation
Investigation of
of floor
floor vibration
vibration for
for in
in situ
situ floors
floors tested
tested by
by Parnell
Parnell et
et al.
al. [35]
[35] according
according to
(a) ATC [19] and (b) ISO [28]. Reproduced from [35] with permission.
(a) ATC [19] and (b) ISO [28]. Reproduced from [35] with permission.
AA general
general discussion
discussion comparing
comparing the
the results
results of
of all
formed steel floors conducted at the University of Waterloo has been presented in Xu[36].
steel floors conducted at the University of Waterloo has been presented in Xu [36].
The range of measured frequencies and maximum deflections obtained from more than
100 floors tested in the laboratory and 25 in situ floors are included in Table 4. All reported
frequencies and deflections were more than 8 Hz and less than 1.9 mm, respectively. In
addition to conducting experiments, Xu [36] also examined several design methods for
Buildings 2022, 12, 2061 8 of 26
The range of measured frequencies and maximum deflections obtained from more than
100 floors tested in the laboratory and 25 in situ floors are included in Table 4. All reported
frequencies and deflections were more than 8 Hz and less than 1.9 mm, respectively. In
addition to conducting experiments, Xu [36] also examined several design methods for
vibration performance of lightweight cold-formed steel floors. The fundamental frequencies
and span deflections of the laboratory tests were compared to those estimated using
CWC [4], ATC [19], Swedish [20], and Australian [21] method. Except the CWC method [4],
all other methods overestimated the floor frequency. Table 5 summarizes the performance
of the designed floors in Xu [36]. The results prove that a design based on only the
deflection limit of L/480 may not be conclusive, as some floors with that limit failed to
satisfy the requirements in some standards. On the other hand, floors designed based on
the ATC’s deflection method showed satisfactory performance according to other three
methods. The ATC [19] was found to provide the most restrictive limits compared to other
design methods.
Table 4. The results of the frequency and maximum deflection obtained from the multi-phase study
on the vibration performance of cold-formed steel floors prepared by Xu [36].
Table 5. Vibration assessment of laboratory floors with span lengths designed based on the ATC
method [19] and the deflection limit of L/480, according to various design methods considered in
Xu [36]. Data reproduced from Xu [36] with permission.
Subsequently, the measured fundamental frequency and span deflection of the floors
tested by Xu and Tangorra [34] with and without lightweight subfloor topping were
evaluated based on the ATC [19], AISC Design Guide 11 [38], and Smith, Chui, and Hu’s
method (SCH) [23,39]. The fundamental frequencies of all laboratory floors with simple
support conditions were over-predicted by the three methods. However, the frequency
results of in situ floors with simple support conditions were either under- or over-predicted
by these methods. It is worth mentioning that the peak acceleration response of the in situ
floors due to walking excitation was examined in Xu [36]. A simplified equation from AISC
Design Guide 11 [38] was used for this purpose:
ap Po e−0.35 f n
= (9)
g βW
where Po is the constant force of 0.29 kN, fn is the fundamental frequency of the floor, β is the
modal damping ratio, and W is the effective weight of the floor. The comparison between
the acceleration predictions from Equation (9) and the measured acceleration response
showed a significant difference. The authors noted that the underestimated damping
and the excitations provided by a person with a weight of 0.8 kN instead of the weight
recommended by AISC might contribute to this discrepancy. However, it should be noted
Buildings 2022, 12, 2061 9 of 26
that Equation (9) can only be used for low-frequency floors (<9 Hz) according to the AISC
Design Guide 11 [38], while the floors examined in Xu [36] were mainly high-frequency
floors, and they required assessment based on equivalent sinusoidal peak acceleration
(aESPA ) instead of Equation (9). Accurate estimation of both the fundamental frequency and
the peak acceleration is an essential part of using the simple approach provided in AISC
Design Guide 11 [38]. For floors with complex boundary conditions, AISC recommends
using a FE analysis that identifies various vibration modes.
In summary, researchers at the University of Waterloo have conducted what to date
is the most comprehensive study on the vibration performance of lightweight floors com-
prising cold-formed steel joists and wood-based subfloors. According to their study, in
situ floors provided less acceleration due to walking and more damping than laboratory
floors and, therefore, demonstrated more acceptable behavior in terms of vibration perfor-
mance. They also demonstrated that partially constrained laboratory floors represented
the beam-to-column connection found in actual building floors. They did a subjective
evaluation of the floors with a span length of around 6 m and found ATC 1 kN deflection
criterion is appropriate for the evaluation of lightweight floors comprising cold-formed
steel joists and OSB subfloors. The results of 1 kN deflection and RMS acceleration of three
lightweight in situ floors due to walking showed good agreement between the ATC [19]
and ISO limits [28].
Similar to Hu and Chui [23], Zhang and Xu [40] collected all data from [33,37,41–43] to
create new criteria for cold-formed steel floors. For this purpose, they used the combination
Buildings 2022, 12, x FOR PEER REVIEW 10 of 27
of measured 1 kN deflection and floor frequency of 65 floors, considering the subjective
evaluation of the floors. The span of all floors was between 2.16 m to 8.8 m. Their proposed
criterion ( f /d0.44 ≥ 15.9) against the subjective evaluation of all floors are presented in
Figure 5. Thein Figure
accuracy5. The accuracy
of the proposed of the proposed
criterion criterion
( f /d0.44 ≥ 15.9) (𝑓to .
⁄𝑑predict≥ 15.9
floor) tovibration
floor vibration
for floors with for floors
a span withless
length a span
6 m andlessbetween
than 6 m6and m andbetween
8.8 m6was m and65%8.8 andm 80%,
65% and 80%, The
respectively. respectively.
accuracyThe accuracy
of the proposedof thecriterion
proposed forcriterion
all floors forwas
all floors
aboutwas about
72.3%. It
should Itbeshould be noted
noted that thatfloors
marginal marginal
were floors wereacceptable
considered consideredfloors. acceptable
Although floors. Alt-
t Zhang
and Xut Zhang and Xu a[40]
[40] provided newprovided a new
criterion, criterion,
according according
to Section 1.1,totheSection
authors 1.1,ofthe authors
this paper
of this paper
believe believe
that the 1 kNthat the 1 kN
deflection candeflection canbest
still be the stillindicator
be the best forindicator for the
the vibration vibration
of wood-based of lightweight
wood-based lightweight
floors. floors. criterion
The new proposed The new proposed
( f /d0.44 ≥ 15.9) and criterion
1 kN
(𝑓 ⁄𝑑 .
deflection 15.9) for
≥ limits andevaluating
1 kN deflection limits performance
the vibration for evaluating the vibrationlightweight
of wood-based performance of
will be comparedlightweight floors
in detail in thewill be compared
discussion in detail in the discussion section.
Figure 5.5. The
The new
new vibration
vibration criteria
criteria proposed
proposed by
by Zhang
Zhang and
and Xu
Xu [40]
[40] for
for lightweight
lightweight cold-formed
steel floors
floors versus
versus subjective
subjective evaluation.
evaluation. Reproduced
Reproduced from
from [40]
[40] with
with permission.
3. Experimental
Experimental and
and Numerical
Numerical Studies
Studies onon Mass
Mass Timber Composite Floors
Timber Composite Floors Comprising
ing Steel
Steel Beams
Beams andand
In addition
addition to
to lightweight
lightweight wood-based
wood-based floorboards,
floorboards, heavier
heavier new
new products
products such
such as
CLT and
and NLT can be
NLT can be used
used as
as subfloors
subfloors in
in timber
timber composite
composite floors.
floors. CLT
CLT can
can be
be used
used to
construct long-span floors because it can be combined with other building materials, such
construct long-span floors because it can be combined with other building materials, such
as steel and concrete [6]. In lightweight, long-span floors, vibration is often a serviceability
concern. The vibration performance of mass timber composite floors comprising steel
beams and CLT panels has been studied by Huang et al. [44] and Wang et al. [45]. They
developed numerical (FE) models to examine the effects of some parameters such as the
floor’s boundary conditions and multi-person loading on the vibration behavior of CLT
Buildings 2022, 12, 2061 10 of 26
as steel and concrete [6]. In lightweight, long-span floors, vibration is often a serviceability
concern. The vibration performance of mass timber composite floors comprising steel
beams and CLT panels has been studied by Huang et al. [44] and Wang et al. [45]. They
dings 2022, 12, x FOR PEER REVIEW developed numerical (FE) models to examine the effects of some parameters 11 of 27 such as the
floor’s boundary conditions and multi-person loading on the vibration behavior of CLT
floors. In each work, experimental tests were conducted to validate the numerical models.
and the measured
numerical damping
studies will beratio of 3%inwere
discussed considered
the following in the In
sections. numerical
order to investigate
model. Validation
the floorofvibration
numericalduemodel againstHuang
to running, experiment wasused
et al. [44] conducted
the Open in Software
terms of for
floor frequency (see Table
Engineering 6) and time
Simulation history acceleration
(OPENSEES) framework of atopoint at theacenter
simulate of CLT
CLT floor system under
floor due tohuman-induced
running. force. The finite element (FE) model was based on a real two-story steel
framing system comprising CLT panels as subfloors. The plan view of this system is
depicted in Figure 6.
1 𝑘
𝑓 = (10)
2𝜋 𝑚
Buildings 2022, 12, 2061 11 of 26
Table 6. The floor details and frequency results investigated by Huang et al. [44] (see Figure 6 for
plan view of the floor).
The developed FE model in [44] was employed to investigate the effects of some
parameters, such as the size and number of steel beams as well as the beam supporting
condition (in one-way or two-way), on the CLT floors vibration. According to FE simula-
tions, removing the middle beam (the beam on axis (2) in Figure 6) significantly decreased
the natural frequency to 2 Hz while increasing the steel beam size increased the natural
frequency to 9 Hz from about 7.5 Hz as expected. An analytical model was employed based
on Equation (10) to obtain the natural frequency of CLT floors. The analytical results were
claimed to agree with the results of the FE model. However, some errors (less than 20%)
were reported. The authors employed VDV method in ISO 10137 [27] and BS 6472-1 [29]
to assess the vibration performance of their floors. The VDV was calculated based on
Equation (11). s
1 ke f f
fn = (10)
2π m
VDV = a4w (t)dt (11)
Low Probability of
Adverse Comment Adverse Comment
Place and Time Adverse Comment
Possible (m/s−1.75 ) Probable (m/s−1.75 )
(m/s−1.75 )
Residential buildings
0.2 to 0.4 0.4 to 0.8 0.8 to 1.6
(16 h daytime)
Residential buildings
0.1 to 0.2 0.2 to 0.4 0.4 to 0.8
(8 h nighttime)
Buildings 2022, 12, 2061 12 of 26
Table 8. Floor responses in terms of frequency, RMS acceleration and VDV due to running as
described in Huang et al. [44].
Employing the FE model developed by Huang et al. [44], Wang et al. [45] investigated
the vibration behavior of the one-way CLT floor under multi-person loading. The floor was
excited by defining a footfall force; the schematic of human-induced force applied to the
floor has been shown in Figure 7. The location of CLT-to-CLT panel and CLT-to-steel beam
connections, and the walking path along 9 points have been provided. However, some
details regarding the spacing between spring elements and stiffness of spring/connection
were not reported in Wang et al. [45]. General details of the experimental specimen
Buildings 2022, 12, x FOR PEER REVIEW 13 of 27
comprising five 1.2 × 6.0 × 0.105 m CLT panels have been provided in Table 9. The
authors considered the weight of the furniture as a constant load applied to the floor.
The natural frequency of the floor was obtained using the heel drop test. The numerical
and results
experimental for the
results forfirst
thenatural frequency
first natural (see Table
frequency (see 9) and 9)
Table time history
and time acceler-
ation of pointofApoint
acceleration (see Figure
A (see7)Figure
due to7)
to walking
the slowofwalking
one person showed
of one good
person agree-
good agreement.
Figure7.7. The
Figure The scheme
Table 9. The floor details and frequency results of STC floors studied by Wang et al. [45]. A mass
of 0.5 ton was applied to represent the presence of the furniture.
Table 9. The floor details and frequency results of STC floors studied by Wang et al. [45]. A mass of
0.5 ton was applied to represent the presence of the furniture.
In addition to frequency, Wang et al. [45] examined their numerical results under the
one-person excitation based on the Vibration Dose Value (VDV) method. The different
types of motion of 1 to 5 persons were considered to investigate the accuracy of the
numerical model under multi-person loading. Slow walking, fast walking, and running
were simulated using different step frequencies of 1.3 Hz, 1.8 Hz, and 2.2 Hz. The VDV
results from numerical models and experimental tests are shown in Figure 8. The most
significant difference was related to the running of 5 persons. In almost all fast walking
and running models, the measured VDVs were higher than the numerical ones. In
Buildings 2022, 12, x FOR PEER REVIEW 14 other
of 27
words, the numerical model was unconservative in predicting VDV of the floor for fast
walking and running.
Figure 8.
8. VDVs
VDVsof ofthe
floor in
experimental testing
testing and
numerical modelling
modelling prepared
by Wang et al. [45]. Reproduced with permission.
by Wang et al. [45]. Reproduced with permission.
It should be
It should benoted
above FEFE models
models werewere developed
developed based
based on certain
on certain as-
sumptions and simplifications, validated against the experimental test of a specific floor.
tions and simplifications, validated against the experimental test of a specific floor. More
studiesstudies are required
are required to quantify
to quantify the effects
the effects of simplification
of simplification on theon the dynamic
dynamic response
response of the
floor [46]. The main simplification in [44] and [45] was to consider isolated substructures,
of the floor [46]. The main simplification in [44] and [45] was to consider isolated substruc-
tures, one span
including oneorspan
or regardless of the effect
panel, regardless of spring
of the stiffness
effect of springand distances,
stiffness real
and dis-
connections of beams to columns, and partitions on the floor vibration. Thus,
tances, real connections of beams to columns, and partitions on the floor vibration. Thus, the accept-
the or unacceptability
acceptability of vibration
or unacceptability behavior of
of vibration a simple
behavior of one-span floor according
a simple one-span to
floor ac-
available standards may not be applicable for a whole floor in a real building.
cording to available standards may not be applicable for a whole floor in a real building. On the other
On theunderpredicted acceleration and
other hand, underpredicted VDV valuesand
acceleration highlight the need
VDV values for morethe
highlight detailed
need forFE
models and further combined numerical-experimental campaigns. Furthermore, subjective
more detailed FE models and further combined numerical-experimental campaigns. Fur-
evaluation of long-span STC floors under multi-person loading is needed to prove the
thermore, subjective evaluation of long-span STC floors under multi-person loading is
relevance of VDV limits to such floors.
needed to prove the relevance of VDV limits to such floors.
In a comprehensive research similar to Wang et al. [45], Chiniforush et al. [47] evaluated
In a comprehensive research similar to Wang et al. [45], Chiniforush et al. [47] evalu-
the behavior of steel-timber composite (STC) beams through a combined experimental-
ated the behavior of steel-timber composite (STC) beams through a combined experi-
numerical campaign. Six simply supported STC beams with a span of 5.8 m were con-
mental-numerical campaign. Six simply supported STC beams with a span of 5.8 m were
structed using steel girders (310UB32 grade) and CLT panels. The details of experimental
constructed using steel girders (310UB32 grade) and CLT panels. The details of experi-
mental specimens are summarized and provided in Table 10. The specimens had different
shear connectors and two CLT panel orientations. An impact hammer was employed to
excite the bending and torsional modes of the floors. The modal characteristics such as
mode shape, frequency, and damping ratio were obtained using the Enhanced Frequency
Buildings 2022, 12, 2061 14 of 26
specimens are summarized and provided in Table 10. The specimens had different shear
connectors and two CLT panel orientations. An impact hammer was employed to excite
Buildings 2022, 12, x FOR PEER REVIEW 15 of 27
the bending and torsional modes of the floors. The modal characteristics such as mode
shape, frequency, and damping ratio were obtained using the Enhanced Frequency Domain
Decomposition (EFDD) technique. The frequencies of the flexural mode of specimens with
Table CLT
different 11. Natural frequency (flexural
configurations, mode)and
i.e., parallel andperpendicular,
damping ratio ofare
givenSTC floors measured
in Table 11. Due by
to discrete CLT panels in STC floor with perpendicular configuration (see Figurewere
Chiniforush et al. [47]. CLT panels with different shear connectors and configurations tested.
9), the
natural frequency of such specimen was smaller than that of floors with parallel CLT panels.
Parallel CLT Perpendicular CLT
Floor Panel Span (m) Steel Joist Damping Ratio
Configuration Configuration
Table 10. The details of the six STC floors constructed and tested by Chiniforush et al. [47].
CLT 5.8 310UB32 21.40–24.73 Hz 17.19 Hz less than 2%
Panel Dimension (m) Shear Connector *
Floor Panel Parallel Panel orientation and continuity of panels were reported to have the
Perpendicular most significant
effect on the frequency
Configuration of the STC floors, while the effect of the shear connector type was
Type Spacing (mm)
found to be6negligible.
2 pcs 3.0 × 1.0 × 0.12
This is consistent
pcs 1.0 × 1.0 × 0.12
with the findings
bolt/screw 250/300
of other researchers
who ana-
lyzed long-span timber composite and TCC floors [48–50]. To better understand the dy-
* The laminated timber panels are connected to the top flange of the steel through shear connectors.
namic behavior of floors, a FE model was created in ABAQUS©. Twenty-two unknown
Table of one
11. Natural floor (flexural
frequency (E, G, μ,mode)
k) wereanddetermined
damping ratio using an updating
of various STC floorsprocedure.
measured byAfter
Chiniforush et al. [47]. CLT panels with different shear connectors and configurations were tested. of
calibration, the model was used to predict the frequency of other models. The results
the first bending mode obtained from the numerical model agreed well with the experi-
mental results. In other words,
Parallel CLTthe numerical model CLT
Perpendicular was well-calibrated using experi-
Floor Panel Span (m) Steel Joist Damping Ratio
mental data. Configuration Configuration
CLT 5.8 310UB32 21.40–24.73 Hz 17.19 Hz less than 2%
Figure 9. Schematic plan of steel-timber floors in (a) perpendicular and (b) parallel configuration by
Figure 9. Schematic plan of steel-timber floors in (a) perpendicular and (b) parallel configuration by
Chiniforush et[47].
Chiniforush al. [47].
Panel orientation and continuity of panels were reported to have the most significant
In addition to numerical and experimental results, the accuracy of some available
effect on the frequency of the STC floors, while the effect of the shear connector type
analytical equations was also investigated by Chiniforush et al. [47]. The first natural fre-
was found to be negligible. This is consistent with the findings of other researchers who
quency of STC beams was estimated analytically using different equations and compared
analyzed long-span timber composite and TCC floors [48–50]. To better understand the
with experimental and numerical results. Wyatt [51] and Murray [38] equations are iden-
dynamic behavior of floors, a FE model was created in ABAQUS©. Twenty-two unknown
tical to the equation provided in Eurocode 5 [3]. Hence, only two different analytical equa-
variables of one floor (E, G, µ, k) were determined using an updating procedure. After
tions (Allen [52] and Eurocode 5 [3]) were considered. The comparison between the fre-
calibration, the model was used to predict the frequency of other models. The results of the
quency obtained from experimental tests and analytical equations showed that the Euro-
first bending mode obtained from the numerical model agreed well with the experimental
code 5 [3] equation was more accurate in estimating the natural frequencies of STC floors,
results. In other words, the numerical model was well-calibrated using experimental data.
with a mean error of 9.5%. In Chiniforush et al. [47], the high frequency of 24 Hz and the
lower weight compared to conventional steel-concrete beams were reported to be among
the main benefits of utilizing steel and timber for floors. Hassanieh et al. [53] employed
the calibrated FE model of Chiniforush et al. [47] to assess the effect of different parame-
ters on the dynamic response of STC floors. The effect of different parameters/conditions
Buildings 2022, 12, 2061 15 of 26
Table 12. Effect of various parameters on STC floor frequency studied numerically by Hassanieh
et al. [53].
CLT Connection
Aspect CLT-to-CLT Slab Connection
Parameter Support Span (m) Steel Joist Thickness Spacing
Ratio Connection Orientation Type *
(mm) (mm) *
Pined, Continuous,
360UB44.7, Screw 16,
Type/ Continuous, Double screws, Parallel, 125,
6, 8, 10 310UB32.0, 1, 2, 3 140, 160, 180 Screw 12,
Value Discontinu- Without Perp. 250, 500
250UB25.7 BGP12
ous connection
9.8–12.4 6.8–15.7 8.6–11.9 9.8 9.8 9.6–9.9 7.5–9.8 8.8–10.8 9.5–10.4
* The laminated timber panels are connected to the top flange of the steel through shear connectors.
Hassanieh et al. [53] employed their model to assess the vibration performance of
STC floors based on AISC design guide 11 [2], Eurocode 5 [3], and the ECCS report [54].
The fundamental frequency, deflection under a 1 kN point load, and maximum impulse
velocity were calculated and compared to the Eurocode 5 criteria. FE results showed that
almost all specimens met the requirements of maximum deflection and velocity according
to Eurocode 5 [3]. However, specimens with a perpendicular configuration or span length
of 10 m had a natural frequency of less than 8 Hz. Eurocode 5 does not have any provisions
for floors with a frequency of less than 8 Hz. It should be noted that the velocity limit did
not govern the design of STC floors. It means that the deflection criterion is more critical
than the velocity criterion. This finding is consistent with those of [11,55,56] regarding
the applicability of Eurocode 5 to timber floors. There was good agreement between
Eurocode 5 and ECCS for the vibration performance of the STC floors. The acceleration of
STC floors was obtained from the numerical model and compared with peak acceleration
limits provided in AISC design guide 11 [2]. Results demonstrated that some of the STC
floors considered in the parametric study were unacceptable according to the AISC design
guide 11 [2] and acceptable according to Eurocode 5 [3]. Hence, the AISC design guide 11 [2]
criteria for the vibration assessment of the STC floors were reported to be a more restrictive
one compared to other guides. As no human walking test or subjective evaluation was
conducted in Hassanieh et al. [53], further research to check the relevance of AISC design
guide 11 [2] to STC floors is recommended.
As a final note on the experimental and numerical works on mass timber floors and
joisted timber floors, including steel joists/beams, it is crucial to investigate the procedure
and equations in standards and design guides to predict the floor response due to walking.
Buildings 2022, 12, x FOR PEER REVIEW 17 of 27
the relevance of different standards in this area. It should be noted that Basaglia et al. [32]
Buildings 2022, 12, 2061
employed numerical models to simulate walking on the floor using a single trace footfall. 16 of 26
The simulation of walking on the floor using a single trace footfall function overestimated
the floor response (RMS acceleration) with an error of less than 3%. Hence, it can be con-
cluded that as antimber-timber
For long-span alternative to the approach
composite presented
floors, Basagliain each
et al.standard or guideline,
[32] evaluated a
the floor
finite element
response due(FE) model may
to walking be used
according to as a powerful
different tool toThey
standards. determine the floor
investigated theresponse
dueandto equations
a specific footfall
presented forcein more
design guide 11 [2], CCIP-016 [1], and SCI P354 [8] to
define the response of timber floors due to walking. RMS acceleration and velocity obtained
4. from
different standards were compared to the measured responses. It was found that
CCIP-016 [1] was reports
The literature the mostthat accurate
1 kN of all three and
deflection underestimated
is the best vibrationthe RMS velocity
indicator for light-with
an error of approximately 8%. The AISC design guide 11 [2] underestimated the RMS
weight timber floors; however, some researchers have attempted to develop new criteria.
acceleration of the floor by an error of around 25%. A similar approach is recommended
In fact, studies in [18] and [26] showed that for lightweight joisted flooring systems, the 1
to evaluate the human-induced vibration response of steel-timber composite floors and
kN deflection limit is able to control the floor vibration accurately. By reviewing several
the relevance of different standards in this area. It should be noted that Basaglia et al. [32]
studies, Figure 10 has been created in this paper to demonstrate that 1 kN deflection is
employed numerical models to simulate walking on the floor using a single trace footfall.
still the best vibration indicator for the lightweight timber floors studied in [33,37,41–43]
The simulation of walking on the floor using a single trace footfall function overestimated
and a new criterion may be redundant. Figure 10 compares the subjective evaluation of
the floor response (RMS acceleration) with an error of less than 3%. Hence, it can be
lightweight cold-formed steel-timber floors tested in [33,37,41–43] with the limits pro-
concluded that as an alternative to the approach presented in each standard or guideline, a
vided in the CWC [4], ATC [19], Swedish [20], and Australian standards [21]. The CWC
finite element (FE) model may be used as a powerful tool to determine the floor response
method [4] is found to be the most accurate of all four in predicting the vibration perfor-
due to a specific footfall force more accurately.
mance of lightweight cold-formed steel-timber composite floors.
According to Table 13, the accuracy of the CWC method [4] in predicting the vibra-
4. Discussion
tion performance
The literatureof reports
such floors
that is about
1 kN 89%. Figure
deflection is the 10
bestshows that indicator
vibration constant for
values of 1.5
mm and 2 mm proposed in Swedish and Australian standards to limit
timber floors; however, some researchers have attempted to develop new criteria. In fact, the floor deflection
are too conservative.
studies in [18] andThe[26]newshowedcriterion
for lightweightin Zhang and Xu
joisted [40] predicted
flooring systems,the thefloor
1 kN
deflectionwith an is
limit accuracy of about
able to control the74%,
floorwhile the CWC
vibration [4] criterion
accurately. seems more
By reviewing severalaccurate
with an accuracy
Figure of around
10 has been created89%. It is
in this worth
paper to mentioning
demonstratethat thatmarginal floors were
1 kN deflection is stillconsid-
the best
vibration indicator for the lightweight timber floors studied in [33,37,41–43] 1and
as acceptable floors in [40] while unacceptable in Figure 10. Although the kNade-new
flection hasmay
criterion beenbeidentified
redundant. as the best10
Figure vibration
compares limit
thefor wood-based
subjective joistedof
evaluation lightweight
floors, for heavier
cold-formed compositefloors
steel-timber floorstested
comprising steel and thick
in [33,37,41–43] withtimber subfloors,
the limits providedthis sim-
in the
ple criterion
CWC may[19],
[4], ATC not be sufficient
Swedish [20],asandnoted in [56]. For
Australian long-span
standards [21].STC
CWCwith method mass[4]
timber products
is found to be such as CLT,
the most there isofstill
accurate all no
fourreference to suggest
in predicting which standard
the vibration may beof
the most relevant one to floor vibration.
lightweight cold-formed steel-timber composite floors.
Figure 10. Evaluation of the floor vibration based on 1 kN deflection criteria for lightweight cold-
Figure 10. Evaluation of the floor vibration based on 1 kN deflection criteria for lightweight cold-
formed steel floors according to reported data in [33,37,41–43].
formed steel floors according to reported data in [33,37,41–43].
According to Table 13, the accuracy of the CWC method [4] in predicting the vibration
performance of such floors is about 89%. Figure 10 shows that constant values of 1.5 mm
and 2 mm proposed in Swedish and Australian standards to limit the floor deflection
are too conservative. The new criterion presented in Zhang and Xu [40] predicted the
floor vibration with an accuracy of about 74%, while the CWC [4] criterion seems more
Buildings 2022, 12, 2061 17 of 26
accurate with an accuracy of around 89%. It is worth mentioning that marginal floors were
considered as acceptable floors in [40] while unacceptable in Figure 10. Although the 1 kN
deflection has been identified as the best vibration limit for wood-based joisted lightweight
floors, for heavier composite floors comprising steel and thick timber subfloors, this simple
criterion may not be sufficient as noted in [56]. For long-span STC floors with mass timber
products such as CLT, there is still no reference to suggest which standard may be the most
relevant one to floor vibration.
Table 13. The accuracy of CWC [4] (Equation (2) in predicting the vibration performance of
lightweight cold-formed steel-timber floors.
Vibration performance of STC floors comprising hot-rolled steel beams and CLT
panels based on different standards and guidelines has been investigated through some
experimental and numerical studies. The UNSW team in [47,53], worked on STC floors and
reported relatively good agreement between the Eurocode 5 and ECCS guide predictions.
For such floors, the AISC Design Guide 11 [2] provides the most restrictive limits compared
to the other guides. Subjective evaluation is still required to define which standard or
guideline is suitable to evaluate the vibration performance of STC floors, e.g., those studied
in [47,53]. Similar to the UNSW team [47,53], Huang and co-workers [44,45] evaluated
the vibration behavior of the STC floors with CLT panels based on a numerical model
validated against the experimental results. Huang and co-workers [44,45] examined the
vibration performance based on different vibration indicators such as RMS acceleration
and VDV (Eq. (11)). It should be noted that RMS acceleration is the square-root of the
sum of accelerations over footstep period while VDV considers the combined effect of
the magnitude and duration of the vibration. The results showed that the conclusion
based on RMS acceleration might differ from VDV. In addition to prior research [47,53], the
authors evaluated the probabilities of adverse comments from people using VDV analysis
based on the BS 6472 [29] and ISO 10137 [27]. They also evaluated the vibration behavior
of the STC floors under multi-person loading through a numerical model, experimental
test, and analytical approach. Multi-person loading increased the VDV by about 30%
compared to one person walking on the floor. Similar to the UNSW team [47,53], the
subjective evaluation was not conducted to evaluate the prediction of floor vibration under
multi-person loading based on VDV.
Due to the similar CLT properties and floor span in [45] and [47], a frequency com-
parison can be made between the above two studies. The frequency comparison reveals a
significant difference between the floor frequency of experimental studies conducted by
Chiniforush et al. [47] and Wang et al. [45]. For a typical floor, the results are provided in
Table 14 where the predicted frequency by Eurocode 5 is also shown for comparison. The
frequency differences in Chiniforush et al. [47] and Wang et al. [45] can be attributed to
different boundary conditions and the addition of steel beams which increase the floor’s
flexural stiffness, and its frequency, consequently.
Buildings 2022, 12, 2061 18 of 26
Table 14. The details and frequency results of the STC floors studied in Chiniforush et al. [47] and
Wang et al. [45].
In addition to all standards and guidelines used in literature for vibration design of
STC floors comprising steel beams and CLT panels, it would be interesting to investigate
the accuracy of the vibration controlled-span equation for STC floors according to the CLT
handbook [6] and CSA O86-19 [5]. It is worth mentioning that calculation of EIeff (needed
for the controlled-span equation) for STC floors with different connection types between
steel and timber parts needs more assessment. This study reviewed several experimental
and numerical studies on the vibration behavior of STC floors. Various standards and
guidelines were used in the literature to investigate floor vibrations. It was demonstrated
that researchers have yet to reach a consensus on the applicability of such design methods
to timber composite floors. Therefore, before the practical implementation of vibration
design methods, the accuracy of those methods for STC should be specified. In future
research, two main areas can be explored:
First, it should be highlighted that for STC floors comprising steel beams and CLT pan-
els, subjective evaluation is necessary to prove the appropriate criteria based on available
standards and guidelines. In fact, in this review, only the comparison between different
standards were conducted and some standards were found to be more conservative. How-
ever, without consideration of subjective responses of occupants, it cannot be determined
which standard is more appropriate for STC floors. Several studies have focused on the sub-
jective evaluation of timber-timber composite floors comprising engineered wood products
such as Glulam, LVL, and CLT to find which available criteria are appropriate to predict
the vibration performance of such floors [10,57–60]. The requirements according to Dolan
et al. [22], Hu and Chui [23], Onysko et al. [18], CCIP-016 [1], and ISO 10137 [27] were
evaluated in those studies. Recently, Shahnewaz et al. [59] found that although the RMS
acceleration for CLT—glulam composite floors with different span lengths met the require-
ment of ISO 10137 [27], some of them were unacceptable according to subjective evaluation.
Interestingly, the floors’ vibration control span obtained from CSA O86-19 [5] agrees well
with the subjective evaluation of such TTC floors, most probably due to conservative nature
of span equation in CSA O86-19 [5]. Similar studies on STC floors and further research on
composite floors in mass timber buildings are needed.
Second, as different criteria are based on the floor response due to walking, more accu-
rate assessment of acceleration, velocity, deflection of STC floor under walking is required.
Basaglia et al. [32] evaluated the prediction of timber floor response due to walking using
different standards and guidelines such as AISC design guide 11 [2], CCIP-016 [1], and
SCI P354 [8]. Comparison between RMS acceleration and velocity obtained from different
standards and those measured responses showed that in some cases, the methods in the
standards could not correctly predict the floor’s response due to footfall force. However, a
numerical model using a single trace footfall function predicted the acceleration of the floor
very accurately (less than 3% error). Based on the findings of Basaglia et al. [32], a similar
detailed numerical model can be insightful for understanding the STC floor response due
to footfall force.
Buildings 2022, 12, 2061 19 of 26
5. Conclusions
The following conclusions for evaluation of the vibration performance of steel-timber
floors can be drawn from the literature:
• ATC [19] and CWC [4] standard evaluate the vibration of lightweight timber floors
due to walking based on very simple deflection limits. Although these limits can be
employed in the design of conventional wood-frame floors with high frequencies (i.e.,
more than 8 Hz), they may be sufficient for STC floors with heavier subfloors such as
• Very limited studies have examined the validity of Eurocode 5 equations in designing
STC floors. According to Eurocode 5, floors with a frequency less than 8 Hz need a
special investigation, while floors with a frequency of more than 8 Hz can be designed
based on the vibration limit provided in this standard.
• CCIP-016 [1] was originally proposed for concrete structures and is currently being
used in the vibration design of floors in mass timber buildings. Although using CCIP-
016 [1] for the vibration assessment of timber floors is recommended by some experts
in industry (e.g., see [31]), its accuracy for STC floors has not been clearly investigated
within the research community.
• Both AISC design 11 [2] and CCIP-016 [1] provide two different approaches (simpli-
fied equations and FE analysis methods) to address floor vibration. To the authors’
knowledge, the simplified equations in these guides have been calibrated for concrete
and steel floors and may not be applicable to all timber composite floors. Furthermore,
such equations cannot be used for irregular floors with large openings or cantilevers.
Thus, using such simplified equations for long-span timber floors is currently not
recommended. As an alternative to general equations, FE analysis is suggested for
such systems. FE models enable the structural analyst to consider more details in their
vibration assessment of composite floors. For this purpose, it is vital to conduct a
proper modal analysis and capture higher modes of vibration correctly to evaluate the
behavior of such floors with confidence.
• SCI P354 [8] presented vibration criteria for cold-formed steel framing floors. Such cri-
teria are based on frequency, 1 kN deflection, and response factor (or VDV). However,
in the case of using hot-rolled steel joists or heavy subfloors such as CLT, LVL, or NLT,
there is no recommendation or criterion in SCI P354 [8]. Hence, SCI P354 [8] may not
be applicable to STC floors.
• Canadian CLT Handbook [6] and CSA O86-19 [5] use an analytical equation for the
vibration-controlled span design of CLT floors. This simplified equation is intended
for only a one-span simply supported floor. The applicability of this equation for STC
has not been examined. It is believed that this equation is too conservative for STC
floors with CLT subfloors.
To the best of the authors’ knowledge, AISC Design 11 [2] and CCIP-016 [1] currently
provide the most comprehensive approach to evaluate the vibration performance of timber
composite floors. However, such approaches still need to be validated using more subjective
evaluation studies on STC floors. Developing parameterized 3D finite element models that
include several key parameters (e.g., boundary conditions, discontinuity of panels, slip
modulus, and damping ratio) and conducting sensitivity analyses will enable researchers
to investigate the validity range of these approaches. Special attentions should be given to
accurate estimation of connection stiffness and damping ratio according to the findings of
this research.
Author Contributions: Conceptualization, N.C.-S. and S.M.; methodology, N.C.-S. and S.M.; vali-
dation, N.C.-S. and S.M.; formal analysis, N.C.-S. and S.M.; investigation, N.C.-S., K.C. and S.M.;
resources, S.M.; data curation, N.C.-S.; writing—original draft preparation, N.C.-S. and S.M.; writing—
review and editing, N.C.-S., K.C. and S.M.; visualization, N.C.-S.; supervision, S.M. and K.C.; project
administration, S.M.; funding acquisition, S.M. All authors have read and agreed to the published
version of the manuscript.
Buildings 2022, 12, 2061 20 of 26
Appendix A. Analytical Equations for the Floor Vibration according to SCI P354
SCI P354 provides vibration criteria for lightweight cold-formed steel composite floors
to limit the frequency and deflection. According to this design guide, the frequency of
floors without and with linking corridors should be more than 8 Hz and 10 Hz, respectively.
Additionally, the second moment of area criterion limiting 1kN deflection for each joist can
be defined as follows:
L3y × 10.16
Ib ≥ (A1)
Ne f f × δj
where Ly is the span of joists (m), Neff is the number of effective joists, and δj is the deflection
limit according to Table A1.
Table A1. 1 kN deflection limit of lightweight cold-formed steel composite floors based on SCI P354.
SCI P354 also provides an equation to predict aw,RMS of floors. The floor’s response
factor can be calculated by aw,RMS divided by a base value of 0.005 m/s2 . There is a limit of
16 for the floor’s response factor.
This design guide suggests using the VDV method based on the limits in Table A2 for
floors with a response factor greater than 16.
Table A2. VDV values to control the vibration performance of lightweight cold-formed steel floors
according to SCI P354.
Eurocode 5 recommends damping ratio of 1% for timber floors, while the UK National
Annex (UKNA) to Eurocode 5 recommends 2%.
Buildings 2022, 12, x FOR PEER REVIEW Two constant floor vibration parameters, a and b, and the relation between them
22 ofare
Figure A1.The
recommended floor
floor vibration
vibration parameters,
parameters, a and
a and b, according
b, according to
to Eurocode 5. Reproduced from [53] with permission.
Eurocode 5. Reproduced from [53] with permission.
The relationship
The relationshipbetween
betweenaa and
and bb in
in Figure
Figure A1
A1 can
can also
also be
be formulated
formulated [25]
[25] as
as follows:
= 150−−(30(𝑎
𝑏 =b 150 −0.5
(30( a − 0.5)/0.5) = 180
)/0.5) = 180 − 60𝑎
− 60a 𝑎 ≤ 1mm
a ≤ 1mm (A4)
𝑏 = 120 − (40(𝑎 − 1)) = 160 − 40𝑎 𝑎 > 1mm (A5)
b = 120 − (40( a − 1)) = 160 − 40a a > 1mm (A5)
According to UK National Annex (UKNA) to Eurocode 5, the floor deflection due to
According to UK National Annex (UKNA) to Eurocode 5, the floor deflection due to
1 kN force, a (mm), should satisfy the following requirements [25]:
1 kN force, a (mm), should satisfy the following requirements [25]:
For floors with a span length of less than 4000 mm:
For floors with a span length of less than 4000 mm:
a ≤ 1.8 (mm) (A6)
a ≤ 1.8 (mm) (A6)
a ≤ 16,500/l1.1 (mm) (A7)
a ≤ 16,500/l1 .1 (mm) (A7)
where l is the floor span length (mm).
where l is the floor span length (mm).
Appendix C.Analytical
Equationsfor forthe
accordingto toCCIP-016
CCIP-016 categorizesthe
structures based
based onon
thethe response
response fac-
tor (R). The response factor is the ratio of the peak acceleration to the ISO
(R). The response factor is the ratio of the peak acceleration to the ISO baseline limit on baseline limit
on the
the peakpeak acceleration.
acceleration. There
There areare different
different criteriafor
criteria forcommercial
buildings, hospitals,
buildings, hospitals, bridges,
bridges, ramps,
ramps, and and walkways.
walkways. As As shown
shown inin Table
Table A3,
A3, the
factor derivedfrom
6472is is used
used to to specify
specify thethe vibration
vibration behavior
behavior of buildings.
of buildings. CCIP-
016 recommends
recommends twicetwice the value
the value shown shown in Table
in Table A3 forA3 for residences
residences under under footfall-induced
footfall-induced forces.
Table A3. Critical vibration levels at which the probability of adverse comments is low, presented in
Table A3.and
CCIP-016 Critical vibration
BS 6472 (1992).levels at which the probability of adverse comments is low, presented
in CCIP-016 and BS 6472 (1992).
Environment Response Factor
Critical working areas Response
1 Factor
Critical working areas 1
Residence-day 2–4
Residence-day 2–4
Residence-night 1.4
Residence-night 1.4
Office 44
Workshop 88
CCIP-016 presents a procedure to determine the response factor (R) which can be
used for steel, concrete, timber, and composite structures. According to this standard,
floors are divided into high-frequency floors (floors with lowest natural frequency more
Buildings 2022, 12, 2061 22 of 26
CCIP-016 presents a procedure to determine the response factor (R) which can be used
for steel, concrete, timber, and composite structures. According to this standard, floors
are divided into high-frequency floors (floors with lowest natural frequency more than
10.5 Hz) and low-frequency floors (floors with lowest natural frequency less than 10 Hz).
First, the following procedure is used for floors with a natural frequency of less than
10 Hz. This procedure is applied only for structures with a vertical natural frequency of less
than 4.2 times the maximum footfall rate. The maximum footfall rate is defined according
to Table A4. It should be noted that all modes with a frequency of less than 15 Hz need to
be included in calculations.
Table A4. The maximum footfall rates related to different environments according to CCIP-016.
where h is the harmonic number, |ah | is the magnitude of the acceleration and a R=1,h is
calculated by following relations:
I f f h < 4Hz, a R=1,h = p m/s2 (A9)
For structures with a lowest natural frequency of more than 10.5 Hz, the following
procedure should be followed. All modes with a frequency of less than twice fundamental
frequency should be included in calculations.
The total velocity response at time t, for all N modes can be defined by
V (t) = ∑ Vm (t) (A13)
m =1
Over a period of one footfall, T, the total RMS velocity response would be
VRMS = V (t)2 dt (A14)
T 0
R= (A15)
Buildings 2022, 12, x FOR PEER REVIEW 24 of 27
Buildings 2022, 12, 2061 23 of 26
where, for a fundamental frequency, f1, the baseline RMS velocity for R = 1, 𝑉 , can be
where, forby
a fundamental frequency, f 1 , the baseline RMS velocity for R = 1, VR=1 , can be
obtained by
5 × 10
𝐼𝑓 𝑓 < 8Hz 𝑉 =5 × 10−3 (A16)
I f f 1 < 8Hz VR=1 = m/sm/s (A16)
I f 𝑓f 1 > 8HzV𝑉
> 8Hz = 1.0 ×−10
R=1 = 1.0 × 10
m/sm/s (A17)
Guide 11
Guide 11
design guide 11 categorizes
guide 11 categorizesall
Low-Frequency (<9(<9
andand High-
quency (>9(>9
Hz).Hz). Floors
Floors underunder walking
walking excitation
excitation are designed
are designed based
based on two
on two methods:
methods: sim-
simplified design criteria, which is not applicable to irregular framing or cantilevers,
plified design criteria, which is not applicable to irregular framing or cantilevers, and fi-
and finite element analysis method, which is used for all floors. The vibration tolerance
nite element analysis method, which is used for all floors. The vibration tolerance acceler-
acceleration limit for all floors is presented in Figure A2.
ation limit for all floors is presented in Figure A2.
Figure A2.Recommended
forfor human
human comfort
comfort as published
as published in AISC
in AISC design
design guide
guide 11.
11. Reproduced from [53] with permission.
Reproduced from [53] with permission.
For Low-Frequency(<9 (<9Hz)
acceleration is defined by
acceleration is defined by
ap Po e−0.35. f n ao
𝑎 = 𝑃 𝑒 ≤ 𝑎 (A18)
g = βW ≤g (A18)
𝑔 𝛽𝑊 𝑔
where Po is the constant force (65 lb), W is the effective weight of the floor (lb), β is the
where Poratio,
damping is theaoconstant force (65
is the vibration lb), W isacceleration
tolerance the effective weight
limit of the to
according floor (lb),A2,
Figure β isand
adamping ratio,
p is the peak ao is the vibration
acceleration tolerance acceleration limit according to Figure A2, and
of the floor.
ap isFor
the High-Frequency
peak acceleration (>9ofHz)
the Floors,
floor. the equivalent sinusoidal peak acceleration (aESPA )
For High-Frequency
is defined by (>9 Hz) Floors, thesequivalent sinusoidal peak acceleration
(aESPA) is defined by a 1.43
f step 1 − e−4πhβ
ESPA 154 ao
= 0.3
≤ (A19)
g W fn . hπβ g
𝑎 154 𝑓 1−𝑒 𝑎
where W is the effective weight= of the floor (lb), (A19)
≤ natural frequency
fn is the fundamental
𝑔 𝑊 . ℎ𝜋𝛽 𝑔
(Hz), and fstep is step frequency (Hz) while fn = hfstep . h is the step frequency harmonic
Buildings 2022, 12, 2061 24 of 26
matching the natural frequency (See Table A5). ao is the acceleration limit, according to
Figure A2.
Table A5. Harmonic matching the natural frequency of high-frequency (>9 Hz) floors adopted from
AISC design guide 11.
f n (Hz) h
9–11 5
11–13.2 6
13.2–15.4 7
h is step frequency harmonic matching the natural frequency.
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