311-Article Text-696-2-10-20210519
311-Article Text-696-2-10-20210519
311-Article Text-696-2-10-20210519
Received 20 Apr 2021 | Revised 4 May 2021 | Accepted 11 May 2021 | Published Online 15 May 2021
DOI: https://doi.org/10.15520/arjmcs.v7i05.311
ARJMCS 07 (05), 542−550 (2021) ISSN (O) 2455-3549 IF:1.6
ixed Appliance treatment can significantly al- extraction protocol shown in this case is indicative
ter and improve facial appearance in addition of how an unaesthetic non consonant smile can be
to correcting irregularity of the teeth. Facial converted into a more aesthetic and pleasing one by
Esthetics has been in increasing demand in today’s routine fixed Orthodontic treatment without the need
century. Nowadays, patients with the slightest mis- for extracting premolars.
alignment of teeth demand Orthodontic treatment
to get it corrected and improve their smile and fa-
cial profile. Fixed Appliance treatment can signif- 2 CASE REPORT
icantly alter and improve facial appearance in ad-
dition to correcting irregularity of the teeth[1] .The 2.1 EXTRA-ORAL EXAMINATION
number of patients seeking orthodontic treatment
has increased significantly[1,19,26] . In Today’s times, A 14 year old female patient presented with the
Fixed Appliance treatment can significantly alter chief complaint of forwardly placed upper front teeth
and improve facial appearance in addition to cor- and jetting out of upper front teeth. On Extra-oral
recting irregularity of the teeth. Class I malocclu- examination, the patient had an orthognathic facial
sion is the most prevalent followed by Class II profile, grossly symmetrical face on both sides, a
and Class III malocclusion.[2−3,14−15] Over the last Mesoprosopic facial form, Dolicocephalic head form
few decades, there has been an increase in the and average width of nose and mouth, potentially
awareness about orthodontic treatment which has incompetent lips with increased lip strain , an acute
led to more and more adolescents, especially girls Nasolabial Angle with increased upper and lower
demanding high quality treatment in the shortest labial fullness. The patient had no relevant prenatal,
possible time with increased efficiency and reduced natal, postnatal history, history of habits, medical or
costs.[4,16−18] There are many ways to treat Class a family history. On Smiling, there was presence of
I malocclusions, according to the characteristics as- spacing in the maxillary anterior region and a non-
sociated with the problem, such as antero-posterior consonant reverse smile arc. The patient had a toothy
discrepancy, age, and patient compliance.[5−6,20] The smile with minimal buccal corridor space on smiling.
indications for extractions in orthodontic practice The patient was very dissatisfied with her smile.
have historically been controversial.[7−9,21] . On the
other hand, correction of Class I malocclusions in 2.2 INTRA-ORAL EXAMINATION
growing patients, with subsequent dental camouflage
to mask the skeletal discrepancy, can involve ei- Intraoral examination on frontal view shows pres-
ther retraction by non-extraction means simply by ence of congruent upper and lower dental midlines
utilizing the available spaces or by extractions of and presence of spacing in the maxillary anterior
premolars.[10−11] Lack of crowding or cephalomet- region. On lateral view the patient shows the pres-
ric discrepancy in the mandibular arch is an indi- ence of a Class II Division 1 incisor relationship and
cation of 2 premolar extraction.[12−13,22−25] Fortu- a Class I canine and molar relationship bilaterally.
nately, in some instances satisfactory results with
an exceptional degree of correction can be achieved Supplementary information The online version of
without extraction of permanent premolars. This this article (https://doi.org/10.15520/arjmcs.v7i05.3
case presents the correction of a bi-maxillary dento- 11) contains supplementary material, which is avail-
alveolar protrusion with a Class I malocclusion in able to authorized users.
an adolescent female patient with proclined max- Corresponding Author: Dr. Lishoy Rodrigues
illary anterior teeth, merely simply by executing PG Student, Dept of Orthodontics and Dentofacial
a non-extraction protocol merely by torqueing the Orthopedics, Sinhgad Dental College and Hospital,
maxillary central incisors and decreasing its angula- Vadgaon Bk, Pune, Maharashtra, India
5. Decreased Nasolabial angle • Piggy back NiTi for getting impacted 15 into
6. Potentially Incompetant lips
• Retraction and closure of spaces by use of
7. Increased lip strain 0.019” x 0.025” rectangular NiTi followed
by 0.019” x 0.025” rectangular stainless steel
8. Reverse smile arc wires.
This case report shows how a borderline extraction
case can be managed with a Non Extraction Pro-
tocol by means of properly conserving Anchorage.
The planned goals set in the pretreatment plan were
successfully attained. Good intercuspation of the
teeth was maintained with class I incisor and Class
I canine and molar relationship bilaterally. Treatment FIGURE 8: POST TREATMENT INTRA-ORAL
of bimaxillary protrusion and localized spacing in- PHOTOGRAPHS
cluded the retraction and retroclination of maxillary
and mandibular incisors with a resultant decrease