Incidencia 2011-2022
Incidencia 2011-2022
Incidencia 2011-2022
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Release date: June 16, 2023; Expiration date: June 16, 2024
Learning Objectives
Upon completion of this activity, participants will be able to:
• Assess cat-transmitted sporotrichosis disease incidence, demographics, and clinical and laboratory findings,
based on a medical record review of 216 sporotrichosis cases diagnosed during 2011 to 2022 in Curitiba, Brazil
• Evaluate cat-transmitted sporotrichosis geographic distribution and incidence trends, based on a medical
record review of 216 sporotrichosis cases diagnosed during 2011 to 2022 in Curitiba, Brazil
• Determine the clinical and public health implications of cat-transmitted sporotrichosis disease incidence, clinical
syndromes, and geographic distribution, based on a medical record review of 216 sporotrichosis cases diagnosed during 2011 to 2022
in Curitiba, Brazil
CME Editor
Tony Pearson-Clarke, MS, Technical Writer/Editor, Emerging Infectious Diseases. Disclosure: Tony Pearson-Clarke, MS, has no relevant
financial relationships.
CME Author
Laurie Barclay, MD, freelance writer and reviewer, Medscape, LLC. Disclosure: Laurie Barclay, MD, has no relevant financial relationships.
Regielly C.R. Cognialli, MS; Diego H. Cáceres, MS; Fernanda de A.G.D. Bastos, MS; Francelise B. Cavassin, PhD; Bruno P.R. Lustosa,
MS; Vânia A. Vicente, PhD; Giovanni L. Breda, MS; Izabella Santos-Weiss, PhD; and Flávio Queiroz-Telles, PhD.
Author affiliations: Federal University of Paraná Program in Internal Medicine and Health Science, Curitiba, Brazil (R.C.R. Cognialli,
F. de A.G.D. Bastos); Federal University of Paraná Hospital de Clínicas, Curitiba (R.C.R. Cognialli, G.L. Breda); Center of Expertise in
Mycology Radboudumc/CWZ, Nijmegen, the Netherlands (D.H. Cáceres); Universidad del Rosario Studies in Translational
Microbiology and Faculty of Medical Sciences, Emerging Diseases Research Group, Bogota, Colombia (D.H. Cáceres); Faculdades
Pequeno Príncipe, Curitiba (F.B. Cavassin); Federal University of Paraná Basic Pathology Department, Curitiba (B.P.R. Lustosa,
V.A. Vicente); Federal University of Paraná Department of Clinical Analysis, Curitiba (I. Santos-Weiss); Federal University of Paraná
Department of Public Health, Curitiba (F Queiroz-Telles)
1330 Emerging Infectious Diseases • • Vol. 29, No. 7, July 2023
Sporothrix brasiliensis, Brazil, 2011–2022
Zoonotic outbreaks of sporotrichosis are increasing in institution, the Hospital de Clínicas of the Federal
Brazil. We examined and described the emergence of University of Paraná (HC/UFPR), a tertiary referral
cat-transmitted sporotrichosis (CTS) caused by the fun- hospital in Curitiba, Paraná’s largest city. Our study
gal pathogen Sporothrix brasiliensis. We calculated in- was approved by the HC/UFPR ethical committee
cidence and mapped geographic distribution of cases (registration no. 12379819.4.0000.0096).
in Curitiba, Brazil, by reviewing medical records from
216 sporotrichosis cases diagnosed during 2011–May Methods
2022. Proven sporotrichosis was established in 84 (39%)
patients and probable sporotrichosis in 132 (61%). In- Study Design
cidence increased from 0.3 cases/100,000 outpatient
We identified cases from the hospital database by
visit-years in 2011 to 21.4 cases/100,000 outpatient visit-
using code B42 from the International Classification
years in 2021; of the 216 cases, 58% (n = 126) were
diagnosed during 2019–2021. The main clinical form of of Diseases, 10th Revision. Our study analyzed data
sporotrichosis was lymphocutaneous (63%), followed by from all proven and probable CTS cases from HC/
localized cutaneous (24%), ocular (10%), multisite infec- UFPR during January 2011–May 2022.
tions (3%), and cutaneous disseminated (<0.5%). Since
the first report of CTS in Curitiba in 2011, sporotrichosis Case Definition
has increased substantially, indicating continuous dis- We used case definitions approved by the Brazilian
ease transmission. Clinician and public awareness of Ministry of Health (23–25). Proven human CTS was
CTS and efforts to prevent transmission are needed. defined as microbiologic evidence (positive culture or
histopathology) of sporotrichosis, presence of lesions
Emerging Infectious Diseases • • Vol. 29, No. 7, July 2023 1331
We included 216 CTS cases in this analysis. Case-pa-
tients were more frequently female than male (ratio
1.8:1) except in the 11–17 year age group (Figure 2).
Median age among CTS case-patients was 40 years
(interquartile range 22.5–56.0 years) (Table 2); 29
(13%) patients were <18 years of age. Overall, 11%
of patients had occupations with disease-related risk
factors, including 9 veterinarians, 5 veterinary stu-
dents, 3 pet sitters, and 2 gardeners. The most fre-
quent clinical form of sporotrichosis was lymphocu-
taneous (n = 136, 63%), followed by fixed cutaneous
(n = 53, 25%), ocular (n = 21, 10%), mixed forms (n = 5,
2%), and cutaneous disseminated (n = 1, <0.5%). We
observed that some CTS case-patients had unusual
clinical manifestations (Figure 3).
Overall, 84 (39%) patients had proven CTS and
132 (61%) had probable CTS. Among probable CTS
cases, we tested 18 patients by microscopy and cul-
ture, and all tested negative. Laboratory testing was
Figure 1. Burden of sporotrichosis in South America and distribution not requested for the 14 remaining probable CTS
of cat-transmitted sporotrichosis in humans caused by Sporothrix
case-patients; the main causes for not testing were
brasiliensis, 2022. Cat icons indicate countries where cases of
cat-transmitted sporotrichosis caused by S. brasiliensis have been specimen unavailability for microbiology testing and
reported; arrows indicate transmission from cats to cats, humans, previous initiation of antifungal treatment. Among
and dogs. the proven CTS cases, Sporothrix isolates were collect-
ed from direct swabbing of lesion secretions for 50 pa-
calculated descriptive statistics to record the character- tients, skin biopsy for 29, and aspirate from abscesses
istics of the cases. We also calculated the incidence rate for 5. Average times for positive Sporothrix culture
per 100,000 outpatient all-reason visits per year (outpa- results varied by specimen type: specimens collected
tient visit-years [OPVY]). We performed analyses using using the swab method averaged 6 days (range 3–17
Medcalc version 19.0 statistical software and used Qgis days), compared with 13 days (range 4–30 days) for
Table 1. Cat-transmitted sporotrichosis case definitions used in study of human cases in Curitiba, Brazil, 2011–2021*
Definition Epidemiology Clinical Laboratory
Proven History of trauma or contact Lesions compatible Positive culture and/or histopathology (microbiological
with a cat with sporotrichosis with sporotrichosis evidence)
Probable History of trauma or contact Lesions compatible Human: Negative culture and/or histopathology.†
with a cat with sporotrichosis with sporotrichosis Sick cat: A) sporotrichosis diagnosed by culture and/or
histopathology in a veterinarian laboratory; B) cat resident in a
region with confirmed presence of cats with sporotrichosis
(data verified by public health authorities)
Possible History of trauma or contact Lesions compatible Absent
with a cat with sporotrichosis with sporotrichosis
Non-CTS History of trauma or contact with Lesions compatible Negative culture and/or histopathology for Sporothrix spp.†
a cat with sporotrichosis with sporotrichosis Definition of other case of disease (infectious or noninfectious)
*Adapted from Guide to Health Surveillance, 5th ed (23–25). CTS, cat-transmitted sporotrichosis.
†Negative culture for Sporothrix spp. alone does not rule out diagnosis (limitation of the culture).
1332 Emerging Infectious Diseases • • Vol. 29, No. 7, July 2023
Sporothrix brasiliensis, Brazil, 2011–2022
Emerging Infectious Diseases • • Vol. 29, No. 7, July 2023 1333
1334 Emerging Infectious Diseases • • Vol. 29, No. 7, July 2023
Sporothrix brasiliensis, Brazil, 2011–2022
Emerging Infectious Diseases • • Vol. 29, No. 7, July 2023 1335
Figure 6. Locations of human cat-transmitted sporotrichosis cases (red dots) treated at Hospital de Clínicas, Federal University of
Paraná, Curitiba, Brazil, during 2011–May 2022, and evolution of spatial distribution of cases in the city of Curitiba. A–D) Locations of
all human cases in Brazil (A), Paraná state (B), Metropolitan Region of Curitiba (C), and Curitiba (D). E–H) Distribution of new human
cases in Curitiba during 2011–2013 (E), 2014–2016 (F), 2017–2019 (G), and 2020–May 2022 (H).
1336 Emerging Infectious Diseases • • Vol. 29, No. 7, July 2023
Sporothrix brasiliensis, Brazil, 2011–2022
Emerging Infectious Diseases • • Vol. 29, No. 7, July 2023 1337
those and other prevention and control measures 10. Pereira SA, Gremião ID, Kitada AA, Boechat JS, Viana PG,
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health condition.
11. Rodrigues AM, Della Terra PP, Gremião ID, Pereira SA,
Orofino-Costa R, de Camargo ZP. The threat of emerging and
Acknowledgments re-emerging pathogenic Sporothrix species. 2020;185:813–42.
We thank Lili Volochen Lopuch and Adriana de Fátima 12. Rossow JA, Queiroz-Telles F, Caceres DH, Beer KD,
Gabriel for all support with collecting and preparing Jackson BR, Pereira JG, et al. A One Health approach to
combatting Sporothrix brasiliensis: narrative review of an
samples and Regiane Cognialli Born for the map design. emerging zoonotic fungal pathogen in South America.
We also thank We also thank Jeremy Gold for reviewing J Fungi (Basel). 2020;6:247.
the manuscript. jof6040247
13. Rodrigues AM, Gonçalves SS, de Carvalho JA,
Borba-Santos LP, Rozental S, Camargo ZP. Current progress
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Ms. Cognialli is a mycologist at Hospital de Clínicas of
14. Brandolt TM, Madrid IM, Poester VR, Sanchotene KO,
Federal University of Paraná and a PhD student at Federal
Basso RP, Klafke GB, et al. Human sporotrichosis: a
University of Paraná, Curitiba, Paraná, Brazil. Her primary zoonotic outbreak in southern Brazil, 2012–2017. Med
interest is in neglected endemic mycosis. Mycol. 2018;57:myy082.
15. Poester VR, Mattei AS, Madrid IM, Pereira JTB, Klafke GB,
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and literature review. Med Mycol Case Rep. 2022;36:31–4. email:
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