Top Tips For Autism Learners
Top Tips For Autism Learners
Top Tips For Autism Learners
4. Visual cues
Some learners may benefit from visual cues which reduce the need for spoken
communication. This maybe a visual timetable or flash cards made with Symbols or
using simple Makaton signs. Both websites offer free resources.
5. Time
Learners with autism need additional time to process information especially verbal
communication. Give them additional time to answer questions or to complete an
instruction. Sometimes there may be a silent pause do not be tempted to jump in and
answer a question on their behalf or be too quick to re-phrase a question
7. Patience
You will get it wrong. You will make mistakes. You will get frustrated with hearing the
ins and outs of exactly why Harry Potter is the best character ever or why certain
types of fishing rods are better than others. A learner with autism is not trying to
annoy you or to deliberately push your buttons. Part of your role is in understanding
why these topics are important to them and in helping them understand how they
can discuss them in a way which fits in with social conventions.
10. Enjoy
Young people with autism have a lot to teach you and you can have some fantastic
teaching experiences. Don’t be afraid, just enjoy seeing the world in a totally different