CH 05xii
CH 05xii
CH 05xii
Magnetism PHYSICS
The cyclotron is a machine to accelerate charged particles or ions to high energies.
It was invented by E.O. Lawrence and M.S. Livingston in 1934to investigates nuclear
structure. The cyclotron uses both electric and magnetic fields in combination to
increase the energy of charged particles.
Principle: When a positively charged particle is made to move time and again in
high frequency electric field and using strong magnetic field, it gets accelerated
and acquires sufficiently large amount of energy.
Working: As the fields are perpendicular to each other they are called crossed
fields. Cyclotron uses the fact that the frequency of revolution of the charged
particle in a magnetic field is independent of its energy. The particles move most
of the time inside two semicircular disc-like metal containers, D1 and D2, which
are called dees as they look like the letter D. Figure shows a schematic view of
the cyclotron. Inside the metal boxes the particle is shielded and is not acted on
by the electric field. The magnetic field, however, acts on the particle and makes
it go round in a circular path inside a dee. Every time the particle moves from
one dee to another it is acted upon by the electric field. The sign of the electric
field is changed alternately in tune with the circular motion of the particle. This
ensures that the particle is always accelerated by the electric field.
A high frequency alternating voltage is applied to the dees.
In the sketch shown in Fig., positive ions or positively charged particles (e.g., protons)
are released at the centre P. They move in a semi-circular path in one of the dees and
arrive in the gap between the dees in a time interval T/2; where T, the period of
revolution, is given by
This frequency is called the cyclotron frequency and is denoted by .
The frequency νa of the applied voltage is adjusted so that the polarity of the dees
is reversed in the same time that it takes the ions to complete one half of the
revolution. The requirement νa = νc is called the resonance condition.
The phase of the supply is adjusted so that when the positive ions arrive at the
edge of D1, D2 is at a lower potential and the ions are accelerated across the gap.
Inside the dees the particles travel in a region free of the electric field.
The increase in their kinetic energy is qV each time they cross from one dee to
another (V refers to the voltage across the dees at that time).
From Eq.(2), it is clear that the radius of their path goes on increasing each time
their kinetic energy increases. The ions are repeatedly accelerated across the
dees until they have the required energy to have a radius approximately that of
the dees. They are then deflected by a magnetic field and leave the system via an
exit slit.
We know,
v (Maximum velocity) (3)
where R is the radius of the trajectory at exit, and equals the radius of a dee.
Hence, the kinetic energy of the ions is,
The operation of the cyclotron is based on the fact that the time for one
revolution of an ion is independent of its speed or radius of its orbit. The
cyclotron is used to bombard nuclei with energetic particles, so accelerated by it,
and study the resulting nuclear reactions. It is also used in hospitals to produce
radioactive substances which can be used in diagnosis and treatment.
Where θ is the angle between the normal to plane of coil and the magnetic field of
strength B, N is the number of turns in a coil.
When the magnetic field is radial, as in the case of cylindrical pole pieces and
soft iron core, then in every position of coil, the plane of the coil is parallel to
magnetic field lines, so that θ= and Sin θ=1,hence deflecting torque,
If k is the torsional constant of the spring i.e. the restoring torque per unit twist
and θ is the angular deflection in the suspension strip, then restoring torque=k θ
For equilibrium, deflecting torque= restoring torque
NIBA= k θ θ= i.e. θ I
I= G θ
G=k/NBA= galvanometer constant or current reduction factor of the galvanometer.
θ I
Deflection of coil is directly proportional to current flowing in the coil and hence
we can construct a line on scale.
them. The soft iron core helps in making the field redial and reduce energy losses
produced due to eddy currents.
Figure of merit of a galvanometer: It is defined as the current which produces a
deflection of one scale division in the galvanometer and is given by
G = I / θ = k/NBA Unit is Amp/ division
Sensitivity of a galvanometer: A galvanometer is said to be sensitive if it shows
large scale deflection even when a small current is passed through it or a small
voltage is applied across it.
Current sensitivity: It is defined as the deflection produced in the galvanometer
when a unit current flows through it. IS = θ /I = NBA / K
BO = O nI = O H or H=
The dimensions of magnetic intensity are [L-1 A]. Its SI unit is ampere metre-1 (Am-1)
4. Intensity of magnetisation: When a magnetic material is placed in a magnetising
field, it gets magnetised. The magnetic moment developed per unit volume of a
material when placed in a magnetising field is called intensity of magnetisation or
simply magnetisation. Thus
B = B0 + B m
Where Bm is the field contributed by the material core. It turns out that this additional
Bm = μ0M
Hence B = O H + μ0M
H and M have the same dimensions and is measured in units of A m–1.
intensity H. = .
Clearly, SI unit of is tesla metre ampere-1 or TmA-1
6. Relative Permeability: Permeability of various magnetic substances can be compared
with one another in terms of relative permeabilityr. It is defined as the ratio of the
permeability of the medium to the permeability of free space. Thus, .
For vacuum r = 1, for air it is 1.0000004 and for iron, the value of r may exceed
Since = . or B
8. Magnetising current: The magnetising current IM is the additional current that
needs to be passed through the windings of the solenoid in the absence of the core
which would give a B value as in the presence of the core.
Classification of magnetic materials:
On the basis of their behaviour in external magnetic fields, Faraday classified the
various substances into three categories:
1. Diamagnetic Substances: Diamagnetic substances are those which develop feeble
magnetisation in the opposite direction of the magnetising field. Such substances are
feebly repelled by magnets and tend to move from stronger to weaker parts of a
magnetic field. Examples: Bismuth, copper, lead, zinc, tin, gold, silicon,
nitrogen (at STP), water, sodium chloride, etc.
Origin of Diamagnetism:
In atoms of some materials like Bi, Cu, Pb, the magnetic moments due to different
electrons cancel out. In such atoms, electrons occur in pairs with one of them
revolving clockwise and other anticlockwise around the nucleus.
Net magnetic moment of an atom is zero.
This sample moves from stronger to the weaker parts of the field of , i.e., a
diamagnetic substance is repelled by a magnet. The behaviour of diamagnetic
materials is independent of temperature.
The most exotic diamagnetic materials are superconductors. These are metals,
cooled to very low temperatures which exhibit both perfect conductivity and
perfect diamagnetism. Here the field lines are completely expelled.
= –1 and μr = 0. A superconductor repels a magnet and (by Newton’s third law)
is repelled by the magnet. The phenomenon of perfect diamagnetism in
superconductors is called the Meissner effect, after the name of its discoverer.
Superconducting magnets can be gainfully exploited in variety of situations, for
example, for running magnetically levitated superfast trains.
Origin of paramagnetism:
The atoms or molecules of a paramagnetic material possess a permanent
magnetic moment either due to the presence of some unpaired electron or due
to the non-cancellation of the spins of two electrons because of some special
reason. In the absence of an external magnetic field, the atomic dipoles are
randomly oriented due to their ceaseless random motion, as shown in Fig.
There is no net magnetisation.
When a strong enough field B0 is applied and the temperature is low enough,
the field B0 tends to align the atomic dipoles in its own direction, producing a
weak magnetic moment in the direction of B0. The material tends to move from a weak
field region to a strong field region. This is paramagnetism.
At very high magnetic fields or at very low temperatures, the magnetisation approaches
its maximum value when all the atomic dipole moments get aligned.
This is called the saturation magnetisation value Ms.
Curie's law: From experiments, it is found that the intensity of magnetisation (M)
of a paramagnetic material is
(i) directly proportional to the magnetising field intensity H, because the latter tends to
align the atomic dipole moments.
(ii) inversely proportional to the absolute temperature T, because the latter tends to
oppose the alignment of the atomic dipole moments.
Therefore at low H / T values, we have
M or M or or
Origin of ferromagnetism:
Weiss explained ferromagnetism on the basis of his domain theory. In materials like
Fe, Ni, Co, the individual atoms are associated with large magnetic moments. The
magnetic moments of neighbouring atoms interact with each other and align themselves
spontaneously in a common direction over
macroscopic regions called domains.
Each domain has a typical size of about
1 mm and contains about 1011 atoms.
So each domain possesses a strong magnetic
moment. In the absence of any external
magnetic field, these domains are randomly
distributed so that the net magnetic moment
is zero.
2. By rotation of domains:
When the external field B0 is strong, the domains rotate till their magnetic moments get
aligned in the direction of B0 as shown in Fig. (c).
Modified Curie's law for ferromagnetic substances:
When a ferromagnetic sample is heated, its magnetisation decreases due to the increase
in the randomisation of its domains. At a sufficiently high temperature, the domain
structure disintegrates and the
ferromagnetic substance becomes paramagnetic. The temperature at which a
ferromagnetic substance becomes paramagnetic is called Curie temperature or Curie
Above the Curie point i.e., in the paramagnetic phase, the susceptibility varies with
temperature as
Where C' is a constant. This is modified Curie's law for a ferromagnetic material above
the Curie temperature. It is also known as Curie-Weiss law.
This law states that the susceptibility of a ferromagnetic substance above its Curie
temperature is inversely proportional to the excess of temperature above the Curie
Types of ferromagnetic materials: Ferromagnetic materials can be divided into two
1. Soft ferromagnetic materials or soft ferro- magnets: These are the ferromagnetic
materials in which the magnetisation disappears on the removal of the external
magnetising field. Such materials have
narrow hysteresis loop, as shown in
Fig. Consequently, they have low
retentivity, low coercivity, and low
hysteresis loss. But they have high
relative magnetic permeability. They
are used as cores of solenoids and
transformers. Examples: Soft iron, mu
metal, etc.
Fig: Magnetic hysteresis loop for (a) soft,
(b) hard ferromagnetic material.
2. Hard ferromagnetic materials or hard ferro- magnets: These are the ferromagnetic
materials which retain magnetisation even after the removal of the external
magnetising field. Such materials have wide hysteresis loop, as shown in Fig.
Consequently, they have high retentivity, high coercivity and large hysteresis loss.
They are used for making permanent magnets. Examples: Steel, alnico, lodestone,
ticonal, etc.
Comparative study of the properties of diamagnetic, paramagnetic and ferromagnetic
Q.1.A magnet of magnetic moment 2.5 Am2 weighs 66 g. If the density of the
material of the magnet is 7500 kgm-3, find the intensity of magnetisation.
Q.2. A magnetising field of 1500 A/ m produces a magnetic flux of 2.4 x 10-5 weber
in a bar of iron of cross- section 0.5 cm2. Calculate permeability and susceptibility of
the iron-bar used.
material and the sink is the hysteretic heat loss in the magnetic material.
Practical importance of hysteresis loops:
A study of hysteresis loop provides us information about retentivity,
coercivity and hysteresis loss of a magnetic material. This helps in proper
selection of materials for designing cores of transformers and electromagnets and
in making permanent magnets.
Comparison of the magnetic properties of soft iron and steel:
Fig. shows the hysteresis loops for soft iron and steel.
A study of these B - H loops reveals the
following information:
1. Permeability: For a given H, B is more for soft iron than steel. So soft iron has a greater
( = )than steel.
2. Susceptibility: As permeability of soft iron is greater than steel, so soft iron has a
greater susceptibility
than steel.
3. Retentivity: The retentivity of soft iron (Ob') is greater than the retentivity (Ob)
of steel.
4. Coercivity: The coercivity of soft iron (Oc’) is less than the coercivity (Oc) of steel.
5. Hysteresis loss: As the area of the hysteresis loop of soft iron is much smaller
than that of steel, so the hysteresis loss per unit volume per cycle is less for
soft iron than for steel.
We can summarize the above properties as follows:
1. Permeability
2. Susceptibility
3. Retentivity are greater for soft iron than for steel.
4. Coercivity
5. Hysteresis loss are less for soft iron than for steel.
Selection of magnetic materials: The choice of magnetic materials for making
permanent magnets, electromagnets and cores of transformers is decided from
the hysteresis loop of the material.
A. Permanent magnets: The material used for making permanent magnets must
have the following characteristics:
1. High retentivity so that it produces a strong magnetic field.
2. High coercivity so that its magnetisation is not destroyed by stray magnetic
fields, temperature variations or minor mechanical damage.
3. High permeability.Inspite of its slightly smaller retentivity than soft iron, steel is
favoured for making permanent magnets. Steel has much higher coercivity than soft
iron. The magnetisation of steel is not easily destroyed by stray fields. Once magnetised
under a strong field, it retains magnetisation for a long duration.
Other suitable materials for making permanent magnets are: Cobalt steel and Alnico.
B.Electromagnets: The material used for making cores of electromagnets must
have the following characteristics:
1. High initial permeability so that magnetisation is large even for a small
magnetising field.
2. Low retentivity so that the magnetisation is lost as the magnetising current is
switched off. So soft iron is more suitable than steel for cores of electromagnets.
C. Transformer cores: The material used for making cores of transformers must
have the following characteristics:
1. High initial permeability so that the magnetic flux is large even for low magnetising
2. Low hysteresis loss as the materials are subjected to alternating magnetising
fields of high frequency.
3. Low resistivity to reduce losses due to eddy currents.
Soft iron is preferred for making transformer cores and telephone diaphragms.
Q1. The vertical component of Earth’s magnetic field at a place is times the
horizontal Component. What is the value of angle of dip at the place?
Q2. Steel is preferred for making permanent magnet whereas soft iron is
preferred for making electromagnets. Give one reason?
Q3. How does the (i) Pole strength and (ii) Magnetic moment of each part of a bar
magnet change if it is cut into two equal pieces transverse to its length?
Q4. How does the (i) Pole strength and (ii) Magnetic moment of each part of a bar
magnet change if it is cut into two equal pieces along its length?
Q5. Where on the earth’s surface is the value of angle of dip maximum?
Q6. Why does a paramagnetic substance display greater magnetisation for the
same magnetising field when cooled? How does a diamagnetic substance
respond to similar temperature change?
Q7. Define the term magnetic inclination and horizontal component of Earth’s
magnetic field at a place. Establish the relationship between the two with
the help of a diagram?
Q9. A short bar magnet placed with its axis at 300 to a uniform magnetic field of
0.2T experiences a torque of 0.060 Nm. (i) Calculate magnetic moment of
the magnet. (ii) Find out what orientation of the magnet corresponds to its
stable equilibrium in the magnetic field.
Q10. The susceptibility of a magnetic material is 0.9853. Identify the type of the
magnetic material. Draw the modification of field pattern on keeping a
piece of this material in a uniform magnetic field?
Q11. Two magnets of magnetic moments M and M are joined to form a cross.
The combination is suspended in a uniform magnetic field B. The magnetic
moment M now makes an angle θ with the field direction.
Find the value of angle θ.
Q12. (a) A magnetic dipole is placed in a uniform magnetic field with its axis
tilted with respect to its position of stable equilibrium. Deduce an
expression for the time period of (small amplitude) oscillation of this
magnetic dipole about an axis, passing through its centre and
perpendicular to its plane.
(b) If this bar magnet is replaced by a combination of two similar bar
magnets, placed over each other, how will the time period vary?