Renolin PA 320 GB
Renolin PA 320 GB
Renolin PA 320 GB
Description Advantages/Benefits
The lubrication of paper making machines requires High oxidation and thermal stability
carefully selected lubricants to reduce down times and Excellent anti-wear behaviour
to increase the reliability. Most paper machinery Excellent corrosion protection
systems which are designed to run at high speeds Rapid demulsification
and high steam temperatures are oil-lubricated. Good air release and excellent anti-foam behaviour
The oils in these machines must first of all protect Reduces sludge formation
against corrosion and wear and secondly dissipate Excellent filterability
heat from the bearings. The lubricating oils generally Aids system cleanliness
used meet the specifications laid down in DIN 51 517
and also fulfil the recommendations and minimum
requirements of the machine and bearing Specifications
RENOLIN PA 320 GB is formulated to meet the CLP lubricating oil according to DIN 51 517 part 3
critical demands of circulating oil for use in paper CKC lubricating oil according to ISO 6743 part 6
machines. RENOLIN PA 320 GB efficiently lubricates
paper machine bearings, calender bearings etc.
Paper machinery oils are exposed to conditions and
temperatures that accelerate oxidation and the
formation of by-products and particulates, and lead to
water contamination. RENOLIN PA 320 GB
maintains its useful life and lubrication excellence
even under these arduous conditions, whilst
maintaining machine cleanliness.
RENOLIN PA 320 GB was developed for central
lubricating systems in paper making machines. The
product can be used to lubricate the bearings and the
wet and dry sections of paper making machines, and
possibly gearboxes and peripheral equipment in these
DIN = Deutsches Institut für Normung, Germany ISO = International Organisation for Standardization
ASTM = American Society for Testing and Materials IP = Institute of Petroleum
AFNOR = Association Francaise de Normalisation FVA = Forschungsvereinigung Antriebstechnik, Germany