RLC Circuit
RLC Circuit
RLC Circuit
PHY2054: Chapter 21 1
Voltage and Current in RLC Circuits
ÎAC emf source: “driving frequency” f
ε = ε m sin ωt ω = 2π f
PHY2054: Chapter 21 3
AC Source and Capacitor Only
ÎVoltage is vC = = ε m sin ωt
ÎDifferentiate to find current
q = Cε m sin ωt
i = dq / dt = ωCVC cos ωt
ε ~ C
ÎRewrite using phase (check this!)
i = ωCVC sin (ωt + 90° )
ÎRelation of current and voltage
i = I m sin (ωt + 90° ) I m = ( X C = 1/ ωC )
ΓCapacitive reactance”: X C = 1/ ωC
Current “leads” voltage by 90°
PHY2054: Chapter 21 4
AC Source and Inductor Only
ÎVoltage is vL = Ldi / dt = ε m sin ωt
ÎIntegrate di/dt to find current:
di / dt = ( ε m / L ) sin ωt
i = − ( ε m / ω L ) cos ωt
ε ~ L
ÎRewrite using phase (check this!)
i = ( ε m / ω L ) sin (ωt − 90° )
ÎRelation of current and voltage
i = I m sin (ωt − 90° ) I m = ( X L = ωL)
ΓInductive reactance”: X L = ω L
Current “lags” voltage by 90°
PHY2054: Chapter 21 5
General Solution for RLC Circuit
ÎWe assume steady state solution of form i = I m sin (ωt − φ )
Im is current amplitude
φ is phase by which current “lags” the driving EMF
Must determine Im and φ
ω L − 1/ ωC X L − XC εm
tan φ = ≡ Im =
X L = ωL Inductive “reactance”
X C = 1/ ωC Capacitive “reactance”
Z = R2 + ( X L − X C )
Total “impedance”
PHY2054: Chapter 21 8
AC Source and RLC Circuits
Im = Maximum current
X L − XC
tan φ = Phase angle
X L = ωL (ω = 2π f ) Inductive reactance
X C = 1/ ωC Capacitive reactance
Z = R2 + ( X L − X C )
2 Total impedance
PHY2054: Chapter 21 9
What is Reactance?
Think of it as a frequency-dependent resistance
XC = Shrinks with increasing ω
PHY2054: Chapter 21 10
Pictorial Understanding of Reactance
Z = R2 + ( X L − X C )
X L − XC
tan φ =
cos φ =
PHY2054: Chapter 21 11
Summary of Circuit Elements, Impedance, Phase Angles
X L − XC
tan φ =
Z = R2 + ( X L − X C )
PHY2054: Chapter 21 12
ÎThree identical EMF sources are hooked to a single circuit
element, a resistor, a capacitor, or an inductor. The
current amplitude is then measured as a function of
frequency. Which one of the following curves corresponds
to an inductive circuit?
(1) a
(2) b a
(3) c b
(4) Can’t tell without more info Imax
X L = ωL (ω = 2π f ) For inductor, higher frequency gives higher
I max = ε max / X L reactance, therefore lower current
PHY2054: Chapter 21 13
RLC Example 1
ÎBelow are shown the driving emf and current vs time of
an RLC circuit. We can conclude the following
Current “leads” the driving emf (φ<0)
Circuit is capacitive (XC > XL)
I ε
PHY2054: Chapter 21 14
RLC Example 2
ÎR = 200Ω, C = 15μF, L = 230mH, εmax = 36v, f = 60 Hz
Z = R + ( X L − X C ) = R + (ω L − 1/ ωC )
2 2 2 2
ÎZ is minimum when ω L = 1/ ωC ω = ω0 = 1/ LC
This is resonance!
ÎAt resonance
Impedance = Z is minimum
Current amplitude = Im is maximum
PHY2054: Chapter 21 16
Imax vs Frequency and Resonance
ÎCircuit parameters: C = 2.5μF, L = 4mH, εmax = 10v
f0= 1 / 2π(LC)1/2 = 1590 Hz
Plot Imax vs f
I max = 10 / R + (ω L − 1/ ωC )
2 2
R = 5Ω
R = 10Ω
R = 20Ω
f = f0
f / f0
PHY2054: Chapter 21 17
Power in AC Circuits
ÎInstantaneous power emitted by circuit: P = i2R
P = I m2 R sin 2 (ωd t − φ ) Instantaneous power oscillates
P = I m2 R sin 2 (ω d t − φ ) = 12 I m2 R
Im εm 2
I rms = ε rms = Pave = I rms R
2 2
ÎHouse current
Vrms = 110V ⇒ Vpeak = 156V
PHY2054: Chapter 21 18
Power in AC Circuits
ÎPower formula 2
Pave = I rms R I rms = I max / 2
ε rms ε rms
ÎRewrite using I rms = Pave = I rms R = ε rms I rms cos φ
Pave = ε rms I rms cos φ cos φ = X L − XC
Z φ
PHY2054: Chapter 21 19
Power Example 1
ÎR = 200Ω, XC = 150Ω, XL = 80Ω, εrms = 120v, f = 60 Hz
PHY2054: Chapter 21 20
Power Example 1 (cont)
ÎR = 200Ω, XC = 150Ω, XL = 80Ω, εrms = 120v, f = 60 Hz
ÎHow much capacitance must be added to maximize the
power in the circuit (and thus bring it into resonance)?
Want XC = XL to minimize Z, so must decrease XC
X C = 150Ω = 1/ 2π fC C = 17.7μF
PHY2054: Chapter 21 21
Power vs Frequency and Resonance
ÎCircuit parameters: C = 2.5μF, L = 4mH, εmax = 10v
f0= 1 / 2π(LC)1/2 = 1590 Hz
Plot Pave vs f for different R values
R = 2Ω
R = 5Ω
R = 10Ω
Pave Resonance
R = 20Ω
f = f0
f / f0
PHY2054: Chapter 21 22
Resonance Tuner is Based on Resonance
Vary C to set resonance frequency to 103.7 (ugh!)
Circuit response Q = 500
Other radio stations. Tune for f = 103.7 MHz
RLC response is less
PHY2054: Chapter 21 23
ÎA generator produces current at a frequency of 60 Hz with
peak voltage and current amplitudes of 100V and 10A,
respectively. What is the average power produced if they
are in phase?
(1) 1000 W
(2) 707 W
(3) 1414 W Pave = 12 ε peak I peak = ε rms I rms
(4) 500 W
(5) 250 W
PHY2054: Chapter 21 24
ÎThe figure shows the current and emf of a series RLC
circuit. To increase the rate at which power is delivered to
the resistive load, which option should be taken?
(1) Increase R
(2) Decrease L
(3) Increase L
(4) Increase C
X L − XC
tan φ =
Current lags applied emf (φ > 0), thus circuit is inductive. Either
(1) Reduce XL by decreasing L or
(2) Cancel XL by increasing XC (decrease C).
PHY2054: Chapter 21 25
Example: LR Circuit
ÎVariable frequency EMF source with εm=6V connected to a
resistor and inductor. R=80Ω and L=40mH.
At what frequency f does VR = VL?
tan φ = X L / R = 1 ⇒ φ = 45°
What is the current amplitude and RMS value?
Vp = N p Vs = N s
Δt Δt
Vs = V p
PHY2054: Chapter 21 27
ÎNothing comes for free, however!
Increase in voltage comes at the cost of current.
Output power cannot exceed input power!
power in = power out
(Losses usually account for 10-20%)
i pVp = isVs
is V p N p
= =
i p Vs N s
PHY2054: Chapter 21 28
Transformers: Sample Problem
ÎA transformer has 330 primary turns and 1240 secondary
turns. The input voltage is 120 V and the output current
is 15.0 A. What is the output voltage and input current?
Ns ⎛ 1240 ⎞ “Step-up”
Vs = V p = 120 ⎜ ⎟ = 451V transformer
Np ⎝ 330 ⎠
Vs ⎛ 451 ⎞
i pV p = isVs i p = is = 15 ⎜ ⎟ = 56.4 A
Vp ⎝ 120 ⎠
PHY2054: Chapter 21 29
PHY2054: Chapter 21 30
Tape recorder
PHY2054: Chapter 21 31
ConcepTest: Power lines
ÎAt large distances, the resistance of power lines becomes
significant. To transmit maximum power, is it better to
transmit (high V, low i) or (high i, low V)?
PHY2054: Chapter 21 32
Electric Power Transmission
PHY2054: Chapter 21 33