Effect of Refresher and Skill Transfer Initiatives (RSTI) To BHP Representatives' Sales Stats Performance
Effect of Refresher and Skill Transfer Initiatives (RSTI) To BHP Representatives' Sales Stats Performance
Effect of Refresher and Skill Transfer Initiatives (RSTI) To BHP Representatives' Sales Stats Performance
1, MARCH 2024
DOI: https://doi.org/10.54476/ioer-imrj/233459
This study investigates the impact of Refresher and Skill Transfer Initiatives (RSTI) on the sales
performance of Bank of Montreal Home Advantage Plus (BHP) sales representatives. The research aimed
to determine whether RSTI contributes to enhancing the sales performance of BHP representatives.
Employing a mixed-methods approach, the study selected 17 employees through purposive sampling and
collected data using various instruments including Participant Observation, Sales Reports, Focus Group
Discussions, and Feedback Forms. Both quantitative data, analyzed through descriptive statistics, and
qualitative data, examined thematically, informed the analysis. The study utilized Jamovi Analysis to derive
average mean scores and interpret the statistical significance of RSTI's impact post-implementation. The
findings highlight the positive effect of RSTI on BHP sales representatives, noting significant improvements
in sales and behavioral performance. Feedback from participants further endorsed RSTI, advocating for
its continued use. This research enriches Sales Training literature by introducing behavioral performance
enhancements, such as compliance, selling, and soft skills, as critical outcomes of RSTI. The results affirm
that RSTI significantly bolsters sales personnel' sales performance and skill sets.
Keywords: Refresher and Skill Transfer Initiatives, sales training, skill transfer, soft skills, behavioral
employee training enhances their skills and
fortifies the managerial role, emphasizing the
symbiotic relationship between employees and
managers in the training context.
In the case of the current company's
program, SIGMA, which supports various banks in
Canada by offering services to protect customer
information and provide assistance, the
importance of managerial support in two accounts,
BHP Bank of Montreal Home Advantage Plus and
WMT Walmart Bank is evident. Despite BHP's
exceptional performance, a shortfall in meeting the Figure 1: Conceptual Framework
Bank Clients' objectives was observed. A Needs
Analysis was conducted to delve into the root
causes of this performance issue, incorporating
The Action Research conducted in this
performance data, QA findings, literature review,
study utilized the Plan-Do-Study-Act (PDSA)
and Focus Group Discussions.
Model, as outlined by Deming in 1993. This
This analysis identified Compliance Skills
research method is designed to concurrently
(Product Knowledge), Soft Skills (Customer
address and solve specific issues or problems,
Connection), and Selling Skills (Call Handling
embodying the dual process of researching and
Strategies) as areas of concern. Focusing on
implementing actions. Action Research is
these aspects through introducing the RSTI
particularly favored in fields where practitioners,
training aimed to address these deficiencies and
such as educators and professionals, seek to
contribute to the literature on training's impact on
critically examine and enhance their practices
sales performance.
through iterative cycles of planning, executing,
observing, and reflecting. This approach is highly
regarded among teachers, who view it as an
effective means to refine their teaching
methodologies based on the principles of
This study sought to evaluate the
continuous improvement and evidence-based
effectiveness of training on the performance of
practice (Prudente & Aguja, 2018).
BHP sales representatives, focusing on three
Furthermore, this research adopted a
primary research questions. The first is to
mixed-methods approach to assess the
understand the impact of the Refresher and Skill
effectiveness of Refresher and Skill Transfer
Transfer Initiative (RSTI) on the performance of
Initiatives (RSTI) on the sales performance of
BHP representatives in terms of Compliance
Walmart employees. The mixed-methods strategy
Skills, Soft Skills, and Selling Skills, both before
integrates both qualitative and quantitative data—
and after its implementation. The second is to
gathering open-ended responses for the former
analyze the specific impact of RSTI on sales
and employing questionnaires or scales for the
performance. Lastly, the study intended to gather
latter—to comprehensively analyze the study's
and present feedback from the BHP
findings (Creswell, 2014). This approach enables
representatives regarding their experiences and
a more nuanced understanding of RSTI's impact,
outcomes following the implementation of the
combining numerical data with contextual insights
to evaluate outcomes.
The research participants were the 17 BHP
sales representatives (Mage – 37.3, SDage – 8.27
years, 52.9% female) under my Team. The study
included them because they are the affected performance. Data analysis and interpretation
representatives with low sales performance. And were implemented to see the result and impact of
they were chosen because they are the first source the training and to also check the level of
of sales performance. Furthermore, due to the improvement. Focus Group Discussion was
latest situation in the country and the improvement facilitated post-training to top-performing
in COVID-19, everything will be done onsite using representatives and Outliers to see the initiative's
different platforms needed to support the training. effect from both perspectives. After that, we
In preparation for RSTI, the Researcher finalized the result and shared the ideas of the
got the participants' permission to make sure they action provided in the research to the readers to
were aware of the training. Their consent is help them in their future studies.
important to ensure they are aware of and have The RSTI Module discusses the three main
acknowledged some issues that must be issues identified during the Needs Analysis: 1)
addressed. Needs analysis has been made to Compliance Skills Issue – product knowledge 2)
gather evidence of the problems or the issues of Soft Skills Issue – call connection and 3) Selling
the study including the data from the Operations Skills Issue – call handling strategies.
and Quality department, literature review, and Statistical Treatment of Data. Compliance
focus group discussion. Needs Analysis defines Skills, Soft Skills, and Selling Skills were assessed
the deficiencies or problems and identifies causes using an Observation Checklist/Self-Assessment
and solutions. It can be thought of as identifying Form with a 5-Likert Scale, modified by the
gaps between what should be happening and what researcher for the sales context. The scale ranged
is happening and accounting for the causes of from 5 (excellent) to 1 (poor). For Compliance
these gaps. I created an RSTI Module that we Skills, the measured items included: (1) the
used for the Training Then; the module was representative's demonstration of readiness, (2)
revisited accordingly and was validated by three usage of necessary verbiage during sales
professionals in this field. Training runs for 8 presentations, (3) adherence to established and
weeks and includes the discussion addressing the revised script guidelines, and (4) compliance with
three main issues or root causes of the issue and script disclosure and verification requirements.
pre-test and post-test will be utilized. Figure 6 Soft Skills were evaluated based on: (1) the
shows the coverage and agendas of RSTI each representative's display of enthusiasm,
week. confidence, and professionalism, (2) engagement
During implementation, data gathering was with the customer, (3) acknowledgment of the
administered in each section: Compliance, Soft, customer’s concerns, and (4) strategic active
and Selling Skills. The training properly started listening. Selling Skills assessment focused on: (1)
with discussing the first skill – Compliance skills. how the representative addressed customer
The discussion focuses on the importance of objections and concerns, (2) adherence to rebuttal
following the standard script guidelines and the limits, and (3) effective delivery of rebuttals.
correct process for verifying information. Then soft Sales Performance was also measured using
skills focus on enthusiasm, improving confidence the Observation Checklist/Self-Assessment Form
and professionalism while Selling Skills focus on and the 5-Likert Scale, alongside sales data
knowing the issue and understanding how to collected via the Sales Pivot Report provided by
address those objections properly. Sales the Production Team. This allowed for manual
Performance was monitored before and after the data tracking and aggregation using Pivot Reports,
implementation. with the Insight Application serving as a backup for
After the implementation of the training, data retrieval. The sole metric for sales was the
consolidation, and evaluation of the before and conversion rate, targeted at a 100% pro-rate
after results were checked and facilitated to percentage.
understand the effect of RSTI on the BHP To gauge the effectiveness of RSTI post-
Representatives’ sales and behavioral intervention and the BHP representatives'
P – ISSN 2651 - 7701 | E – ISSN 2651 – 771X | www.ioer-imrj.com
SORIMACHI, J.E., AGUJA, S.E., Effect of Refresher and Skill Transfer Initiatives (RSTI) to BHP Representatives’ Sales
Stats Performance, pp.93 - 100
perceptions, the researchers utilized Feedback Table 1
Forms and Focus Group Discussions (FGD). The Before and After Result of RSTI in Behavioral Performance
Feedback Form, employing the 5-Likert Scale,
sought respondents' opinions on engagement
levels, understanding of skills, the effectiveness of
RSTI in compliance and skill enhancement, overall
satisfaction, and recommendations for RSTI and The overall mean score proposed that
trainers. Questions covered interest maintenance, RSTI holds a positive impact and a better result
skill comprehension, application ideas from RSTI, after the implementation of the training, especially
satisfaction rates, and additional training needs. in improving the Compliance Skills of the BHP
Lastly, the FGD aimed to identify the training's Representatives and the Soft Skills. On the other
highlights and areas for improvement. Participants hand, BHP representatives were identified to have
included three top performers and three outliers the lowest improvement in selling skills. This is
from the training, fostering an interactive proven in the study of Shrivastava, Mathur, and
discussion environment. The FGD questions Rafeeq (2023) that training in soft skills had a
explored performance assessments pre- and post- significant and positive influence on the soft skill
RSTI, opinions on the training's focus areas, development of sales employees. Their findings
strengths and weaknesses observed during RSTI suggested that investing in soft skills training
implementation, skill improvement perceptions, programs can benefit sales employees, which in
future training willingness, and additional return can contribute to their professional success
comments and suggestions. and the overall performance of the organizations
they work for. In this regard, Mardatillah (2018)
RESULT AND DISCUSSION also stated that soft skills are very important in the
business. Unprofessional salespersons' behavior
1. Effect of RSTI before and after the and responsibility can ruin the image of the
implementation of RSTI in Behavioral business and lead to decreased revenue due to a
Performance lack of public interest. That is why, they developed
a training program to improve the competence of
In identifying the effect of RSTI Training before salespersons in making sales and the result of
and after the intervention, an 11-item for their research in developing soft skill training
Behavioral Performance Criteria (BPC) was shows an increase in the total sales. Nicod, Llosa
administered to n=17 respondents. The BPC and Bowen (2020) also mentioned in their study
Checklist consists of 11 items pertaining to the that developing training that teaches the
behavioral issues being identified during the employees to be compliant in scripting is an
Needs Analysis namely: (1) Compliance Skills – opportunity to increase the amount of sales per
which focuses on product knowledge issues, (2) customer without decreasing customer
Soft Skills – which focus on customer connection satisfaction. When scripting proficiency increases,
issues and (3) Selling Skills – which focuses on customers spend more money, when it decreases
call handling strategies issues. they spend less money. If the customers are
Table 1 shows the level of impact of the RSTI considered to be partial employees, they are also
before and after implementation. From the n=17 the beneficiaries of the store experience.
respondents, an overall mean score of 4.79 was Organizations should question their desired script
recorded for compliance skills. Whereas, for the and include a customer perspective in its design.
soft skills, it ended with a 3.76 mean score; for the Script realignment should increase the value for
selling skills, the researcher gained an overall both customers and retailers.
mean score of 3.57.
Table 2 Novita and Soesanto (2017) demonstrates
Pre Test and Post Test Result and Statistical Result of RSTI the same result on how training improves sales
in Behavioral Performance
wherein the overall variables in training being
conducted in their study have a significant positive
result in sales after the intervention. One of the
results of their study indicates that the training
quality influenced salesman performance and the
Pre-Test and Post-Test of Behavioral test results can be concluded that it has a positive
Performance were show in Table 2 below. The effect on the salesman and their sales result.
result showed that there is a significant difference
with Compliance, Selling and Soft Skills before Table 4
and after the implementation of the RSTI. The Pre-Test and Post-Test Result and Statistical Result of RSTI
in Sales Performance
statistics result of Compliance (-7.21), Selling (-
4.79) and Soft (-24.8) showed that the BHP
representatives showed great improvement in
these areas after they underwent training of RSTI.
Pre-Test and Post-Test of Sales
Performance can be found in Table 4. The result
2. Effect of RSTI before and after the showed that there is a significant difference with
implementation of RSTI in Sales the sales performance before and after the
Performance implementation of the RSTI. The statistics result of
Sales (-5.35) showed that the BHP
Table 3 representatives showed great improvement in this
Before and After Result of RSTI in Behavioral Performance
area after they underwent training of RSTI.
Table 5 the performance metrics of BHP sales
Feedback Result of BHP Representatives towards RSTI representatives, yielding significant insights.
Firstly, the intervention led to noticeable
improvements in the behavioral aspects of
performance, specifically in areas such as
Compliance Skills, Soft Skills, and Selling Skills.
This progress was marked by the team's ability to
rectify previously identified shortcomings in their
The overall mean score suggests that call-handling behaviors. Secondly, a marked
RSTI had a positive impact and yielded better enhancement in sales performance was observed
results post-training, with an overall mean score of post-intervention, with data indicating that the
4.82, especially in providing a deep understanding implementation of RSTI not only improved sales
to the respondents about the training, which is the efficacy but also enabled a majority of the
main reason for conducting the training. This is representatives to meet or exceed the 100%
supported by the study of Santoso, Basirun Azhar, performance goal. Thirdly, feedback from BHP
and Husain (2020), which stated that after the representatives on the RSTI training was
training was held, there was an increase in overwhelmingly positive. They highlighted the
understanding of the use of products as a means critical role of such training programs in bolstering
to increase sales results. Their findings indicate the skill set of sales personnel, leading to
that the training runs effectively, evidenced by a enhanced performance. The consensus among
significant percentage of participants, 60.62%, the representatives was that training is vital for
becoming ready to sell their products post-training, significant behavioral improvement, equipping
concluding that there is a significant influence them with the knowledge and strategies needed
between pre-training and post-training on for better call judgment and more effective
participants' readiness to utilize product features to customer objection handling, thereby increasing
boost sales in their area. In this context, Tullar customer interest in the service. This study affirms
(2015) also noted in his study that training the importance of continuous sales training and
significantly impacted sales, but the point to skill development, emphasizing that being a
emphasize is that those who attended the training lifelong learner provides a competitive advantage
knew improvement was expected. Perhaps the in the sales field.
training motivated them to exert extra effort, or it
addressed gaps in their knowledge. RECOMMENDATION
Feedback on the implementation of RSTI,
found in Table 5, shows that BHP representatives' The researcher recommends emphasizing
interest in the intervention concluded with a rating the critical role of targeted training and skill
of 4.88 (excellent). The representatives also development in addressing performance issues
gained a better understanding of the intervention and enhancing sales outcomes. The
and whether it provided them with clear ideas on recommendation is that companies should
how to implement these on their calls, both ending prioritize such initiatives, as training has been
with ratings of 4.94 and 4.88 (excellent), shown to significantly boost performance and
respectively. RSTI received a rating of 4.52 sales capabilities, offering new perspectives and
(excellent) and a recommendation rating of 4.88 essential skills. This was exemplified by the
from the representatives. positive impact on BHP Representatives. Training
is highlighted as a crucial platform for enhancing
CONCLUSION skills, especially when employee performance
declines. It can address knowledge gaps,
The study delved into the impact of the particularly in product presentation and sales
Refresher and Skill Transfer Initiative (RSTI) on strategies, thereby improving call behavior and
P – ISSN 2651 - 7701 | E – ISSN 2651 – 771X | www.ioer-imrj.com
SORIMACHI, J.E., AGUJA, S.E., Effect of Refresher and Skill Transfer Initiatives (RSTI) to BHP Representatives’ Sales
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Jummitsu E. Sorimachi is currently
pursuing a Master Degree in Business
Administration at De La Salle Araneta University,
Philippines. He finished a Bachelor of Science in
Business Entrepreneurship at Polytechnic
University of the Philippines. Former Faculty
Teacher at La Sallian Language Center teaching
Korean students of the basic writing, speaking,
listening and reading skills. Currently working as
Team Manager at IBEX Philippines for more than
12 years. Presented his manuscript in two
international presentations such as the 5th DLSAU
International Multidisciplinary Research
Conference and the 7th International Business
Research Congress.