RBBB v1 2
RBBB v1 2
RBBB v1 2
1) Initial applicants should not receive a medical certificate until the cardiology assessment is complete. Established pilots may acceptable to
continue to fly (Class 1 OML / Class 2 unrestricted) but the assessment should be completed within 2 months.
the CAA (note
2) 2) By a cardiological specialist. Investigations shall include: 3)
Exercise ECG – Bruce protocol and symptom limited. Requirements are at least 9 minutes and no significant ECG (apart from RBBB) or blood
pressure changes. (See UK CAA exercise ECG protocol).
Class 1 (note 4):
24 hr ECG – No significant rhythm or conduction disturbance apart from RBBB.
Age ≤ 40 Initial / Revalidation /
Echocardiogram – Structurally normal heart and normal LV and RV function (ejection fraction ≥ 50%). Renewal – unrestricted
Age > 40 Initial – no certificate –
Further evaluation may be required (for example investigation of the coronary arteries) if any of the above investigations are abnormal.
review 1 year
3) For Class 1 applicants the cardiology report will be reviewed by the CAA. It may be necessary to see the investigations in which Age > 40 Revalidation / Renewal –
case the actual tracings / films / videos / CDs will be requested. In difficult cases a review will be undertaken by the CAA.
OML – review 1 year (note 5)
4) Class 1 applicants age 40 or under (initial and revalidation / renewal) may have unrestricted certification.
Class 2 (note 5):
Initial Class 1 applicants over age 40 cannot be certificated until completing a satisfactory follow-up review at one year to include an exercise
ECG. All – unrestricted
Class 1 applicants over age 40 for revalidation / renewal will need an OML and a review again in a year to include an exercise ECG. At that
time an unrestricted certificate can be issued if there is no change. If there has been documented gradual progression from incomplete RBBB Follow-up (note 6)
to complete RBBB over several years, there will be no requirement for an OML.
5) Class 2 applicants can have unrestricted certification if all the requirements are met. Certification with OSL may be possible if
only some requirements are achieved.
6) Pilots with long standing RBBB should expect to be asked to have occasional cardiology reviews to check that all remains well, UK Civil Aviation Authority
particularly if there is a change to the resting ECG. Guidance Material Version
1.2 February 2018