Audit Criteria: Rev. D
Audit Criteria: Rev. D
Audit Criteria: Rev. D
Issued 1993-05
161Thorn Hill Road AUDIT CRITERIA
Warrendale, PA 15086-7527 Revised 03-Sep-2017
Editorial Changes made to Section 2.6 on September 26, 2016
Editorial Changes made to 14.a. – 25.a. for Job Tracker on 03-Sep-2017
2.1 Equipment and Capability Matrix which lists the equipment used for
testing within the Nadcap scope. Minimum information in matrix
includes: Number of test frames, basic description of each test frame
(including control mode capabilities), Load Ranges, extensometers, non
ambient temperature capabilities, Controllers (including test software
with revision), specialty equipment.
Note: This criterion is used to assist the audit process and is not based
on subscriber requirement.
PRI operating procedures provide that "This report is published by PRI to advance the state of technical, engineering, and quality
sciences. The use of this report is entirely voluntary, and its applicability and suitability for any particular use, including any patent
infringement arising there from, is the sole responsibility of the user."
PRI values your input. To provide feedback on this document, please contact the appropriate commodity staff engineer. (Contact
information is located at under “Contact Us”.)
O Load Control (High Cycle) Fatigue 1 year N/A N/A N/A
Y Strain Control (Low Cycle)
1 year 6 months N/A N/A
P Fracture Toughness 1 year 6 months N/A N/A
COD gauge
XE Crack Propagation 1 year N/A N/A
6 months
1 year – Lateral
1 year
IMPACT – TYPE N Expansion N/A N/A
NOTE: (a) Pull rod and adapter inspection takes place in individual test sections.
(b) Weights: 5 years. Accuracy ± 0.5 %.
Load Frame – Lever Arm: 1 year. Accuracy ± 1.0%.
See Table 2.
(c) Calibrate Load Cells in accordance with ASTM E4 or EN ISO 7500-1 Class 1 or better.
(d) Extensometers are calibrated for a particular system (i.e. the extensometer, cabling and signal conditioning must be included
and stay together as a unit). For the determination of all test types, the calibration shall be to at least Class B2 of ASTM E83 or
at least Class 1 of EN ISO 9513 with the following exception: For the determination of Young’s Modulus of Elasticity, when
required, Class B1 of ASTM E83 or Class 0.5 of EN ISO 9513 shall be used. Calibration of the Crack Opening Displacement
(COD) gauge for fracture mechanics with the testing standard.
(e) Test machine alignment is considered a verification, not a calibration (i.e. it does not have a National Standards traceable
source) and is thus not addressed in the calibration section.
(f) For Creep indicators, the creep arms (sometimes referred to as “extensometer”) are required to have a visual inspection prior to
each test. The creep measurement transducer has additional calibration requirements as described in Table 2.
(g) Impact machines verified annually using verification specimens traceable to a national standards body (e.g. NIST).
Test temperature measurement Instruments and Recorders 3 Months
Laboratory Ambient Temperature/humidity measuring
1 Year
Micrometers/Calipers 6 Months
Precision Potentiometers 3 Months
Creep Indicators (electronic – e.g. LVDT, Digital Glass Scale,
1 Year (Class B-2)
Capacitance, Digital Dial Indicators)
Creep Indicators (mechanical)
1 Month
(This includes dial indicators.)
Optical Comparator 1 Year
Oscilloscopes 1 Year
Torque Testing Equipment 1 Year
Gauge Blocks 1 Year
Timers (rupture testing) – 0.1 Hr 1 Year
Load Frame – Lever Arm (Note “b” table 1) 1 Year
Weights (Note “b” table 1) 5 Year
All other instruments shall be
calibrated at an appropriate
All other Sensors and Instruments
interval to ensure integrity of
the test measurements.
2.3.5 Alignment: Verification specimen represents the typical reduced section YES NO
lengths to be tested.
2.3.7 Alignment (Static Testing Machines): Upon equipment entry to service, YES NO NA
alignment verification is performed subsequent to equipment relocation
and/or equipment damage events.
2.3.9 Alignment: Verification records are complete and comply with customer YES NO
2.4 Specimens
2.4.1 Specimens: Procedures are used to ensure specimen surfaces are YES NO NA
protected before testing and fracture faces are protected after testing, if
required by the customer.
2.4.2 Specimens: Procedures are used for specimen preparation (either YES NO
through specimen drawing or work instruction).
2.6.2 Thermocouples: Correction factors (deviations) are applied to all non YES NO
ambient temperature testing.
2.6.3 Thermocouples: Thermocouples are only used within ranges defined in YES NO
ASTM E230.
2.6.4 Thermocouples: Working zone control T/Cs are of equivalent or better YES NO
precision, accuracy, and durability to measurement thermocouples.
2.6.5 Thermocouples: T/C wires are not twisted prior to the weld bead or the YES NO
crimp tips.
2.6.6 Thermocouples: Type K and N thermocouples: For long duration, high YES NO
temperature tests, the procedure addresses T/C degradation.
2.6.7 Thermocouples: Base metal T/Cs are not re-used unless all heat YES NO
affected wire and all kinked wire have been removed and a new
junction made.
3.1 Tensile equipment has the capability to perform at the rates and in the YES NO
control mode required for the test standard.
3.2 Induction heating is not used for tensile testing unless permitted by YES NO NA
3.3 For elevated temperature testing, the number of thermocouples used YES NO NA
and the temperature gradient along the reduced section conform to the
requirements of the test standard or customer requirements.
3.4 Procedures are used to ensure the assembly for applying load to the YES NO
specimen (load train) is fit for testing.
3.5 Procedures are used to guide selection and use of an appropriate YES NO
3.7 A procedure is used to determine and use the correct testing speed. YES NO
3.8 Tensile testing curves are reviewed as part of the testing process. YES NO
3.9 Procedures are used to define the method of calculation of each result YES NO
and measurement resolution.
3.10 Yield Strength is measured at 0.2% Offset, unless otherwise specified. YES NO
3.11 Both percent elongation and the relationship of the gauge length to test YES NO
piece cross section dimensions (proportionality) are measured and
reported in accordance with the material specification/standard or
customer requirement.
3.12 Acceptable Elongation marking method used (punch, scribe or ink YES NO
3.13 Reduction of area is determined in accordance with the test standard. YES NO NA
3.14 Test reports/certifications contain the following data unless otherwise YES NO
required: Specimen ID, test temperature, yield strength, ultimate
strength, elongation, reduction of area.
4.1 For creep testing only, shifts in ambient temperature are accounted for YES NO NA
in strain measurement.
4.2 Induction heating is not used for stress rupture or creep testing unless YES NO
permitted by customer. Same action and rationale as 3.2 with same
4.3 Laboratory procedures define the number, location, and attachment YES NO
method of thermocouples that are attached to the specimen.
4.5 During soak and testing, the minimum and maximum indicated YES NO
specimen temperature meets customer requirements.
4.6 Procedures are used for review and disposition of tests with YES NO
occurrences of indicated temperature that are outside of the customer-
required tolerances.
4.7 For creep testing only, appropriate extensometer system is used. YES NO NA
4.8 Procedures address inspection of creep arms, adapters and pull bars. YES NO NA
4.9 For Notch Stress Rupture testing, root radius is measured per ASTM YES NO NA
E292 or ISO204.
4.10 For Notch Stress Rupture, notch profile is verified using a 10X minimum YES NO NA
magnification (e.g. optical comparator).
4.11 Specimens are visually inspected for surface damage immediately prior YES NO
to testing. Note magnification if used. __________________________
4.12 For creep testing only, procedures are used that describe the method of YES NO NA
choosing an appropriate extensometer type, size and attachment
4.13 For creep testing only, procedures are used to verify that dial indicators YES NO NA
or transducers or extensometer harnesses move freely and are free of
4.15 For creep testing only, correction factor is used for shoulder attachment YES NO NA
of extensometer.
4.16 Specimen is maintained at temperature not less than 1 hour after the YES NO
test temperature has been reached.
4.17 Maximum time that the specimen is held at temperature before test YES NO
load applied is 24 hours.
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4.18 Adequate care is taken in applying the test load to prevent shock loads YES NO
or overloading.
4.19 Creep testing curves are reviewed as part of the testing process. YES NO NA
4.20 Procedures are used to define the method of calculation of each result YES NO
and measurement accuracy.
4.21 For creep testing only, both percent elongation and the relationship of YES NO NA
the gauge length to test piece cross section dimensions
(proportionality) are measured and reported in accordance with the
material specification/standard or customer requirement.
4.22 For creep testing only, acceptable elongation marking method used YES NO NA
(punch, scribe, ink mark or extensometer ridges).
4.23 For creep testing only, reduction of area is determined in accordance YES NO NA
with the test standard.
4.24 Test reports/certifications contain the following data unless otherwise YES NO
required: specimen ID, test temperature, test duration, times to strain
levels indicated in customer requirements or PO, elongation, reduction
of area (when applicable).
5.2 In tests of reduced thickness specimens, the tension surface is as- YES NO
fabricated surface of the section.
5.3 Procedure describes the examination and acceptance criteria with YES NO
respect to allowable crack size as specified in customer requirements.
5.5 Angle of bend is measured in accordance with the test standard. YES NO
5.6 Test reports/certifications contain the following data unless otherwise YES NO
required: specimen ID and radius used to form the bend, angle of bend.
6.4 Procedures are used to verify friction and windage losses. YES NO
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6.6 For non ambient testing, specimen is held at temperature as follows: YES NO
6.7 Test specimen transfer from the conditioning media to the test machine YES NO
and start of test occurs within 5 seconds.
6.8 Procedures are used to address method for measuring lateral YES NO
expansion, when this is required.
6.10 Procedures are used to address method for determination of the YES NO
proportion of shear fracture surface, when this is required.
6.12 Procedures define actions when specimens do not break during the YES NO
6.13 Procedures define actions when specimens get jammed in the YES NO
6.14 Laboratory has instructions for dealing with specimens for which the YES NO
absorbed energy exceeds 80% of the initial potential energy (i.e.
machine capacity).
6.15 Test reports/certifications contain the following data unless otherwise YES NO
required: specimen ID, specimen type, test temperature, absorbed
7.2 The bearing surfaces for the test have the capability to be made parallel YES NO
(lab procedure) to the requirements in ASTM E9.
7.5 Compression test methods used are in accordance with customer YES NO
7.8 The ends of the specimen and the fixture bearing blocks are cleaned YES NO
with suitable solvent prior to testing.
7.9 Specimens are appropriately inspected and meet the dimensional and YES NO
surface finish requirements of ASTM E9.
7.10 Strain rate for compression testing is 0.003 to 0.007 inch/inch/minute YES NO
(mm/mm/min), unless otherwise specified by customer requirements.
7.11 Procedures are used to address the use (including applicable specimen YES NO
thickness and length) and application of lateral supports (including
lateral support pressure).
7.12 Procedures ensure that the test data is invalidated if the specimen YES NO
shows any indication of buckling before yield strength is reached.
7.13 Yield Strength is measured at 0.2% offset, unless otherwise specified. YES NO
7.14 Test reports/certifications contain the following data unless otherwise YES NO
required: specimen ID, test temperature, compression strength,
compressive yield strength.
8.1 Ambient temperature for testing area conforms to one of the following: YES NO
8.2 Dynamic load verification – Laboratory has procedure for determining YES NO
when dynamic load verification is required.
8.3 Error detection and shut down limits: Test machine has the capability to YES NO
shut down the test based on the controller sensing excursions in any
sensor channels and error in control channel.
8.4 Procedures or written training program specify appropriate test machine YES NO
load range selection, wave form selection and heating system selection
unless otherwise required.
8.6 For elevated temperature testing, sufficient thermocouples are used to YES NO
assure that the uniformity of the temperature gradient along the
reduced section of the test piece conforms to the following: 1% of test
temperature or 3 F (2°C C), whichever is greater.
8.7 Thermocouples are attached by tack welding to the specimen radii or in YES NO
a manner other than welding to the gauge section.
8.9 Procedures are used to perform visual inspection with unaided eyes or YES NO
low power magnification up to 20X.
8.11 Gauge section diameter of fatigue specimens is measured using a non- YES NO
contacting technique.
8.12 Test reports/certifications contain the following data unless otherwise YES NO
required: specimen ID, test frequency, test conditions (mean,
alternating minimum and maximum stress), test temperature, specimen
9.1 Load Peaks - Test machine is capable of controlling load peaks to YES NO
within 1% of the difference between the maximum and minimum control
set points.
9.2 Procedures and/or written training program assures specified stresses YES NO
and stress ratios are used to determine waveform end points.
10.2 Test machine is capable of controlling strain peaks to within 1% of the YES NO
difference between the maximum and minimum control set points.
10.4 The extensometer is free from drafts that might affect the reading. YES NO
10.5 Test reports/certifications contain the following data unless otherwise YES NO
required: specimen ID, test frequency, strain ratio, target strain range,
modulus and strain and stress peaks at the first cycle and at the half
life, test temperature, specimen life.
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11.2 Error Detection and Shut Down Limits: If equipped, the test machine YES NO
has the capability to shut down the test based on the controller sensing
excursions in any sensor channels exceeding programmed limits, or an
error in the control channel(s).
11.5 Procedures and/or written training program guide appropriate test YES NO
machine load range selection.
11.6 Procedures and/or specimen drawings guide appropriate specimen size YES NO
to attempt to meet test standard validity requirements.
11.7 Crack starter notch dimensions are in accordance with test standard. YES NO
11.12 Thermocouples are attached to the specimen in such a way as to not YES NO
influence the crack growth.
11.14 Calculations and Interpretation: PMax/PQ Ratio (Fmax/ FQ Ratio for ISO YES NO
12737) determined per test standard.
11.15 Calculations and Interpretation: KIc Validity determined from above per YES NO
test standard.
11.17 Test reports/certifications contain the following data unless otherwise YES NO
required: specimen ID, test temperature, crack plane orientation,
force/displacement record, specimen dimensions, force ratio
(Pmax/Pq), K1C.
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12.2 Test machine has common crack growth control modes (Load control YES NO
and/or K-stress intensity control).
12.3 Load Peaks/ K Peaks: Test machine is capable of controlling load or YES NO
stress intensity peaks to within 1% of the difference between the
maximum and minimum control set points.
12.4 Error Detection and Shut Down Limits: If equipped, the machine has YES NO NA
the capability to shut down the test based on the controller sensing
excursions in any sensor channels exceeding programmed limits or an
error in the control channel(s).
12.6 If elevated temperature tests are performed, heating equipment meets YES NO NA
the requirement of the standard.
12.8 Procedures guide appropriate test machine load range, stress intensity YES NO
selection, and test waveform selection (includes frequency, waveform
12.10 Procedures are used to ensure the test conditions conform to limits YES NO
established by ASTM E647 unless requested by customer.
12.11 Procedures are used to note anomalies and unusual events during test. YES NO
12.12 Procedures are used for testing using Potential Drop (PD) so that YES NO
current is applied in a manner so as not to affect the temperature of the
test specimen.
12.13 For testing using potential drop, the laboratory performs and records a YES NO
PD stability analysis before beginning the test in accordance with a
12.14 For load control testing, load peaks and ∆P are maintained within 2% in YES NO
accordance with a procedure.
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12.16 Post Test Procedures: The laboratory has capabilities and a procedure YES NO
for post test crack measurement and documentation.
12.17 Post Test Procedures: Out of plane cracks are documented and YES NO
compared to test standard requirements.
12.18 Post Test Procedures: Asymmetric crack growth is documented and YES NO
12.19 Post Test Procedures: Crack curvature is corrected as per ASTM E647. YES NO
12.20 Analysis: The laboratory has a documented procedure for Crack YES NO
Growth analysis that indicates the K solution used (must be verifiable)
and the specific data reduction technique used.
12.21 Analysis: Post test analysis includes a correction based on visual YES NO
measurements of the fracture surface.
12.22 Software used in post test analysis has been validated (i.e. calculations YES NO
12.23 MT specimens – Anti buckling plates are used where necessary. YES NO
12.25 Test reports/certifications contain the following data unless otherwise YES NO
• da/dN vs ∆K curve, tabular data of a, N, da/dN and ∆K.
• A description of the analysis including all corrections made to the
data and any deletions of spurious data points.
• The K solution and the data reduction technique used in the analysis
• Information about out of plane crack, crack shape, asymmetric
• Information about validity check
• Make, model and capacity of testing machine
• Type of crack length measuring method including details about the
system (make, model), calibration function
• Type of gripping
• Type of anti-buckling device, type of coating, if applicable
• Specimen type, all applicable specimen dimension as width,
thickness, initial crack length, final crack length
• All applicable test parameters as testing frequency, test temperature,
humidity, loading parameters (control mode, waveform, stress, R-ratio)
• Method of data analysis including corrections and deletions of
spurious data
• K- solution and data reduction technique used in the analysis
• Material data as E, YTS
• All applicable test data (crack length, cycles, delta K, da/dn)
• Result of buckling/friction-test (if applicable)
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13.3 Crack Measurement Equipment (during test): Grips meet the YES NO
requirements of ASTM E561.
13.4 Procedures guide appropriate test machine load range selection. YES NO
13.5 Appropriate Specimen size is used to meet validity requirements in test YES NO
13.6 Crack starter notch dimensions are in accordance with test standard. YES NO
13.9 Testing: The test machine is operated in displacement control for the YES NO
final part of the test.
13.11 Testing: Crack deviation measurements are recorded during the test. YES NO
13.12 Testing: The K-R Curve is constructed using methodology outlined in YES NO
ASTM E561.
13.13 Testing: Effective crack size is determined by one of the methods YES NO
described in ASTM E561.
13.14 At least one data pair is available from the test data between each YES NO
specified crack extension point.
13.15 Specimen specific test result calculations are made as per ASTM E561. YES NO
13.17 Test reports/certifications contain the following data unless otherwise YES NO
required: K-R curve plotted in terms of effective crack extension, tabular
(digital data) listing of Kr, Dae, ry, Rv at each point (indicating points
where validity criteria are not met).
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14.a. (INFO) Is the part controlled under U.S. Export Control Regulations as YES NO
declared by the Auditee?
If the part being audited is controlled under U.S. Export Control
Regulations, question in the Job Audit marked EC cannot be answered
as the information may be considered restricted. Simply record ‘EC’ in
the comment box for these questions.
14.11 Observations:
14.12 The test was performed in accordance with the applicable procedures YES NO
and/or test specifications.
15.a. (INFO) Is the part controlled under U.S. Export Control Regulations as YES NO
declared by the Auditee?
If the part being audited is controlled under U.S. Export Control
Regulations, question in the Job Audit marked EC cannot be answered
as the information may be considered restricted. Simply record ‘EC’ in
Nadcap AC7101/3 Revision D - 16 -
15.11 Observations:
15.12 The test was performed in accordance with the applicable procedures YES NO
and/or test specifications.
16.a. (INFO) Is the part controlled under U.S. Export Control Regulations as YES NO
declared by the Auditee?
If the part being audited is controlled under U.S. Export Control
Regulations, question in the Job Audit marked EC cannot be answered
as the information may be considered restricted. Simply record ‘EC’ in
the comment box for these questions.
16.11 Observations:
16.12 The test was performed in accordance with the applicable procedures YES NO
and/or test specifications.
17.a. (INFO) Is the part controlled under U.S. Export Control Regulations as YES NO
declared by the Auditee?
If the part being audited is controlled under U.S. Export Control
Regulations, question in the Job Audit marked EC cannot be answered
as the information may be considered restricted. Simply record ‘EC’ in
the comment box for these questions.
17.11 Observations:
Nadcap AC7101/3 Revision D - 18 -
17.12 The test was performed in accordance with the applicable procedures YES NO
and/or test specifications.
18.a. (INFO) Is the part controlled under U.S. Export Control Regulations as YES NO
declared by the Auditee?
If the part being audited is controlled under U.S. Export Control
Regulations, question in the Job Audit marked EC cannot be answered
as the information may be considered restricted. Simply record ‘EC’ in
the comment box for these questions.
18.11 Observations:
18.12 The test was performed in accordance with the applicable procedures YES NO
and/or test specifications.
19.a. (INFO) Is the part controlled under U.S. Export Control Regulations as YES NO
declared by the Auditee?
Nadcap AC7101/3 Revision D - 19 -
19.11 Observations:
19.12 The test was performed in accordance with the applicable procedures YES NO
and/or test specifications.
20.a. (INFO) Is the part controlled under U.S. Export Control Regulations as YES NO
declared by the Auditee?
If the part being audited is controlled under U.S. Export Control
Regulations, question in the Job Audit marked EC cannot be answered
as the information may be considered restricted. Simply record ‘EC’ in
the comment box for these questions.
20.11 Observations:
20.12 The test was performed in accordance with the applicable procedures YES NO
and/or test specifications.
21.a. (INFO) Is the part controlled under U.S. Export Control Regulations as YES NO
declared by the Auditee?
If the part being audited is controlled under U.S. Export Control
Regulations, question in the Job Audit marked EC cannot be answered
as the information may be considered restricted. Simply record ‘EC’ in
the comment box for these questions.
21.11 Observations:
21.12 The test was performed in accordance with the applicable procedures YES NO
and/or test specifications.
22.a. (INFO) Is the part controlled under U.S. Export Control Regulations as YES NO
declared by the Auditee?
If the part being audited is controlled under U.S. Export Control
Regulations, question in the Job Audit marked EC cannot be answered
as the information may be considered restricted. Simply record ‘EC’ in
the comment box for these questions.
22.11 Observations:
22.12 The test was performed in accordance with the applicable procedures YES NO
and/or test specifications.
23.a. (INFO) Is the part controlled under U.S. Export Control Regulations as YES NO
declared by the Auditee?
If the part being audited is controlled under U.S. Export Control
Regulations, question in the Job Audit marked EC cannot be answered
as the information may be considered restricted. Simply record ‘EC’ in
the comment box for these questions.
23.11 Observations:
23.12 The test was performed in accordance with the applicable procedures YES NO
and/or test specifications.
24.a. (INFO) Is the part controlled under U.S. Export Control Regulations as YES NO
declared by the Auditee?
If the part being audited is controlled under U.S. Export Control
Regulations, question in the Job Audit marked EC cannot be answered
as the information may be considered restricted. Simply record ‘EC’ in
the comment box for these questions.
24.11 Observations:
24.12 The test was performed in accordance with the applicable procedures YES NO
and/or test specifications.
25.a. (INFO) Is the part controlled under U.S. Export Control Regulations as YES NO
declared by the Auditee?
If the part being audited is controlled under U.S. Export Control
Regulations, question in the Job Audit marked EC cannot be answered
as the information may be considered restricted. Simply record ‘EC’ in
the comment box for these questions.
25.11 Observations:
25.12 The test was performed in accordance with the applicable procedures YES NO
and/or test specifications.