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Ae3691 Flight Dynamics

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Department of Aeronautical and Aerospace Engineering

Third Year / Sixth Semester

Q.No Questions CO’s Bloom’s Level
Part A

1 Sketch a typical drag polar of an airplane and mark the point of interest on it. CO1 K1
2 Mention the conditions for minimum drag and power required? CO1 K1
3 How do you define supercritical airfoil. CO1 K2
4 Why SFC varies with velocity and altitude? CO1 K1
5 Distinguish the difference between profile drag and pressure drag? CO1 K2
6 Differentiate between a streamline & bluff body? CO1 K1
7 Explain how induced drag is caused? CO1 K2
8 Draw the thrust required curve for steady level flight CO1 K1
9 How to reduce interference drag? CO1 K1
10 What do you mean by Skin Friction Drag? CO1 K1
11 State the purpose of winglets in an airplane. CO1 K1
12 Draw power available curve for turbojet engine and propeller engine. CO1 K2
13 What is meant by zero lift drag? CO1 K1
14 Find the drag coefficient for an airplane. Weight of the airplane 250KN, Drag K2
=0.3 KN, Surface area =10sq.m, velocity of the airplane is 300m/s. CO1
15 Define aerodynamic centre and centre of pressure. CO1 K1
Part – B
Derive the expression for drag polar and explain it with a neat plot. And
1 CO1 K2
explain drag polar characteristic for low speed and high-speed vehicle.
Define minimum thrust required for an airplane. And derive the expression
2 CO1 K3
minimum thrust required condition.
Explain about different types of drag and discuss method to reduce wave
3 CO1 K3
Derive condition for minimum drag and power required for straight and level
4 CO1 K3
Draw and explain the power required and power available curves for a jet
5 CO1 K3
engine and piston engine airplane.
6 Derive the equation of motion of a rigid flight vehicle. CO1 K3
Explain the variation of thrust, power with velocity and altitude for an air
7 CO1 K2
breathing engine.
An aircraft weighing 2,50,000N has a wing area of 800m2 and it drag
equation is CD=0.016+0.04CL2. calculate minimum thrust required and
8 minimum power required for steady and level flight and then corresponding CO1 K3
air speed at sea level and at an altitude (ϭ=0.58).Assume sea level air density
to be 1.225 kg/m3 .

Part – C
CO’s Bloom’s
Q.No Questions
1. Derive an aerodynamics relations associate with maximum CL/CD,
CO1 K3
CL3/2/CD, CL1/2/CD
2. Consider the Gulfstream IV twin turbofan executive transport. Calculate CO1 K3
and plot the thrust required curve at sea level. Assuming weight of 7300N.
Airplane data S=950 sq.m. AR=14 CDo=0.015 and k=0.08. Hence Drag
polar CD= CDo+KCL2.


CO’s Bloom’s
Q.No Questions
Part A
1 What is V-n diagram? Define Load Factor. CO2 K2
2 State the physical meaning of Brequet range formula. CO2 K2
3 Sketch an airplane in a banked horizontal turn and mark the forces on it. CO2 K2
4 Mention the importance of manoeuvre point in v-n diagram. CO2 K1
5 State the hodograph. CO2 K1
6 Define absolute ceiling and service ceiling. CO2 K1
7 Explain the significance of load factor. CO2 K1
8 Define Endurance and Range of the aircraft. CO2 K1
Maximum rate of climb of an airplane corresponding to maximum angle of CO2 K1
climb. true/false. Justify your answer.
What are the conditions for maximum endurance and maximum range of a jet CO2 K1
powered airplane?
11 Define ground roll. CO2 K1
12 What do you mean by Gliding flight? CO2 K1
13 State the condition for Rmin for turning an airplane in level flight. CO2 K1
14 How load factor (L/W) is related to bank angle? CO2 K1
What are the conditions for maximum endurance and maximum range of a CO2 K1
propeller powered airplane?
Part – B
A jet airplane has W= 600000N, S=150m² CD=0.018+0.072CL2,
1 sfc=0.3N/N-Hr, weight of the fuel =20%of W and flies at 7Km altitude CO2 K3
Calculate Maximum range and Corresponding endurance.
Find the maximum rate of climb of the following airplane at sealevel.
2 W=500000N,S=125Sq.m CD=0.019+0.057CL2has a produce a total of CO2 K3
16000SHP at sea level propeller efficiency is assumed to be 80%.
Derive the Brequet range equation for a jet engine aircraft and discuss its
3 CO2 K3
4 Derive the Brequet range and endurance equation for a jet propelled airplane CO2 K3
Estimate the maximum range at 1000 m for the gulfstream IV. Also calculate
the flight velocity required to obtain this range. Total airplane weight is
7000N. CL1/2/CD=25 . The maximum fuel weight is 3000N. the thrust specific
5 fuel consumption of the rolls Royce Tay turbofan at 1000m is 0.69 of fuel CO2 K3
consumed per hour per thrust.
Airplane data S=950 sq.m. AR=14 CDo=0.015 and k=0.08. Hence Drag polar
Show that for a propeller driven airplane the maximum rate of climb is given
6 CO2 K3

Where = propeller efficiency

P = Brake horse power

Obtain the expression for turn radius and turn rate for pull up and pushover
7 maneuver. CO2 K3

Discuss about the V-n diagram of aircraft in details. And also state the gust
8 CO2 K2
load effect on it.

Part – C
CO’s Bloom’s
Q.No Questions
1. Derive the total distance covered during landing of an aircraft. CO2 K3
2. Explain about Take-off performance and Calculate the total distance
CO2 K3
covered during take-off of an aircraft.


CO’s Bloom’s
Q.No Questions
Part A
1 How many DOF are there for lateral dynamic motion & what are they? CO3 K1
2 How do you define ‘Static Margin’ of an airplane? CO3 K2
3 Define neutral point and static margin. CO3 K1
4 Distinguish between stability and controllability. CO3 K2
State the term stick force gradients and list down the methods of improving
6 CO4 K1
the stick force gradients?
7 State the need for aerodynamic balancing of a control surface? CO4 K1
8 Define stick fixed neutral point of an airplane. CO4 K1
9 Define stick free neutral point of an airplane. CO4 K1
10 How is longitudinal stability achieved in the aircraft? CO3 K2
11 Define Hinge moment. CO4 K1
12 What do you understand by Inherently stable of an airplane CO3 K1
State two conditions for static longitudinal stability and indicate them with a
13 CO3 K1
Explain the location of neutral point and CG for aircraft for statically stable
14 CO3 K2
What are the two methods for predicting fuselage contribution to longitudinal
15 CO3 K1
stability of airplane?
Part - B
Derive Cmcg equation for wing body combination with tail section and offer
1 CO3 K3
your comments on this expression.
A wing–body model is tested in a subsonic wind tunnel. The lift is found to
be zero at a geometric angle of attack α = −1.5°. At α = 5° the lift coefficient
is measured as 0.52. Also, at α = 1.0° and 7.88°, the moment coefficients
2 about the center of gravity are measured as −0.01 and 0.05, respectively. The CO3 K3
center of gravity is located at 0.35 c. Calculate the location of the
aerodynamic center and the value of CM, acwb .

3 The contribution of wing fuselage combination to the moment about the c.g. CO3 K3
of an airplane is given below.

If the wing loading is 850 N/m2 , find the flight velocity at sea level when the
airplane is in trim with zero lift on the tail. (ii) Investigate the stability of the
airplane with the following additional data: CLαw = 0.08 deg-1 , CLαt =
0.072 deg-1 , dε/dα = 0.45 , lt = 2.9 c , St = S/7, η=1.0. Assume the
contributions of power to Cmcg and Cm to be negligible
4 Explain about power effect in static longitudinal stability. CO3 K3
How do you define aerodynamic balancing? Explain its types with neat
5 CO3 K2
Derive the elevator hinge moment to determine the static margin for an
6 CO4 K3
Derive stick force gradient relation for unaccelerated flight and suggest the
7 CO4 K3
methods of improving the stick force gradients?
Derive an expression for stick fixed neutral point and explain the influence of
8 CO4 K3
c.g location.

Part – C
CO’s Bloom’s
Q.No Questions
1. A sailplane has the following characteristics. CD = 0.02 + 0.025 CL 2 ,
CLαw = 0.093, α0Lw = - 4, iw = 0, a.c. location = 0.24 c , St = S / 7, lt = 4
c , dε/dα = 0.4, CLαt = 0.05 and η = 0.9. All the angles are in degrees.
Neglect the contribution of fuselage. Find the c.g. location for which the CO3 K3
equilibrium is reached with zero lift on the tail at the lift coefficient
corresponding to the best guiding angle. Calculate the tail setting. Is the
sailplane stable?
2. How can the static longitudinal stability of an airplane be evaluated for a
specific aircraft? provide a detailed explanation, including relevant CO3 K3
relationships and graphs.


CO’s Bloom’s
Q.No Questions
Part A
1 State the term Dihedral Effect. CO5 K1
2 Why there is a coupling between roll and yaw moment? CO5 K1
3 What is weather cocking stability? CO5 K1
4 State the advantages of sideslip. CO5 K1
5 What are adverse yaw effects and how it is controlled by rudder? CO5 K1
6 How rudder lock happens? CO5 K1
7 Define aileron control power. CO5 K2
8 Distinguish between the yaw angle and the sideslip angle of an airplane? CO5 K2
9 Why is directional stability of an airplane termed as the weathercock CO5 K2
10 How does the wing contribute to directional stability? CO5 K2
11 State the purpose of fin in an airplane? CO5 K2
12 How to avoid Rudder lock? CO5 K1
13 State the flight conditions that should be overcome by Rudder? CO5 K1
14 How the stick free affects the directional stability? CO5 K2
15 What is meant by aileron reversal speed? CO5 K2
Part – B
Write short notes on: CO5 K2
Rudder lock(4)
Adverse yaw(4)
Rudder requirements(5)
2 Write short notes on: Aileron reversal and Dihedral effect. CO5 K2
3 Explain coupling between Rolling and yawing moment of an airplane. CO5 K2
Discuss about condition that has to be followed for one engine inoperative CO5 K2
4 condition.
5 Discuss briefly about rudder requirement on directional stability. CO5 K2
Quantitatively explain the contribution of different components of aircraft CO5 K3
6 towards directional stability and explain directional control.

Part – C
CO’s Bloom’s
Q.No Questions
1. How can the static directional stability of an airplane be evaluated for a
specific aircraft? provide a detailed explanation, including relevant CO5 K3
relationships and graphs.
2. How can the dihedral effect of an airplane be assessed? Describe in detail CO5 K3
the contribution of each component.


CO’s Bloom’s
Q.No Questions
Part A
1 State stability derivatives and its significance. CO6 K1
2 How do you define phugoid motion? CO6 K1
3 Define Dutch Roll & its effects. CO6 K2
4 What is meant by spiral divergence? CO6 K1
5 Explain the recovery from Spin CO6 K1
6 Explain Autorotation. CO6 K1
7 Write some different modes of motion in dynamic system? CO6 K2
8 How is autorotation initiated? CO6 K1
9 Explain the dynamic stability with an example. CO6 K1
10 From the design point of view which are the objectionable oscillations in CO6 K1
pitch, roll & yaw?
11 State the proposing mode of dynamic motion. CO6 K1
12 How many degrees of freedom are there for lateral dynamic motion and what CO6 K1
are they?
13 How the stability of dynamic motion can be judged using the coefficients of CO6 K1
the 4th order quartic which govern the motion?
14 State the short period oscillation. CO6 K1
15 How do you define the directional divergence? CO6 K1
Part – B
Evaluate the stability derivatives for longitudinal dynamic stability of an
1 airplane. CO6 K3
2 Discuss about the freeing the stick in longitudinal dynamic stability. CO6 K3
3 Write short notes on Routh’s discriminant and phugoid motion. CO6 K3
4 Discuss in detail spin and procedure for recovery from these situations. CO6 K2
Write short notes on
Phugoid motion.(8)
5 Spin.(7) CO6 K2
Write short notes on:
Spiral divergence.(8)
6 Dutch roll.(7) CO6 K2

Part – C
CO’s Bloom’s
Q.No Questions
1. The response of an airplane in pitch θ, to a disturbance is given in the CO6
following form
θ= θ1eλ1t + θ2eλ2t + θ3eλ3t+ θ4eλ4t the value of λ in this equation can be
determined from the following quartic:
λ4+4 λ3+ 10λ2+ λ+3.8=0
Extract the roots from this quartic and describe the characteristic modes
involved. If any modes are oscillatory, determine the period of the
oscillation and the time for oscillation either to damp to half amplitude or
to double its amplitude.
Repeat this calculation but for the case where quartic in λ is as follows:
λ4+10 λ3+100 λ2+600 λ+2000=0 K3

2. Discuss in detail autorotation and procedure for recovery from these CO6 K3

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