Brava Ta 2007
Brava Ta 2007
Brava Ta 2007
Nancy Lin, ScD Data Sources English-language articles from MEDLINE, EMBASE, Sport Discus,
PsychINFO, Cochrane Library, Thompson Scientific (formerly known as Thompson ISI),
Robyn Lewis, MA and ERIC (1966-2007); bibliographies of retrieved articles; and conference proceedings.
Christopher D. Stave, MLS Study Selection Studies were eligible for inclusion if they reported an assessment
Ingram Olkin, PhD of pedometer use among adult outpatients, reported a change in steps per day, and
included more than 5 participants.
John R. Sirard, PhD
Data Extraction and Data Synthesis Two investigators independently ab-
NCREASED PHYSICAL ACTIVITY IS AS- stracted data about the intervention; participants; number of steps per day; and pres-
sociated with improvements in nu- ence or absence of obesity, diabetes, hypertension, or hyperlipidemia. Data were pooled
merous health conditions, includ- using random-effects calculations, and meta-regression was performed.
ing coronary artery disease, Results Our searches identified 2246 citations; 26 studies with a total of 2767 par-
hypertension, stroke, insulin sensitiv- ticipants met inclusion criteria (8 randomized controlled trials [RCTs] and 18 observa-
ity, osteoporosis, and depression.1-4 Be- tional studies). The participants’ mean (SD) age was 49 (9) years and 85% were women.
cause of these extensive health ben- The mean intervention duration was 18 weeks. In the RCTs, pedometer users signifi-
efits, the Department of Health and cantly increased their physical activity by 2491 steps per day more than control par-
ticipants (95% confidence interval [CI], 1098-3885 steps per day, P⬍.001). Among
Human Services recommends “physi-
the observational studies, pedometer users significantly increased their physical activ-
cal activity most days of the week for ity by 2183 steps per day over baseline (95% CI, 1571-2796 steps per day, P⬍.0001).
at least 30 minutes for adults.”5 De- Overall, pedometer users increased their physical activity by 26.9% over baseline. An
spite these recommendations and the important predictor of increased physical activity was having a step goal such as 10 000
well-documented evidence that physi- steps per day (P=.001). When data from all studies were combined, pedometer users
cal activity is beneficial, more than half significantly decreased their body mass index by 0.38 (95% CI, 0.05-0.72; P=.03).
of all adults in the United States do not This decrease was associated with older age (P=.001) and having a step goal (P=.04).
get adequate physical activity and ap- Intervention participants significantly decreased their systolic blood pressure by 3.8
proximately one quarter do not get any mm Hg (95% CI, 1.7-5.9 mm Hg, P⬍.001). This decrease was associated with greater
baseline systolic blood pressure (P=.009) and change in steps per day (P=.08).
leisure time physical activity.6
The costs associated with physical Conclusions The results suggest that the use of a pedometer is associated with sig-
inactivity are high. For example, if nificant increases in physical activity and significant decreases in body mass index and
blood pressure. Whether these changes are durable over the long term is undetermined.
10% of adults in the United States
JAMA. 2007;298(19):2296-2304
began a regular walking program, an
estimated $5.6 billion in heart dis-
Author Affiliations: Center for Primary Care and Out- (Dr Bravata); Veterans Affairs Palo Alto Health Care
ease costs could be saved.6 Pedom- comes Research (Drs Bravata and Lin and Mss System, Palo Alto, California (Ms Sundaram); and
eters are small, relatively inexpensive Sundaram, Gienger, and Lewis), Department of In- School of Public Health, University of Minnesota, Min-
ternal Medicine (Dr Smith-Spangler), Stanford Uni- neapolis (Dr Sirard).
versity School of Medicine, Lane Medical Library (Mr Corresponding Author: Dena M. Bravata, MD, MS, Pri-
CME available online at Stave), and Department of Statistics (Dr Olkin), Stan- mary Care and Outcomes Research, 117 Encina Com- ford University, Stanford; Department of Internal Medi- mons, Stanford, CA 94305-6019 (dbravata@stanford
cine, California Pacific Medical Center, San Francisco .edu).
2296 JAMA, November 21, 2007—Vol 298, No. 19 (Reprinted) ©2007 American Medical Association. All rights reserved.
devices worn at the hip to count the change in number of steps walked per Data Synthesis
number of steps walked per day. day. We excluded studies that required For each of the included studies, we cal-
Although there is not detailed evi- participants to be hospitalized or con- culated 2 effect sizes for each of the out-
dence of their effectiveness, they fined to a research center, sealed the pe- comes of interest: the mean difference
have recently experienced a surge in dometer so that intervention partici- (postintervention steps per day − pre-
popularity as a tool for motivating pants could not see the number of steps intervention steps per day) and stan-
and monitoring physical activity. 7 walked per day (often the control sub- dardized mean differences ([postinter-
Additionally, some guidelines specifi- jects wore sealed pedometers), or used vention steps per day − preintervention
cally recommend taking 10 000 steps a pedometer to measure the effects of a steps per day]/pooled standard devia-
per day.8 However, it is not known drug on an individual’s ability to be tion). The standardized mean differ-
whether encouraging adults to walk physically active. ence lacks units, which limits its inter-
10 000 steps per day is associated pretability, whereas the mean difference
with any significant improvement in Data Extraction retains its units, which facilitates clini-
health outcomes compared with not Two authors independently abstracted cal interpretation. For randomized
setting a goal or to setting an alterna- 4 categories of variables from each of the controlled trials (RCTs), we also cal-
tive activity goal. included studies: intervention variables culated the difference in the pre-
The primary purpose of this study (eg, intervention duration, whether intervention and the postintervention
was to evaluate the association be- counseling was included, and whether changes in outcomes between the in-
tween pedometer use and physical ac- participants were asked to achieve a par- tervention and control participants. Be-
tivity among adults in the outpatient ticular activity goal); participant vari- cause we found no significant differ-
setting. Additionally, we sought to de- ables (demographics; baseline activity; ences in summary results between these
termine the association between pe- and the presence or absence of obesity, 2 outcome metrics, we present only the
dometer use and changes in body diabetes, hyperlipidemia, or hyperten- mean differences. We calculated sum-
weight, serum lipid levels, fasting se- sion); outcome variables (number of mary outcomes using both random-
rum glucose and insulin, and blood steps per day, measures of body mass, effects and fixed-effects calculations and
pressure. Finally, we sought to evalu- glycemic control, serum lipid levels and found no significant differences be-
ate the association between setting a blood pressure); and quality variables tween the 2, thus present only the ran-
daily step goal and improvements in (method of blinding control partici- dom effects estimates.
health outcomes. pants to step counts, the extent to which Because the participant, physical
participants participated fully in the ac- activity, and outcome variables evalu-
METHODS tivity program, methods used to deter- ated are correlated, the corresponding
Data Sources and Search mine baseline physical activity, com- effect sizes for these measures are cor-
Strategies pleteness of follow-up and use of related. 9 We used meta-regression
In collaboration with a professional li- intention to treat analysis, the use of va- weighted by the sample size to calcu-
brarian, we developed individualized lidity- and reliability-tested pedom- late the summary effect of the phy-
search strategies for 7 databases: eters, and the extent to which cointer- sical activity and participant char-
MEDLINE (January 1966 to February ventions may have affected physical acteristic variables on the outcome
2007); and EMBASE, Sport Discus, activity). If a study reported both imme- variables.10
PsychINFO, Cochrane Library, Thomp- diate postintervention and longer-term We performed sensitivity analyses
son Scientific (formerly known as follow-up data, we used the immediate and assessed heterogeneity to evalu-
Thompson ISI), and ERIC ( January postintervention data in our primary ate the robustness of our results. We re-
1966 to May 2006). We used search analyses. moved each study individually to evalu-
terms such as pedometer, activity moni- We resolved discrepancies by re- ate that study’s effect on the summary
tor, and step counter. We also reviewed peated review and discussion between estimates. We assessed publication bias
the bibliographies of retrieved articles abstractors. If 2 or more studies pre- by visual inspection of funnel plots
and relevant conference proceedings and sented the same data from a single pa- comparing physical activity (x-axis) to
contacted experts in exercise physiol- tient population, we included these data sample size (y-axis) and calculated
ogy for additional studies. only once in our analyses. If a study pre- the fail-safe N (the number of missing
sented data on 2 types of activity pro- studies that would be required to
Study Selection grams and if 1 of the programs did not change a significant summary effect
We considered English-language stud- meet our inclusion criteria (eg, 1 pro- to one that was not statistically signifi-
ies eligible for inclusion if they re- gram without a pedometer), then we ab- cant).11 For each summary effect size,
ported an assessment of pedometer use stracted data for only those partici- we assessed statistical heterogeneity by
among adult outpatients, included more pants receiving the intervention that calculating the Q statistic (considered
than 5 participants, and reported a met our inclusion criteria. Q statistics with P ⬍ .05 as heteroge-
©2007 American Medical Association. All rights reserved. (Reprinted) JAMA, November 21, 2007—Vol 298, No. 19 2297
ies that met inclusion criteria but re- included physical activity counseling
Figure 1. Study Flow Diagram
ported insufficient data to be included with a mean (SD) number of 7 (19)
2246 Potentially relevant articles
in our analyses—3 provided sufficient counseling sessions (range, 0-104 ses-
identified through literature search data to be included in our study.13-15 Af- sions). Only 3 studies included di-
2087 in MEDLINE, Cochrane,
ERIC, PsychINFO, and ter synthesizing the data from mul- etary counseling: 1 study prescribed a
Thompson Scientific tiple reports on the same set of partici- diet,15 and the other 2 gave advice on a
41 in EMBASE pants, 26 studies met our inclusion healthful eating habits.26,36 Twenty stud-
1 in bibliographic search criteria (TABLE 1).13-39 ies were from the United States or
Canada, 2 were from Japan, 2 were from
1823 Excluded based on review of Study Characteristics Europe, and 2 were from Australia.
titles and abstracts
912 No pedometer use The designs of the included studies were
408 Not conducted in humans
highly heterogeneous. Eight of the in- Participant Characteristics
144 Cross-sectional studies
110 Review articles cluded studies were RCTs in which the The included studies evaluated 2767
86 Validity studies
22 Non-English language intervention participants wore pedom- participants of physical activity pro-
6 Pedometer not part of eters and were encouraged to view and grams (TABLE 2). Their mean (SD) age
5 Drug intervention trials record their daily step counts, whereas was 49 (9) years, and only 5 studies had
130 Other
the control participants wore pedom- participants whose mean age was more
eters that were sealed so that they could than 60 years. Nine studies exclu-
423 Full-text articles reviewed
not see their own step counts.14,16-23 sively enrolled women and overall, only
Six additional RCTs used pedometers 15% of the participants were men. Seven
396 Excluded
122 Cross-sectional studies
with visible step counts in both trial studies reported participants’ race/
76 No pedometer use cohorts, so we treated each of these co- ethnicity—the mean (SD) proportion
36 Validity studies
17 Drug intervention trials horts as separate observational stud- of white participants was 93% (7.5%).
11 Review articles
10 Pedometer not part of
ies.25,30-32,35,37 Twelve studies were single- Most participants were overweight, nor-
intervention group observational studies.* motensive, and had relatively well con-
6 Non-English language
1 Not conducted in humans
Overall, the quality of the reporting trolled serum lipid levels. Most partici-
117 Other of the included studies was relatively pants were relatively inactive at baseline
good. Only 4 studies did not specify the with a mean (SD) of 7473 (1385) steps
27 Articles (26 unique studies) included method by which participants’ base- per day (range, 2140-12 371 steps per
in analysis (2767 study participants)
8 RCTs line physical activity was determined day).
18 Observational studies including 6 (most asked participants not to change
RCTs treated as observational
studiesa their usual activity and to wear a sealed Pedometer Use
pedometer for 3 to 7 days prior to the and Physical Activity
CI indicates confidence interval; RCT, randomized con- start of the intervention to determine RCT Results. FIGURE 2 shows the dif-
trolled trial. a Six RCTs that used visible step counts in
both trial cohorts were each treated as separate ob- baseline activity). Nine studies had ference between the increase in physi-
servational studies. 100% of participants complete the in- cal activity among the participants ran-
tervention, and the average dropout rate domly assigned to pedometer use and
neous) and I2 statistic (considered I2 among the other studies was 20%—a control participants in the 8 RCTs.
statistics greater than 50% as heter- rate that is somewhat higher than the Figure 2 shows that the 155 interven-
ogeneous). 9,12 We considered and 4% to16% dropout rate reported by tion participants significantly in-
evaluated heterogeneity through pre- other physical activity interven- creased their physical activity by 2491
determined subgroup analyses (eg, de- tions.40 Sixteen studies used the Ya- steps per day more than the 122 con-
mographics, body mass index, which max pedometer (Yamax Corp, Tokyo, trol participants (95% confidence in-
is calculated as weight in kilograms di- Japan)—a model that has been well vali- terval [CI], 1098-3885 steps per day,
vided by height in meters squared), dated for accuracy and reliability and P⬍.001). However, this result was sta-
baseline activity, intervention type, in- is frequently used in physical activity tistically heterogeneous (Q = 74.9,
tervention setting, study design, etc. We research.41-44 P⬍.001; I2 =91). When we removed the
performed analyses using Comprehen- The physical activity interventions study by Moreau et al,20 a 24-week ex-
sive Meta-Analysis v.2 software (Bio- evaluated in the included studies var- ercise intervention involving postmeno-
stat, Englewood, New Jersey). ied considerably: mean (SD) duration pausal hypertensive women, which re-
was 18 (24) weeks (range, 3-104 ported a much higher increase in
RESULTS weeks), 5 took place in the work- physical activity than any of the other
Our searches identified 2246 poten- place, 23 included a step diary, and 17 trials, the summary increase in physi-
tially relevant articles (FIGURE 1). We cal activity among the remaining inter-
e-mailed the authors of 13 of the stud- *References 13, 15, 24, 26-29, 33, 36, 38, 39. vention participants was 2004 steps per
2298 JAMA, November 21, 2007—Vol 298, No. 19 (Reprinted) ©2007 American Medical Association. All rights reserved.
©2007 American Medical Association. All rights reserved. (Reprinted) JAMA, November 21, 2007—Vol 298, No. 19 2299
day more than the control partici- Overall, pedometer users increased Predictors of Improvements in Physi-
pants (95% CI, 878-3129 steps per day, their physical activity by 26.9% over cal Activity. We used meta-regression
P ⬍.001). baseline. We did not find evidence of to evaluate the participant and inter-
Observational Study Results. Among significant publication bias (eg, fail- vention characteristics associated with
the observational studies, the pedom- safe N was 127). However, this result increased physical activity among pe-
eter users significantly increased their was statistically heterogeneous (Q=212, dometer users in RCTs and observa-
physical activity by 2183 steps per day P ⬍.001; I2 =89), which is not surpris- tional studies. Among the participant
over baseline (95% CI, 1571-2796 steps ing given the differences in the physi- characteristics, there was a trend for
per day, P⬍.001). cal activity interventions. studies of younger pedometer users and
Table 1. Study Characteristics: Randomized Controlled Trials and Observational Studies (cont)
Intervention No. of Intervention
Source Population Duration, wk Participants Intervention and Control Description Details
Observational Studies
Schneider Obese and 36 56 Given a physical activity prescription that built up to 10 000 steps/d by week 10 000-step goal,
et al,29 overweight 4, asked to attend biweekly information sessions monthly for 2 mo diary
2006 sedentary adults afterward
Sidman Sedentary women, 3 45 Group A: asked to walk 10 000 steps/d 10 000 steps or
et al,30 20-65 y individualized
2004 a goals, diary
47 Group B: asked to increase walking by 1000 to 3000 steps/d over baseline Diary,
Stovitz Patients presenting 9 50 Group A: brief physician endorsement of physical activity; given brochure, Individualized
et al,31 at a family pedometer, and 3 follow-up telephone calls from a health educator; goals, diary
2005 a,b medicine clinic each week, told to increase steps/d by 400 (approximately 10% above
2300 JAMA, November 21, 2007—Vol 298, No. 19 (Reprinted) ©2007 American Medical Association. All rights reserved.
those with less baseline activity to have participants with relatively high baseline provements in health outcomes. For
the greatest increases in physical activ- physicalactivity(FIGURE 3). Intervention these analyses, we included the change
ity, albeit not statistically significantly duration and physical activity counsel- in activity and outcomes from base-
(P = .06 and P = .09 respectively). Sex, ing were not significant predictors of in- line among all participants using pe-
BMI, and race/ethnicity were not sig- creased steps per day. There was no sta- dometers (from both the RCTs and ob-
nificant predictors of increased activity. tistically significant difference in effect servational studies).
Among the intervention characteris- sizes between the interventions that used Change in BMI. Intervention par-
tics, having a step goal was the key pre- a Yamax brand pedometer vs another ticipants significantly decreased their
dictor of increased physical activity pedometer. BMI by 0.38 from baseline (P = .03,
(P=.001). Indeed, the 3 studies that did Table 2). This was a statistically homo-
not include a step goal14, 21,22,36 had no sig- Pedometer Use geneous result. This decrease was as-
nificant improvement in physical activ- and Health Outcomes sociated with older age (P=.001), in-
ity with pedometer use in contrast to in- We used regression, weighted by the c re a s i n g p e rc e n t a g e o f w h i t e
creases of more than 2000 steps per day sample size, to evaluate the associa- participants (P = .009), having a step
with the use of the 10 000-step-per-day tion between steps per day and im- goal (P = .04), and interventions of
goal or other goal (TABLE 3). Only 2 stud-
ies reported the number of participants Table 2. Baseline Participant Characteristics a
who achieved their step goal, limiting our No. of Studies Change Postintervention
abilitytostratifyouranalysisbythisfactor. Reporting
This Characteristic Preintervention, Mean Change (95% P
Notably, participants in the studies Characteristic (No. of Participants) Mean (SD) Confidence Interval) b Value
that did not require the use of a step di- BMI 18 (562) 30 (3.4) −0.38 (−0.05 to −0.72) .03
ary17,34,42 did not significantly increase Blood pressure, mm Hg
their activity over baseline (mean Systolic 12 (468) 129 (7.5) −3.8 (−1.7 to −5.9) ⬍.001
change, 832; 95% CI: −258 to 1922 Diastolic 12 (468) 79 (4.5) −0.3 (0.02 to −0.46) .001
steps per day; P=.10), whereas partici- Cholesterol, mmol/L
Total 7 (192) 5.14 (0.3) −0.09 (−0.32 to 0.15) .50
pants in interventions that required the
HDL 7 (192) 1.34 (0.20) 0.06 (−0.012 to 0.14) .10
use of a diary did (mean change, 2649;
LDL 7 (192) 2.93 (0.01) −0.06 (−0.25 to 0.13) .50
95% CI, 2032 to 3266 steps per day,
Triglycerides, mmol/L 7 (192) 2.19 (0.85) −0.26 (−0.56 to 0.04) .09
P⬍ .001). Five studies measured par-
Fasting glucose, 7 (211) 7.09 (2.09) −0.03 (−0.11 to 0.11) .70
ticipants’ adherence with keeping a step mmol/L
diary (mean [SD] 83% (20%) adherent). Abbreviations: BMI, body mass index, which is calculated as weight in kilograms divided by height in meters squared; HDL,
Having the intervention in a setting high density lipoprotein; LDL, low-density lipoprotein.
SI conversion factors: To convert total, high-density lipoprotein, and high-density lipoprotein cholesterol from mmol/L to
other than the workplace also predicted mg/dL divide by 0.0259; triglycerides to mg/dL, divide by 0.0112; and fasting glucose to mg/dL, divide by 0.0555.
a For this analysis, data from all participants who wore pedometers (ie, participants in the intervention groups of the ran-
increased physical activity (P=.02). This domized controlled groups and all participants in the observational studies) were included and the changes in physical
may be explained by the finding that the activity and health outcomes were calculated as the change from baseline.
b A negative value indicates that the parameter fell after the invention, whereas a positive value indicates that the parameter
workplaceinterventionstendedtoinclude rose after the intervention.
Figure 2. Increase in Physical Activity Among Participants Randomly Assigned to Pedometer Interventions vs Control Participants
Sample Size
Difference in Change in
Source Intervention Control Steps/d, Mean (95% CI) P Value
Butler and Dwyer,17 2004 17 16 395 (–118 to 908) .13
Hultquist et al,19 2005 31 27 2226 (1488 to 2964) <.001
Araiza et al,16 2006 15 15 3189 (905 to 5473) .006
de Blok et al,18 2006 8 8 567 (–1872 to 3006) .65
Talbot et al,23 2003 17 17 1498 (–300 to 3296) .10
Moreau et al,20 2001 15 9 5066 (4003 to 6129) <.001
Izawa et al,14 2005 24 21 3254 (1851 to 4657) <.001
Ransdell et al,21 2004 and 28 9 3994 (1050 to 6938) .008
Ormes et al,22 2005
Presents the difference in the change in steps per day before and after the intervention between the participants in the experimental and control arms of the random-
ized controlled trials. The size of the data markers are proportional to the sample size, which represents the number of individuals who completed the trials.
©2007 American Medical Association. All rights reserved. (Reprinted) JAMA, November 21, 2007—Vol 298, No. 19 2301
longer duration (P=.07 for trend). The poprotein levels, and 7 studies re- relevant reductions in weight and blood
decrease in BMI was not significantly ported change in serum glucose pressure.
associated with baseline steps per day, concentration. Intervention partici- We found that setting a step goal and
change in steps per day, sex, diet coun- pants did not significantly improve their the use of a step diary may be key mo-
seling, or BMI at the start of the inter- serum lipid levels or decrease their fast- tivational factors for increasing physi-
vention. ing serum glucose concentration cal activity. Pedometer users who were
Change in Blood Pressure. Interven- (Table 2)—not a surprising finding given a goal, whether the 10 000-step
tion participants significantly de- given that these values were fairly nor- goal or an alternative personalized step
creased their systolic blood pressure by mal for participants at baseline. goal, significantly increased their physi-
3.8 mm Hg (P ⬍ .001) and their dia- cal activity over baseline, whereas pe-
stolic blood pressure by 0.3 mm Hg COMMENT dometer users who were not given a
(P=.001) (Table 2). These were statisti- The results of this meta-analysis, which goal did not increase their physical ac-
cally heterogeneous results. This de- is to our knowledge, the first pub- tivity. The study by Sidman et al30 spe-
crease was associated with greater sys- lished quantitative synthesis of the lit- cifically compared alternative goals in
tolic blood pressure at baseline (P=.009) erature on the effectiveness of pedom- an RCT. In their intervention involv-
and change in steps per day (P=.08 for eters, suggest that pedometer use is ing sedentary women aged 20 to 65
trend) but not significantly associated associated with significant increases in years, they found that although par-
with age, change in BMI, setting a step physical activity—a magnitude of about ticipants with low levels of baseline ac-
goal, or intervention duration. 2000 steps or about 1 mile of walking tivity rarely reached their goal of 10 000
Other Health Outcomes. Six stud- per day. Moreover, the use of pedom- steps per day, they increased their steps
ies reported change in low-density li- eters may be associated with clinically as much as those asked to achieve a
more modest goal.30 Given the rela-
tively similar increases in physical ac-
Table 3. Use of a Step Goal tivity among those pedometer users
Mean Change in Physical Activity P given the 10 000-step goal and users
From Baseline, Steps/d Value given other goals, we conclude that the
Alternatives Sources a (95% Confidence Interval)
relative benefits of setting different goals
No step goal 14, 21, 22, 36 686 (−1621 to 2994) .60
remains unclear.
10 000 step/d goal 16, 19, 28-30, 33, 34, 37 2998 (1646 to 4350) ⬍.001 We found that workplace interven-
tions were associated with relatively
Other step goal b 13, 15, 17, 18, 20-24, 26, 2363 (1789 to 2936) ⬍.001 small increases in physical activity.
27, 30-32, 35, 38, 39
a Studies are included in more than 1 category because they compared 2 or more study groups that had different goals.
Workplace exercise programs have
b Typically, these were based on incremental increases in daily steps over baseline. been criticized for attracting staff who
are already active34—our results cor-
roborate this observation. Thus, for
Figure 3. Association of Baseline Physical Activity With Change in Physical Activity After the workplace interventions to have a
broader health benefit, they might need
to specifically target sedentary employ-
Observational studies not in workplace ees who are not currently engaged in a
After the Intervention (Steps per Day)
3500 Overall mean (95% confidence intervals) We did not find that physical activ-
3000 ity counseling increased steps walked
2500 per day. This may have been because
2000 of the heterogeneity of the counseling
provided by the included studies (with
some providing several weekly ses-
sions to motivate walking and give in-
–500 dividualized feedback, whereas others
–1000 provided only a brief general physical
0 2000 4000 6000 8000 10 000 12 000 14 000
activity lecture). Additionally, some
Baseline Physical Activity (Steps per Day)
studies that provided some counsel-
Presents the association of baseline physical activity in steps per day (x-axis) with the change in physical ac-
tivity in steps per day (y-axis). The Figure includes both the RCTs and the observational studies. The data mark-
ing may not have specifically reported
ers representing the workplace interventions include all the study groups in each trial: Butler and Dwyer17 and doing so. Our results are in keeping
Croteau et al28 each had 3 study groups; Eastep et al,25 Thomas et al,34 and Wyatt et al39 each had 2 study with a recent systematic review that
groups. The mean change in steps per day was 1964 over baseline (P=.01).
found mixed results of the effects of
2302 JAMA, November 21, 2007—Vol 298, No. 19 (Reprinted) ©2007 American Medical Association. All rights reserved.
physical activity counseling for adults est or provided detailed information Author Contributions: Dr Bravata had full access to
all of the data in the study and takes responsibility for
in the primary care setting.45 about their participants. Third, be- the integrity of the data and the accuracy of the data
Pedometer users had significant re- cause many interventions included the analysis.
Study concept and design: Bravata, Smith-Spangler,
ductions in BMI; however, their weight use of 2 or more components (eg, pe- Sundaram, Sirard.
loss was not a function of increase in dometers, step goals, diaries, counsel- Acquisition of data: Bravata, Smith-Spangler,
Sundaram, Gienger, Lin, Lewis, Stave, Sirard.
daily steps. This suggests that partici- ing), the independent contribution of Analysis and interpretation of data: Bravata, Smith-
pation in the intervention either in- any one of these components is diffi- Spangler, Gienger, Lin, Olkin, Sirard.
creased activity not measured by the cult to establish. Fourth, pedometers are Drafting of the manuscript: Bravata, Smith-Spangler,
pedometer or resulted in decreased ca- used in these studies both as an inter- Critical revision of the manuscript for important in-
loric consumption or both. Unfortu- vention to motivate physical activity tellectual content: Bravata, Smith-Spangler, Sundaram,
Gienger, Lin, Lewis, Stave, Olkin, Sirard.
nately, too few interventions specifi- and as a tool to measure steps per day Statistical analysis: Bravata, Olkin.
cally reported providing dietary and participants may have increased Obtained funding: Bravata.
Administrative, technical, or material support: Bra-
counseling for us to include this fac- their physical activity just by virtue of vata, Smith-Spangler, Sundaram, Gienger, Lin, Lewis,
tor in our analyses. knowing that they are being moni- Sirard.
Pedometer users also significantly de- tored. However, this type of Haw- Study supervision: Bravata, Sirard.
Library searches: Stave.
creased their systolic blood pressure by thorne effect is likely to affect both in- Financial Disclosures: None reported.
almost 4 mm Hg from baseline. The tervention and control groups similarly. Funding/Support: This project was supported by grant
AG017253-06 from the National Institute on Aging
magnitude of this finding is consistent Finally, because only 5 studies in- through The Stanford Center on the Demography and
with other published meta-analyses of volved participants with a mean age Economics of Health and Aging. Dr Olkin was funded
in part by grant DMS 9626265 from the National Sci-
the effects of physical activity on blood older than 60 years and only 15% of the ence Foundation .
pressure.46-50 Reducing systolic blood participants were men, the generaliz- Role of the Sponsor: The funding agencies had no role
pressure by 2 mm Hg is associated with ability of our results to older and male in the design and conduct of the study; collection, man-
agement, analysis, and interpretation of the data; and
a 10% reduction in stroke mortality and populations is limited. preparation, review, or approval of this manuscript.
a 7% reduction in mortality from vas- Given these limitations, to fully elu- Acknowledgment: We thank Dawn Bravata, MD, In-
diana University School of Medicine, for her thought-
cular causes in middle-aged popula- cidate the potential benefits of pedom- ful comments on a prior draft of the manuscript, for
tions51; thus, it is critical that the ef- eters, large, randomized controlled trials which she received no compensation.
fects of pedometer use on blood of men and women over a range of ages
pressure be examined closely in fu- in the outpatient setting is required. REFERENCES
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2304 JAMA, November 21, 2007—Vol 298, No. 19 (Reprinted) ©2007 American Medical Association. All rights reserved.