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IJPR.2016.191 Kebugaran Pada Lansia

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International Journal of Physiotherapy and Research,

Int J Physiother Res 2016, Vol 4(6):1780-87. ISSN 2321-1822

Original Research Article DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.16965/ijpr.2016.191


Nikita P Watwani
Physiotherapist, MGM Institute of Health Sciences, Navi Mumbai, Maharashtra, India.
Background: Physical capacity is identified with morbidity and mortality of elderly. Appraisal of physical fitness
helps to distinguish early physical ageing. Understanding the participation of physical fitness components to
functional execution encourages the improvement of satisfactory exercise interventions aiming at protection of
function and independence of elderly. The age-related disintegration of physiological limits, for instance, muscle
strength and balance is connected with increased dependence. This study researched the physical fitness levels
of older Indian adults and the ageing impact on fitness.
Purpose: To assess physical fitness in geriatrics using senior fitness battery tests, assessing the strength,
endurance, flexibility and agility/dynamic balance in age group above 60 years.
Materials and Methods: Senior Fitness Test (SFT) was used which consisted of the 30second chair stand test, arm
curl test, chair sit and reach test, back scratch test, 8 feet up and go test, 6-minute walk test and incremental
shuttle walk test. The study was carried out on a sample of 146 participants (74 males and 72 females) aged from
60 years and above, both community dwelling as well as institutionalized elders in Mumbai city. On the basis of
their age, the participants were divided into three sub-samples: Young old between the age group of 60-69 years,
Middle old between age group 70-79 years and Old old between 80 years and above. Further subsamples of men
and women were isolated. Further the data analysis was done.
Results: As per the normative data, best result was achieved by men in age group 60 69 as compared to women.
For age group 60 69, the strength, flexibility, agility and endurance are more than age groups 70 79 and 80 &
Conclusions: The study of level of physical fitness in institutionalized and community dwelling among healthy
geriatric population showed that the best result was achieved by men in the age group of 60-69 years than
female. This suggests that as the age increases, the strength, flexibility, agility and endurance decreases.
KEY WORDS: Physical fitness, elderly, age groups, senior fitness test.
Address for correspondence: Dr. Nikita P Watwani. PT., MGM Institute of Health Sciences, Navi
Mumbai, Maharashtra, India. E-Mail: watwaninikita@gmail.com

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Quick Response code International Journal of Physiotherapy and Research

ISSN 2321- 1822
Received: 04-11-2016 Accepted: 28-11-2016
Peer Review: 04-11-2016 Published (O): 11-12-2016
DOI: 10.16965/ijpr.2016.191
Revised: 11-11-2016 Published (P): 11-12-2016
INTRODUCTION to determine their extent [1].
Functional fitness represents the physical Ageing is correlated to a disintegration of
capacity that is needed to undertake normal different physiological limits, for example,
everyday activities, independently and without muscle strength, neuro-motor co-ordination,
the early onset of fatigue. However, the aging aerobic capacity and flexibility. With a specific
process tends to reduce physical fitness end goal to protect physical functioning, and in
(strength, endurance, agility, and flexibility), and this manner quality of life, it is of specific sig-
results in difficulties in daily life activities of the nificance to comprehend the degree to which
elderly and in order to improve these we need muscle strength, neuro-motor co-ordination,
Int J Physiother Res 2016;4(6):1780-87. ISSN 2321-1822 1780

aerobic capacity and flexibility add to functional the age group of 60-69 years, Middle old
performance [2]. between 70-79 years and Old old for 80 years
Health is one of the essential elements, which and above. Further the data analysis was done.
empowers freedom in the execution of day by The calculation of the statistical significance of
day or periodic physical activities. Their health the difference between the subsample of men
state impacts the elderly to be all the more physi- and women was determined. The results are
cally dynamic or more passive. Amid the ageing shown in tabular form, while the discussion and
procedure, insufficient physical exercises conclusions point out the significant difference
prompt to changes in physical (functional) ca- in the indicators between the subsamples
pacities, while their level is altogether identi- determined based on the age. The basic aim of
fied with the decline in the functional capaci- this research was to determine the statistical
ties important for the day to day life. Physical significance of the difference in the indicators
performance can foresee changes in functional, of physical fitness of the elderly depending on
mental, and social wellbeing, even in exception- their age.
ally old individuals. Consistent physical exer- MATERIAL AND METHODS
cises and every day physical activities are Materials used for the present are geriatric
important for normal working of the elderly, while fitness Battery Test, measuring tape for height,
optimal functioning of people is affirmed by weighing scale for weight, 44 cm height chair
higher and more levels of fitness indicators [3]. for chair stand test, sit and reach test, 8feet up
The physical fitness level of middle-aged men and go test, Cones for 8feet up and go test, 6min
is a decent indicator of mortality Therefore; walk test, shuttle test, Stop watch for 8feet up
assessment of physical fitness may reveal a and go test, 6 minute walk test, arm curl test,
decrease in health and the onset of ageing. chair stand test and metronome for shuttle test.
Numerous medical advantages are connected Inclusion Criteria: This includes all males and
with musculoskeletal fitness, for example, females aged 60 or above, individuals willing to
increasing bone mineral density, reducing participate in the study, older people living in a
coronary risk factors, increasing flexibility, institutionalized or residential care facility, able
improving glucose tolerance, and more promi- to walk six meters or more (with or without a
nent achievement in attainment of activities of walking aid), able to comprehend the study
day to day living [3]. procedures and no medical contraindication for
The cutting-edge lifestyle has prompted to an study participation.
expansion in the number of inhabitants in the Exclusion Criteria: This criteria involves active
elderly. This event has prompted to the require- illness such as fever, cold, coughs, etc. any acute
ment for further research on the elements whose exacerbation of respiratory conditions, any
activity empowers the elderly to satisfy their cardiac illness, congenital or acquired neuro-
regular needs without anyone elses input. A muscular disease, cognitive issues, psychiatric
portion of the more critical elements incorpo- problems, metabolic, hepatic, renal dysfunctions
rate physical capacities, which are communi- and Recent Surgeries.
cated by the parameters of physical fitness and
body mass [1]. The main aim of this study is to Methodology: The subjects who fulfilled the
assess level of physical fitness of the elderly. inclusion criteria and willing to participate were
For that, Senior Fitness Test (SFT) was used, explained about the procedure in the language
consisting subtests- 30-second chair stand, Arm best understood by them and a written consent
curl, Chair sit and reach, Back scratch,8-feet up was taken from them. Before approaching the
and go,6-minute walk and Incremental shuttle population, permission was taken from the
walk test. Study was carried out on a sample of respective authorities. The tests were performed
146 participants (74 males,72 females) aged 60 at community level and not in a laboratory set
years and above, both community dwelling and up.
institutionalized elderly in Mumbai city and were General instructions were given prior to the test:
divided into 3 sub-samples: Young old between comfortable clothing should be worn, meal
Int J Physiother Res 2016;4(6):1780-87. ISSN 2321-1822 1781

should be taken 2 hours prior to the test and position. The testing person was sitting or kneel-
should not intake alcohol 24 hours prior to ing aside on the dominant side of the examined
testing. The demographic details of the subjects person holding his fingers at a half-length of the
like name, age, gender, height, weight, present participants biceps in order to stabilize the arm
and past medical history was noted. The and prevent arm flexion. Total number of cor-
subject then underwent the senior fitness test. rectly performed forearm flexion within 30 sec-
The test battery was divided into 5 stations: onds constitutes the result of the test.
Station 1: Here, the basic information was given 3. Back scratch
and a consent form was taken, after which the To assess upper body flexibility: Participants
BMI was calculated. Station 2: Here, the 30 were made to sit on a chair and were asked to
second chair stand test, Arm curl test, and the take 1 hand over the shoulder and other hand
Chair sit and reach test were performed. up the middle of back. The distance between
Station 3: Here, the Back scratch, and the 8 foot the tips of middle finger of both the hands was
up and go tests were performed. Station 4: Here, measured in inches (cms). The distance, for par-
the 6-minute walk test was performed. Station ticipants who were able to overlap both the fin-
5: After a break of 4 hours (after the 6minute gers, was noted as negative (-) and for the ones
walk test), the Shuttle walk test was performed. who were not able to touch the tips was noted
After all the tests were performed, the Data as positive (+).
Analysis was done. 4. 8-feet up and go
Procedure To assess agility/dynamic balance: Partici-
pants were made to sit on a chair. A distance of
A senior fitness battery test consists of the fol-
8 feet (2.44 m) was measured from the chair
lowing: A 30 second chair stand test, arm curls,
and was marked by a cone on the other end.
6-minute walk, chair sit and reach, back scratch,
Participants were asked to get up from the chair,
8 feet up and go, shuttle test.
walk for the measured distance, turn around the
Anthropometric data: This involves height, cone n walk towards the chair and sit again. The
weight, body mass index time was noted, in seconds, taken by the par-
1. 30-Second chair stand test ticipant to complete the task.
To assess lower body strength and endurance:
It involves standing up from the chair and sit-
ting down on the chair of a 44-cm height. The
trial was initiated by sitting on the chair, the feet
resting on the floor, the hands crossed at wrists
and held on the chest. At a command given by
the examiner, the participant performed great-
est number of standing-up cycles within 30
seconds. Number of performed cycles constitutes
the test result.
2. Arm curl
To assess upper body strength and endurance:
The participant was sitting on the edge of a
stable chair, with seat height of 44 cm. The back
was outstretched, the feet resting flat on the
ground. A handle weighing 2 kg for women or 3
kg for men was held in the dominant hand. Par-
ticipants were asked to rotate the hand upwards
while simultaneously flexing the extremity in the
elbow (flexion with supination), and subse-
quently to extend the extremity to its baseline
Int J Physiother Res 2016;4(6):1780-87. ISSN 2321-1822 1782

given to start walking with the beep and reach

the other end before the other beep. Initially the
speed of walking was slow and progressively it
increased. It was informed to the participants
that the speed was to be increased with the
change in sound of the beep. The participants
were asked to walk as long as they feel breath-
less or could no longer keep up with the beeps
at which time the beep ends. The no. of laps
was counted and the additional distance was
measured. The basal parameters were again
taken and noted post-test i.e. after 1 min, 3 min
5. Chair sit and reach and 6 min.
To assess lower body flexibility: Participants RESULTS
were asked to sit on a chair with leg extended Demographic Data: The total sample size was
and hands reaching towards the toes. The dis- 146, out of which there were 74 males and 72
tance between tips of the middle finger of the females.
extended hand to that of the great toe was mea- Table 1: Sample distribution.
sured in inches (cms). Distance was noted as
positive (+) when the participants were able to 80 YEARS AND
cross the level of great toe and was noted nega- ABOVE
tive (-) for the participants who lagged behind MALE n=32 n=35 n=7
the great toe. FEMALE n=43 n=22 n=7
6. 6-minute walk test
Table 2: Sample distribution based on BMI.
To assess aerobic endurance: It involves deter-
mination of a possibly long distance covered by MALE FEMALE
the patient possibly fast within 6 minutes. The 80YEARS GRADES OF BMI 80YEARS
60-69 70-79 60-69 70-79
walking track was demarcated by poles and was YEARS YEARS
also drawn on the ground. Parameters such as
pulse rate, respiratory rate, blood pressure, n=32 n=35 n=7 n=43 n=22 n=7
Borgs scale weretaken before and after the test. 1 0 0 UNDERWEIGHT 2 1 0
The walk was paused for a moment and resumed 18 11 2 NORMAL 17 8 4
when the participant has to have a rest. The test 7 12 4 OVERWEIGHT 14 8 3
terminated in case the examined person reports 6 12 1 OBESE 10 5 0

dizziness, nausea, excessive fatigue, pain, or if Statistical analysis: The collected data was
the examiner noticed other alarming symptoms. analyzed using Microsoft Excel & Spreadsheet
The person conducting the trial informs the par- using parameters: mean & standard deviation.
ticipant about the passing time after the third As presented in the table 1, the mean values of
and the fourth minute, and every 10 seconds 30 second chair stand for male participants in
during the last minute, while simultaneously age group 60-69, 70-79, 80 and above are 11.68,
encouraging the examined person to continue 9.74, 8.15 and for females is 11.18, 9.72, 7.57
the walk. respectively and the standard deviations were
7. Shuttle test calculated. In the graph 1, presenting age groups
To assess aerobic endurance: Participants were on x-axis and mean values on y-axis; wherein it
made to sit and their basal parameters were is seen how the lower limb strength decreases
taken. A distance of 10 meter was measured and according to age with differences in male and
marked by cones on both the ends. The partici- female age groups. However, it is seen that there
pants were explained about the metronome is not much difference between them in middle
which was played on a CD. Instructions were old age groups.
Int J Physiother Res 2016;4(6):1780-87. ISSN 2321-1822 1783

Graph 1: Showing the Mean of 30 Second Chair stand reading increases, the flexibility decreases) and
Test. for females is 0.33, 0.77, 1.67. In the graph 3,
which shows mean values of back scratch test
on y-axis, we can see there is not considerable
difference in reading, that is, the flexibility in
the age groups young old and middle old;
however, there is notable decline in the flexibil-
ity of the Old old participants.
Graph 3: Mean of back scratch test.

Table 3: Showing the Mean and SD for different age

groups in Males and females.
Male Female
Age Groups
Mean SD Mean SD

11.687 4.575 60-69 years 11.18 2.383033

9.7428 3.257 70-79 years 9.72729 2.394076

80years &
8.1528 1.951 7.57142 1.397 Table 5: Mean and SD of back scratch test.
In table 4, the mean values for arm curl, in males Male Female
in age groups young old, middle old and old old Mean SD Age Group Mean SD
is 17.81,16.88 and 7.85 and in females is 14.86, 0.75937 4.0988 60-69 years 0.3395 2.8415092
13.54 and 4.85 respectively. We see in graph 2, 0.71028 4.773 70-79 years 0.7772 2.889049
presenting mean values on y-axis, where the arm 2.84428 5.9009 80 years & above 1.6714 5.189642

curl readings decrease gradually from the young For Chair sit and reach test, the mean values for
old age group to Old old and is notably less in males in age groups young old, middle old and
age group 80 and above. Besides, a significant Old old as seen in table 4 is, 3.73, 3.97, -0.77
difference in upper limb strength can be seen and for female participants is 4.16, 2.60,
between males and females. and -1.61 respectively. The negative reading in
Graph 2: Mean of Arm Curl Test. chair sit and reach test denotes the reduction in
flexibility. The graph 4 demonstrates the mean
values of the flexibility of the participants on
y-axis and their age groups on x-axis; where we
see not much difference in flexibility of males
and females in age groups 60-69 yrs and 70-79
years. However, there is significant reduction in
the result of 80 years and above age group,
where the flexibility reduces considerably.
Graph 4: Mean of chair sit and Reach Test.

Table 4: Showing the means and SD of Arm Curl Test.

Male Female
Age Group
Mean SD Mean SD
17.8125 6.023 60-69 years 14.86046 4.68829
16.8857 7.466 70-79 years 13.54545 3.31988
7.85714 5.304 80 years & above 4.857143 2.67261
For back scratch test, in table 3, the mean
values of age group 60-69, 70-79, 80 and above
are 0.75,0.71, 2.84(denoting that as the
Int J Physiother Res 2016;4(6):1780-87. ISSN 2321-1822 1784

Table 6: Mean and SD of chair sit and Reach Test. old, middle old and Old old are 324, 308 and
272 and for females are 320, 249 and 240
Male Female
Age Group respectively. Further standard deviations are
Mean SD Mean SD
noted. In graph 6, we see gradual decrease in
3.7375 3.0852 60-69 years 4.1651 3.514
3.67143 4.5232 70-79 years 2.6045 5.937
readings from age groups 60-69 to 80 and above
-0.77143 2.3386 80 years & above -1.6142 4.831
among males and specifically among females.
Table 8: Mean and SD of 6 Minute walk test.
The mean values of 8 feet up and go test, as
seen in table 5, for age group 60-69, 70-79, 80 Male Female
Age Group
and above are 11.53, 11.28 and 10 and for Mean SD Mean SD
female participants is 9.96, 8.9, and 7.85 respec- 324.843 185.8784 60-69 years 320.116 134.6975
tively. Next, the standard deviation is calculated. 308.633 121.8015 70-79 years 249.545 73.83877
In the graph 5, the mean values are presented 272.857 101.1128 80 years & above 240 57.4456
on y-axis and age groups on x-axis and it is seen Table 9 shows mean values for Shuttle test, for
that the agility decreases gradually among age male participants from age groups 60-69, 70-
groups young old, middle old and Old old with a 79, 80 and above are 137.81,89.71 and 71.42
considerable difference in readings, that is agil- and for females are 126.74, 96.18 and 88.57
ity, between males and females in each age respectively. The mean values are demonstrated
group. on y-axis of the graph. It can be seen that there
Graph 5: Mean of 8 feet up and Go Test.
is considerable decline in the readings of shuttle
walk test from age groups Young old to Old old.
Graph 7: Mean of shuttle Test.

Table 7: Mean and SD of 8 feet up and Go Test.

Male Female
Age Group
Mean SD Mean SD
11.5312 3.25263 60-69 years 9.96744 2.61823 Table 9: Mean and SD of shuttle Test.
11.2857 3.58568 70-79 years 8.9 2.32177
Male Female
10 3.03315 80 years & above 7.85714 1.573592 Age Group
Mean SD Mean SD
Graph 6: Mean of 6 Minute walk test. 137.8125 117.6855 60-69 years 126.7442 134.6975
89.71429 121.8015 70-79 years 96.81818 73.8387
71.42857 101.1128 80 years & above 88.57143 57.4456

A comprehension of the components that
impact physical movement behaviour in older
adults is imperative to creating compelling
intervention techniques that will address the
issue of physical latency in this populace, and
in doing as such, enhance the wellbeing status
and quality of life of the older adults, while
For 6 min walk test, mean values are shown in significantly affecting medicinal services expen-
table 7, which in male participants for age young ditures [4].
Int J Physiother Res 2016;4(6):1780-87. ISSN 2321-1822 1785

Ageing is connected with cardiorespiratory These differences occur due to a reduction in

wellness and muscle strength [6]. Promoting a muscle strength in both upper & lower limb &
healthy lifestyle in the elderly has become more changes in body fat percentage, flexibility,
important due to the dramatic increase in their agility & endurance. Individuals with higher BMI,
population over the last two decades. And, to a greater amount of fat mass have a poor physi-
monitor and evaluate health, the level of cal performance suggesting that an excessive
physical activity is often used. The monitoring percentage of body fat has a negative effect on
is especially important for the elderly to prevent functional performance.
diseases, immobilization & reduction of mortal-
ity rate. The parameters of aerobic endurance
were found to be progressively decreasing. In A sample of 146 participants aged more than
the age group of 60-69 males demonstrated 60, of both genders, was used to study the
better results in the 6-minute walk test with a differences in the achieved results on a battery
considerable difference between male and of SFT tests. The differences were determined
female in the age group of 70-79 thereafter for the subsamples which were obtained based
following a progressive deterioration. On articles on age and membership. The determined
based on western countries show similar results statistically significant differences confirm the
where women with higher BMI have a poor basic assumption that the indicators of physi-
physical performance in the 6-minute walk test cal fitness of elderly men and women differ in a
[5]. statistically significant manner depending on the
The 30-sec chair stand test demonstrates group they belong to.
greater strength amongst male in the age group For all the age groups, the mean values of 30sec-
of 60-69with the strength found to be equal in ond chair stand for males is 10.432 and for fe-
the age group of 70-79. It was observed that males is 10.388 and for arm curl, in males is
strength decreases as age increases [1,5]. 16.43 and in females is 13.26. For Chair sit and
Similar significant results were found for arm reach test, the mean values for males is -0.240
curl test. The back-scratch test assessing upper and for females is 2.411; and in males is 0.9333
extremity flexibility shows a maximum decline and in females is 0.60 for back scratch. The
in males in the age group of 80-89. Maximum mean values of 8 feet up and go for females is
flexibility seen in men in the age group of 60-69 9.436 and for males is 11.24. For 6 min walk
with no significant changes in the age group of test, mean value in males is 312.25 and in
70-79 i.e. women are more flexible than men. females is 291.18 and for shuttle test, mean
Males in the age group of 80 and above demon- values for male is 108.78 and for females is
strate the least flexibility with maximum 105.27. The study of level of physical fitness in
flexibility seen in females in the age group of institutionalized and community dwelling among
60-69 whereas males are more flexible as healthy geriatric population showed that the
compared to females in the age group of 70-79. best result was achieved by men in the age
The agility/dynamic balance assessing 8 feet up group of 60-69 years than female. Critical
and go test demonstrated best results for males reductions in physical wellness begin at the age
in the age group of 60-69 followed by a progres- of 55-60 years and decay rapidly, recommend-
sive decrease in performance as age increases. ing a hazard to quality of life. Physical fitness
The endurance measuring shuttle walk test evaluation ought to be performed routinely for
demonstrated better results for females in the early intercession. A comprehension of the com-
age group above 70 whereas males demon- ponents that impact physical activity behaviour
strated better results in the age group of 60-69 in older adults is critical to creating compelling
years. It thus can be concluded that there intervention strategies that will address the
occurs age related decrease in physical activity issue of physical inactivity in this populace, and
& functional fitness among men & women with in doing as such, enhance the health status and
differences present among young old, middle old quality of life of the older adult, while signifi-
& old old. cantly affecting healthcare expenditures.
Int J Physiother Res 2016;4(6):1780-87. ISSN 2321-1822 1786

Conflicts of interest: None [5]. Leonardo A. Simes, M. D. Dias, Keila C. Marinho,

Carla L. L. R. Pinto, Raquel R. Britto. Relationship
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How to cite this article:

HEALTHY GERIATRICS. Int J Physiother Res 2016;4(6):1780-1787. DOI:

Int J Physiother Res 2016;4(6):1780-87. ISSN 2321-1822 1787

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