Daily Exercise
Daily Exercise
Daily Exercise
Journal of Health, Population and Nutrition (2024) 43:164 Journal of Health, Population
and Nutrition
Background With a growing body of evidence highlighting the positive impact of regular physical activity or
exercise on achieving healthy aging, it is important to gain insight into the factors influencing daily exercises uptake.
However, to the best of our knowledge, no study has been focused on factors predicting daily exercises uptake
among pensioners, who form a substantial portion of Ghana’s aging population. The goal of this preliminary study
was to estimate the factors associated with daily exercises uptake among Social Security and National Insurance Trust
(SSNIT) pensioners in Ghana.
Methods Data for this study came from a cross-sectional study on survival strategies and quality of life among SSNIT
pensioners in the Greater Accra Region of Ghana. Cluster and stratified sampling techniques were used to recruit
the study participants. The analytic sample was 410 participants. Multivariable binary logistic regressions were used
to estimate factors associated with daily exercises uptake among the participants. The significance of the test was
pegged at a p-value of 0.05 or less.
Results The results showed that 62% of the participants self-identified as male, 47.6% were aged between 60
and 64 years, 52.7% were employed in the public sector and 44.4% performed daily exercises. The results showed
that those who were aged 60–64 years (AOR: 1.197, 95% CI: 1.019–1.405), aged 65–69 years (AOR:1.254, 95% CI:
1.071–1.468), who do not incur expenditure on their household in a month (AOR: 1.519, 95% CI: 1.127–2.046), earned
less than GH¢260 (AOR: 1.221, 95% CI: 1.018–1.465), accessed/utilized herbalist medical services (AOR: 1.252, 95%
CI: 1.129–1.388), very dissatisfied (AOR: 1.637, 95% CI: 1.242–2.157) and dissatisfied (AOR: 1.516, 95% CI: 1.212–1.896)
with their sex life were more likely to undertake daily exercises and this was statistically significant. The results again
demonstrated that participants who joined fitness club (AOR: 0.685, 95% CI: 0.614-0.764) and those who were very
dissatisfied with their health services access/use (AOR: 0.598, 95% CI: 0.363-0.984) were less likely to undertake daily
exercises and this was statistically significant.
Myles Ongoh
Full list of author information is available at the end of the article
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article are included in the article’s Creative Commons licence, unless indicated otherwise in a credit line to the material. If material is not included
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Ongoh et al. Journal of Health, Population and Nutrition (2024) 43:164 Page 2 of 11
Conclusion Findings of this study have provided important insights for policy makers and thus constitute a useful
framework to help plan and shape future policies and programs on daily exercises uptake among pensioners in
Ghana and other geographical contexts with similar cultural, demographic, and socio-economic characteristics.
Keywords Daily exercises uptake, Social Security and National Insurance Trust, Pensioners, Ghana
Data collection procedure and ethics (GH¢) (0 = less than 260, 1 = 260–859, 2 = 860 or more
A structured questionnaire was used as the data col- 3 = did not disclose their income). Lifestyle/health-related
lection instrument. It was designed in English and pro- factors included the use of herbalist medical services
grammed on mobile devices with an electronic tool called (0 = no, 1 = yes), joining of fitness club (0 = no, 1 = yes),
Insyt; an easy, fast, robust, and flexible tool for collecting satisfaction with health services access/use (0 = very dis-
data. Institutional ethics approval was obtained from the satisfied, 1 = dissatisfied, 2 = neutral, 3 = satisfied 4 = very
College of Humanities at the University of Ghana, Legon dissatisfied), satisfaction with sex life (0 = very dissatis-
(Ref: ECH 006/18–19). Both informed written and verbal fied, 1 = dissatisfied, 2 = neutral, 3 = satisfied 4 = very dis-
consent were obtained from the participants. Detailed satisfied) and satisfaction with health status (0 = very
information on the methods, including the data collec- dissatisfied, 1 = dissatisfied, 2 = neutral, 3 = satisfied
tion procedure, has been reported elsewhere [5, 44]. 4 = very dissatisfied). Due to the several independent
variables considered in the analysis, multicollinearlity
Measurement analysis was performed as demonstrated in Table 1. The
In this study, our dependent variable was daily exercise variance inflation factor (VIF) for all the independent
uptake. Participants were asked, have you been under- variables was less than 5, showing no multicollinearity.
taking daily exercises? The response was a dichotomous
variable, that is, “no = 0” or ‘yes = 1. The independent vari- Analytical framework
ables were classified into demographic, socio-economic In this study, both descriptive and inferential analyti-
and lifestyle/health-related variables. Demographic vari- cal frameworks, embedded in SPSS software version 25,
ables were sex (0 = male, 1 = female), religion (0 = Chris- were employed. Specifically, descriptive statistics such
tian, 1 = non-Christian), age (years) (0 = 60–64, 1 = 65–69, as frequency and percentage were used to determine
2 = 70 or more), marital status (0 = consensual union, the sample characteristics of the participants. Informed
1 = married, 2 = never married/Separated, 3 = widowed), by the dichotomous dependent variable, multivariable
household size (0 = 1–5, 1 = 6–10, 2 = above 10), house- binary logistic regression analysis as an inferential ana-
hold head (0 = no, 1 = yes) and years on retirement lytical framework was used to estimate the association
(0 = less than 5, 1 = 5–9, 2 = 10 or more). Socio-economic between the dependent variable (daily exercises uptake)
variables were expenditure on household (GH¢) (0 = less and independent variables (demographic, socio-eco-
than 500, 1 = 500–999, 2 = 1000–1499, 3 = 1500 or more), nomic and health-related/lifestyle factors). In apply-
education level (0 = none, 1 = primary/JHS/middle school, ing the multivariable binary logistic regression, three
2 = secondary, 3 = vocational/technical, 4 = tertiary), models were fitted to determine factors associated with
employment sector (0 = public, 1 = private), occupation daily exercises uptake among the participants. More
(0 = administrative/managerial/clerical, 1 = civil/public specifically, Model 1 comprised demographic variables.
service, 2 = entrepreneur/industrialist, 3 = production Model 2 consisted of demographic and socio-economic
work, 4 = teacher/lecturer, 5 = other) and monthly income variables. Model 3 (final Model) captured demographic,
socio-economic and lifestyle/health-related variables.
Table 1 Multicollinearlity analysis
The final model (3) thus serves as the result used for the
Variables Tolerance VIF
discussion. Adjusted Odds Ratio (AOR) and Confidence
Sex 0.633 1.579
Interval (CI) with p-value of 0.05 or less were reported as
Religion 0.951 1.052 significant.
Age (years) 0.485 2.061
Years on retirement 0.489 2.047 Results
Marital status 0.713 1.403 Sample characteristics of the participants
Household Size 0.807 1.239 Table 2 provides information on the sample characteris-
Household head 0.750 1.333 tics of the participants. The analysis showed that 62% of
Expenditure on dependents (GH¢) 0.855 1.169 the participants self-identified as male, 82.4% were Chris-
Education 0.871 1.147 tians, 47.6% were aged between 60 and 64 years, 70.2%
Employment 0.863 1.159 were married, 54.6% had a household size between 1 and
Occupation 0.895 1.117 5 persons and 82.4% were household head. Also, 42.4%
Monthly Income (GH¢) 0.868 1.152 of the participants spent between GH¢500–999 on their
Herbalist 0.887 1.127 household in a month and 42.4% had been on retire-
Fitness Club 0.931 1.074 ment for less than 5 years. Again, 35.6% of the partici-
Satisfaction with health status 0.873 1.146 pants had a primary/JHS/Middle school education, 52.7%
Satisfaction with sex life 0.880 1.136 were employed in the public sector and were engaged
Satisfaction with health services 0.827 1.209 in production work (25.9%) and 55.1% earned between
Ongoh et al. Journal of Health, Population and Nutrition (2024) 43:164 Page 5 of 11
Table 2 (continued)
Variables Responses N = 410 Percent
Dissatisfied 197 48.0
Neutral 104 25.4
Satisfied 69 16.8
very satisfied 16 3.9
Satisfaction with health status very dissatisfied 7 1.7
Dissatisfied 45 11.0
Neutral 138 33.7
Satisfied 220 53.6
GH¢260–859 as a retirement benefit every month. Fur- in a month were 1.519 times statistically significantly
ther, 23.9% of the participants used herbalist medical more likely to undertake daily exercises compared to
services, 19.8% joined fitness club, 25.9% were satisfied those who incurred (AOR: 1.519, 95% CI: 1.127–2.046).
with health services access/use, 53.7% were satisfied with We found that those who earned less than GH¢260 in a
their health status and 48% were dissatisfied with their month were 1.221 times statistically significantly more
sex life. Lastly, 44.4% of the participants performed daily likely to undertake daily exercises (AOR: 1.221, 95% CI:
exercises. 1.018–1.465).
The results further revealed that participants who
Main regression analysis accessed/utilized herbalist medical services were 1.252
The factors associated with daily exercises uptake among times statistically significantly more probable to under-
the participants are reported in Table 3. In Model 1, take daily exercises compared to those who did not
the results showed that participants aged between 65 access medical services from herbalists (AOR: 1.252, 95%
and 69 years were 1.309 times statistically significantly CI: 1.129–1.388). The results again provide evidence that
more likely to undertake daily exercises compared to participants who joined fitness club were 0.685 times
those who were 70 years or more (Adjusted Odds Ratio less likely to undertake exercises compared to those who
[AOR]: 1.309, 95% CI: 1.098–1.560). In Model 2, when did not join fitness club, and this was statistically sig-
socio-economic variables were added to all variables in nificant (AOR: 0.685, 95% CI: 0.614-0.764). Additionally,
Model 1, the results demonstrated that those who were the results showed that participants who were very dis-
aged between 65 and 69 years were 1.286 times statisti- satisfied with their health services access/use were 0.598
cally significantly more probable to undertake daily exer- times less likely to undertake daily exercises compared to
cises compared to those who were 70 years or over (AOR: those who were very satisfied with health services access/
1.286, 95% CI: 1.078–1.535). Comparatively, the adjusted use, and this was statistically significant (AOR: 0.598,
odds ratio for those aged 65–69 years reduced from 95% CI: 0.363-0.984). The results also indicated that par-
1.309 in Model 1 to 1.286 in Model 2. This implies that ticipants who were very dissatisfied (AOR: 1.637, 95%
socio-economic variables slightly weaken the association CI: 1.242–2.157) and dissatisfied (AOR: 1.516, 95% CI:
between age and daily exercises uptake among the par- 1.212–1.896) with their sex life were statistically signifi-
ticipants. In Model 2, the results showed that those who cantly more likely to engage in daily exercise compared
earned between GH¢260–859 in a month were 1.193 to those who were satisfied with their sex life, with odds
times statistically significantly more likely to undertake ratios of 1.637 and 1.516, respectively. In summary, the
daily exercises (AOR: 1.193, 95%CI: 1.015–1.402). Again, results based on the final model have demonstrated that
the results indicated that those who did not incur expen- age, household expenditure, monthly income, use of
diture on their household were 1.407 times statistically medical services by herbalists, joining fitness club, satis-
significantly more likely to undertake daily exercises faction with sex life and satisfaction with health services
compared to those who spent GH¢1,500 or more on their access/use were statistically significantly associated with
household in a month (AOR: 1.407, 95% CI: 1.016–1.949). undertaking of daily exercises among the participants
In the final model (3), the results showed that par- (see Table 3).
ticipants who were aged 60–64 years (AOR: 1.197, 95%
CI: 1.019–1.405) and those who were aged 65–69 years Discussion
(AOR:1.254, 95% CI: 1.071–1.468) were 1.197 and 1.254 This study explored the factors that influence daily exer-
times respectively, statistically significantly more likely cises uptake among pensioners in the Greater Accra
to undertake daily exercises compared to those who were Region of Ghana. The findings supplement extant lit-
aged 70 years or over. The results showed that partici- erature on this research area and highlight the need for
pants who did not incur expenditure on their household holistic approaches that consider socio-demographic and
Ongoh et al. Journal of Health, Population and Nutrition (2024) 43:164 Page 7 of 11
Table 3 Factors associated with daily exercises uptake among retired personnel in Ghana
Model 1 Model 2 Model 3 (Final Model)
95% CI for AOR 95% CI for AOR 95% CI for AOR
DEMOGRAPHIC AOR Lower Upper AOR Lower Upper AOR Lower Upper
Male 1.033 0.920 1.161 1.014 0.902 1.141 0.965 0.869 1.073
Female (ref ) 1.00 1.00 1.00
Christian 1.082 0.956 1.224 1.059 0.933 1.202 1.038 0.927 1.163
Non-Christian (ref ) 1.00 1.00 1.00
Age (years)
60–64 1.142 0.958 1.360 1.105 0.924 1.321 1.197* 1.019 1.405
65–69 1.309** 1.098 1.560 1.286** 1.078 1.535 1.254** 1.071 1.468
70 or more (ref ) 1.00 1.00 1.00
Marital Status
Consensual union 0.745 0.533 1.042 0.785 0.562 1.098 0.859 0.635 1.162
Married 0.894 0.778 1.028 0.931 0.809 1.071 1.015 0.894 1.154
Never married/Separated 0.860 0.709 1.045 0.852 0.703 1.033 0.947 0.797 1.127
Widowed (ref ) 1.00
Household Size 1.00 1.00
1–5 0.938 0.782 1.126 0.970 0.804 1.171 0.865 0.317 2.360
6–10 0.974 0.810 1.172 0.968 0.802 1.167 0.903 0.330 2.469
Above 10 (ref ) 1.00 1.00 1.00
Household Head
Yes 0.884 0.768 1.017 0.908 0.789 1.045 0.978 0.863 1.110
No (ref ) 1.00 1.00 1.00
Number of Years on Retirement
Less than 5 years 0.891 0.750 1.058 0.935 0.789 1.109 0.890 0.764 1.036
5–9 years 0.897 0.759 1.059 0.933 0.791 1.101 0.885 0.763 1.026
10 years or more (ref ) 1.00 1.00 1.00
None 0.906 0.520 1.578 0.787 0.480 1.291
Primary/JHS/Middle School 1.022 0.902 1.158 1.034 0.924 1.156
Secondary 1.087 0.923 1.281 1.038 0.896 1.203
Vocational/Technical 1.004 0.865 1.165 1.025 0.898 1.170
Tertiary (ref ) 1.00 1.00
Employment Sector
Public 1.061 0.913 1.232 0.977 0.853 1.120
Private (ref ) 1.00
Administrative/Managerial/Clerical 0.951 0.789 1.147 0.966 0.816 1.144
Civil/Public Service 0.939 0.780 1.130 0.976 0.825 1.155
Entrepreneur/Industrialist 0.930 0.712 1.215 0.865 0.681 1.099
Production Work 1.057 0.876 1.276 0.995 0.841 1.177
Teacher/Lecturer 0.837 0.687 1.019 0.885 0.742 1.057
Other (ref ) 1.00 1.00
Monthly Income (GH¢))
Less than 260 1.199 0.977 1.471 1.221* 1.018 1.465
260–859 1.193* 1.015 1.402 1.096 0.946 1.269
860 or more 1.005 0.835 1.210 1.015 0.861 1.197
Did not disclose their income (ref ) 1.00 1.00
Expenditure on Household (GH¢)
None 1.407* 1.016 1.949 1.519** 1.127 2.046
Less than 500 1.050 0.906 1.218 1.062 0.928 1.215
Ongoh et al. Journal of Health, Population and Nutrition (2024) 43:164 Page 8 of 11
Table 3 (continued)
Model 1 Model 2 Model 3 (Final Model)
95% CI for AOR 95% CI for AOR 95% CI for AOR
DEMOGRAPHIC AOR Lower Upper AOR Lower Upper AOR Lower Upper
500–999 1.077 0.885 1.310 1.117 0.937 1.331
1000–1499 1.040 0.890 1.215 1.033 0.897 1.189
1500 or more (ref ) 1.00 1.00
Use of Herbalist Medical Care
Yes 1.252*** 1.129 1.388
No (Ref ) 1.00
Joining of Fitness Club
Yes 0.685*** 0.614 0.764
No (ref ) 1.00
Satisfaction with Health Services
very dissatisfied 0.598* 0.363 0.984
Dissatisfied 1.085 0.847 1.390
Neutral 1.059 0.832 1.349
Satisfied 1.231 0.964 1.572
Very satisfied (ref ) 1.00
Satisfaction with Sex Life
very dissatisfied 1.637*** 1.242 2.157
Dissatisfied 1.516*** 1.212 1.896
Neutral 1.552*** 1.237 1.947
Satisfied 1.248 0.987 1.578
very satisfied (ref ) 1.00
Satisfaction with Health Status
very dissatisfied 0.976 0.702 1.355
Dissatisfied 1.004 0.869 1.160
Neutral 1.026 0.932 1.129
Satisfied (ref ) 1.00
NB: Italic and asterisks values and indicate significance of the test
*Test is significant at the 0.05 level
** Test is significant at the 0.01 level
*** Test is significant at the 0.001 level
lifestyle/behavioural factors when formulating and imple- poor health, which also hindered their functional capa-
menting policies and programs intended to promote bility, increased with age among both older women and
healthy lifestyles among older persons during retirement. older men. Moreover, some older persons assume poor
The findings of this research suggest that pensioners health as an inevitable result of aging, and thus, they are
within the age bracket of 65 and 69 years are more likely not motivated to adopt healthy behaviours like exercise
to undertake daily exercises compared to those who are [48]. Furthermore, Rai et al.’s [49] study, which explored
70 years or above. This finding corroborates the results of physical activity among retired older persons also found
a systematic review, which reported that various forms of that even with heightened demands during their working
physical activities progressively decrease with age among days, some retirees believed that the nature and structure
older persons [45]. It is also partly consistent with the of their work provided a framework that facilitated the
findings of Ishikawa-Takata et al. [46], which indicated incorporation of exercise into regular routines, thereby
that physical activity was significantly higher among preventing procrastination. However, after retiring, some
older persons aged 65–74 years compared to those aged retirees faced challenges in adjusting to a post-retirement
75 years and above. routine; a factor they acknowledged as crucial for engag-
Some plausible reasons could be attributed to the ing in physical activity [49]. Therefore, promoting and
decline of exercise uptake among older persons as they providing support for the establishment of post-retire-
age. For instance, Debpuur et al.’s [47] research on the ment routines among pensioners could be useful in sus-
self-reported health and functional limitations among taining regular exercise behaviours.
older persons in Ghana revealed that the reportage of
Ongoh et al. Journal of Health, Population and Nutrition (2024) 43:164 Page 9 of 11
Nonetheless, after accounting for socio-demographic likelihood of daily exercise uptake. It could be inferred
variables, the adjusted odds ratio for the association from this that barriers to healthcare access could nega-
between being aged 65–69 and daily exercises decreased tively influence individuals’ motivation for physical activ-
slightly, underscoring the importance of considering ity or exercise.
socio-economic factors in understanding and promoting Interestingly, this study found that pensioners who
exercises uptakes and general healthy behaviours among joined fitness clubs were less likely to exercise daily. For
older persons. The socio-economic factors that recorded some older persons, exercising in groups does not only
a significant association included earning between motivate them to continue this important routine [55],
GH¢260–859 and earning less than GH¢260 every but it has also been found to be effective in reducing
month. This finding is in line with Doubova et al.’s [50] risks of falls, functional decline, and depressive symp-
research, which reported that older adults with stable toms compared to exercising alone [56]. In addition to
income were more likely to engage in physical activities, the health benefits associated with participating in the
such as exercises. Nonetheless, an interesting observa- activities of fitness clubs, engaging in daily exercises
tion in this study’s finding is that the adjusted odds ratio could offer more health benefits to pensioners. There-
for engaging in daily exercises generally decreased as fore, most pensioners who join fitness clubs are likely
the monthly income increased. It is not too clear what to miss these additional health benefits associated with
accounts for this as extant evidence [e.g. 51] suggests that daily exercise because of their lower odds of engage-
sedentary time decreases with the increase of income. ment in daily exercise. We are of the view that engaging
Probably, the pensioners earning higher monthly income in daily exercise is expected to strengthen the health of
had either more sedentary behaviours or had alternative pensioners. This finding supports the need to encourage
forms of healthy lifestyles other than exercises. Conduct- pensioners who joined fitness clubs to exercise daily. The
ing research to explore the motivation for undertak- findings also indicated that pensioners who were dissatis-
ing exercise among older persons or pensioners earning fied with their sex life were more likely to participate in
lower and high incomes could be essential to increas- daily exercises. These pensioners may be motivated to
ing the depth of knowledge and providing clarity to this undertake daily exercises due to the belief that physical
issue. The study also found that pensioners who incurred fitness could lead to the improvement of sexual satisfac-
no household expenditure were more likely to engage tion [57]. Therefore, sensitization campaigns that focus
in daily exercises. This suggests that such pensioners on the relevance of exercises, as well as specific exercise
may be experiencing lower financial burdens, creating a routines that enhance sexual satisfaction should be pro-
conducive environment for prioritizing healthy habits, moted. However, it is also possible for the finding to sug-
including undertaking daily exercises. Thus, it would be gest a potential compensatory behavior, where engaging
useful if strategies geared towards improving daily exer- in regular exercise serves as a means for emotional regu-
cises uptake among pensioners or older persons include lation or distraction from sexual dissatisfaction. Seeking
enhancing financial access to physical activity opportuni- emotional relief through regular exercises emphasizes
ties [52]. an intricate interplay between psychological and lifestyle
The findings also show a significant potential asso- factors. It would be useful if research is conducted among
ciation between herbalist medical services and daily the aging population to offer a nuanced understanding
exercises uptakes. This supports the findings of exist- on this issue.
ing studies that have demonstrated the importance of Given the nature of this study, it is important to
herbal medicine for enhancing exercise performance. acknowledge its strength and limitations. The strength
For instance, a study conducted by Tao and colleagues of this study is that it remains the first study to be car-
[53] in China found that older persons who drank herbal ried out among pensioners in Ghana. It has thus con-
tea involved themselves in regular physical exercises. tributed empirically to knowledge by highlighting the
Additionally, a study conducted in Korea found that the specific demographic, socio-economic and lifestyle/
consumption of a traditional herbal mixture (known as health-related factors predicting daily exercises uptake
HemoHim) increased exercise performance [54]. There among pensioners in Ghana. Despite this, we emphasize
is also the likelihood that pensioners who seek herbal that one major limitation of this study was the cross-sec-
care may have an all-inclusive perspective towards health tional nature of the study which did not allow causal asso-
and wellness, viewing both herbal remedies and physical ciations to be established between the dependent (daily
activity as complementary elements of a healthy lifestyle. exercises uptake) and independent variables (demo-
Conducting qualitative studies could provide an in-depth graphic, socio-economic and lifestyle/health-related
insight into this crucial association. The findings of this variable). We further acknowledge that in terms of the
study further suggest a potential relationship between measurement of the daily exercise uptake, this study did
dissatisfaction with health services and a decreased not clearly highlight the specific forms and durations of
Ongoh et al. Journal of Health, Population and Nutrition (2024) 43:164 Page 10 of 11
Data availability
daily exercises uptake by the participants. Another pos- The datasets used and/or analysed during the current study are available from
sible limitation of this study is that it was conducted in the corresponding author on reasonable request.
one region (Greater Accra) in Ghana. Due to entirely dif-
ferent situations in the various areas of Ghana, the results Declarations
of this study may not reflect the perspective of SSNIT
Ethics approval and consent to participate
pensioners in the other regions of Ghana. The above limi- All procedures performed in this study involving human participants were
tations offer opportunities for future studies to employ in accordance with the ethical standards of the institutional and/or national
longitudinal data to analyze daily exercise uptake among research committee and with the 1964 Helsinki declaration and its later
amendments or comparable ethical standards. Institutional ethics approval
the participants. Building on the findings of this pre- was obtained from the College of Humanities at the University of Ghana,
liminary study in the Ghanaian context, future research Legon (Ref: ECH 006/18–19). Both informed written and verbal consents
could determine the specific forms and durations of daily were obtained from the participants. Participants were assured of strict
confidentiality and anonymity of the data they provided. The participation of
exercise uptake among Ghanaian pensioners across all the respondents in the study was also voluntary.
regions in Ghana.
Consent for publication
Not applicable.
This study examined factors associated with daily exer- Competing interests
cises uptake among SSNIT pensioners in Ghana. The WA-D is a section Editor at Archives of Public Health, BMC. MO, KA-C and EA
declare no conflict of interest.
study found that age, household expenditure, monthly
income, use of medical services by herbalists, joining fit- Author details
ness club, satisfaction with sex life and satisfaction with LEAP Management Secretariat, Ministry of Gender, Children and Social
Protection, P.O. Box MB 471, Ministries-Accra, Ghana
health services access/use were statistically significantly 2
School of Social Work, Memorial University of Newfoundland, St. John’s,
associated with uptake of daily exercises among the NL A1C 5S7, Canada
participants. The findings of this study provide valuable Agaplesion-Diakonie Klinikum, Elise-Averdieck-Straße 17,
27356 Rotenburg, Germany
insights for policymakers and offer a useful framework 4
Department of Geography and Planning, Queen’s University, Kingston,
for planning and shaping future policies and programs ON K7L 3N6, Canada
aimed at increasing daily exercises uptake among pen-
Received: 17 January 2024 / Accepted: 4 October 2024
sioners in Ghana, and in other geographical contexts
with similar cultural, demographic, and socio-economic
characteristics. These findings further suggest the need
for holistic approaches that consider socio-demographic
factors and lifestyle/health-related factors when formu- 1. World Health Organization. (2022). Ageing and Health. https://www.who.int/
lating and implementing policies and programs intended news-room/fact-sheets/detail/ageing-and-health
to promote healthy lifestyles among older persons during 2. Ghana Statistical Service. 2021 Population and Housing Census: age and sex
profile. Accra, Ghana: Ghana Statistical Service; 2021.
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Acknowledgements 2020;35:341–52.
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acknowledge the authors and publishers whose works were consulted. and dignity. Accra, Ghana: Ministry of Employment and Social Welfare; 2010.
8. Agyemang-Duah W, Peprah C, Peprah P. Barriers to formal healthcare utilisa-
Author contributions tion among poor older people under the livelihood empowerment against
Conceptualization, MO, KA-C, EA, and WA-D; methodology, MO, KA-C, and poverty programme in the Atwima Nwabiagya District of Ghana. BMC Public
WA-D; software, KA-C and WA-D.; formal analysis, KA-C and WA-D.; data Health. 2019;19(1):1–12.
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