SE Question Bank
SE Question Bank
SE Question Bank
42. Draw state diagrams of the control software for: A telephone answering
system that records incoming messages and displays the number of accepted
messages on an LED. The system should allow the telephone customer to dial
in from any location, type a sequence of numbers (identified as tones), and
play any recorded messages.
43. You are a software engineering manager and your team proposes that model-
driven engineering should be used to develop a new system. What factors
should you take into account when deciding whether or not to introduce this
new approach to software development?
44. What are the various software architectures available for the developer
according to you? Which is the best and why?
45. Distinguish between verification and validation:
46. Why testing is important with respect to software?
47. Explain Links , associations. Explain UML notation for same with example.
48. What is generalisation and association?
49. With help of class diagram define multiplicity, association and names.
50. With a neat diagram explain the phases in the Rational Unified Process (RUP)
51. What is model driven Engineering? State the three types of abstract system
model produced with a neat diagram
52. With neat diagram, explain six stages of acceptance testing process
53. What are the different types of interfaces to be tested during component
testing ? Explain.
54. Explain why testing can only detect the presence of errors, not their absence.
55. Some people argue that developers should not be involved in testing their
own code but that all testing should be the responsibility of a separate team.
Give arguments for and against testing by the developers themselves.
56. Explain regression testing?
57. What are the benefits of involving users in release testing at an early stage in
the testing process? Are there disadvantages in user involvement?
58. Discuss Test Driven Development with its process and list its benefits.
59. Explain Event driven modelling. With a state diagram of microwave oven
78. For the set of tasks shown in the below table draw the activity bar chart for
the project scheduling