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Original Paper
The Study of Physic Chemical Properties and Preference Level of Instant Porridge
Made of Pumpkin and Brown Rice
Agus Slamet 1*, Bayu Kanetro1, Agus Setiyoko1
1) Faculty of Agroindustry, University of Mercu Buana Yogyakarta, Indonesia *)
Corresponding Author: agus@mercubuana-yogya.ac.id
by various drying techniques has been widely common [7]. The II. RESEARCH METHOD
production can also be done by freeze-drying [14], spray
drying, vacuum drying [3], and microwave vacuum drying [15]. A. Materials and Equipment
[5] stated that pumpkin flour produced by freeze-drying, either The main ingredients used in this study were pumpkin
with or without pre-treatment with metabisulfite, produces (Cucurbita moschata D.) and brown rice. The pumpkin was
orange flour, while metabisulfite causes loss of pumpkin orange obtained from Beringharjo market, Yogyakarta. The pumpkin
color. Pumpkin flour processed by Freeze-drying produces selected had to be ripe for an optimal harvest age of 3 months,
pumpkin flour with functional properties, comprising of a high and the skin and flesh of the fruit were oranges. The pumpkin
water absorption capacity of 92 ml/100 g, oil absorption fruit used weighed between 8-10 kg/fruit. Brown rice was
capacity of 314 ml/100 g, both of which function as an obtained from Mirota Godean shop, Yogyakarta. Chemical
emulsifier. [1] reported that cookies with the addition of materials for chemical analysis were obtained from the
pumpkin flour and carrot flour were substituted for two Laboratory of Agricultural Product Processing, Faculty of
different types of flour at different compositions of 10%, 15%, Agroindustry Universitas Mercu Buana Yogyakarta.
20%, and 25%. The use of pumpkin flour in pasta has been
The main equipment used in this research was a drum drier
investigated by [10] in which it is used as the substitution of
for making pumpkin and brown rice instant porridge. The other
cornflour with pumpkin flour and durian flour. The addition of
equipment included rapid viscosity analysis to test the
25% pumpkin flour results in a paste with better color and
amylograph properties of mixed flour and UV-Vis
favorable sensory reception.
spectrophotometer for -carotene analysis.
Rice is a staple food for almost all people on the Asian
continent. Rice accounts for more than 22% of global energy
intake. Asia is the main rice producer, totaling about 92% of B. Research Design
total world rice production [13]. For Asian countries, rice is a
dominant staple food. Although it varies between countries, the a. The research began by making instant porridge with a
contribution of rice to the fulfillment of calorie needs in the mixture of pumpkin and brown rice with different ratios (25:75,
daily diet among Asian people is still relatively high. For 50:50, and 75:25). The drying temperatures were set at 150°C,
example, Laos and Myanmar consume rice per capita per year, 160°C, and 170°C. The research flow chart is presented in
at around 179 and 190 kg, respectively, while Indonesian Figure 1.
consume around 142 kg/year [17]. b. The process of making pumpkin and brown rice
The fiber content in brown rice and white rice is commonly instant porridge began by dividing and peeling the pumpkin to
compared to find out essential fat content. The bran in rice remove the skin, seeds, and tendrils on the inside of the
contains important components, namely fiber, and essential pumpkin. The pumpkin flesh was then cut into pieces with a
fatty acids. Fiber can prevent gastrointestinal tract disease and size of 2x2x2 cm3. The pumpkin fruit was then crushed using a
heart disease, which often occur in developing countries. The blender with 50 ml water added to aid the crushing. The
National Cancer Institute recommends 25 grams of fiber per pumpkin pulp was then mixed with floured brown rice with
day when compared to white rice. That is equal to a cup of ratios of 25:75, 50:50, and 75:25. The mixture of pumpkin and
brown rice contains 3.5 grams of fiber, while white rice only brown rice flour was then processed using a drying oven at
has 1 gram. The content of essential oils in brown rice reveals temperatures of 150°C, 160°C, and 170°C [25].
that brown rice can reduce serum cholesterol which is a major
risk factor for cardiovascular disease [12]. c. The instant porridge produced was tested for physical
properties, which included color, bulk density, rehydration,
The optimal drying process using a drum drier that produces
pumpkin powder with a good aroma uses a steam pressure of water absorption capacity, and oil absorption capacity. The
313.54 kPa at a drum rotation of 1.27 rpm. Drum drier at a level of preference test was operative in the tests. The instant
steam pressure of 313.54 kPa and a drum rotation of 1.27 rpm porridge produced was tested for its level of preference
7.5% in the noodle processing process with the highest fiber concerning such properties as color, aroma, taste, thickness, and
and carotene content [6]. overall preference. The preference scale used was: 1 = strong
dispreference, 2 = dispreference, 3 = neutral, 4 = preference, 5
To make instant porridge with a mixture of pumpkin and = strong preference.
brown rice flour, it is necessary to optimize the right mixture
and optimize the manufacturing process using a dryer. Two d. The most preferred instant porridge was analyzed for
drying factors affect the results of instant porridge, namely the its moisture using the oven heating method [2], ash content [2],
length of processing time and drying temperature. The drying fat content using the Soxhlet method [2], carotene content,
temperature affects the physicochemical properties and the soluble dietary fiber and insoluble, the antioxidant activity of
level of preference of the instant porridge produced. The DPPH method, and phenol.
research aims to determine the characteristics of pumpkin and
brown rice instant porridge based on physicochemical C. Research Procedure
properties and level of preference. Determine the formulation The research design consisted of 2 factors, namely the ratio
of pumpkin and brown rice and the drying temperature to of pumpkin: brown rice (25:75, 50:50, and 75:25%) and
produce instant porridge that has physicochemical properties temperatures 150°C, 160°C, and 170°C. The data obtained
that meet the requirements and are preferred by panelists. were analyzed using Univariate analysis with the aid of SPSS.
Once a significant difference was identified, the analysis would Table 1. Brightness (L) of Instant Porridge Made of Pumpkin and
proceed to the Duncan multiple range test (DMRT) at a Brown Rice
significance level of 5%. Ratios of Pumpkin and Drying Temperatures ( °C)
Yellow Pumpkin Brown Rice 150 160 170
25:75 48,02bcd 48,02cd 57,58e
Skin, seeds, 50:50 49,04cd 49,40d 56,67e
and vines
75:25 39,06a 44,55b 44,55bc
Cutting the pumpkins in size Numbers followed by the same letter correspond to
2x2x2 cm insignificant difference at the level of significance (α 5%)
Based on statistical tests, the mixture involving brown rice
Crushing ratio and drying temperature affected the color (L)/brightness
of the mixture of pumpkin and brown rice porridge. Table 1
yellow pumpkin: shows that the brightness level of instant porridge with
brown rice flour at Mixing
ratios of 25:75,
pumpkin and brown rice with different ratios of pumpkin and
50:50 and 75:25 brown rice at 25:75 and 50:50 does not lead to any significant
Drying at temperatures of 150 oC,
difference. Likewise, no significant difference is identified at
160 oC and 170oC drying temperatures of 150°C and 160°C. The other ratio of
pumpkin and brown rice at a temperature of 170°C produced
generates a brighter color than that under different
Instant Porridge temperatures. This was due to the drying temperature of 170°C.
The resultant instant porridge was drier so that the color became
brighter. The brightness of the instant porridge produced is
Physical properties testing: Color, found at its utmost in the mixture of pumpkin and brown rice at
bulk density, water absorption
capacity, oil absorption capacity,
ratios of 25:75 and 50:50 at a drying temperature of 170°C. The
and extraction yield. The mixture of pumpkin and brown rice at a ratio of 75:25 produces
preference level test analyzes instant porridge with a fairly bright color. This was because the
color, aroma, taste, consistency, greater the proportion of pumpkin, the higher the sugar content.
and overall preference. Chemical
analysis on instant includes such
According to [9] pumpkin (Cucurbita moschata D.) contains
as aspects as water content, fat, more glucose than other varieties. Sugars in foodstuffs
protein, ash, antioxidant activity, produced with heat treatment will experience a Maillard
beta carotene, and phenol. reaction [4]. [6] reports that the higher drying temperature and
longer drying time decrease beta carotene, making it sink at
Figure 1. Research Procedure 56%. [11, 27] state that the temperature and processing duration
in a drum drier affect the resulting product.
other mixtures of pumpkin and brown rice. The higher and brown rice was found the highest at a ratio of 25:75 at a
proportion of pumpkin is included, the redder the porridge drying temperature of 170°C. The ratio of pumpkin and brown
becomes. This is because the pumpkin has a red/orange color. rice at 25:75 also demonstrates the highest water absorption
Pumpkin (Cucurbita moschata D.) has yellow-orange skin and capacity. This is because brown rice has higher starch content
flesh, fibrous property, and sweeter taste than other varieties of than pumpkin. As a result, the higher proportion of brown rice
pumpkin, namely Cucurbita pepo and Cucurbita maxima [11, is, the higher the proportion of starch content than the smaller
Neelamma et al., 2016). proportion of brown rice will be. [18] report that the starch
content of brown rice is 85.5%. Under the temperature
c. Yellowness (b) treatment of 170°C, the mixture of pumpkin and brown rice at
The extent of yellowish color (b) of instant porridge consisting a ratio of 25:75 results in the highest water absorption capacity
of pumpkin and brown rice at varied drying temperatures is compared to other temperature variations. The higher the
presented in Table 3. The statistical tests show that the mixture drying temperature is, the drier instant porridge will be, so it
of brown rice and different drying temperatures is related to has a higher absorption capacity. This is congruent with the
yellowness (b) of the mixture combining yellow pumpkin and results of research by[19], which demonstrates that instant
brown rice. porridge produced in 1.5 bar drum drier pressure treatment has
more water absorption capacity than that produced under 1-bar
Table 3. Yellowness (b) of Instant Porridge Combining pumpkin and
treatment. In the 1.5 bar treatment, the drying temperature is
Brown rice
higher than that of 1 bar.
Ratios of Pumpkin Drying Temperatures ( °C)
and Brown Rice 150 160 170
Oil Absorption Capacity (%)
25:75 16,21a 15,30a 15,85a
The oil absorption capacity of the instant porridge made of
50:50 20,72bc 17,97ab 17,87ab pumpkin and brown rice is presented in Table 5.
75:25 19,84bc 22,78c 22,07c
Ratios of Pumpkin Drying Temperatures ( °C)
Numbers followed by the same letter correspond to and Brown Rice 150 160 170
insignificant difference at the level of significance (α 5%)
25:75 22,47bc 21,53a 22,58c
The yellowness (b) of the instant porridge made of pumpkin
and brown rice indicates that the higher the proportion of 50:50 22,98c 21,47a 26,74d
pumpkin, the more yellowish the color of the instant porridge 75:25 25,58d 26,27d 25,73d
will be [26]. In contrast, the drying temperature did not show
Table 5. Oil Absorption Capacity (%) of Pumpkin and Brown rice
any effect on the yellowness of the instant porridge. The
yellowness of instant porridge is influenced by the increasing Numbers followed by the same letter correspond to
proportion of pumpkin. Pumpkin has an orange color pigment insignificant difference at the level of significance (α 5%)
derived from carotenoids. The more proportion of pumpkin is,
the yellowish instant porridge will be. Based on statistical tests showed that different ratios of
pumpkin and brown rice at various drying temperatures there
was an interaction with the oil absorption capacity of the mixed
pumpkin and brown rice porridge. The highest oil absorption
Water Absorption Capacity
capacity was obtained from pumpkin instant porridge and
The water absorption capacity of instant porridge made of arrowroot starch at a ratio of 75:25 at temperatures of 150°C,
pumpkin and brown rice is shown in Table 4. 160°C, and 170°C. This is because the greater the proportion of
pumpkin, the higher the beta carotene content. Beta carotene is
Ratios of Pumpkin Drying Temperatures ( °C)
a nonpolar compound so it will have the ability to absorb oil.
and Brown Rice 150 160 170 The greater proportion of pumpkin in the instant porridge
mixture of pumpkin and arrowroot starch, which is at a ratio of
25:75 152,40d 153,83,d 160,00e
5:1, has a greater oil absorption capacity than the smaller
50:50 117,00c 100,00b 133,00c proportion of pumpkin [19].
75:25 85,00a 86,00a
Bulk Density
Table 4. Water Absorption Capacity (%) of Instant Porridge Made of
Pumpkin and Brown rice
The bulk density of the instant porridge made of
pumpkin and brown rice at various drying temperatures is
Numbers followed by the same letter correspond to presented in Table 6.
insignificant difference at the level of significance (α 5%)
Based on statistical tests, different ratios of pumpkin and
brown rice coupled with different drying temperatures affect
the water absorption capacity of the pumpkin. The water
absorption capacity of the instant porridge made of pumpkin
Table 6. Bulk Density (g/ml) of The Instant Porridge Made of B. The Preference Level of Instant Porridge Made of Yellow
Pumpkin and Brown Rice Pumpkin and Brown rice
Ratios of Pumpkin Drying Temperatures ( °C) Table 7. shows that the yield of instant porridge mixed with
pumpkin and brown rice is large at the ratio of 25:75. In this
and Brown Rice 150 160 170
ratio, the highest yield of instant porridge is produced because
25:75 0,58c 0,72d 0,78e the greater the proportion of brown rice, the higher the starch
50:50 0,52b 0,57c 0,59c
content, so that the yield is also large compared to those with
more pumpkin. Starch content in brown rice is 85.5% [18]. In
75:25 0,41a 0,49b 0,50b pumpkin, the most abundant compound is water, which is
Numbers followed by the same letter correspond to 91.2% [8]. [19] reported that more arrowroot starch compared
insignificant difference at the level of significance (α 5%) to pumpkin resulted in a large yield of instant porridge mixture
of pumpkin and arrowroot starch produced.
Based on statistical tests, the ratio mixture of pumpkin and
Temperatur Pumpki Parameter
brown rice at various drying temperatures show a correlation
e n and
with the bulk density of porridge made of pumpkin and brown Color Arom Taste Density Overall
rice. The density of instant porridge made of pumpkin and ( o C) Brown
a Preferenc
brown rice at a ratio of 25:75 is greater than that of other ratios. Rice e
The bulk density is determined by the starch content in the 150 25:75 3,20abc 3,33abc 2,60ab 2,60a 2,73ab
instant porridge. Starchy materials are more porous than c
of 1.5 bar has a more favorable aroma than that produced at a Based on Table 9, the percentage of water, protein, fat, and
pressure of 1 bar. ash content in the preferred instant porridge are 5.62, 12.37,
3.70, and 1.81%, respectively. These properties determine the
The Flavor of Instant Porridge minimum quality of instant porridge [16]. While the levels of
Table 8 shows that the level of preference for the taste of phenolic, beta carotene, and antioxidants are quite high, which
instant porridge made of pumpkin and brown rice at various is essential for food ingredients in functional food. The
amounts and temperatures. The panelists report positive antioxidant content produced is lower than the instant porridge
feedback on all combinations, except for the porridge made at made of pumpkin and arrowroot starch at a ratio of 5:1 at 1.5
a ratio of 75:25 at a temperature of 150°C and 160°C. The two bar drum drier pressure, which is 46.42% [19]. This is because
variants receive lower preference because the taste is different the instant porridge processed with a drum drier can be
from the others. This is because the instant porridge does not controlled at a temperature compared to the drying treatment
have a high drying temperature so it is not quite dry. In the using an oven.
75:25 mixture, the proportion of pumpkin is greater than that of
brown rice, which means greater water content, so it requires a IV. CONCLUSSION
higher drying temperature. 2. Instant porridge can have diverse physical and chemical
properties, as well as distinctive preferences as a result of
The Viscosity of Instant Porridge
different combinations of brown rice and drying
Table 8 shows that the most preferred viscosity is found at temperature.
a ratio of 50:50 at a temperature of 160°C. The 50:50 mixture
3. The most preferred instant porridge based on the analysis of
is thought to be the most appropriate mixture, especially
physical properties and preference is identified in the
concerning the starch content. Instant porridge viscosity is
mixture involving pumpkin and brown rice at a ratio of
influenced by starch content, especially in the gelatinization
50:50 at a temperature of 160°C. The chemical composition
process [4]. The drying temperature of 160°C is thought to be
of the instant porridge involves 5.62% water, 12.37%
the right temperature for the starch gelatinization process in the
protein, 3.70% fat, 1.81% ash, 1.361.79 (mg GAE/g)
instant porridge mixture of pumpkin and brown rice.
phenolic, 164.36(µg/g) beta carotene, and 41.5% RSA
Overall Preference of Instant Porridge antioxidants.
Overall preference of instant porridge mixture of pumpkin and ACKNOWLEDGMENT
brown rice at 50:50 ratio at 160°C drying temperature was the
most preferred instant porridge. The overall preference of The author would like to thank Universitas Mercu Buana
instant porridge was assessed by the panelists based on the Yogyakarta for providing funding for this research with
parameters of color, aroma, taste, and viscosity. The panelists reference 183/LPPM/UMBY/V/2020.
give low preference scores to the other mixtures under different REFERENCES
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