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Emirates Journal of Food and Agriculture. 2021.

33(11): 965-971
doi: 10.9755/ejfa.2021.v33.i11.2786


Microwave-assisted pre-milling treatments of chickpea

(Cicer Arietinum) for higher recovery
Chandan Solanki*, S. K. Gupta, M. S. Alam
Department of Processing & Food Engineering, College of Agricultural Engineering & Technology, Punjab Agricultural University,
Ludhiana-141 004, India

This research was undertaken to examine the result of microwave pre-treatment on chickpea dehulling. The experiments were conducted
at three microwave power levels (PL), 50, 70, and 90, at different five exposers from 1 to 3 minutes at the time interval of 30 seconds
to evaluate chickpea dehulling with the pre-milling treatment of microwave exposure for achieving maximum dehulling yield, dhal yield,
good dehulled grains in terms of quality with minimum dehulling loss. It was noted that dehulling yield improved with microwave power
and exposure period. The highest dehulling yield, 71.02%, was achieved 90 PL with 2.5 minutes exposure and found maximum dhal
yields, i.e., 66.40%, and minimum dehulling loss, 10.25%. So, this requirement was correct and better to get a higher dhal yield. These
findings are also valuable for the pulse processing industry and fabricators for designing a continuous type pulse pre-milling treater unit.
Hence, it could be highlighted that the microwave pre-milling treatment is more suitable for pulse processing like chickpea. This also
presents an improvised method for pre-milling treatments for commercial adoption.
Keywords: Chickpea; Dehulling losses; Dhal yield; Dehulling yield; Microwave; Power level

INTRODUCTION second most crucial crop globally, and India contributes

about 65% of the total world production, being the largest
‘Pulses’ are legume seeds such as lentils, beans, peas, and chickpea producer globally. As chickpea is the utmost chief
chickpeas that are edible. Each of these pulse crops is available crop and most consumed crop, it is grown in at least 33
in various hues and sizes. Pulse crops are cultivated to feed counties throughout the world, and most of these are
the world’s varied nations, and they have significant cultural located in South and West Asia, North and East Africa,
and historical significance. Legume proteins are high in lysine Southern Europe, North and South America, and Australia
and supplement the lysine-rich proteins not found in grains (Singh, 1997).
and oilseeds. Additionally, since pulses are a good source of
nutrients, they help lower the risk of cardiovascular disease, The protein quality of chickpeas is better than the other
diabetes, and some forms of cancer (Pastor-Cavada et al., pulses. In India, splited chickpea is commonly known as
2011). India is the principal producer and consumer of pulses Chana dhal, which contains 20.8% protein, 5.6% fat, 2.7%
globally, accounting for 33 percent of the world area and mineral, 1.2% fiber, and 59.8% carbohydrate (Gopalan
22 percent of the world’s production of pulses. Chickpea, et al., 1995).
pigeon pea, green gram, black gram, lentil, and field pea are
significant pulses crops contributing 39%, 21%, 11%, 10%, Chickpea is grouped into two types, i.e., the First one is
7%, and 5% to the total production of pulses in the nation. Kabuli (the Mediterranean and middle eastern origin), and
In 2009-10, total output was 14.56 million tonnes in a 23.63 the second one is desi type (Indian origin). The Kabuli one
million hectare area, with an average yield of 625 kg/ha.
is large seeded verities has rounded seed and the cream-
Moreover, India is also the largest pulses trader, showing colored seed coat, whereas desi type is a slight wrinkle with
the pulses’ consumption rate in India. Chickpeas are the a dark color and having corticated seed coat (Chawan et al.,
1987, Miao et al., 2009).
* Corresponding author
Chandan Solanki, Department of Processing & Food Engineering, College of Agricultural Engineering & Technology, Punjab Agricultural
University, Ludhiana-141004, India. E-mail: chandan4uu12@gmail.com

Received: 13 September 2021;   Accepted: 30 October 2021

Emir. J. Food Agric  ●  Vol 33  ●  Issue 11  ●  2021 965

Solanki, et al.

The Indian people consumed about 80% percent of pulses of hulls from cotyledon in pulses. As a result, it may be
in dhal and powder, the residual 20% as the complete seed beneficial to perform heat treatments to loosen the hulls.
and in supplementary forms like dishes (Chakjo et al., Thermal processing in the traditional sense is more time-
2001) to consume chickpea, which is commonly known consuming and has all of the attendant dangers. According
as Chana dhal. It undertakes many processing processes to preliminary research, microwaves may be utilized as an
like dehulling, splitting, crushing, puffing, and toasting efficient pre-treatment for dehulling pulses that are sanitary
before milling and making it helpful for a variety of food. and simple to apply while also providing the advantage of
So, we ultimately improve physical characteristics such as heat treatment. Additionally, thermal treatment is projected
appearance, texture, and culinary properties and reduce to improve the pore size of the pulses, hence decreasing
cooking time through chickpea processing. According to the time required for water penetration and cooking
research, it has been found that the dehulled pulses are (processing time required for usage as a component in
easy to digest by the human body (Kurien, 1987). That is food product production). Microwaves may also be used
why splitting and decortications of pulses become a more to disinfect grains and extend the shelf life of dehulled
critical process in agro-based industries. Moreover, this is grains (Vadivambal et al. 2007).
the reason for the diversity of machinery, and new methods
started in the agro-industries to achieve high and good Microwave heating would denature the protein and gums
milling efficiency of pulses (Sokhansaj and Patil, 2003). that connect the hull and cotyledon of pulses, disrupting
their relationship. The exposer at which microwave
The milling efficiency of chickpea is the removal of an energy is applied, and the dose necessary to achieve the
efficient hull without breakage and loss of cotyledon. intended effect is critical for determining the process’s
The physical and chemical properties of chickpeas, appropriateness. There is currently no research that
such as size, grade, moisture content, hardness of grain explains the result of microwave treatment on chickpea
content, amount of hull, and chemical nature and bond, dehulling and the quality criteria of the dehulled pulses.
exist between the two cotyledons affect the dehulling of
chickpea (Chavan et al., 1987). Erskine and George (2014) Keeping this in mind, the current experiment was
have shown that for an abrasive device, dehulling efficiency done with the research goal of examining the result of
can be obtained efficiently by optimizing sample size, microwave treatment, viz., microwave power (power level),
rotating speed, diameter, clearance, grit size, and retaining exposure, and dosage, on the dehulling of chickpea as
abrasive time. well as its consequence on the processing parameters of
dehulled pulses. So, the current study and experiment have
The outer seed coat of grain is rigid and imparts an described the outcome of microwave power on dehulling
unpleasant taste because of the nutrient in the seed coat. of chickpeas to determine the optimum condition of
It also reduces the nutrient quality of pulses to improve microwave pre-treatment on chickpeas.
its nutrient properties by removing hull is carried out by
a method of dehulling, which helps to improve physical Mangaraj and Singh (2009) carried out several experimental
appearance and reduce the cooking time of chickpeas trials on CIAE dhal mill to optimize machine parameters
(Tiwari et al., 2007). The dehulling of chickpea is done by for better chickpea milling using RSM with roller speed,
two methods, i.e., Wet method and Dry method (Kurien, emery grit size, and feed rate for improved chickpea
1997). These methods loosen the bond between hull dehulling. It was found that the dhal recovery and milling
and cotyledon for dehulling. The wet method involved efficiencies were 73.44% and 75.53% at an emery grit size
the soaking of grain in water for 6 to 8 hours and then of 2.21  mm, roller speed of 10.47  m/s, and 100  kg/h
exposure to sun drying for 3 to 4 days to attain dehulling feed rate.
at moisture content for better milling efficiency. Whereas
in the dry method, to improve soaking time, the grain is Dronachari and Yadav (2015) studied microwave heating
pitted. These scratched grains are combined with 1% edible systems applications in pulse processing such as grain
oil and then sun-dried for two to three days; at the end of drying, cooking, microwave-assisted extraction, and
the drying process, 2.5 percent water is sprayed and mixed disinfestations significantly affect the quality characteristics
in, followed by overnight tempering with heaped grain. and extend storage life. Additionally, microwave heating
Moreover, grain is ready to be dehulled. Nowadays, the may utilize substantially less energy for processing than
wet method is rarely used. traditional techniques. Today, the commercial potential of
continuous flow microwave heating technologies is being
In order to reduce the pre-treatment time, several kinds explored as a pre-treatment approach for dehulling pulses,
of research have been carried out on heat treatment for while the pulse processing industries continue to operate
pulses dehulling as sudden heat increases the loosening on a batch-processing basis.
966 Emir. J. Food Agric  ●  Vol 33  ●  Issue 11  ●  2021
Solanki, et al.

Divekar et al. (2016) have studied the outcome of 790.44 rpm, microwave exposure time, 98s, the retaining
microwave treatment on dehulled pulses to decrease pulses’ time, 120s, and grit size, 50.
cooking times, including red lentils, mung bean, and pinto
bean. Cooking time was the shortest for grains with an
18% moisture content and treated with 600 W for 56 s.
At a 10% moisture level, the microwave treatment had a Experimental materials
more significant impact on red lentils and mug beans than Samples
pinto beans. The chickpea (Desi) grains were procured from the
local market of Ludhiana, Punjab, India. The grains
Srivastava et al. (1999) investigated the impact of several were cleaned using cleaner cum grader and Destoner to
pre-treatment techniques water soaking, water spraying, oil, separate all foreign matter, dust, dirt, twigs, broken and
chemical (sodium bicarbonate), and enzyme on pulses for mud balls.
dehulling to maximize dhal recovery with the least amount
of loss. Additionally, they examined the cotyledons’ protein Determination of moisture content
composition (manually dehulled). After concluding that The hot air oven method determined the sample’s moisture
all pre-milling processes excluding sodium bicarbonate content with drying at 1020C±2 for 24 h by the AOAC
resulted in a substantial loss of protein in cotyledons method (AOAC, 1990; Singh and Sahay, 1994). The average
associated with untreated trials, they determined that the moisture content was found to be 10.04% (wb). Dehulling
oil treatment caused the most significant loss of protein of chickpeas is performed at the optimum moisture content
content (3.18 percent). of 10% to 12% (weight basis) (Singh et al. 2004). Hence our
sample was at the required moisture content, so we do not
Chakraverty (1994) discussed both ancient and modern go for further dying of grain as we can achieve maximum
techniques of pulse milling and mentioned the heating dehulling at this moisture content.
process, as conditioning in pulse processing as a pre-
treatment that aids in increasing efficiency, dietary quality, A 3g weight of the samples was recorded on an analytical
and milling quality. Conventionally, two pre-treatment balance (Model: TB403, Dengver Instrument) of accuracy
techniques for dehulling pulses have been used: wet and 0.001 g in triplicate, and their average value was recorded.
dry. After soaking in water for approximately 12 hours The sample was kept into hot air oven for drying of
and heaping for approximately 16 hours, pulses are moisture at optimum moisture range by putting in it for
entirely combined with a paste of red earth. For 2-4 days, three different time intervals viz. 1 h, 2 h, and 3 h at 130ºC
these grains are scattered thinly throughout drying yards. and for each hour, samples were weighed, and calculated
Following that, sifting is used to remove the dried red earth. moisture content as per the below mentioned formula
Next, the grains are dehulled on a stone or emery-coated before conducting the designed experiments.
vertical chakki powered by electricity, due to numerous
drawbacks, such as nutrient loss during soaking and dust Moisture content (%) =(W1-W2/W1-W)*100
adulteration of grains. Pitting extends the soaking time
of cleaned and sorted grains in the dry process. These Where,
scratched grains are combined with 1% edible oil and then W1 = w
 eight in g of the petri dish with the material before
sun-dried for two to three days; at the end of the drying drying
process, 2.5 percent water is sprayed and mixed in, followed W2 = w
 eight in g of the petri dish with the material after
by overnight tempering with heaped grain. The grains are drying
then processed using a roller mill. This technique results W = weight in g of the empty petri dish.
in a higher yield and is widely used commercially.
Microwave treatment
Khosro et al. (2017) studied the effect of microwave The microwave treatment was performed in a microwave
treatment and machine parameters to improve dehulling. oven with the help of a microwave dish. The dimension of
They use a tangential abrasive dehulling device (TADD). the Microwave dish was measured, and it was recorded as
RSM optimized the result of the abrasive disk’s revolving a diameter of 25.9 cm. Each sample was 260g because the
speed and grit size, microwave exposure time, and retaining maximum capacity of the grain box of emery roll dehuller
time. Central Composite Design was employed and RSM- was 260g. The 260g sample could spread evenly on the dish
based four-factor, five-level to determine the effect of the surface with a grain thickness of 0.55 cm. A microwave
independent variable and optimize processing condition oven is a kind of electric oven that uses electromagnetic
for better dehulling efficiency. It was found that dehulling radiation in the microwave frequency range to heat and
efficiency, 86.02 % and loss, 2.6% at the rotation speed, cook food. The chickpeas were treated in the microwave at
Emir. J. Food Agric  ●  Vol 33  ●  Issue 11  ●  2021 967
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three power levels (PL), i.e., 50, 70, and 90. It was treated Manual fractionation
for varying periods, via; 1 minute, 1.5 minutes, 2 minutes, The remaining fraction was separated manually. The
2.5 minutes, and 3 minutes. Because beyond 90 PL and fractioseparated manually are:
3 minutes cooking of grain is started; hence it was not ● Dehulled and split
taken. The triplicate of each sample was taken in order to ● Hulled whole
avoid an error. The samples were packed in plastic bags ● Broken
with proper coding of power level and time.
Dehulling parameters of chickpeas
Experimental run Dehulling parameters were determined in terms of
Each chickpeas sample was then dehulled for a time of dehulling yield, dhal yield, and dehulling loss.
20 seconds. It is the time required for complete dehulling
of chickpeas at 90 PL microwave power and at an exposure ● Dehulling yield (DeY) was defined as total whole
time of 3 minutes. Beyond this time, the powder forming, dehulled kernels and broken kernels produced in the
i.e., losses, increases. The dehulling was done with the help dehulling of pulses. The dehulling yield was calculated
of a laboratory model emery roll dehuller (the specifications using the relation given by (Goyal et al. 2007).
are given in Table 1 below). The digital tachometer DeY (%) =
measured the rpm of a pulley of emery roll dehuller.
weight  of  dehulled  ker nel ( g ) + weight  of  broken  ( g )
× 100
The dehulling time was kept constant during the operation Initial  weight  of  pigeonpea
as 20 seconds to get maximum and complete dehulling of
chickpeas after the microwave pre-treatments at different ● Dhal yield (DY) was defined as the yield of dehulled
power levels (PL) viz; 50, 70, and 90 for a specified time viz. whole and split kernels as a percentage of initial seed
1 minute, 1.5 minutes, 2 minutes, 2.5 minutes, and 3 minutes weight (APQ Method 104.1, Burridge et al. 2001). Dhal
respectively. After dehulling, the samples were packed in yield was calculated using the relation given by (Goyal
plastic bags with the same coding. It was then followed et al. 2007).
by sieving and finally manual separation for obtaining the DY (%) =
sample fraction for calculating the dehulling parameters to mass  of  dehulled  whole + split  seed  ( g )
analyze the effect of microwave pre-treatment on chickpeas ×100
dehulling. The complete study was done triplicate to avoid Initial  weight  of  pigeon  pea
error, and mean and average results were expressed.
● Dehulling loss (DL) was calculated as the weight
Fractionation of dehulled chickpeas fraction of the powder and fine broken relative to the
Each sample after dehulling was divided into five fractions. initial weight of chickpea. It was calculated using the
and these are given as: relation given by (Goyal et al. 2007).
● Dehulled whole and split DL (%) =
● Hulled whole weight  of  powder ( g ) +  
● Broken
● Powder/Fine broken wt  of   fine  broken ( g ) + machine  loss
● Husk Initial  weight  of  pigeon  pea

Sieve analysis Statistical Evaluation

The sieving of dehulled chickpeas was carried out by manual All measurements were carried out in triplicate, and the
power. The sieves used for this purpose were BSS sieve results were expressed as the mean. To fit regression
no. 14 for separating powder and fine broken from dehulled equations, M.S. Excel was utilized.
chickpeas, and the and sieve no. 10 used to separate husk.

Table 1: Specification of dehuller

Machine Parameters Values
Result of microwave treatment on the dehulling
Rotation of pulley (RPM) 1122
Diameter of peripheral sieve (cm) 17.3
variable of chickpea
Diameter of abrasive roller (cm) 15 Dehulling yield
Diameter of pulley 8 The dehulling yield of all chickpeas samples was recorded
(Driven i.e., Dehuller side) (cm) for each microwave power level and for each exposure
Diameter of pulley 10 time varying from 1 to 3 minutes and given in Table 2.
(Driver, i.e., motor side) (cm)
The dehulling yield of all samples was recorded for each
968 Emir. J. Food Agric  ●  Vol 33  ●  Issue 11  ●  2021
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microwave power level, i.e., 50 PL, 70 PL, 90 PL for 68.97% to 69.48%, increasing exposure time from 1 to
the exposure time of 1 to 3 minutes at an interval of 3 minutes. At 90 PL, dehulling yield decreases to 68.84%,
30 seconds. From the given Fig 1, it was observed that the with exposure time increasing from 1 to 3 minutes. The
dehulling yield showed variation at a different power level maximum dehulling yield obtained at different power levels
and different exposure time. The dehulling yield increases was 71.00% at 50 PL with 2 minutes, 69.47% at 70 PL with
at the 50 power level from 66.68% to 71%, with 1 to 2 minutes, and 70.00% at 90 PL with 1 minute.
2 minutes of exposure time. As exposure time increases
from 2 to 3 minutes, the average dehulling yield decreases It readily disintegrates grains into powder during the
up to 68.00%. At 70 PL, the dehulling yield increases from dehulling process, allowing for a decrease in dehulling
yield at the maximum limits. The temperature of the
Table 2: Result of microwave exposure on the average grains reaches its maximum value at increasing microwave
dehulling yield power and exposure duration levels. This increase in
Microwave Microwave exposure Average dehulling
power level (PL) time (minutes) yield (%)
dehulling yield at lower power levels may result from the
50 1 66.68
pre-treatment outcome, which causes the grains to heat
1.5 66.02 up and the seed coat connections to break, allowing for
2 71.02 simple grain splitting and seed coat removal. The average
2.5 68.18 dehulling yield of chickpea at different power levels with
3 68.00 different exposure times is exposed in the table 2
70 1 67.94
1.5 68.97 Dhal yield
2 69.47 The Dhal yield was documented for each microwave power
2.5 68.46 level, i.e., 50 PL, 70 PL, and 90 PL for each microwave
3 69.48
90 1 70 Table 3: Result of microwave exposure on the average dhal
1.5 68.71 yield
2 68.97 Microwave Microwave exposure Average dhal
2.5 69.74 power level (PL) time (minutes) yield (%)
3 68.84 50 1 60.73
1.5 61.91
2 66.40
72 2.5 60.18
1.0 min 1.5 min 2.0 min 2.5 min 3.0 min
71 3 59.24
70 70 1 62.03
Average dehulling yield

69 1.5 64.35
2 63.52
2.5 61.00
3 61.02
90 1 65.38
1.5 62.81
2 63.33
63 2.5 63.2
50 PL 70 PL 90 PL
Microwave Power 3 61.66

Fig 1. Result of microwave parameters on dehulling yield of chickpea

1.0 min 1.5 min 2.0 min 2.5 min 3.0 min
68 1.0 min 1.5 min 2.0 min 2.5 min 3.0 min
Average dehulling loss

64 15
Dhal yield

54 0
50 PL 70 PL 90 PL 50 PL 70 PL 90 PL
Microwave power Microwave power

Fig 2. Result of microwave parameters on dhal yield of chickpea Fig 3. Result of microwave parameters on the dehulling loss of chickpea

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exposure time varying from 1 to 3 minutes at an interval of from the recorded data that the dehulling loss varies from
30 seconds, given in Table 3. After analysis, it was observed 11.51% to 20.74% at 50 PL, 12.04% to 13.07% at 70 PL,
that dhal yield varied from 59.24% to 66.40 % at 50 PL, and 10.25 to 12.04 at 90 PL. The variation dehulling loss
61.66% to 64.35% at 70 PL, and 61.66% to 65.38% with for each microwave power level and exposure time is given
given exposure time from 1 to 3 minutes. The difference in Fig. 3. Moreover, it was observed that the dehulling
in dhal yield for each microwave power level and exposure loss decreases from 20.765 to 10.25% with a rise in power
time has been revealed in Fig 2. It can be shown from the level and exposure time. It has been seen that dehulling
figure that dhal yield does not rise linearly with an increase loss decreases with improved exposure time for a constant
in power level range. It was observed from the figure that microwave power. The Maximum and minimum dehulling
the Dhal yield at 50 PL first increases from 60.73% to loss obtained was 20.78% at 50 PL and 10.25% at 90 PL
66.40% with an exposure time of 1 to 2 minutes. with 1 and 3 minutes exposure time, respectively.
Further, it decreases from 66.48% to 59.24% as exposure time As the heat impact rises with increasing power and exposure
increases from 2 to 3 minutes. Similarly, at 70 PL dhal yield duration, the strength of the connection between the seed
increases from 62.03% to 64.35%, and further, it decreases coat and cotyledon weakens, reducing the energy required
from 64.35% to 61.02% with exposure time for 1.5 to to break the grains and thereby reducing dehulling loss.
3 minutes. However, at 90 PL, it was observed that the dhal Grain that has been overheated removes seed coats easily
yield decreases linearly from 65.38% to 61.66%, with increases and allows more dehulling time to remove the cotyledon
in exposure time from 1 to 3 minutes. The maximum dhal altogether. The average dehulling loss of chickpea at
yield obtained for different power levels with different
different power levels with different exposure times is
exposure times was 66.40% at 50 PL with 1.5 minutes, 64.35
shown in the Table 4.
at 70 PL with 1.5 minutes, and the last one is 65.38% at 90 PL
with an exposure time of 2 minutes. This large yield of dhal
may be attributed to its pre-treatment action, which reduces CONCLUSIONS
the moisture content, thus disrupting the coat-cotyledon
connection. A slight reduction in yield is seen at the higher The dehulling yield improved first with a rise in the power
power and exposer time; this may be due to grain overheating, level range. Then it decreases for all power levels. It varied
which results in grain splitting and powdering, decreasing from 66.02% to 71.02% at 50 PL, 67.94% to 69.48% at 70
the yield at the higher power and exposer time. The average PL and 68.84% to 70% at 90 PL during exposure time from
dhal yield of chickpea at different power levels with different 1 to 3 minutes. Dehulling yield increases with increasing the
exposure times is shown in Table 3 above. exposure time of microwave radiation from 1 minute to
2 minutes at the same power level. Further, it decreases with
Dehulling loss increasing exposure time up to 3 minutes due to grain cooking
The Dehulling loss for a chickpea was observed for each beyond this. The maximum dehulling yield was found was
microwave power level and for each exposure time varying 71.02% at 50 PL with 2 minutes exposure time. Dhal yield
from 1 to 3 minutes and shown in Table 4. It was observed improved with a rise in the power level range. It varied from
Table 4: Result of microwave exposure on the average 59.24% to 66.40% at 50 PL, 61.00% to 64.35% at 70 PL and
dehulling loss 61.66% to 65.38% during exposure time from 1 to 3 minutes.
Microwave Microwave exposure Average dehulling Dhal yield increases first with increasing the exposure time of
power level (PL) time (minutes) loss (%)
microwave radiation from 1 minute to 2 minutes at the same
50 1 20.76
1.5 14.35
power level. Further, it decreases with increasing exposure
2 12.55 time up to 3 minutes due to grain cooking. The maximum
2.5 11.51 dhal yield was obtained was 66.40% at 50 PL with 2 minutes
3 13.07 exposure time. Dehulling loss decreases with increased power
70 1 12.04 level and exposure time. The dehulling loss varied from
1.5 12.04 11.51% to 20.76% at 50 PL, 12.04% to 13.07% at 70 PL,
2 13.07 and 10.25% to 12.04%, increasing exposure time from 1 to
2.5 12.81
3 minutes. The minimum dehulling loss was obtained was
3 12.81
10.25% at 90 PL with 3 minutes exposure time.
90 1 11.27
1.5 11.26
2.5 11.66
3 10.25
The authors do not have conflicts of interest.
970 Emir. J. Food Agric  ●  Vol 33  ●  Issue 11  ●  2021
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corrected the manuscript, and contributed to statistical Singh, K. K. and K. M. Sahay. 1994. Second Revised and Enlarged
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Emir. J. Food Agric  ●  Vol 33  ●  Issue 11  ●  2021 971

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