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Vikrant Kumar
Shri Ram College Muzaffarnagar
All content following this page was uploaded by Vikrant Kumar on 12 October 2018.
E-ISSN: 2278-4136
P-ISSN: 2349-8234 “Process of paddy parboiling and their effects on rice”
JPP 2018; SP1: 1727-1734
A Review
Vikrant kumar
Department of Agricultural
Engineering SVPUAT, Meerut Vikrant kumar, Jaivir singh, Neelash Chauhan, Suresh Chandra, Vivak
(UP), India
Kumar and MK Yadav
Jaivir singh
Department of Agricultural Abstract
Engineering SVPUAT, Meerut Parboiling of paddy is also done in three steps, Soaking, Steaming and Drying. Soaking means paddy is
(UP), India
penetrates in to water. In heating the energy weakens the granules structure and more surfaces become
available for water absorption. Parboiled paddy may be dried by traditional and modern methods. In to
Neelash Chauhan
Department of Agricultural the traditional method we are use the sun light with hot air. This is the longer dried method but gives very
Engineering SVPUAT, Meerut good milling qualities. While the modern dried methods to take the minimum time for drying. Parboiling
(UP), India is a well-developed pre-milling treatment to achieve the maximum recovery of total head rice in rice
milling and to minimize the breakage. Parboiling treatment was first developed in some Asian countries
Suresh Chandra for the purpose of reduce the milling losses. The main objective the parboiling to increase the total and
Department of Agricultural head rice yield of paddy, to prevents the loss of nutrients during milling. Parboiling of paddy is effected
Engineering SVPUAT, Meerut the nutritional quality of rice and cooking qualities of rice. Parboiled rice takes longer cooking time for
(UP), India required softness. Parboiled rice needs the double time than row rice to attain same level of softness in
cooking. The parboiled rice contains less starch and more oil than row rice bran.
Vivak Kumar
Department of Agricultural Keywords: Paddy, Hot water, Sun light, Hot air, Drier, soaking tank
Engineering SVPUAT, Meerut
(UP), India
MK Yadav Rice (Oryza sativa L.), which is considered as a main staple food and major source of nutrients
Department of Agricultural in many parts of the world, is also an important staple food in India. Despite the fact that the
Engineering SVPUAT, Meerut qualities desired in rice vary from one geographical region to another, the demand for
(UP), India
parboiled brown rice has been increasing because of its reputation for nutritional excellence
and the health claims associated with eating this type of rice.
Parboiling is the hydrothermal treatment of paddy before milling and it includes soaking,
steaming and drying. The primary objective of parboiling is to improve the quality of rice and
obtain a higher milling yield. The parboiled rice exhibits several advantages over the un-
parboiled ones such as improved kernel strengthening, increased milling recovery and
prevention of loss of nutrients associated with milling, and improved shelf life. It is suggested
that parboiling helps fill the void spaces and cement the cracks inside the endosperm, making
the grain harder and minimizing internal fissuring and thereby breakages during milling. From
the economic point of view, the quality of milled rice is of paramount importance since grain
size and shape, whiteness and cleanliness are strongly correlated with the transaction price of
rice, while the presence of broken grains mostly half the market value of head rice. In general,
efficient mills produce better quality rice, whereas inefficient mills waste energy, and result in
losses. To improve the quality of rice two main factors have to be considered: one, the quality
of paddy that goes in for milling; and two, the milling technique; although Bhattacharya has
argued that the ultimate cause of breakage in rice milling resides more in the rice kernel than
in the milling methods and equipment. Since the percentage of whole grain is the most
important parameter in the rice industry, rice processing, therefore, becomes an important
factor to be put into consideration in order to improve its quality. To meet this gap in the case
of Gibeon rice, which has been less researched in this area, this paper investigates the optimum
moisture content and parboiling time for milling Gibeon rice as precursors for improving its
quality. This paper argues that the breakage experienced while milling can be attributed to
parboiling time and paddy moisture content.
Parboiling is a process developed for improving rice quality. It consists of soaking, steaming
and drying of the rough rice. The major reasons for parboiling rice include higher milling
Vikrant kumar
yields, higher nutritional value and resistance to spoilage by insects and mold (Elbert et al.,
Department of Agricultural 2000; Bhattacharya, 1985). The parboiling process is applied to rice with a preliminary
Engineering SVPUAT, Meerut objective of hardening the kernel in order to maximize head rice yield in milling. Besides
(UP), India milling yield, it was also the realization of the nutritional and health benefits of parboiled
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Journal of Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry
brown rice (Larsen, 2000) compared to raw brown rice that traditional and modern methods. In the improved
created the awareness and importance of parboiling among methodology, pre-soaking activities such as washing, de-
consumers and manufacturers. Several studies have reported stoning, separation of immature seed etc. are carried out.
on parboiling processes as reviewed by (Luh and Mickus, Soaking is done in warm water not boiling water. Also, little
1980). Traditionally, parboiling consists of steeping rough water is used at the steaming stage as compared to the high
rice in water at room temperature followed by steaming or volume of water used in traditional methodology that will
boiling at 100ºC and sun-drying. Recently, more sophisticated usually cooked the paddy at the end of process.
procedures such as1 dry-heat parboiling and pressure
parboiling have been applied (Bello et al., 2004). Parboiling Flow chart of paddy parboiled rice
with gelatinizing of rice starch and elimination and filing rice
seed chaps, results in improved resistance of seeds against
exerted tensions during paddy threshing operations. Also,
nick percentage is reduced significantly, operation percentage
increases and because of leakage and penetration of bran into
the rice seed, bran percentage is reduced significantly and
crust percentage is reduced slightly to, which justifies
operation percentage improvement (Kshirod et al., 1966).
This indigenous technique is done to have easy milling as
well as reduce breakages during milling. The processes
involve soaking the paddy in hot water usually between 10 to
24 hours in order to saturate the paddy with moisture. The
soaked paddy is then steam heated till they gelatinized. They
are then dried and milled. Paddy rice parboiling process is an
old practice done several years ago. More than 1000 years ago
parboiling was done in simple clay pots to improve ―shelf
life‖ and resistance against insects (Joachim, 2011). The
treatment is practiced in many parts of the world such as
India, Bangladesh, Pakistan, Myanmar, Malaysia, Sri Lanka,
Guinea, South Africa, Italy, Spain, Thailand, Switzerland,
USA and France (Pillaiyar, 1981). West Africa and the
Caribbean African diasporas are also accustomed to
parboiling rice. Parboiled rice has cross culture relevance and Procedures and processes of parboiling paddy rice
is accepted by a number of tribes (Joachim, 2011). In India The observed unit operations involved in paddy rice
and Paskistan it’s noted for its good storage properties and parboiling processes includes.
special taste. The steeped rice at 100°C to gelatinize the
starch. The grain expands until the hull's lemma and palea Sieving: This is done if there are broken grains in the paddy.
start to separate (Gariboldi, 1984). The parboiled rice is then A wire netting is used to sieve to separate the broken kennels
cooled and sun-dried before storage or milling. The degree of so that they will not get cooked and stick the content together
starch gelatinization is responsible for many of the attributes during parboiling. Thick viscous liquid arising from cooked
of parboiled rice (Marshall et al., 1993). During the process of broken-kernels usually stack the paddy together and hampers
gelatinization, alpha-amylose molecules leach out of the effective speedy drying. This could lead to fungal growth and
micellar network and diffuse into the surrounding aqueous spoilage of the rice if care is not taken.
medium outside the granules (Hermansson and Svegmark,
1996). The granules become fully hydrated, producing a Washing, Floatation and Sedimentation: The paddy is
maximum in the measured viscosity (Eliasson, 1986; Helbig submerged in water and stirred vigorously for the soil and
et al., 2008). The starches in parboiled rice become other dirt to dissolve out. The lighter debris float whiles the
gelatinized, and then retrograded after cooling. The parboiled heavier materials settle at the bottom. The floating debris
rice kernels should be translucent when wholly gelatinized. (dead insect parts, weeds, unfilled seeds etc) are skimmed off
Retro gradation is where amylose molecules re-associate with while the paddy rice is scooped out leaving heavier materials
each other and form a tightly packed structure. (sand, stones, pieces of metals etc.) at the bottom and poured
away. Washing is done twice or thrice depending on the
Methods of parboiling paddy rice extent of dirt in rice. Scientifically, the washing removes dirt,
The survey showed that the processes of parboiling have been debris and fungal toxin found in the rice.
categorized into three forms. These were the traditional
methodology, improved methodology and modern Boiling: The washed paddy is then submerged in water on a
methodology of which the first two are practiced in Ghana. pot and partially boiled to a warm temperature of 35 to 40oC.
The traditional methodology uses simple tools like earthen or This enhances uptake of water by the paddy, and also
metal cooking pots and a nearby stream or dam serves as deactivates certain enzymes activities. Some microbes and
source of water. The paddy is not cleaned before soaking and their cellular products could be killed or inactivated at this
the intensity of heat supply was high Also the volume of temperature.
water used at soaking and steaming stage is the same. The
modern parboiling method employ sophisticated tools like Soaking: The paddy rice is left to stay in the warm water
tanks, electric heaters, steam pipes etc and state of the art overnight (10-24 hours) for the paddy to imbibed water and
equipment to do the soaking, steaming and drying processes. become moisture saturated. The scientific principles here are
The improved methodology is a combination in bits of the enzymes activation. A conducive environment is created after
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content is cooled down for enzymes and pigments inability to figure out the scientific principles and advantages
transformation. Toxins are diluted and microbial pathogens behind parboiling like inactivation or killing of microbes, and
may be inactivated or removed at such high moisture level. dilution of possible poisons. Since it takes academic
The saturated grains expand and fill the hull’s lemma making knowledge at a certain level to comprehend nutritional
it lose in the process. characteristics of food, especially vitamins, the low level of
formal education among the processors, would surely have an
Steaming: The soaked paddy is then steamed in a pot with effect on nutritional issues on their product. Though not
little water lining the pot. The high moisture content in the mentioned, nutritional improvement, especially vitamin B1
grain is used to gelatinize the starch during the steaming (thiamine) enrichment might be one of the important
process. The steam is made to reach all sections of the pot by advantages of parboiling process. In 2001, Otegbayo et al
covering with jute sacks and polythene sheets. The covering studied the effect of parboiling on physico-chemical qualities
prevents the steam from escaping easily thereby creating a of two local rice varieties in Nigeria. According to Ibukun,
partial pressure over the content that aid in inward movement (2008) their results indicated that parboiling reduced the
of molecules in each gelatinous kernel. When paddy begins to breakages, fat, protein and amylose content of the rice while
crack open their husks and there is steam vapor arising all the water uptake and thiamine contents were increased. Also
over pot it is an indication that steaming is enough. The heat the pre-treatments given to the rice before the parboiling
also evaporates extra moisture in the grain leaving process help remove factors that could antagonized the
concentrated nutrients in the kernel. The high temperature up nutritional qualities of the rice. Firstly, washing paddy rice in
to 80oC is able to inactivates or kill some microorganisms and water removes dirt, microbes and their toxins in the rice. The
degrade toxins and other poisonous substances present in the long hours of soaking in warm water do not only facilitate
rice. Physico-chemical reaction processes e.g. gelatinization, water absorption but also further reduces the substances like
starch retrograding, pigment transformations, enzymes afflatoxins that are in the rice during storage (old stock). This
deactivations etc. are all facilitated by the pressurized is because the absorption of water to a saturation point would
steaming process. This brings about improved flavor, color- dilute and reduces the concentration of toxic substances in the
change and cooking characteristics of the rice. rice. The soaking might also cause certain enzymes or
pigments transformation and their movement inwards to the
Drying: The steamed paddy is spread out quickly at an airy endosperm. The steaming to a temperature of 80 oC supplies
place to dry. Excessive sunshine is avoided otherwise non- heat enough to kill pathogens still found in the rice. The
uniform drying of kernel which results in breakage during activity of pressurized steaming enabled vitamins notably
milling. Other scientific advantages of the drying processes thiamine to move inward onto the endosperm. It further
could be the art of drying evaporate the moisture and this deactivates enzymes and make available substances like
concentrates solutes in the kernel drying will also stop vitamins that otherwise could have been inaccessible. The
microbial pathogens from developing on steamed paddy. It transformation and concentration of enzymes and pigments
compresses the gelatinous amylase starch together in a could be the reason why parboiled products such as millet,
compact mass and delocalizes it from the husk making de- groundnuts, rice etc tastes better than non-parboiled ones. In
husking (milling) easier. rice parboiling the important nutritional and physiological
change is the active movement of soluble molecules. Much of
Milling: The dried paddy is milled using a milling machine the rice nutrients are concentrated at the embryo (the germ)
or, at the local level is pounded using mortar and pestle to and during the steaming process, the partial pressure created
separate the kennels from the husk. This process also has the by covering directs solutes movement inwards onto the
ability to removes pathogens and other dirt’s that stick to the endosperm through the aleuronic layer that surrounds the
hulls. endosperm. Other advantages are easy milling of parboiled
paddy rice because the amylase starches retrograde and stack
Winnowing: Winnowing is done either mechanically or together in a compact manner that pulls away from the husk
manually. Where milling is done manually using mortar and when dried. This makes the kernel becomes somewhat
pestle to pound the paddy rice, the rice is winnowed to delocalized and now moves freely inside the husk. This makes
separate the husks and foreign materials away. Winnowing it easier for husk to be removed when milled or pounded on
help to removes dirt, dead insects, and other impurities still mortar and pestle. Since the point of attachment between the
present in the rice. husk and the endosperm is also loosened, the husks can easily
get removed without breaking off the germ. Non-parboil rice
Sorting/Grading: Commercial parboiling groups go further has it husk intimately attached to the embryo where all the
to do handpicking of discolored rice and foreign materials nutrients are concentrated. Forceful removals of the husk will
before sorting in to grades (grade 1, 2 and 3) as, very few, few usually breaking away the germ with the husk, thereby losing
and many broken grains respectively). all the vital nutrients, including thiamine. And such rice will
certainly not taste the same as rice that retains its germ or
embryo after parboiling. Thus the process of parboiling
Scientific principles (reasons) behind parboiling. inadvertently cures nutrient deficient-diseases or has the
Apart from the above reasons, processors could not give other ability to supply certain nutrients that otherwise could have
scientific benefits of parboiling. Even nutritional lost to consumers. A number of NGOs and some government
improvement, a common idea as far as food processing is agencies have begun training women to improve their
concern was not mentioned because they cannot get the parboiling activities. Their efforts all along have been on how
synergy between parboiling and nutrition let alone movement to improve head rice yield (HRY) and eliminate stones in the
of water soluble vitamins in rice. This could be traced to the rice in order to get good market but not the nutritional aspect.
low level of formal education of processors hence their
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Steps in the rice parboiling process using the improved little water lining the pot. The high moisture content in the
equipment Principles of paddy parboiling: grain is used to gelatinize the starch during the steaming
Step-1: Washing process. The steam is made to reach all sections of the pot by
Paddy is washed clean in a basin containing a large quantity covering with jute sacks and polythene sheets. The covering
of water (about 3 liters of water for 1 kg of paddy rice). This prevents the steam from escaping easily thereby creating a
washing makes it possible to remove all types of dirt or partial pressure over the content that aid in inward movement
residues from the paddy (sand particles, grass, etc.) as well as of molecules in each gelatinous kernel. When paddy begins to
unripe grains. These unripe grains, which float at the surface crack open their husks and there is steam vapor arising all
during washing, are collected using a small basket or a sieve. over pot it is an indication that steaming is enough. The heat
Sand found at the bottom of the basin is discarded after also evaporates extra moisture in the grain leaving
carefully retrieving the clean paddy. Depending on the concentrated nutrients in the kernel. The high temperature up
amount of dirt it contains, paddy can be washed 2 to 4 times. to 80oC is able to inactivates or kill some microorganisms and
degrade toxins and other poisonous substances present in the
Step-2: Soaking in hot water; rice. Physico-chemical reaction processes e.g. gelatinization,
After draining, the paddy is poured in a cast aluminums pot starch retrograding, pigment transformations, enzymes
containing clean water. This water should be floating above deactivations etc. are all facilitated by the pressurized
the product. The solution is then put on a fire and left until steaming process. This brings about improved flavor, color
temperature reaches approximately 60°c. At this temperature, change and cooking characteristics of the rice.
the women processor can hardly dip her fingers in the water
as it is very hot. This marks the end of the heating process. Drying: The steamed paddy is spread out quickly at an airy
This single operation, during which the paddy is occasionally place to dry. Excessive sunshine is avoided otherwise non-
stirred, will generally last 20 to 40 minutes for a quantity of uniform drying of kernel which results in breakage during
about 25 kg of paddy. After heating, the paddy is removed milling. Other scientific advantages of the drying processes
from the fire, then left to cool down overnight, i.e. roughly for could be the art of drying evaporate the moisture and this
12 hours. concentrates solutes in the kernel ii) drying will also stop
microbial pathogens from developing on steamed paddy. It
Step-3: Pre-cooking the paddy with steam compresses the gelatinous amylase starch together in a
The drip-dry paddy is poured in the steaming pan which has compact mass and delocalizes it from the husk making de-
been inserted into a pot containing clean water (about 10 husking (milling) easier.
liters). Indeed, water contained in the pot should not touch the
bottom of the pan so that the product will not be wet. The Methods of parboiling and Effect of parboiling on milling
water is heated to its boiling point and the vapour generated quality;
passes through the holes in the pan to pre-cook the paddy rice. The method of parboiling may be classified as follows;
This process will end when it is observed that the husks of Traditional method;by
some paddy grains have burst or a heavy sound is heard when 1. Single boiling
tapping the grains using the palm of one’s hand. Duration of 2. Double boiling
this process is about 13 minutes for 24 kg of paddy.
Modern methods
Step-4: Drying the Paddy 1. CFTRI method (India)
Steamed paddy is first dried in the sun for about 1 hour 30 2. Jadavpur university method (India)
minutes, then collected and dried in the shade for the 3. Avorio process (India)
remaining period, which can last for about 16 hours before 4. Converted process (India)
hulling takes place. For both purposes, paddy should be 5. Malek process (America)
properly spread on tarpaulin, canvass or drying areas. Drying 6. Cristallow process (Italian)
the paddy in the sun then in the shade will reduce water 7. Fernandes process (Surinam)
content of the paddy to about 21% and 10% respectively. 8. Schule process (German)
According to the women involved in this process, the end of 9. Rice growers association of California process (America)
the period of drying in the shade can be determined when the
husk can be easily removed by rubbing the paddy between the Methods under investigation;
palms of both hands; this signals the end of the entire paddy 1. Brine solution method (India)
rice parboiling process and hulling of the paddy can then start 2. Kisan continuous method (India)
or paddy can be stored. 3. Pressure parboiling method (India)
4. RPEC method (India)
Principles of paddy parboiling 5. Sodium chromate method (India)
Soaking: The paddy rice is left to stay in the warm water 6. Parboiling with heated sand method (philipines)
overnight (10-24 hours) for the paddy to imbibed water and
become moisture saturated. The scientific principles here are Traditional method
enzymes activation. A conducive environment is created after The traditional process consists of soaking paddy in water at
content is cooled down for enzymes and pigments room temperature for 24-48 hr. or more steaming in kettles
transformation. Toxins are diluted and microbial pathogens under atmospheric pressure and drying under sun light.
may be inactivated or removed at such high moisture level. In a single boiling method paddy is soaked in ordinary water
The saturated grains expand and fill the hull’s lemma making for 24-72hr. and then steamed. In double boiling method
it lose in the process. steam is first injected in to row paddy in the steaming kettle
before soaking. Hot paddy raises the temperature of soaking
Steaming: The soaked paddy is then steamed in a pot with water to 45-50 oC which helps to reduce the soaking time to
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24hr. there after soaked paddy is steamed sometimes, the 7. Fernandez process; The process used extensively in
soaking water is heated to about 50oC than the row paddy is Latin America is similar to hot soaking methods.
put in to it and in this case first steaming is not required.
Advantages, disadvantages, changes of parboiling and
Modern method some definitions;
1. CFTRI method; In this process, parboiling tanks are The milling yield increase and the quality is increased as
filled with clean water and heated to a temperature of there are fever broken grains.
about 85oC by passing steam through the coils placed The grain structure becomes compact and vitreous, even
inside the tank. Sometimes hot water is pumped from if some kernels were entirely or partially chalky.
other sources into parboiling tanks. The resultant The milled rice becomes translucent and shining.
temperature of paddy water mixture in tank stays around The shelf life of parboiled paddy and milled parboiled
70oC. After soaking paddy for 3 to 3.5 hrs, water is rice is longer than in the row state, as germination is no
drained out. The water discharge value is kept open in longer possible and the kernel become hard enough to
order to remove condensed water during steaming. resist the attack by insects and to adsorption of
Soaked paddy is exposed to steam at a pressure of about atmospheric moisture.
kg/cm2 through the open steam coils. Soaking and The grain remains firmer during cooking and less likely
steaming of paddy are done in same. The parboiled paddy to become sticky.
is taken out by opening the bottom door and dried either It reduces the breakage rate during the hulling process.
under sun or by mechanical drier.
It makes for improved yield.
It helps to reduce losses of nutritive elements during the
2. Jadaopur University method; All the operations of this
process of hulling and cooking the rice.
method is fully automatic and average processing time is
Through the parboiling process, the rice undergoes
five to six hours. Soaking of paddy is completed in high
chemical, physical and sensory changes as follows:
temperature water (60-70oC) within 1-03 hours, while the
steaming time is limited to 3.5 minutes. After steaming A greater amount of water is absorbed during cooking
and before drying, the paddy is rapidly cooled. Drying causing the rice to swell.
taken place in a rotary steam jacketed high temperature After cooking the rice absorbs less fat from added
Air dryer. In this process two different may be applied condiments, the rice keeps longer and does not become
with the first, the soaking and steaming take place in the rancid easily.
same tank, where as in the second, these two operations Parboiled rice retains more proteins, vitamins and
are performed separately in a horizontal apparatus. In minerals.
both the cases saturated steam is used. The steamed Shelling of parboiled paddy is easier.
paddy is rapidly cooled in a drought of cold air. Parboiled rice is more digestible and less solids are left
behind in the cooking water.
3. Pressure parboiling method; This method of parboiling Bran of parboiled rice has more oil.
was developed at Tiruvarur in Tamil Nadu. The
parboiling is achieved by penetration of moisture into the Disadvantages of parboiling;
paddy in the form of water vapour under pressure. This The heat treatment during parboiling destroys some
results in gelatinization of starch of the kernel. The paddy natural antioxidants, hence rancidity developed in
is soaked for 40 minutes at 85-90 oC. There after it is parboiled rice during storage is more than that in row
steamed under pressure for 18 minute. The water vapor rice.
which penetrates the kernel drives out entrapped air. It is Parboiled rice takes more time to cook than row rice and
reported that the whole process is completed in 1 to 1.5 may have characteristics off flavor which may not be
hrs. the rice obtained by this method has a slightly liked by row rice eaters.
yellowish uniform color. Reduced soaking period of Parboiling process needs extra capital investment.
paddy is the main advantage of this method. It was also Parboiling add to the cost of drying.
observed that such parboiled paddy has better shelling, As paddy is soaked for a longer time during parboiling, it
has more fat in bran and increased storage life of rice may be attacked by spores which may cause health
grain. hazard.
More power is required for polishing of parboiled rice,
4. Avorio process; Developed in Italy in the Avorio the process become difficult and lower the capacity of
process, paddy is kept in a perforated basket and moved polisher.
into a hot water tank for soaking, later steamed under
pressure in a rotating cylinder and dried in hot air driers. In spite of the above disadvantages 1 to 2% extra rice is
obtainable than row rice milling. In India if 50% of the paddy
5. Corversion process; the process was developed in the production is converted into parboiled rice, it is possible to
USA. In this paddy is soaked in cold water, air in the sore about more than 1000millions by virtue of extra rice and
soaked paddy is removed in vacuum, then steamed under it’s by product value.
pressure and dried in vacuum drier.
Effect of parboiling
6. Malek process; Another method developed in the USA, Chemical changes
which consists of soaking paddy at 100oF for 3 to 6
The water-soluble substances (vitamins and minerals) are
hours, steaming for 15 minutes and drying in hot air drier
dissolved and allowed to permeate the grains.
at low temperature.
The lipoid materials in the endosperm are dissolved.
The gelatinized starch appears like a compact and
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homogeneous mass. row rice has to be polished to 4% for same quantity of bran
Lipoid matter is separated and goes deeper into the removal.
compact mass of gelatinized starch.
Fat-soluble substances in the germ and the outer part of Some definitions about paddy
the endosperm are dissolved and disseminated in the Rough rice or paddy: Defined as rice in the husk after
grain. threshing.
Grain dimensions Under milled rice: Rice from which the husk germs and bran
layers have been partially removed by power machinery and
For each rice variety and processing method, 10 whole
is also known as unpolished rice.
grains were randomly selected from the milled rice, and
the length, width and thickness determined using a
micrometer screw gauge. This measurement and all Hand produced rice: Rice from which the husk, germ and
bran layers have been partially removed, without the use of
others relating to physical quality were carried out in
power machinery, also known as “home produced” or “hand
milled rice”.
All latent or active biological processes (germination,
proliferation of fungal spores, and development of insects
Parboiled rice: Rice, which has been specially processed by
at varying phases) are terminated.
steaming or soaking in water, heating usually by steam and
Level of impurities
drying. Parboiled paddy can be milled to various degrees or
A 20 g sample of milled rice was weighed. The head rice
home produced in the same way as ordinary paddy. It is called
and broken grains were removed. Foreign matter such as
as parboiled milled or parboiled hand pounded.
dead insects, pieces of wood, dust, stones and unshelled
paddy were then weighed.% Impurities = weight of
Raw milled: The paddy, which is milled not after giving heat
impurities x 100/20 g.
treatment, such as parboiling.
Sensory changes Coated rice: Defined as rice milled to a high degree and then
The most significant ones are as follows: coated with glucose on “Talcum”.
Cooked parboiled rice has better digestibility ratio by
reason of its texture and firm consistency. Whole grain: Refers to husked, milled or hand produced rice
After cooking, the grains are firmer and tend to be less which does not contain any broken grains smaller than 3/4 of
sticky. the size of the whole kernel.
Effect of parboiling on milling quality; Broken rice: Husked, milled or hand produced rice
In row rice milling several factors are responsible for consisting of broken grains of less than 3/4 th size of the whole
breakage of kernel cracking of kernel is one of the main grain but not less than 1/4th.
factors for breakage. Cracks developed because of delayed
harvesting, threshing or rapid drying. In mature and chalky Fragmented rice: Small broken up to 1/4th size of the whole
machinery influence milling out turn and quality. Rice grain.
breakage is related to milling conditions, particularly by the
relative humidity, temperature and extent of milling. During Husk: The by-product from the milling of rice consisting of
shelling or husking operation, breakage occurs. Parboiling of the outermost covering of the rice kernels.
paddy results in reduction of breakage imported to kernel
because of gelatinization of starch the cracks incomplete Bran: A by-product from the milling of rice consisting of the
grains filling and chalkiness are completely healed. The most outer layer of the kernels with part of germ.
advantages aspect of parboiling is the increase in the head
yield of rice during polishing, the polish percentage and Rice polishing: Now defined as the by-product from milling
breakage with time but parboiled rice takes longer times than rice, consisting of the inner bran layer of the kernel with part
row rice to attain same degree of polishing. Parboiled rice of the germ and a small percentage of the stone interior also
requires three to four times as much abrasive load as row rice known as rice meal or rice flour elsewhere.
for same level of polishing. As per liking for color of rice
need of polishing for parboiled rice less as compared to row Glutinous rice: A type of rice, which after cooking has a
rice for example if consumer needs 80% bran removal to peculiar sticky regardless of how it is cooked.
achieve this parboiled rice needs polishing of 3% where as
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Journal of Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry
Scented rice: A type of rice, which contains aroma and gives scientific and technology research. 2013; 2(4):12-18.
scented smell on cooking. 5. Kaddus MMA, Anwarul H, Douglass MP, Brian C.
Parboiling of rice. Part I: Effect of hot soaking time on
Rice flour: Ground polished rice which is mainly starch with quality of milled rice. International Journal of Food
very little gluten. Used in the same way as corn flour and for Science and Technology. 2002; 37:527-537.
noodles, sweets and short pastry. 6. Shabir AM, Bosco SJD. Effect of soaking temperature on
physical and functional properties of parboiled rice
Quick cooking rice: Rice that had been completely cooked cultivars grown in temperate region of India. Food and
then dehydrated. Nutrition Sciences. 2013; 4:282-288.
7. Joseph AA, Amikizunu J, Razak AA. Effects of varied
Head rice yield: Head rice yield is the weight percentage of parboiling conditions on proximate and mineral
rough rice that remains as whole rice (three-fourths kernel or composition of Jasmine-85 and Nerica-14 rice varieties in
greater) after complete milling. Ghana. International journal of food research. 2015; 2:1-
Milling yield/Total yield: Milling yield is the weight 8. Houssou AFP, Gankoue YB, Kabore A, Futakuchi K,
percentage of rough rice that remains as milled rice; i.e., the Traore K, Moreira J et al. Comparison of parboiled and
sum of head rice and "broken." white rice obtained from ten varieties cultivated in Benin.
International Food Research Journal. 2016; 23(6):2479-
Rice bran oil: It is the oil extracted from the germ and bran 2486.
of rice. 9. Fofana M, Wanvoeke J, Manful J, Futakuchi K, Van
Mele P, Zossou E et al. Effect of improved parboiling
Puffed rice: It is a type of puffed grain made from rice; methods on the physical and cooked grain characteristics
usually made by heating rice kernels under high pressure in of rice varieties in Benin. International Food Research
the presence of steam, though the method of manufacture Journal. 2011; 18:715-721
varies widely. 10. Supawan T, Oraporn B, Yutthana T. Study of drying
kinetics and qualities of two parboiled rice varieties, Hot
Popped rice: Raw rice is traditionally popped by heating air convection and infrared irradiation. Songklanakarin J
rough rice at higher temperatures about 240°C for up to 45 Sci. Technol. 2012; 34(5):557-568,
seconds. The hull contributes to pressure retention before 11. Sunil BW, Juniano OB. Laboratory parboiling procedures
popping. A good popping varieties have a tight hull and a and properties of parboiled rice from varieties differing in
significant clearance between hull and brown rice and when starch properties. Cereal chemistry. 1988; 65(5):417-423.
freshly harvested are free of grain fissures. 12. Oyedele OA, Adeoti O. Investigation into the optimum
moisture content and parboiling time for milling igbemo
Rice flakes: The production of rice flakes begins with rice. JRR, an open access journal. 2013; 1(1):1-3.
parboiling of rice which helps to soften the grain and prepare 13. Cherati FE, Soheila K, Shekofteh M, Razie D. Analysis
it for processing. Once the rice is tender, the cooked grains are and study of parboiling method and the following impact
rolled and flattened. After the mixture is the desired thickness, on waste reduction and operation increase of rice in
the flattened rice is allowed to dry completely. The dried paddy conversion phase. Research journal of applied
flakes are run through another rolling process to create simple sciences, engineering and technology. 2012; 4(16):2649-
flakes. 2652.
14. Ayamdoo JA, Demuyakor B, Dogbe W, Owusu R.
Conclusion parboiling of paddy rice, the science and perceptions of it
Soaking temperature is one of the most important as practiced in Northern Ghana. International journal of
processes of rice parboiling. scientific and technology research. 2013; 2(4):12-18.
They are unaware of the important health benefits that 15. Kaddus MMA, Anwarul H, Douglass MP, Brian C.
their practices bring to the public. Parboiling of rice. Part I: Effect of hot soaking time on
In this term minimizing the cost as well as improving the quality of milled rice. International Journal of Food
quality. Science and Technology. 2002; 37:527-537.
16. Shabir AM, Bosco SJD. Effect of soaking temperature on
References physical and functional properties of parboiled rice
1. Sunil BW, Juniano OB. Laboratory parboiling procedures cultivars grown in temperate region of india. Food and
and properties of parboiled rice from varieties differing in Nutrition Sciences. 2013; 4:282-288.
starch properties. Cereal chemistry 1988; 65(5):417-423. 17. Joseph AA, Amikizunu J, Razak AA. Effects of varied
2. Oyedele OA, Adeoti O. Investigation into the optimum parboiling conditions on proximate and mineral
moisture content and parboiling time for milling igbemo composition of Jasmine-85 and Nerica-14 rice varieties in
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4. Ayamdoo JA, Demuyakor B, Dogbe W, Owusu R. 19. Fofana M, Wanvoeke J, Manful J, Futakuchi K, Van
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as practiced in Northern Ghana. International journal of methods on the physical and cooked grain characteristics
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