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Physico-Chemical, Textural and Sensory Evaluation of Sponge Cake Supplemented With Pumpkin Flour

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International Food Research Journal 25(2): 854-860 (April 2018)

Journal homepage: http://www.ifrj.upm.edu.my

Physico-chemical, textural and sensory evaluation of sponge cake

supplemented with pumpkin flour

Hosseini Ghaboos, S. H., 2Seyedain Ardabili, S. M. and 3Kashaninejad, M.


Food Science and Technology Research Center of East Golestan, Azadshahr Branch, Islamic
Azad University, Azadshahr, Iran
Department of Food Science and Technology, Science and Research branch, Islamic Azad
University, Tehran, Iran
Faculty of Food Science, Gorgan University of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources,
Gorgan, Iran

Article history Abstract

Received: 20 October 2016 The pumpkins slices were dried in an infrared–hot air dryer (238 W, 65°C and 2 m/s flow
Received in revised form: rate) and dried samples were milled and passed through a 125 mesh sieve and used in sponge
16 January 2017 cake formulation. In this study, the physico-chemical, textural and sensory properties of
Accepted: 17 January 2017
sponge cake supplemented with five different levels of pumpkin powder (0, 5, 10, 15 and
20%) were evaluated. The β-carotene content of cake increased from 6.84 to 9.78 mgr/100gr
Keywords with increasing pumpkin powder levels from 0 to 20%. Increasing the level of substitution
from 0 to 20% pumpkin powder decreased the volume of cakes from 68.26 to 51.35 cm3.
β-carotene The density, ash, β-carotene and protein of baked cakes increased with increasing pumpkin
Infrared powder levels, whereas the moisture content and volume of samples showed a reverse trend.
Image processing Sensory evaluation results indicated that cake with 10% pumpkin powder was rated the most
Texture profile analysis
acceptable. The hardness, cohesiveness, gumminess and chewiness values were in the range of
603.79-864.54 g, 0.58-0.66, 359.87-521.16 g and 328.36-475.65 g, respectively. The sponge
cake with 10% pumpkin exhibited a color, with L*, a* and b* equal to 81.37, 312 and 70.91,
© All Rights Reserved

Introduction range of 40–60 ◦C and for solar drying experiments, a

solar tunnel dryer was constructed at a low cost with
The post harvest loss of fresh fruits and vegetables locally obtainable materials.
are estimated to be 20-30%. In order to prevent the Fruit fibre have better quality due to higher total
losses, there is a need to process the commodities and soluble fibre content, water and oil holding
into various value added products (Bhat and Bhat, capacity and colonic fermentability, as well as lower
2013). Pumpkin flesh (Cucurbita moschata) is a phytic acid content and caloric value (Sharoba et al.,
delicious and fully appreciated additive in a diversity 2013). Apart from their positive health benefit, they
of products for children and adults (Nawirska et al., also possess unique functional properties such as their
2009). In the fresh mass of the pumpkin fruit, total ability to hold a large amount of water (Puvanenthiran
carotenoid content, a major contributory factor in et al., 2014). Sharoba et al. (2013) studied feasibility
the high nutritional value of pumpkins, ranges from of using orange waste, carrot pomace, potato peels
2 to 10 mg/100 g, the content of vitamins C and E and green pea peels by-products from food industry,
accounting for 9–10 mg/100 g and 1.03–1.06 mg/100 as a starting raw material to produce dietary fiber
g, respectively (Terazawa et al., 2001; Nawirska et powders and the feasibility of producing cakes
al., 2009). Pumpkin fruit is also a valuable source of intended for people suffering from obesity or over
other vitamins, e.g., B6, K, thiamine, and riboflavin, weight and diabetes. The results showed that the fiber
as well as minerals, e.g., potassium, phosphorus, content of cake was increased with adding carrot
magnesium, iron and selenium. An experimental powder. Pumpkin has a vast scope for diversification
study was performed by Sacilik (2007) to determine and can be utilized in the production of processed
the drying characteristics of hull-less seed pumpkin products like jam, pickle, beverage, candy, bakery
using hot air, solar tunnel and open sun drying products and confectionary (Bhat and Bhat, 2013).
methods. For the hot air drying, the test samples were Preservation of pumpkins by drying is one of the best
dried in a laboratory scale hot air dryer at a constant options of overcoming seasonal variation. Different
air velocity of 0.8 m/s and air temperature in the drying methods of pumpkin such as solar, freeze,

*Corresponding author.
Email: HosseiniGhaboos@yahoo.com
855 Hosseini Ghaboos et al./IFRJ 25(2): 854-860

fluidized bed and hot air drying are practiced for The combination of infrared with hot air provides
pumpkin (Sojak, 1999; Alibas, 2007; Nawirska et al., the synergistic effect, resulting in an efficient drying
2009). One of the ways to shorten the drying time is process. Energy and quality aspects were studied
to supply heat by infrared radiation. Their efficiency during combined far infrared and convective drying
is between 80% and 90%, the emitted radiation is in of barley (Afzal et al., 1999). A laboratory scale batch
narrow wavelength range and they are miniaturized dryer was used for this purpose. The total energy
(Sandu, 1986; Sakai and Hanzawa, 1994). Advantages required for the combination mode drying reduced by
of infrared radiation over convective heating include nearly 245% when compared with hot air drying at
high heat transfer coefficients, short process times 70°C. Combined infrared-vacuum drying of pumpkin
and low energy costs. Comparison of infrared drying slices was studied by Hosseini Ghaboos et al. (2016).
with convective drying of apple showed that time With increasing in infrared radiation power from
of the process can be shortened by up to 50% when 204 to 272 W, β–carotene content of dried pumpkins
heating is done with infrared energy (Nowak and decreased from 30.04 to 24.55 mg/100g. The rise
Lewicki, 2004). in infrared power has a negative effect on the color
Infrared radiation has some advantages over changes (ΔE). The optimum condition was selected
convective heating. In spite of these advantages, as power of 238 W and 5 mm slice thickness due to
application of infrared energy in food processing short time, high β–carotene content and bright color
is rather scarce. It is used for heating and cooking of the dried sample.
soybeans, cereal grains, cocoa beans and nuts, ready- Since pumpkin is a valuable micronutrients
to-eat products, braising meat and frying (Ratti and source, dried pumpkin could be processed into flour
Mujumdar, 1995). Pan et al. (2008) used sequential for foods to increase fibers, vitamin A and mineral
infrared and freeze-drying (SIRFD) to produce high- contents. Pumpkin flour is used because of its highly-
quality dried fruits at reduced cost. The products desirable flavor, sweetness and deep yellow-orange
dried using SIRFD had better color, higher crispness, color (See et al., 2007). It has been reported to be
higher shrinkage but poor rehydration propensity used to supplement cereal flours in bakery products
compared to those produced by using regular freeze- like cakes, cookies, bread, for soups, sauces, instant
drying. Infrared drying was applied before or after noodle and spice as well as a natural coloring agent
freeze-drying of shiitake mushroom to shorten the in pasta and flour mixes (Ptitchkina et al., 1998; See
drying time, to enhance the rehydration, and to better et al., 2007). Infrared-hot air method, when properly
preserve the aroma compounds and color by Wang et applied, can be used for achieving a high-quality
al. (2015). The results showed that the combination product. Therefore, the aim of this study was to
of freeze-drying (for 4h) followed by infrared drying determine the physico-chemical, textural and sensory
saves 48% time compared to freeze-drying while properties of sponge cake supplemented with five
keeping the product quality at an acceptable level. different levels (0, 5, 10, 15 and 20%) of pumpkin
The application of infrared drying also helps produce powder dried in an infrared–hot air dryer.
a more porous microstructure in dried shiitake
mushrooms. Materials and Methods
Ponkham et al. (2012) developed the mathematical
model of pineapple rings during combined far-infrared Infrared –hot air drying of pumpkin
radiation and air convection drying to investigate the Fresh pumpkins (Cucurbita moschata) were
evolutions of moisture content and qualities. The obtained from market. Slices of pumpkin with 5
diffusion coefficient was influenced by far-infrared mm thickness were prepared with the aid of a steel
radiation intensity and air temperature but was not cutter and were immediately placed into the dryer.
significantly influenced by air velocity. As expected The pumpkin slices were dried in an infrared –hot
at higher far-infrared intensity the higher heat air dryer (Infrared radiation lamp (NIR), Philips,
absorption resulted in higher product temperature, Germany) with 238 W power and 65°C with air at
higher mass transfer driving force, faster drying rate a velocity of 2 m/s (Hosseini Ghaboos et al., 2016).
and consequently lesser drying time. Hebbar et al. The dried samples were milled and passed through a
(2004) demonstrated that combination drying gave 125 mesh sieve. Then the milled powder was weighed
better results over infrared heating alone for drying and stored in an air-tight bottle till the experiments.
of carrots and potatoes. Moreover, infrared radiative
drying is able to give better qualities of product such Sponge cake preparation
as color, shrinkage, hardness, crispness, ascorbic The formulae of sponge cakes at five different
acid, and total phenol contents. pumpkin powder levels were shown in Table 1. The
Hosseini Ghaboos et al./IFRJ 25(2): 854-860 856

Table 1. Cake formula. β – Carotene content

One gram of cake was dried and then crushed
in 10-15 ml of acetone with the help of pestle and
mortar and few crystals of anhydrous sodium
sulphate were added. The supernatant was decanted
into a beaker. The process was repeated twice and
combined supernatant was transferred to a separating
funnel, then 10-15 ml of petroleum ether was added
and mixed thoroughly. Two layers separated out on
standing. The lower layer was discarded and upper
layer was collected in 100 ml volumetric flask. The
volume was made to 100 ml with petroleum ether
and optical density was recorded at 452 nm using
petroleum ether as blank (Bhat and Bhat, 2013).
The β-carotene was calculated using the following
ingredients used in the formula of sponge cakes were formula:
cake flour, sucrose, sunflower oil, fresh eggs, whey,
baking powder, vanilla, water and nonfat dry milk β-carotene (mg/100g)= Optical density of sample
powder. ×13.9×104×100
Sucrose and sunflower oil were poured into a Weight of sample×560×1000
bowl, and mixed for 4 min. Whole egg was added to (1)
the bowl, and then mixed for 2 min. The sifted cake Color measurement
flour, whey, baking powder, vanilla, water and nonfat The crumb colour determinations of cake samples
dry milk powder was gradually poured into a bowl, from the midsection of the cakes were measured
and mixed for 4 min. Water was added to the bowl, with a HP Scanner (Hp Scanjet G3110). Since the
and then mixed for 1 min (Salehi, Kashaninejad, computer vision system perceived color as RGB
Akbari et al., 2016; Salehi, Kashaninejad, Asadi et signals, which is device-dependent, the taken images
al., 2016). For each cake, 30 g of cake batter was were converted into L*a*b* units to ensure color
poured into a cake pan and baked at 195°C for 20 reproducibility (Salehi and Kashaninejad, 2015). In
min in a oven toaster (Noble, Model:KT-45XDRC). the L*a*b* space, the color perception is uniform,
The cakes were allowed to cool for 30 min, and then and therefore, the difference between two colors
were removed from the pans. The cooled cakes were corresponds approximately to the color difference
packed in polypropylene bags at room temperature perceived by the human eye. L* (lightness/darkness
before physico-chemical and sensory evaluation that ranges from 0 to 100), a*(redness/greenness that
analyses. The test sponge cake samples prepared with ranges from -120 to 120) and b* (yellowness/blueness
0% (control), 5%, 10%, 15 and 20% replacement of that ranges from -120 to 120) were measured (Salehi
cake flour with pumpkins powder. and Kashaninejad, 2014). In this study, the image
analyses of sponge cakes were performed using
Physico-chemical characteristics of cakes Image J software version 1.42e, USA.
The physico-chemical characteristics of cake
including moisture, protein, fat, carbohydrate and ash Textural properties of cakes
were measured. Moisture content of the samples was The texture profile analysis of sponge cake
determined in a oven at 105°C for 4 h (AOAC, method samples (2×2×2 cm) from the midsection of the cakes
no. 934.06). The nitrogen conversion factor used for were performed using a texture analyzer (TA-XT
crude protein calculation was 6.25. The carbohydrate Plus, Stable Micro Systems Ltd., Surrey, UK) with a
content (%) was calculated by subtracting the 36 mm diameter cylindrical probe, 50% compressing
contents of crude protein, fat, ash, and moisture and a test speed of 1.0 mm s−1 . The crust of cake
from 100% of cakes. The proximate compositions of samples was removed in cake texture determination.
sponge cakes were averaged from four replications. A double cycle was programmed and the texture
Results were expressed on a wet basis. The volume profile was determined using Texture Expert 1.05
and density of the sponge cake was determined by software (Stable Microsystems). Other parameters
the canola displacement method. The empty cake pan were defined as: pre-test speed 2.0 mm s−1, post-test
was filled with canola. The volume of sponge cake speed 2.0 mm s−1 and trigger force 5 g. The texture
was averaged from four replications. parameters recorded were hardness, cohesiveness,
857 Hosseini Ghaboos et al./IFRJ 25(2): 854-860

Table 2. Physico-chemical characteristics and crumb color of sponge cakes prepared with
pumpkin powder.

Means with different letter within columns are significantly different (P<0.05).

adhesiveness, springiness, resilience, gumminess,

and chewiness, and the texture parameter of cake was
averaged from 3 replications.

Sensory evaluation
The hedonic test was used to determine the degree
of overall liking for the sponge cakes. For this study,
trained consumers were recruited from the students,
staff and faculty at Gorgan University. All consumers
were interested volunteers and informed that they
would be evaluating sponge cakes. For the sponge
cake manufacturing study, 15 consumers received
five samples and were asked to rate them based on
Figure1. The β-carotene content of sponge cake prepared
degree of liking on a nine-point hedonic scale (1 = with pumpkin powder. Means with different letter within
dislike extremely, 5 = neither like nor dislike, 9 = columns are significantly different (P<0.05).
like extremely). Samples were placed on plates and
identified with random three-digit numbers. Panelists
evaluated the samples in a testing area and were and was in the range of 22.62-24.11%. The moisture
instructed to rinse their mouths with water between content of sponge cakes decreased significantly with
samples to minimize any residual effect. the increasing pumpkin powder level whereas the
protein and ash contents of cake showed a reverse
Statistical analysis trend. Increasing the level of substitution from 0
Each measurement was conducted in to 20% pumpkin powder increased the protein and
quadruplicate, except for the sensory evaluation ash content of cakes from 6.19 to 6.89% and 0.94 to
(n=15). The experimental data were subjected to 1.63%, respectively. The increase in protein and ash
an analysis of variance (ANOVA) for a completely content is because of higher protein and ash content
random design using a statistical analysis system in pumpkin powder.
(SAS 9.1 Institute, Inc.). Duncan’s multiple range A significant decrease in cake volume was noted
tests were used to determine the difference among with an increase in the pumpkin powder level. The
means at the level of 0.05. control sample had an average cake volume of 68.26
cm3, decreasing to 66.98, 63.08, 56.52 and 51.35
Results and Discussion cm3 for 5, 10, 15 and 20%, respectively. Masoodi et
al. (2002) reported that the cake volume decreased
Physico-chemical characteristics of cakes with increasing apple pomace levels. Increasing the
Bakery products like cakes, cookies, bread etc are pumpkin powder level from 0 to 20% increased the
very much liked by both young and old generation in density of cakes from 366 to 487 kg/m3. In addition,
rural and urban areas. So, an attempt was made to increasing the level of substitution from 0 to 20%
develop wholesome and nutritious cake by blending pumpkin powder increased the β-carotene content of
whole wheat flour and pumpkin, along with other cakes from 6.84 to 9.78 mg/100g (Figure 1).
ingredients. Changes in cake characteristics with The potential of carrot powder was evaluated
added pumpkin powder are shown in Table 2. The fat for production of fiber rich sponge cakes by Salehi,
content of sponge cakes was not significantly different Kashaninejad, Akbari et al. (2016). The density,
Hosseini Ghaboos et al./IFRJ 25(2): 854-860 858

Table 3. TPA parameters of sponge cakes prepared with pumpkin powder.

Means with different letter within columns are significantly different (P<0.05).

Table 4. Sensory evaluation of pumpkin sponge cakes.

Nine-point hedonic scale with 1, 5, and 9 representing extremely dislike, neither like nor
dislike, and extremely like, respectively. Means with different letter within columns are
significantly different (P<0.05).

ash, β-carotene and moisture content of baked cakes from 0 to 20% (Table 3). The hardness of cakes was
increased with increasing carrot powder levels from directly related to the density of the tested materials
0 to 30%, whereas the protein and carbohydrate (indirectly to its volume). The weight of samples was
content of samples showed a reverse trend. Sensory not significantly different among any of the cakes in
evaluation results indicated that cake with 10% carrot this study. Thus, the increase in hardness was mainly
powder was rated the most acceptable. Increasing the related to the volume of these cakes. Springiness
level of substitution from 0 to 30% carrot powder measures elasticity by determining the extent of
increased the β-carotene content of cakes from 4.98 recovery between the first and second compression.
to 19.94 mg/100g. The springiness values of sponge cake with pumpkin
were in the range of 0.87-0.92.
Color measurement Cohesiveness quantifies the internal resistance of
The results of color measurement of sponge food structure. Briefly, cohesiveness is the ability of a
cake supplemented with pumpkin powder dried in material to stick to itself. The cohesiveness values of
an infrared–hot air dryer are presented in table 2. sponge cake with pumpkin were in the range of 0.58-
The crumb colour of samples was affected by the 66. Gumminess is determined by hardness multiplied
replacement of cake flour with pumpkin powder. by cohesiveness. Chewiness is determined by
In general, as pumpkin powder level increased, the gumminess multiplied by springiness, and represents
crumb colour became darker. For crumb colour, as the amount of energy needed to disintegrate a food
the level of pumpkin powder increased, the L* value for swallowing. TPA results showed a increase in the
decreased but the a* and b* value increased, indicating cake gumminess and chewiness with increased level
that a darker, redder and yellow crumb was obtained of pumpkin powder from 0 to 20%. The gumminess
as a result of pumpkin powder substitution. The and chewiness values were in the range of 359.87-
sponge cake with 10% pumpkin exhibited a color, 521.16 g and 328.36-475.65 g, respectively.
with L*, a* and b* equal to 81.37, 312 and 70.91, Resilience is the ratio of recoverable energy as
respectively. the first compression is relieved. The results showed
not significantly different in the cake resilience
Textural properties of cakes values. Salehi, Kashaninejad, Asadi et al. (2016)
In texture profile analysis the hardness of improvement quality attributes of sponge cake using
samples measured showed that the cake became infrared dried button mushroom. TPA results showed
harder with increasing levels of pumpkin powder a decrease in the cake consistency with an increased
859 Hosseini Ghaboos et al./IFRJ 25(2): 854-860

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