BA 4201 QTDM Two Mark
BA 4201 QTDM Two Mark
BA 4201 QTDM Two Mark
OR tries to find optimal solution taking all the factors of the problem into
Bring a new field generally there is a resistance from the employees to the
new proposals.
Management who has to implement the advised proposals may itself offer a
lot of resistance due to conventional thinking.
If the number of variables in any linear programming problem is only two, one
can use graphical method to solve it.
Non –degenerate: all m basic variables are positive and remaining n variables
will be zero.
In the simplex method, if any of the basis variable has a value zero, then it is
termed degeneracy.
A set of variables [X1, X2,,… X n+m] is called a feasible solution to L.P problem
if it satisfies the constraints as well as non-negativity restrictions.
It is the basic feasible solution that also optimizes the objective function.
For every LPP there is a unique LPP associated with it involving the same data
and closely related optimal solution. / the original problem is then called the
primal problem while the other is called its dual problem.
Subject to m constraint
a11x1+a12x2+..+a1jxj+..+amxm (≥= ≤) b1
am1x1+am2x2+..+amjxj+..+amnxm (≥= ≤) bm
X1,X2,Xn≥ 0
1. What is a balanced transportation problem?
If the sum of the supplies of all the sources is equal to the sum of the demands
of all the destinations then the problem is termed as balanced transportation
If the total availability from all origins is not equal to the total demand of all
destinations, then it is called unbalanced transportation problem.
Any set of non negative allocation (Xij > 0) which satisfies the row and column
sum is called a feasible solution.
If the manger has to get the best out of the field staff should be allotted to
which territory in order to maximize the returns?
How to get the best schedule for inbound and outbound transport
combinations where the least crew layover time is an important decision
If the number of rows is not equal to the number of columns in the cost matrix
of the assignment problem or if the cost matrix of the given assignment
problem is not a square matrix then the given assignment problem is said to
be unbalanced.
I. Substract the smallest cost element of each row from all the elements in the
row of the given cost matrix see that each row contains atleast one zero.
II. Substract the smallest cost element of each column from all the elements in
the column of the resulting cost matrix obtained by step 1.
III. Assigning the zeros.
VI. Determine the smallest cost element not covered by the straight lines.
Substract this smallest cost element from all the uncovered elements and add
this to all those elements which are lying in the intersection of these straight
lines and do not change the remaining elements which lie on the straight lines.
If no.of rows>no.of columns, then add extra one column and set cost as (0), If
no.of columns>no.of rows, then add extra one row and set cost as (0), then the
unbalanced assignment problem is converted into balanced assignment
In other words any operator should be able to perform any job regardless of
his skills although the cost will be more if the job does not match with the
worker’s skill.
Given n facilities and n jobs and given the effectiveness of each facility for
each job, the problem is to assign each facility to one only job so as to
optimize the given measure of effectiveness.
Examples:products to factories ,jobs to machines.
Travelling Salesmen problem is that the salesman has to visit various cities,
not visiting twice to the same place and return to the starting place by
spending minimum transportation cost.
Travelling Salesmen problem is that the salesman has to visit various cities,
not visiting twice to the same place and return to the starting place by
spending minimum transportation cost.
If a player known exactly what the other player is going to do, a deterministic
situation is obtained and objective function is to maximize the gain. Therefore
the pure strategy is a decision rule always to select a particular course of
When maximin not equal to minimax, then pure strategy fails. Therefore each
player with certain probabilistic fixation. This type of strategy is called mixed
The gain resulting from a game is called payoff and when it is presented in the
form of a table it is called payoff matrix.
A strategy is called pure, if one knowns in advance of the play that it is certain
to be adopted irrespective of the strategy of the other may choose. The
optimal strategy mixture for each player may be determined by assigning to
each strategy its probability of being chosen. These strategies are called
mixed strategy.
A saddle point is apposition in the payoff matrix where the maximum of row
minima coincides with the minimum of column maxima.
A zero sum game is one in which the sum of payment to all the competitors is
zero for every possible outcome of the game is in a game if the sum of the
points won equals the sum of the points lost.
The difference between the greater payoff and the actual payoff is
The expected value with perfect information is the average return in the long
run, if we have perfect information before a decision is to be made.
13. What are the methods which are useful for decision making under
The replacement problems are concerned with the situations that arise when
some items such as men, machines, electric light bulbs etc need replacement
due to their decreased efficiency, failure or breakdown.
Preventive maintenance
Periodical inspection and service activities which are aimed to detect potential
failures and perform minor adjustments or repairs which will prevent major
operating problems in future.
Breakdown maintenance
It is the repair which is generally done after the equipment breaks down.
Under this policy, we take decisions as to when all the items must be placed,
irrespective of the fact that items have failed or have not failed, with the
provision that, if any items fails before the replacement time it may be
individually replaced.
ii)Replacement of items which do not deteriorate but fail after certain amount
of use.
a)Capital recovery cost (average first cost),computed from the first cost
(purchase price) of the asset.
b) Average operating and maintenance cost.
c) Total cost which is the sum of capital recovery cost and average operating
and maintenance cost.
1. Define ‘a queue’.
Balking: A condition in which a customer may leave the queue because the
queue is too long and he has no time to wait or there is insufficient waiting
Reneging: This occurs when a waiting customer leaves the queue due to
(i) The input process (arrival pattern) (ii) The service mechanism (service
pattern)(iii) The queue discipline (iv) Customer behaviour
c-number of service
(i) FIFO or FCFS - First In First Out or First Come First Served.
(ii) LIFO or LCFS - Last In First Out or Last Come First Served.
System consists of the arrival of customers, waiting in queue, and pick up for
service according to certain discipline, actual service and departure of
Random numbers are called pseudo-random numbers when they are generate
by some deterministic process and they qualify the predetermined statistical
test for randomness.