Wheat Straw: A Pragmatic Overview: November 2012
Wheat Straw: A Pragmatic Overview: November 2012
Wheat Straw: A Pragmatic Overview: November 2012
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All content following this page was uploaded by Tehmina Saleem Khan on 08 November 2017.
Abstract: Wheat Straw (WS) is the agricultural by-product obtained from different parts of wheat plant like stem,
leaves etc. The aim of the study is to highlight the important aspects and features of nutritional value of wheat straw
and to summarize the economical and commercial values of this treasure produced abundantly in Pakistan. WS is
rich in cellulosic fibers, hemicelluloses, proteins, lignin and ash. All these elements together make WS as most
important and balanced substrate for microbial cultures for its diverse applications in fermentation, food, feed,
medicine industries and in fields to increase soil fertility. In fermentation industry, WS can be used as a substrate for
the production of vast range of hydrolytic enzymes, medicines, biofuel and other metabolites. It is the cheapest or
low cost source of natural substrate.
Keywords: Agricultural by-products, biochar, bioremediation, chemical composition, fermentation, soil fertility
Corresponding Author: Tehmina Saleem Khan, Department of Biological Sciences, Forman Christian College (A Chartered
University), Ferozpur Road, Lahore 54600, Pakistan
Curr. Res. J. Biol. Sci., 4(6): 673-675, 2012
Table 1: Chemical composition of wheat straw (Ali et al., 1991; Bioremediation: Bioremediation has the potential to
Patterson, 1995; Yasin et al., 2010)
restore contaminated environments at no expense.
Components Percentage (%)
Dry matter 89 to 94 Treatment of wastewater through safer methods has
Metabolizable energy mcal/lb 0.67 always been the focus of environmentalists using
Crude protein 3.6 various microbial and plant species (Javed et al., 2012).
Acid detergent fibre 54 However, degradation of heavy metals has been a
Cellulose 33.7 to 40
Hemicellulose 21 to 26 question mark for human being. Wheat straw, an
Lignin 11 to 22.9 abundantly available source is reported for sorption of
Ash 7 to 9.9 heavy metals i.e., chromium. It is a very cheap and
Silica and silicates 4.5 to 5.5 flexible substrate for metal ions. Functional groups like
Calcium 0.18
Phosphorus 0.05 hydrolytic, carboxylic and phenolic groups in the
Relative feed value 60 lignin, cellulose and fatty acid units are ideal for ion
fixation (Dupont et al., 2003).
accurate composition of macro and micronutrients can
vary from cultivar to cultivar (Safdar et al., 2009), Soil fertility and organic content: Crops grow by
stages of plant growth, the nature of soil and fertilizer utilizing the minerals from soil. When crops are
to be used and climatic conditions (Yasin et al., 2010). harvested the minreal contents of the soil are also lost
The physical content revealed that parts of wheat plant and thus the supplementation of synthetic fertilizers is
like internodes (68.5%), leaf-sheath (20.3%), leaf-blade required. To provide a substitute for that organic wastes
(5.5%), nodes and fines (4.2%) and grains and debris or agricultural wastes can be added to soil to fulfill the
(1.5%) shows varied mass percentage of WS fractions demand of crops. Wheat straw a major staple crop is
(Mckean and Jacobs, 1997). harvested on a massive scale every year and the
residues are helpful in maintaining the soil fertility if
APPLICATIONS AND ROLE OF added as such or by mixing with the urea to balance the
WHEAT STRAW nitrogen content in the field (Murray and Bruehl, 1983).
Fermentation industry: Synthetis and expensive Medicinal value: Wheat straw has been reported to
substrates are being replaced by agro-industrial by- relief from condition of biliousness (Drankham et al.,
products for the production of a wide range of value 2003). It has been suggested that tooth disorders i.e.,
added biotechnological products (Pandey, 1992; Pyorrhea can be prevented and cured using wheat
Raimbault, 1998; Mojsov, 2010). Filamentous fungi straw. Chewing of wheat grass not only benefits by
can efficiently use these by-products (Pandey et al., exercising of teeth and gums but also assists in
1999; Singh et al., 2009; Mojsov, 2010). WS is an digestion. It acts as brilliant mouth wash especially for
efficient substrate due to its better air circulation, loose sore throat and pyorrhea as well as it keeps tooth from
study binding ability and efficient penetration by fungal decay and tooth aches. Moreover, it extracts out toxins
mycelium. It is the cheaper substrate so it is a cost from the gums and hence controls bacterial growth
effective substrate in fermentation industry. (Kumar et al., 2011). With dermatological context the
Extracellular hydrolytic enzymes are being produced ash of wheat straw has been reported to remove skin
using WS under Sub-merged Fermentation (SF) as well blemishes (Drankham et al., 2003).
as Solid-State Fermentation (SSF) systems. A large
number of secondary metabolites can also be obtained Making biochar: Charcoal produced by pyrolysis of
by fermentation of WS (Yasin et al., 2010). wood, straw, waste, etc. for capturing and storage of
carbon is known as biochar. Growing concern about
Study and pulp industry: Nonwood fibers containing green house gas emissions make it crucial to find ways
cellulose and hemicellulose have a long history as a raw of finding carbon sinks along with the control over its
material in study and pulp industry (Singh et al., 2009). discharge. Biochar is technically considered as most
Straw and grasses are thus being utilized in larger feasible way of creating carbon sink as well as for
amounts in this industry. Wheat straw can be easily improving soil structure to enhance the productivity of
pulped and bleached with about 40% yield and soils about 2-3 times. The peculiar structure of biochar
producing fine textured study (CWC and Domtar Inc., offers large surface area which is important in
1997). Cellulases and hemicelluloses’ enzymes have improving the soil texture, arability, retention of
central application for bio bleaching and production of nutrients and provides surface for growth of beneficial
dissolving pulp. The biosynthesis of these enzymes microorganisms. Moreover the water holding capacity
takes place using different cellulosic substrates of soils is also increased by adding biochar to them,
including wheat bran, wheat straw etc., Gubitz et al. thus helps prevent leaching of valuable nutrients into
(1998), Bajpai (1999) and Singh et al. (2009). streams and rivers (Goodall, 2010).
Curr. Res. J. Biol. Sci., 4(6): 673-675, 2012