IET Communications - 2020 - Alenezi - Ultra Dense LoRaWAN Reviews and Challenges
IET Communications - 2020 - Alenezi - Ultra Dense LoRaWAN Reviews and Challenges
IET Communications - 2020 - Alenezi - Ultra Dense LoRaWAN Reviews and Challenges
Review Article
Abstract: Internet of Things (IoT) is one of the most cited terms within the communication research communities. Next
generation wireless networks technologies are expected to have massive-connections of tens of billions of devices. Such a
huge number of devices raised a number of concerns in regards to how much accessible resources are available and what are
the best technologies for managing those resources, all in order to avoid shutdowns/collapses in every means. In terms of
wireless networks, and in regards to energy being the backbone of IoT devices, Low Power Wide Area Networks (LPWAN)
technologies are considered to be a potential solution for IoT applications. In particular, this study reviews Long-Range (LoRa)
technology and advances in the literature of LoRaWAN protocol to date. Furthermore, it discusses the challenges in LoRaWAN
and diverts the attention towards applying Ultra-Dense Network concept on LPWAN.
1 Introduction that LoRa Packet loss is 20% for indoor mobile applications whilst
for indoor fixed applications for the same distances, loss is less
The world is anticipating hundreds of billions [1] of low-powered than 2%. This is due to the fact that mobile end-devices may
(battery supplied) devices, such as sensors, to be used across a encounter bad reception conditions.
range of applications such as smart agriculture, smart cities, smart Within the last 5 years, applications that deploy LoRaWAN
environment, smart healthcare, smart homes and buildings, smart have grown tremendously. Three well known areas of such
industrial control, smart metering, smart supply chain & logistics applications are medical [10], agriculture monitoring [11], and
and smart street lightening. These devices that transmit and receive smart city [12].
data have been classified as Internet of Things (IoT). A number of Specifically, LoRa attracted quite a few applications in remote
protocols have been designed for Low Power Wide Area Networks areas. Li and Zhu [13] have reported the shortcomings for first
(LPWAN). LPWAN protocols include SigFox, NarrowBand-IoT generation Sailing Monitoring System by using 3G. These
(NB-IoT) and LoRa. LoRa is gaining popularity over NB-IoT and shortcomings are limited coverage and power consumption. They
SigFox due to support by the industry such as LoRa Alliance, IBM, have redesigned the system mainly to use LoRa technology. They
CISCO and more, providing bitrate from 100 to 10,000 bit/s, have used LoRa settings with SF 7 and 125 kHz BW in the new
providing long range coverage (>10 km), having simple and Sailing Monitoring System. The results have met the trade-off of
effective MAC, low cost, having less complex modulation and in data rate, coverage and link budget. Applications using LoRaWAN
return less power consumption, mobility support and providing is increasing proving that LoRaWAN is the most efficient LPWAN
separate operation style (can be integrated in any network as ‘do it technology.
yourself style’) [2]. However, more gateways and certainly more end-devices
A massive-IoT scenario [3] revealed 10,000 households with deployment within a certain area, i.e. UDN scenario, the more
connected devices such as water, electricity and gas meters, within interferences occur which result in more collisions and hence more
each household in an area of one kilometre square. Other devices delays. In addition, collisions minimise battery life.
such as vending machines, rental bike monitors and car The paper reviewed all possible topologies that could form
accelerometers are deployed in the same area. Typical data size per UDN and presented a structured topology that can be scaled up. A
each of the aforementioned IoT devices range between 250 and structured-topology between LoRa gateways and end-devices mean
300 bytes (including payload, MAC layer overhead and higher structured timing for transmitting and receiving data packets and
layer overhead) which can be ideally served by LPWAN hence, reduce the collision rate. This requires a novel network
technologies [3, 4]. IoT is expanding and LoRaWAN is one of the topology and this paper presents a mathematical and graphical
best IoT serving protocols. topology model.
However, the burst in IoT massive-connections indicates the The paper focuses on discussing the details behind LPWAN and
future need for Ultra-Dense Network (UDN) to be adapted reveals LoRa modulation scheme, the orthogonality of a plurality
efficiently by any technology meant for serving IoT devices. A of signals, software & hardware emulators and simulators. In
network with more than 1000 access points distributed within 1 addition, it discusses problems and challenges within LoRaWAN
km2 can be referred to as UDN [5–7]. In this regard, Rizzi et al. [8] protocol. The organisation of the paper is as follows: Section 2
carried out evaluations and demonstrations of LoRaWAN for dense provides an overview of LoRa modulation. Section 3 presents a
systems. Due to LoRa's simple modulation with Chirp Spread review to the latest development of LoRaWAN, its associated
Spectrum (CSS) physical layer, LoRaWAN [2] has higher problems and counteracts methods. Currently, the majority of
immunity to interference in comparison to other LPWAN applications that are adopting LoRa are mapping millions of nodes
technologies. UDN has to be exploited to provide the solution to in one network. Hence, it is forming a challenge for LoRa
elevate the IoT rapid expansion. densification. This is discussed in Section 4. To evaluate an
The efficiency of deploying LoRa is maximised where data application with such a large scale of nodes, there is a need to use
reporting and control may be needed, being indoors or outdoors or software and hardware tools for simulation and emulation
being urban or rural areas. However, Haxhibeqiri et al. [9] reported
Rs = (4)
From the same reference [17], npayload can be calculated using the
following equation:
3.2 Reliability
Within LoRaWAN, a packet transmission has a serious drawback
to the technology. In regards to transmission drawback, Sørensen et
al. [23] proposed analytical models that estimate the impact of
offered loads on packet error rate. Their models evaluate and
estimate the maximum throughput and maximum loads for reliable
Fig. 15 ADR procedure packets transmission within LoRaWAN.
Aloÿset al. [14] carried out a study of LoRa for IoT. In their
study, LoRa's physical and data link layers performance was
evaluated by field tests and simulations. From the perspective of a
single device maximal throughput, they conducted a test with six
125 kHz channels using a spreading factor of 7–12. Considering a
size of 13 bytes MAC header, 51 bytes packet size was the
maximum payload allowed to be transmitted between the end-
device and the network server. The diagnoses revealed the receive
windows as limiting factors as the device following the initial
transmission has to wait for the two downlink receive windows to
be done before attempting to send another packet. Thus, this limits
the core service behind LoRaWAN, which is allowing a large
number of devices to send data from time to the other. The
proposed solution to the aforementioned limitation is to avoid
sending more than the smallest maximum payload size (36 bytes in
Fig. 16 Algorithm 1: ADR algorithm at pseudocode level
their simulation). However, such solution has a severe impact on
LoRaWAN capacity and results in lower throughput.
3 Related work
This section reviews a set of papers addressing capacity, scalability, 3.3 Latency
reliability, latency, coverage, interference and packet collisions of
LoRa. Since LoRaWAN technology performance depends on the resource
LoRaWAN and LoRa end-devices use class A, class B and class allocation and so it employs ADR where each device selects the
C modulations. Analysing these classes reveals capacity and minimum SF for communicating with the gateway. Cuomo et al.
[24] proposed two approaches aiming to enhance the network
1 if O(xcs, y)
Ccs(x, y) = (18)
0 else
3.4.1 Effect of different SFs on collision rate: A simulator has Fig. 17 Collision rate with a single LoRa gateway
been developed and written to simulate Ccs, a parameter of (13),
using the list of orthogonal and non-orthogonal combinations of SF
with BW that was shown in Table 3. The simulation is applied on
1500 LoRa end-nodes EN.
The simulation results are shown in Fig. 17. It shows six SF
values to serve LoRa end-nodes EN = {100, 200, 300, …, 1500}
randomly distributed around a LoRa gateway using a star topology
From Fig. 17, if the number of nodes deployed for one LoRa
gateway is 100, the collision rate for SF12 is low and it is around
9%. On the other hand, if the number of nodes deployed for one
LoRa gateway is 1500, the collision rate for SF12 increases up to