Instruction Sheet Dimmer VPX10
Instruction Sheet Dimmer VPX10
Instruction Sheet Dimmer VPX10
Tools needed to install your Dimmer: MAXIMUM LOAD PER DIMMER FOR MULTI-DEVICE INSTALLATION INSTALLING YOUR DIMMER For non-standard wiring applications, refer Step 4b 3-Way Wiring with Coordinating Remote
to Wire Nut and Connector Size Chart (no LEDs) Application:
Slotted/Phillips Screwdriver Electrical Tape More than NOTE: Use check boxes when Steps are completed. Coordinating Remote Dimmer
Cat. No. Single Two Devices WIRE CONNECTOR / # OF COND.
Pliers Pencil 2 Devices
Screw marked
VPX10 1000VA (8.3 A) 800VA (6.6 A) 650VA (5.4 A) OFF POWER at circuit breaker or fuse and test that power White (WH) Black
1 - #12 w/ 1 to 3 #14, #16 or #18 1
Changing the color of your device: is off before wiring! 2 - #12 w/ 1 or 2 #16 or #18 BK
Your device may include color options. To change color of the face MAXIMUM BULB WATTAGE 1 - #14 w/ 1 to 4 #16 or #18 2
proceed as follows: 2 - #14 w/ 1 to 3 #16 or #18 3 4
Mark 10™ Powerline dimmers are rated in Volt-Amps (VA). The maximum /&& /. /&& /.
4 Green
bulb wattage is determined by the efficiency of the Mark 10™ Powerline /&& /. /&& /. • For Single-Pole Application, go to Step 4a. YL/RD
RD 5
ballast. The following table shows the maximum number of ballasts that /&& /. /&& /.
• For 3-Way Coordinating Remote (no LEDs) Application, go to Step 4b. Terminal
Screw marked Yellow/Red
/&& /. /&& /. 5
can be connected to a single dimmer for different Mark 10™ Powerline /&& /. /&& /.
• For 3-Way Matching Remote (with LEDs) Application, go to Step 4c. Yellow/Red
ballasts. Also note that the table shows maximum ballasts for multi-gang
/&& /. /&& /.
Step 4a Single Pole Wiring Application: Coordinating Remote (no LEDs) Dimmer
1 Black Green
Advance Max. # Ballasts/Dimmer for NOTE: If the wiring in White Ballast
RD YL/RD Yellow/
Mark 10TM Multi-gang your wall box does not Primary (unused) Line
Powerline Lamp 2 Red
Push in side at Line up tabs and Single Two More than resemble any of these Red
Side Green
120VAC, 60Hz
tab to release press in sides one Part No. Gang Ganged 2 Gang
1 2 1 2 configurations, consult a 4 White
at a time to attach REZ-2Q18-M2-LD CFM18W/GX24Q 23 18 15 qualified electrician. Green
REZ-1T32 CFM26W/GX24Q 32 25 20 3 4 3 Neutral (White)
Installing Dimmer by itself or with other devices: REZ-2Q26 CFM26W/GX24Q 17 13 11 4 5 Yellow/Red WIRING DIMMER:
REZ-1T32 CFM32W/GX24Q 26 20 16 Connect wires per WIRING DIAGRAM as follows:
If installing Dimmer in a single device application, proceed with the REZ-1T42 CFM42W/GX24Q 20 16 13 NOTE: When using the coordinating remote without LEDs, the dimmer
INSTALLING YOUR DIMMER section. If installing Dimmer in a multi- Insulating label:
REZ-1Q18-M2-BS CFQ18W/G24Q 46 37 30 This wire is used in 3-way installations only. can be installed on either the Line or Load side of the 3-way circuit.
device application, proceed as follows: Single Pole 3-Way
REZ-1Q18-M2-LD CFQ18W/G24Q 46 37 30 For single pole installations, do not remove NOTE: Maximum wire length from dimmer to all installed remotes cannot
1. Line (Hot) 1. Line or Load (see important instruction below) this insulating label. exceed 300 ft (90 m).
REZ-2Q18-M2-BS CFQ18W/G24Q 23 18 15 2. Neutral 2. Neutral
MULTI-DEVICE APPLICATION REZ-1T32 CFQ26W/G24Q 32 25 20 Dimmer • Green or bare copper wire in wall box to Green dimmer lead.
3. Ground 3. Ground • Line Hot (common) wall box wire identified (tagged) when removing
In multi-device installations, the side sections of the mounting straps REZ-1T42-M2-BS CFQ26W/G24Q 32 25 20 4. Load 4. First Traveler – note color
may require removal. Use pliers to carefully bend side sections back old switch to Black dimmer lead.
REZ-1T42-M2-LD CFQ26W/G24Q 32 25 20 5. Second Traveler – note color. Red Black Hot (Black)
and forth until they break off. • First Traveler wall box wire to Red dimmer lead (note wire color).
REZ-2Q26 CFQ26W/G24Q 17 13 11 NOTE: For matching remote w/LEDs installation, • Remove Red insulating label from Yellow/Red dimmer lead.
the First Traveler becomes Line Hot. White
REZ-2Q26-M2-BS CFQ26W/G24Q 17 13 11 Yellow/Red • Second Traveler wall box wire to Yellow/Red dimmer lead
REZ-2Q26-M2-LD CFQ26W/G24Q 17 13 11 IMPORTANT : For 3-Way applications, note that one of the screw terminals Ballast (note wire color). This traveler from the dimmer must go to the
Green Line
Remove all from the old switch being removed will usually be a different color (Black) Black Insulating Ground terminal screw on the remote marked "YL/RD".
REZ-1Q18-M2-BS CFTR18W/GX24Q 46 37 30 Primary 120 VAC, 60Hz
inner side or labeled Common. Tag that wire with electrical tape and identify as the
sections REZ-1Q18-M2-LD CFTR18W/GX24Q 46 37 30 Side • Line Neutral wall box wire to White dimmer lead.
common (Line or Load) in both the dimmer wall box and remote wall box. White
REZ-2Q18-M2-LD CFTR18W/GX24Q 23 18 15 Step 3 Preparing and connecting wires: Neutral (White) Connect wires per WIRING DIAGRAM as follows:
Do not NOTE: "BK" and "RD" terminals on coordinating remote are unused.
remove REZ-1T42-M2-BS CFTR26W/GX24Q 32 25 20 Pull off pre-cut insulation from dimmer leads. Make sure that
REZ-1T42-M2-LD CFTR26W/GX24Q 32 25 20 Tighten both screws.
outer side the ends of the wires from the wall box are straight (cut if
sections WIRING DIMMER: NOTE: Maximum wire length from dimmer to last remote is
Bend back REZ-2Q26-M2-BS CFTR26W/GX24Q 17 13 11 necessary). Remove insulation from each wire in the wall
and forth to Connect wires per WIRING DIAGRAM as follows: 300 ft (90 m).
REZ-2Q26-M2-LD CFTR26W/GX24Q 17 13 11 box as shown: • Green or bare copper wire in wall box to Green terminal screw.
remove side REZ-1T42-M2-BS CFTR32W/GX24Q 26 20 16 • Green or bare copper wire in wall box to Green dimmer lead.
section • Line Hot wall box wire to Black dimmer lead. • Load wall box wire identified (tagged) when removing old switch to
REZ-1T42-M2-LD CFTR32W/GX24Q 26 20 16 First Traveler (note color as above).
5/8" • Load wall box wire to Red dimmer lead.
REZ-2T42-M3-BS CFTR32W/GX24Q 13 10 8 Strip Gage • Line Neutral wall box wire to White dimmer lead. • Second Traveler wall box wire (note color as above) to terminal
Typically, removal of the side sections in multi-dimmer installations (1.6 cm)
(measure bare • Yellow/Red wire should have Red insulation label affixed. screw marked "YL/RD". This traveler from the remote must go to the
requires a reduction of the dimmer’s capacity. Refer to the chart for
Lutron Tu-Wire®: Cut wire here) NOTE: If insulating label is not affixed to Yellow/Red dimmer lead, Yellow/Red dimmer lead.
maximum load per dimmer.
To determine total ballast load, add the line current found on the ballast label (if necessary) use electrical tape to cover. • Remove White insulating label from terminal screw marked "WH".
for all ballasts in the circuit. This will indicate the total load for the control. • Proceed to Step 5. • Line Neutral wall box wire to terminal screw marked "WH".
• Proceed to Step 5.
Step 4c 3-Way Wiring with Matching Remote Step 5 cont’d ADVANCED PROGRAMMING FEATURES
A-3) he Locator LED will blink 3 times per second to indicate Program
T Program Mode C
(w/LEDs) Application: Mode A-3, Preset ON Level. To change the current Preset ON To enter Program Mode C:
Matching Remote • Restore power at circuit breaker or fuse. Definition of A Modes Level from 1-100%, use the DIM/BRIGHT Bar. If this feature Engage the air-gap switch by gently
is not desired, press and hold the left half of the DIM/BRIGHT
• Press pad until locator light is OFF. Lights A-1) Energy Save: Sets the maximum brightness level for energy pressing the top of the Push Pad until
Neutral Wire Bar (v) until no LED is lit (default setting). By tapping the Push
should turn ON. If lights do not turn ON, press savings. the bottom lifts completely out of the
Pad this setting will automatically be saved and the device will
BK 2 the upper half of the DIM/BRIGHT Bar until A-2) Minimum Brightness Level: Sets the minimum dimming level. advance to the next programming mode, A-4. frame and a click is heard. All LEDs will
1 White the lights brighten. A-3) Preset ON Level: Sets the turn on brightness level regardless of extinguish.
A-4) The Locator LED will blink 4 times per second to indicate
Red If lights still do not turn ON, refer to the the previous set light level (formerly Dim Lock). Program Mode A-4, Almost OFF Level. To change the current C) P
ress Push Pad back into the
1 TROUBLESHOOTING section. A-4) Almost OFF Level: Sets the brightness level the device will dim to Almost OFF Level, use the DIM/BRIGHT Bar to adjust the frame and hold for 7 seconds until
RD 5 Green
when the push pad is pressed to turn off. In this mode the lights preset light level. If this feature is not desired, press and hold the the LED Brightness Display starts
Step 6 Dimmer Mounting: will always remain on. right half of the DIM/BRIGHT Bar (^) until no LED is lit (default bidirectional strobing to indicate
TURN OFF POWER AT CIRCUIT setting). Almost OFF can be overridden by pressing and holding Program Mode C, Restore Default.
Definition of B Modes the left half of the DIM/BRIGHT Bar (v). By tapping the Push To Restore Default settings,
BREAKER OR FUSE. B-1) ON Fade Rate: Sets the amount of time in seconds it takes the
Matching Remote (with LEDs) Dimmer Pad this setting will automatically be saved and the device will release the Push Pad. This will exit
lights to turn ON to maximum brightness. exit Programming Mode A. programming mode C.
Hot (Black) WH Red Black B-2) OFF Fade Rate: Sets the amount of time in seconds it takes the NOTE: When Almost OFF Level is set the LED Locator will be
White lights to turn OFF from maximum brightness. illuminated when the dimmer is in the Almost OFF state, even though
Green Black
B-3) LED Options: Sets the time period in seconds the Locator LED the light remains on.
YL/RD Yellow/
Line Red Primary and Brightness display will stay on before extinguishing. Program Mode B
120VAC, 60Hz Green