Resume ANITA
Resume ANITA
Resume ANITA
Educational Profile:
Vidya Bharti
H.S.C Science G.S.E.B English medium 2012 40%
Vidya Bharti
S.S.C General G.S.E.B English medium 2010 75%
Work Experience:
• One year of experience in ABC Gurukul International Preschool.
• One year of experience at St. Thomas English Medium School.
• Three years of experience in Nanduba English Academy.
• Worked as Media Handler.
• Worked as CCA Incharge
• Worked as a Primary Coordinator
• Since 2016 to till having experience as a personal tutor
• Made Project On ‘Online Car Portal’.
To achieve an organization’s as well as personal goal and development, by becoming a
significant programmer & designer.
I am hard working person with nature of positive attitude, keen to learn new thing, & having
good communication, presentation and management skills.
I hereby declare that the above mentioned details are authentic up to my knowledge.