which earth’s resources can be used for our needs, even in the future.
Sustainable development is the development of earth’s resources and its
preservation for future use.
Development has to be ensured in and for the future generations.
The relationship between globalization and sustainability is multi dimensional- it
involves economic, political and technological aspects.
The continous production of the world’s natural resources, such as water and fossil
fuel allows humanity to discover and innovate many things. We were able to utilize
energy, discover new technologies, and make advancements in transportation and
Climate change accelerated and global inequality was not eradicated.
This means that development, although beneficial at one hand, entails costs on the
Development was hastened by Industrial Revolution that made possible the cycle
of efficiency.
Efficiency means finding the quickest possible way of producing large amounts of
a particular product.
Increased demand ultimately increased efficiency.
This cycle harms the earth in number of ways.
Carbon emmissions from factories damaged the atmosphere.
Destruction of coral reefs and marine biodiversity as more wastes are thrown in
the ocean.
Many experts do not think that the planet can sustain growing global economy.
Catastrophies will not adjust to us, especially if increases in living standards lead
people to demand more consumer goods like cars, meat and smartphones.
Environmentalists argue that environmental issues should be given priority over
economic issue.
Free trade, through its emphasis on the expansion of manufacturing is associated
with environmental damage.
For this part Neoliberals see the efforts of the environmentalists as serious
impediments to trade.
Ecological modernization theory sees globalization as a process that can both
protect and enhance the environment.
Kyoto protocol aimed at a reduction of global emmissions but failed to take
largely because it was not ratified by the USA.
It is difficult to find lternatives to fossil fuels.
The use of ethanol as an alternative to gasoline has an attendant set of
problems- it is less efficient and led to an escalation in the price of corn, which
currently serves as major source of ethanol.
Although biofules themselves produce lower emissions, their extraction and
transport contribute significantly to total emissions.
The demand for food will be 60% greater than it is today and the challenge of
food security means delivering sufficient food to the entire world population.
Security of food also means the sustainability of society such as population
growth, climate change, water scarcity and agriculture.