Phy161 Lab Report 12
Phy161 Lab Report 12
Phy161 Lab Report 12
Course: PHY161
Section: 17250
This lab aims to investigate the principles of geometric optics using converging lenses.
We will explore the laws of refraction and how they apply to the formation of images by lenses.
By conducting experiments with converging lenses, we will observe the behavior of light rays
and validate the theoretical concepts.
Geometric optics is a branch of optics that describes light propagation in terms of rays.
The study of lenses is crucial for understanding how light can be manipulated to form images.
This lab focuses on the behavior of light as it interacts with converging lenses, governed by the
principles of refraction.
Reflection is the phenomenon where light rays bounce off a surface. According to the law
of reflection, the angle of incidence (𝜃 i) is equal to the angle of reflection (𝜃 r). This law can be
mathematically expressed as: θi = θr
Refraction occurs when light passes from one medium into another, causing a change in
its speed and direction. This bending of light is described by Snell's Law, which relates the angle
of incidence (𝜃i) and the angle of refraction (𝜃r) to the indices of refraction of the two media
(n1 and n2):
Lenses are optical devices made of transparent material that refract light rays to converge
or diverge them to form images. There are two main types of lenses: converging (convex) and
diverging (concave). The lensmaker's equation, which relates the object distance (do), image
distance (di), and the focal length (f), is given by:
Converging lenses, specifically, focus parallel incoming light rays to a single point
known as the focal point. By positioning objects at various distances from the lens, we can
observe the formation of real or virtual images, their magnifications, and orientations. This lab
will help solidify our understanding of these fundamental optical principles through practical
3. Procedure:
First, we set up a light source and placed a white screen on a flat surface, securing
it with tape to prevent movement. For Part 1, we placed a converging lens on the screen
and directed a parallel beam of light towards it. We adjusted the position of the lens until
a clear image was formed on the screen, and we measured the distance from the lens to
the screen to determine the focal length of the converging lens. We repeated this step
several times to ensure accuracy.
In Part 2, we placed an object at various distances from the converging lens and
observed the formation of images on the screen. For each position of the object, we
measured the object distance (do) and the image distance (di). We recorded the nature of
the images (real or virtual, inverted or upright) and their sizes compared to the object.
Using the lens equation, we calculated the focal length and compared it to the previously
measured value.
For Part 3, we placed an object beyond the focal length of the converging lens and
adjusted the screen until a sharp image was formed. We measured the distances again and
recorded the characteristics of the image. This helped us to understand the relationship
between object distance, image distance, and focal length.
In Part 4, we moved the object closer to the lens, within the focal length, and
observed the image formed. We noted that the image was virtual, upright, and magnified,
and recorded the measurements accordingly. This part demonstrated the behavior of a
converging lens when the object is placed within its focal length.
Our key observations included the behavior of light through the converging lens, where
we noted the convergence of light rays to form clear images. We observed how the object
distance affected the image distance and characteristics, verifying the lensmaker's equation. By
adjusting the object distances and measuring the corresponding image distances, we explored the
formation of real and virtual images, their magnifications, and orientations.
We investigated the refraction of light through the converging lens, noting the bending of
light rays as they entered and exited the lens. The focal lengths of the lens were measured and
compared with theoretical values, showing good agreement and validating our understanding of
lens behavior.
1. Based on your data, would you say that the Lens Equation was verified?
Explain your answer.
Yes, the small percentage differences support the conclusion that the Lens
Equation was verified in this experiment. The percentage difference shows
the deviation between the measured focal lengths and the average focal
length. Most values have a small percentage difference, indicating a small
deviation from the expected value.
2. The x and y-intercepts you recorded in step 14, explain why they are equal or
close to equal and how they relate to the focal length.
Since both the x-intercept and y-intercept represent the reciprocal of the
focal length, they are equal. This is why they are equal or close to equal in the
experimental data. Thus, The x-intercept and y-intercept are equal or close
to equal because they both represent 1/f, the reciprocal of the lens's focal
length. This equality validates the relationship described by the Lens
4. Using the value of f you obtained, draw a ray diagram, to scale, for the first set
of values of do and di. Use three rays to construct the image. Hint: recall the ray
tracing method you used in Lab Work 12.
5. Predict the shortest distance between the source and the screen when it is still
possible to obtain a sharp image.
The shortest possible distance between source and screen to get an image on
screen is focal length.