d2. Additional
Materials from
Learning Physical Education Quarter 4 – Module 4a
Resource (LR)
B. Integration a. Values
b. Science
1. Greetings
Good morning class! How are you today? Good morning, Sir! We are good.
That’s good. Before we start let’s pray first.
2. Prayer
Please all rise for the prayer. Anyone who can lead
the prayer? (The students stand for a prayer)
3. Checking of Attendance
Is everyone present today?
Secretary? List down all the names of those who (The secretary will follow)
are absent and submit it to me afterwards.
4. Class Agreement
Last time I gave you and assignment, right? Yes sir.
Bring out your assignment and pass it forward. (Students will follow)
ELICIT (5 minutes)
Before we proceed with our new lesson, let us have
a short recap about our topic last meeting.
Yes sir.
Department Of Health
ENGAGE (5 minutes)
Before we start our lesson let’s do some simple
exercise to freshen up our minds and body
(A student executes walking)
There are different kinds jumping. Let’s tackle the first one
which is the hopping.
5. Hop: Take off from one foot and land on the
same foot
Can you read the definition of non-locomotor Non-locomotor skill refers to movement executed
movement? without travelling.
We can swing our arms and legs. (The students execute swinging)
Let’s do swinging.
Everybody stretch your arms on your left side, (The students execute stretching)
and then do it on your right.
5. Twisting is to turn your body part in circular
Kindly read the last one, Ray. motion.
We can twist our trunk and even our shoulder.
Let’s twist our trunk. (The students execute twisting
ELABORATE (5 minutes)
Now, here again is the magic card and I will withdraw a
card and whoever chosen will answer the following Yes sir.
question. Is that clear?
None sir.
EVALUATE (5 minutes)
Now, let me see how well you understood the
lesson by answering this quiz.
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