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2014v06 Safety

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When safety is addressed during design,

it can become easier to implement during construction.

Safety Hazard

THE CONTROLLING CONTRACTOR is typically re- phase often can be eliminated if they are recognized; if they
sponsible for the means, method and overall safety of construc- are not addressed by the time the construction phase begins,
tion on the job site. safety hazards must instead be planned around and prepared for.
They must direct, coordinate and monitor the work of the sub- Thus, as the designer chooses the plan and layout of the struc-
contractors in a safe and efficient manner, knowing that the suc- ture, safety can be improved through careful consideration of
cess of the project is often made by intricate planning and critical the procedures, equipment and techniques required to build it.
decision-making while on-site. However, the controlling contrac-
High Conceptual Design
tor is actually just one of many influences on construction safety.
Personal protective equipment is often the most visible evi- Detailed Engineering
dence of the safety efforts undertaken on a job site. In fact, this
Ability to Procurement
equipment more truly represents the last line of defense against Influence
working hazards. Other mechanisms that can prevent hazards Safety Construction
from developing should be implemented to create hazard pro-
tection much earlier.
Over the course of a project schedule, the ability to influ- Low
ence construction safety decreases as the schedule progresses Project Schedule
(see Figure 1). This creates a conundrum. While safety is the
Figure 1. The influence of safety over a project schedule.

responsibility of the construction team and not the design team,

the decisions made in the design phase can improve and re-
duce safety hazards. Safety hazards anticipated in the design
Figure 2 shows a hierarchy of safety controls in the order
of their effectiveness, emphasizing that the most effective way
Jie Zuo is graduate engineer with to address a working hazard is by eliminating it at its source,
Walter P Moore in Kansas City; when possible, in the design phase. If this cannot be done, each
previously, he was staff engineer at solution below that in the hierarchy is slightly less effective but
AISC. still necessary.
In 2007, the National Institute of Safety Hazards (NIOSH)
partnered with a number of industry organizations and state
governments to launch a national initiative aimed at reducing
occupational hazards and controlling risks at the source where
they are created—or as early as possible in the schedule of a con-
struction project. Recognizing the aforementioned conundrum,
the program calls for a new construction model based upon
extensive collaboration between the designer and controlling
JUNE 2014
➤ In the design of beams, an engineer can specify a member
Eliminate the hazard during design size with a flange width of at least 6 in., which allows for
an adequate walking surface.
➤ In the design of columns, an engineer can specify holes for
Substitution of less hazardous materials,
processes, operations or equipment safety cables at 24 in. and 45 in. above the metal deck for
guardrail installation, as shown in Figure 3. This satisfies
Engineering Controls
OSHA requirements and provides workable protection
Implement controls to minimize risk
for both the steel erector personnel on the bare metal

Warnings deck and workers from other trades after the concrete
Signs and labels
slab has been placed.


Figure 2. The hierarchy of safety controls.

contractor and has resulted in technical reports, presentations

and workshops around the country. (For more information, visit
Further guidance is available from the American Society
Figure 3. Placement of safety cable holes on a column.

of Safety Engineers, which developed a guide to help design-

ers understand how to prevent hazards with design concepts.
ANSI/ASSE Z590.3-2011 Prevention Through Design: Guidelines
➤ Recognize that openings in the plan may require anchor-
for Addressing Occupational Hazards and Risks in Design and Rede-
age points for safety lanyards. Talk with a steel contrac-
sign Process became effective in January 2012 and can be used
tor about which beam sizes will work for the number of
by engineers and controlling contractors alike to learn how to
anchorage points that will be required for a given beam
make it a successful process.
or opening.
In addition, there are several more recommendations on
➤ Where there are floor openings, one can place beams
how engineers can help control hazards and mitigate dangers
adjacent to the opening to support anchorage points for
before a construction worker even steps foot onto a job site.
safety lanyards.
One must keep in mind that in order for this type of construc-
➤ It is prohibited to shop connect headed steel stud anchors
tion model to be successful, the engineer must understand what
and deformed anchors where they will obstruct the walk-
consequences their designs have on safety and that may require
ing surfaces of beams or joists.
collaboration with the controlling contractor.
➤ When possible, one should design the steel framing with
a consistent floor layout. This makes it easier for the con-
Maximize Off-Site Fabrication
struction worker to learn the hazards of each individual
The job site is a much less predictable environment than, say,
floor early and not have new hazards to face as floor lay-
a fabrication shop. Both have “moving parts” but those on the
outs change.
site are less regimented—plus there are uncontrollable aspects,
such as weather conditions. The fabrication shop, on the other
Design Safe Connections
hand, is a more controlled atmosphere with fewer hazards and
Connection design decisions also can make fall protection
also provides access to equipment that may not be available
easier and more effective in the field. Here are some connection
in the field. By specifying work to be performed off-site, the
safety considerations:
engineer can reduce potential hazards and may even increase
➤ It is an OSHA requirement that column splices must be
productivity or quality of work. For example, a worker making
located at least 4 ft above the finished working floor such
a difficult overhead weld in the shop is subject to less risk than a
that it is away from the beam-column connection and al-
worker making the same weld in poor weather conditions while
lows for perimeter safety cables to be installed. However,
being several stories up in the air.
the 4-ft column extension limit is sometimes not enough
and can still cause interference between the splice plate
Design for Fall Protection
and the holes for safety cables shown in Figure 4a. For
Structural framing decisions can make fall protection easier
constructability reasons, it is recommended that the col-
and more effective in the field. Here are some safety consider-
umn splice be conservatively located 5 ft above the top of
ations for fall protection:
the beam shown in Figure 4b.


Figure 4. Column splice elevation: (a) interference between
column splice and holes; (b) recommended 5 ft extension for
adequate clearance.

Figure. 5 Angles are staggered and an extra row of holes is

provided in the column web to allow for safer erection.

➤ OSHA requires a minimum of four anchor rods in ev-

ery base plate for temporary column stability before the
beams are erected.
➤ There are additional hazards involved in the design of
connections where the beam is supported by hanging off
of a connecting element. This requires the use of a crane
to hold up the beam during installation. To avoid this
hazard, one can design a seat angle connection such that
the beam rests on top of the angle, making the connec-
tion installation safer and more stable.
➤ When detailing all-welded connections, one should rec-
ognize that erection aids and bolts may be necessary to
provide immediate stability prior to welding. ➤ It is important to understand what tools are required to
➤ Design of welded connections requiring difficult weld- install a connection and provide adequate space in con-
ing positions should be avoided when possible. Welding nection design to facilitate the use of those tools in as-
in the flat position is the least problematic. Vertical and sembling a connection.
overhead positions are more difficult because there is no
underlying support surface. Overhead is the most chal- Control Roof and Floor Openings
lenging position because gravity tends to make it difficult Design engineers and controlling contractors need to be
to make a proper weld. aware that small openings in floors and roofs must not be cut
➤ Consider cases where OSHA prohibits a double connec- until the trade contractor filling those openings is ready to
tion, such as when two double-angle connections frame place the object. This applies to holes for such items as duct
into opposite sides of a column web and share common work, piping and exhaust fans. Metal deck should span over
bolts. One solution is to stagger the double angles (Fig- small openings until ready to be cut and filled. Large openings
ure 5) such that the second row of bolts on the first beam that cannot be safely spanned by decking due to constructability,
connection coincides with the first row of bolts on the such as elevator openings and stair openings, must be cut and
second beam connection. This allows the first beam to guarded by the steel erector.
connect to the column securely before beginning to Prevention of hazards through design requires collaboration.
make the connection on the other side. It also leans upon the engineer to understand more about the
➤ It is generally recommended to use as few bolt sizes as techniques and tools used on a construction site. Fortunately,
necessary. Multiple bolt sizes, particularly sizes that ap- the steel fabricator can help!
pear identical to the naked eye, can lead to the wrong size The engineer and controlling contractor need to be able
being used in the field. to communicate effectively in order for them to understand

JUNE 2014
OSHA Standard Notes
1926.502(b)(1) Top edge height of top rails, or equivalent guardrail system members, shall be 42 in. (1.1 m) plus or
minus 3 in. (8 cm) above the walking/working level. When conditions warrant, the height of the top
edge may exceed the 45-in. height, provided the guardrail system meets all other criteria of this
Note: When employees are using stilts, the top edge height of the top rail, or equivalent member,
shall be increased an amount equal to the height of the stilts.
1926.754(c)(1) Shear connectors (such as headed steel studs, steel bars or steel lugs), reinforcing bars, deformed
anchors or threaded studs shall not be attached to the top flanges of beams, joists or beam attach-
ments so that they project vertically from or horizontally across the top flange of the member until
after the metal decking, or other walking/working surface, has been installed.
1926.756(e)(1) The perimeter columns extend a minimum of 48 in. (1.2 m) above the finished floor to permit instal-
lation of perimeter safety cables prior to erection of the next tier, except where constructability
does not allow.
1926.755(a)(1) All columns shall be anchored by a minimum of 4 anchor rods (anchor bolts).
1926.754(e)(2)(iii) Metal decking holes and openings shall not be cut until immediately prior to being permanently
filled with the equipment or structure needed or intended to fulfill its specific use and which meets
the strength requirements of paragraph (e)(3) of this section, or shall be immediately covered.

This table provides additional information on the OSHA standards discussed in this article.

each other’s work. The benefits are increased productivity and build projects, and choosing to discuss safety in the design
fewer lost-time accidents. Several major U.S. contractors have phase can help your projects too. ■
successfully implemented this construction model in design-


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