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Conference Preview: Minimizing Hazards, by Design

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MINIMIZING Safety can and should be just as important

HAZARDS, in the design process as it is during
BY DESIGN manufacturing and construction.

BY NOW, ALMOST EVERYONE in the industrial main- and waste treatment. Often, the hierarchy of controls is used
tenance and construction industry is familiar with OSHA’s to help eliminate or reduce hazards, with the use of personal
“Focus Four” hazards: falls, struck-by, caught-in-between and protective equipment (PPE) as the last line of defense.
electrical. Steel fabricators and erectors are faced with several safety
These four culprits account for the majority of construc- and health challenges when fabricating and building a proj-
tion-related fatalities and severe injuries and can be easily en- ect. The International Association of Bridge, Structural, Or-
countered throughout the construction process—so much so namental and Reinforcing Iron Workers Union developed
that OSHA has developed several resources to help companies a list of “Deadly Dozen” hazards for both steel fabrication
identify and eliminate them. These include specialized training and erection activities. Many of these hazards are related to
modules dedicated to the Focus Four as part of the required various OSHA standards, and the majority of them are Focus
training in OSHA’s 10-hour and 30-hour training courses for Four-related. Here, we’ll take a look at some of these hazards
construction, general industry and maritime work. and determine how we can preplan and come up with design
But remember, OSHA standards cover the minimum re- solutions that will better protect shop workers during fabrica-
quirements for an employer to eliminate or control hazards on tion and ironworkers during steel erection.
the job. By using these standards as a baseline to build from,
companies can implement risk-management practices to help Shop Hazards
identify hazards and further reduce or eliminate them before Here are the Deadly Dozen in the shop:
they become problems on the job. 1. Exposure to toxic welding fumes that create serious
health hazards
Safe for All 2. Striking hazards during material handling and loading
The focus of any building project is on who will be occupy- and unloading of trucks
ing the structure after it is built, but it often fails to account 3. Dismemberment by shear presses, punch presses and
for the health and safety of those building it, those who have other equipment
to maintain it or ultimately, those who have to remove it. The 4. Rigging failure and use of chains, slings, plate dogs and
American Society of Safety Engineers (ASSE) has been working other rigging equipment
on American National Standards Institute (ANSI) standards 5. Hazards related to overhead rail cranes, gantry cranes
aimed at implementing risk-management practices and preven- and other cranes
tion-through-design techniques to drill down on leading prac- 6. Hazards pertaining to use of forklifts and jacks
tices that will assist employers in gauging risk and eliminating 7. Exposure to toxic paints and chemicals through inhala-
common hazards on the job. Several of these components are tion and skin absorption
aimed at reducing hazards throughout the life-cycle of a build- 8. Exposures to airborne metals, dust and compounds dur-
ing, from design through construction, operation, demolition ing grinding and hot-work operations
9. Electrical hazards, de-energizing equipment and lock-
out tag-out systems
Wayne Creasap (wcreasap 10. Improper signals, communication and clearances
@tauc.org) is senior director of 11. Exposure to heat illness and dehydration
environmental health and safety 12. Lack of protective eyewear, leathers, gloves, hearing
with The Association of Union conservation equipment and other PPE
Constructors (TAUC). Several items on the list involve exposure to welding fumes
and toxic metals from grinding and hot work, as well as chemi-
cal exposure to paints and other coatings. Employing the hi-
erarchy of controls, can we design systems that will eliminate
these hazards? If not, can we substitute a different product that
will be just as effective, but not as harmful to the employees
working on or around it? With a little preplanning, we can de-

Safety considerations in the shop run the gamut from proper and efficient material handling to exposure to and protection from
airborne metals and compounds during hot-work operations.

sign a system that reduces employee risk to these exposures— employees or safety committee. They can offer valuable input on
and at the same time make them more productive. location and real-life use and will help prevent problems after
Welding fumes are common in fabrication shops, and in re- the system is installed.
cent years we have done a much better job of protecting em- Additionally, are there other systems that can be used that
ployees from the toxins in these fumes. Instead of using natural are more automated? Can some of the welding be done re-
ventilation or fans, or skipping straight to respirators, many motely or with robots to reduce human exposure? The ben-
companies have employed the use of ventilation systems with efits here are reduced employee exposure to welding fumes and
high-efficiency particulate air (HEPA) filtration to reduce or other metals and less dependence on and cost associated with
eliminate employee exposure to welding fumes. Mostly, these implementing a respiratory protection program. Further, qual-
units are aftermarket installations where the building has been ity and productivity may increase under certain circumstances.
around for several years and the systems are installed later. Shop hazards also include a lot of struck-by and caught-in-
Even with the new installations, these systems require ad- between hazards. Forklifts, overhead cranes and rigging play an
vanced planning to ensure the greatest efficiency and ease of important part of safe material handling. However, we should be
use for the workers. Otherwise, if they are too difficult to use asking what systems are in place to ensure the greatest efficiency
or maintain, employees will not use them and then the invest- and reducing the number of times an item is lifted or moved. Are
ment becomes worthless. Preplanning is the key, and employing things discussed and planned out in advance for the fabrication
hazard analysis will help to determine the best location for the of each piece for a specific project? Or are managers and employ-
system. Is it out of the way when materials arrive, yet accessible ees scrambling to make things fit and meet deadlines? Are those
when needed? Is it easy to get to for filter changes and mainte- pieces scheduled and fabricated in a way that will enable them
nance? You might find the need to discuss these issues with your to be sequenced properly and erected more efficiently on-site?


conference preview

Personal protective equipment is the last line of defense Fall-arrest systems can be as simple or elaborate as needed
when it comes to safety. but require training and engagement with employees.

Field Hazards ated with falls, falling objects and material handling when erect-
Here are the Deadly Dozen on-site: ing multiple pieces in the air; using aerial lifts can also help
1. Falls through unprotected or inadequate floor minimize fall hazards (though it should be noted that proper
opening covers fall-arrest equipment needs to be used in aerial lifts as well).
2. Collapse of unsecured open web steel joists Again, PPE is the last line of defense in our hierarchy of con-
3. Lack of fall protection and inadequate use of fall-arrest trols and is only as good as how it is used. How often do we see
equipment employees on this equipment wearing harnesses but that aren’t
4. Falls during installation of floor and roof decking actually tethered to the lift? And more importantly, what do we
5. Material handling injuries during steel erection and do about it?
reinforcing steel activities Additionally, working within OSHA’s steel erection rules,
6. Column collapse due to anchor bolt failure and/or contractors can save time and resources by preplanning and
insufficient concrete strength working with the engineer and fabricator to design and install
7. Structural collapse of unsupported reinforcing steel proper fall-arrest systems for a specific job, such as horizontal
columns, walls and decks lifeline and perimeter cable systems, that will protect ironwork-
8. Struck-by injuries from falling objects, ers from fall hazards and increase their productivity. Systems
tools and materials. can be as simple or elaborate as needed and will require a cer-
9. Caught-between injuries during hoisting and tain level of training and engagement with employees to ensure
rigging operations they are used properly. In addition, falls associated with decking
10. Impalement from unprotected reinforcing dowels operations can be minimized through sequencing.
or other vertical projections While working with engineers to emphasize and design
11. Electrical hazards and injuries from high-voltage safety systems might seem like an additional, unnecessary stop,
power lines it’s not. It benefits all workers in the shop and field, as well as
12. Heat illness and toxic exposure to chemicals and air- those who will maintain the building. It saves money associat-
borne contaminants ed with potential injuries and illnesses. And most importantly,
As with the list of shop hazards, almost every item here is it’s the right thing to do. Be an agent of change and keep the
associated with one of the Focus Four. Risk can be minimized dialogue going.  ■
by working with the fabricator to ensure that pieces are fab-
ricated and sequenced properly. Additionally, preplanning and This article is a preview of Session R4 “Minimizing Hazards by Design”
design can help eliminate a number of fall hazards. For example, at NASCC: The Steel Conference, taking place March 22–24 in San
assembling pieces on the ground can help minimize risk associ- Antonio. Learn more about the conference at www.aisc.org/nascc.

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