Block 2
Block 2
Block 2
Concept of Safety Engineering (Ergonomics, Process Safety) 121
Storage of Material Handling of Hazardous Material 139
House Keeping (5S Concepts) 170
Safeguarding of Machinery 185
Safety implies the protection of people from any form of physical injury.
Evolution of Safety occurred post World War IInd, following which rules
were made mandatory for firms. Any work fields, whether it may be a small-
scale industry, construction site or a department that employs huge
mechanical equipment and machineries can be considered as industrial areas
which should follow safe working practices. It is therefore necessary to
follow 5S system, frame firm policies, audit by trained personnel, safety
drills, training of workers along with other measures in the industries. This
Block consists of four units.
The unit 5 entitled ‘Concept of Safety Engineering (Ergonomics, Process
Safety) deals with the concept of Safety and health of a workman in the
workplace. Today safety concerns are widely regarded essential in industry
and governments make regulations to ensure compliance by the employers. It
discusses the safety directives and policies made at corporate levels by the
firms. Implementation of firm’s policies is guided, reported and audited by
trained personnel. Further the unit elaborates on the regular safety drills and
training of workmen, availability and upkeep of protection gears along with
written instructions that have become common safety management functions.
The unit 6 entitled ‘Storage and Material Handling of Hazardous Material’
deals with how material handling equipment allows for the safe and efficient
transportation, movement, storage and protection of people and products
during the manufacturing and distribution process which in turn helps to
increase productivity. It also elaborates the four types of material handling
equipment. The four main categories of material handling equipment include:
storage, engineered systems, industrial trucks and bulk material handling.
This unit also discusses the safety tips and precautions and principles of
safety that one must take into consideration while performing any heavy load
material handling.
The unit 7 entitled ‘House Keeping (5S Concept)’ mainly highlights the most
well known and most proven 5S system. This system has been around as a
formal system for decades and has been proven effective at improving
virtually every aspect of nearly any business across all industries. This unit
elaborates on 5S as five Japanese words, Seiri, Seiton, Seiso, Seiketsu, and
Shitsuke, which translate in English to Sort, Set in Order, Shine, Standardize,
and Sustain. Finally, the unit concludes with the details of 5S methodology so
that anyone who is looking for a way to cut waste, improve efficiency,
improve product quality.
The unit 8 entitled ‘Safeguarding of Machinery’ explains the 7 common
types of cranes are used in the industry, namely, mobile cranes, telescopic
crane, tower crane, truck mounted crane (also known as boom truck or picker
truck), rough terrain crane, loader crane (also known as a folding boom crane)
and overhead crane. Further usual hazards of working with cranes are
discussed. The unit explains the safety precautions during the crane
A life without adventure is likely to be unsatisfying, but a life in which adventure is allowed
to take what ever form it will, is likely to be short.
— Bertrand/ Russell
5.1 Introduction
5.2 Safety Engineering: Scope
5.3 Evaluation of Safety
5.3.1 Historical Background
5.3.2 Safety Concerns: New Areas
5.4 Safety Cell
5.5 Safety Functions
5.6 General Awareness of Ergonomics
5.7 Workplace Operations Requiring Safety
5.8 Safety Benefits
5.9 Safety in Design
5.9.1 Life Cycle Phases of Safe Design
5.9.2 Benefits of Safety in Design
5.9.3 Opportunity to Influence Safety Outcomes
5.10 Let Us Sum Up
5.11 Key Words
5.12 Answers to SAQs
5.13 References and Further Readings
For Safety Engineering to succeed in any industry, a safety culture has to be
built first. Safety engineering concepts provide the structure for Safety and
Industrial design engineers to develop intrinsically safe equipment, systems,
processes and facilities. When employed early in a design process, safety
engineers provide insight into how people will interface with the equipment
and facilitate safe design accordingly. Implementation of safety aspects at
design stage will ensure not only safe design for people, but also, a safe
operational concept that will reduce equipment/plant downtime and minimize
the cause-effect of accidents. Engineered safety includes fail safe process
equipment, fault-tolerant equipment, fire safety features and enclosed
Introduction to
Industrial Safety hazardous systems that prevent exposure to both workmen and the
Engineering environment.
Safety engineering is the engineering discipline which train students to build
and maintain engineered systems that operate free of risk or with minimum
risk to the people and environment. It is an integral part of industrial
engineering/systems engineering, and the subset, system safety engineering.
Rapid advances in technology have led to increased use of more and more
dangerous operations and use of hazardous materials in the industry today. It
becomes imperative on the part of engineers and managers to adopt systems /
processes and design / operate / maintain devices that will reduce / eliminate
the risks of injury to the physical body and long term health of the workmen.
After studying of this unit, you should be able to:
appreciate the importance of safety in industrial practices,
describe workmen’s viewpoint towards safety and accidents,
explain how safety is organized in large industries, and
identify safety functions and processes in workplace operations and
It has now become possible for engineers and managers to specialize in Concept of Safety
Engineering (Ergonomics,
safety engineering and safety management through formal education. That a Process Safety)
chief executive of an industry needs to be equally conscious about safety and
quality is of crucial importance now. Safety, health and environmental
controls have become essential staff functions. In most industries today,
safety finds place as one of the important industrial activities along with
manufacturing, research, design and development, purchase, sales, service
and profits.
Along with the University curriculum you should also apprise yourself with
the existing Government regulations on safety.
Introduction to
Industrial Safety
a) As a Safety Engineer in an industry what are the aspects you need to
look into?
b) Under what circumstances do Safety Policies of an organization fail?
c) Briefly describe the various levels of responsibility in the Safety Cell
of a large organization.
d) What are the different safety functions?
e) What type of occupational health hazards are usually found in Indian
Introduction to
Industrial Safety
This international standard is a guideline standard, and provided guidelines to
Engineering be followed. It does not, however, provide technical or physical
specifications which have to be met. These can be found in a different type of
standard called specification standards. For example, those on anthropometry
or thermal conditions.
Both types of standards fulfil different functions. While guideline standards
intend to show their users, “what to do and how to do it” and indicate those
principles that must or should be observed, for example, with respect to
mental workload; specification standards provide users with detailed
information about safety distances or measurement procedures for example,
that have to be met and where compliance with these prescriptions can be
tested by specified procedures.
This is not always possible with guideline standards, although despite their
relative lack of specificity, it can usually be demonstrated when and where
guidelines have been violated. A subset of specification standards are
“database” standards, which provide the user with relevant ergonomics data,
for example, body dimensions.
CEN (European) standards are classified as ‘A’, ‘B’ and ‘C’ type standards,
depending on their scope and field of application. ‘A’ type standards are
general, basic standards which apply to all kinds of applications, ‘B’ type
standards are specific for an area of application (which means that most of
the ergonomics standards within the CEN will be of this type), and ‘C’ type
standards are specific for a certain kind of machinery, for example, hand-held
drilling machines.
To reduce the chance of injury, work tasks should be designed to limit
exposure to ergonomic risk factors. Engineering controls are the most
desirable, where possible. Administrative or work practice controls may be
appropriate in some cases where engineering controls cannot be implemented
or when different procedures are needed after implementation of the new
engineering controls. Personal protection solutions have only limited
effectiveness when dealing with ergonomic hazards. For example if a
workman has to continuously bend or twist his body as a requirement to
execute the job, in the long run, he may damage his spine. PPE (Personal
Protective Equipment) would not be of much help in such cases. Your job as
a safety engineer would be to review the work process and equipment and
provide an ergonomic solution.
5.9.1 Life Cycle Phases of Safe Design Concept of Safety
Engineering (Ergonomics,
Process Safety)
The life cycle phase of safe design is shown in Figure5.2
Introduction to
Industrial Safety
5.9.3 Opportunity to Influence Safety Outcomes
Various opportunity to Influence Safety Outcomes has been shown in Figure
a) What are the benefits of using ergonomics in the industry?
b) Name five common operations in the factories which need safety
practices to be implemented.
c) What are the benefits of following safety practices?
d) What are the benefits of incorporating safety at the design stage of
an equipment / plant?
Safety: Workmen are not hurt, injured physically or psychologically and
maintain good health.
Workplace:The place where industrial and construction works are carried
Health: The state of well being of workmen so that capacity of working is
not adversely affected.
Safety manager and supervisor: The personnel who initiate and monitor the
safety policies of the organization are safety managers. The personnel who
supervise implementation of Engineering safety policies are supervisors
Industrial hygiene: The conditions leading to keeping of good health in the
industrial atmosphere, mainly related to cleanliness.
Health physics: The conditions related to physical facilities and conditions
that help workmen to maintain good health.
Safety functions: Establishing of policies and execution in respect of safety.
Safety Cell: The designated department or unit in an organisation
responsible for maintaining safety.
Safety Benefits: Advantages accrued from safety policies.
Operations: The physical actions for production, repair and services.
d) The different Safety functions are as listed below: Concept of Safety
Engineering (Ergonomics,
Industrial safety Compensation Process Safety)
Property conservation
Safety in material handling
Industrial hygiene
Environmental control
Occupational health.
Health and safety information system.
e) The major occupational diseases/morbidity of concern in India are
accidents, silicosis, musculo-skeletal injuries, coal workers'
pneumoconiosis, chronic obstructive lung diseases, asbestosis,
byssinosis, skin related disorders, pesticide poisoning, noise induced
hearing loss and workplace stress.
a) Using Ergonomics in a workplace reduces costs, improves
productivity and quality, improves employee engagement and creates a
better safety culture. It reduces the fatigue of workmen resulting their
better health and reduction in handling time increases productivity.
b) Some common operations in factories that require safety practices to
be implemented are,
Use of electrical tools
Use of chemical agents and chemical treatments
Toxic vapour applications
Casting and foundry practice
Masonry work particularly at lofty heights
c) A sound safety policy will eliminate or reduce greatly the accidents
whereby the employer will save cost of lost man-hours and machine
down-time. The employer will also save on paying compensation and
replacement or repair of equipment. The employees feeling safe to
work will show better productivity. Also since a sound safety policy
will guarantee an adequate compensation, the employees will work
without apprehension and psychological pressure.
d) By incorporating safety at the design stage the overall risks of
operation of the designed equipment / plant are minimized by
eliminating hazards or applying the right hazards controls to minimize
the identified hazards. By eliminating the hazards in the design process,
the implementation cost is also minimum. Future machine down-time
compensation to employees can be avoided.
6.1 Introduction
6.2 General Hazardous
6.3 Safe Storing of Hazardous Materials
6.3.1 Fire and Explosion Risks
6.3.2 Emergency Action Plan
6.4 Material Handling
6.4.1 Material Handling Equipment
6.4.2 Bulk Handling Material Equipment
6.4.3 Engineered Systems
6.4.4 Industrial Trucks
6.4.5 Storage and Handling Equipment
6.4.6 Types of Storage and Handling Equipment
6.5 Manual and mechanical material handling
6.5.1 Precautions when Lifting and Carrying Long Objects as Team
6.5.2 Precautions when lifting and Moving Furniture as a Team.
6.5.3 The Legal Aspect
6.6 Electrical Handling
6.7 Principles of Material Handling
6.8 Safety in Material Handling
6.9 Let Us Sum Up
6.10 Key Words
6.11 Answers to SAQs
6.12 References and Further Readings
We all know how important it is to take precautions when working with
hazardous materials. But we may not always recognize that it’s equally
important to maintain the same high level of safety when these materials are
in storage.
You will recall the Bhopal gas tragedy of 1984 when an estimated 15 to 20
thousand people died and about three to five lakh people were genetically
affected and the genetic mutations continued into their future generations as
well. It is to be noted that the plant was not in operation for quite a few
months and it was faulty storing of toxic material that caused this massive
tragedy. There have been similar incidents in history time and again which
Introduction to
Industrial Safety
have proved to be eye openers on the importance of safely storing hazardous
Engineering materials.
Even when hazardous materials are out of sight and in containers, one should
be mindful of their storage.If they're stored properly, these substances
shouldn't cause problems. But unless we're all aware of what safe storage
means, and how to protect ourselves in a storage area, we run the risk of
accidents. And we can't afford to take that risk with hazardous materials. So
in this unit, we will discuss the basics of safe storage of hazardous materials
and the precautions we should follow when we're in those areas. We will also
discuss Emergency Action Plan if hazardous materials go out of containment.
We will also look more closely at some specific high-risk substances so that
you can better understand why we store these materials as we do.
The Occupational Safety and Health Administration has detailed rules for the
location and construction of rooms or buildings that contain these substances,
including explanations of what can't be stored with different types of
hazardous materials. As you realize that every aspect of storage room design
has a reason and purpose, you'll be better able to see to it that those storage
areas and the substances stored in them, are kept safe.
After studying this unit you will be able to:
describe the kinds of health hazards;
appreciate the importance of safe storing of hazardous material;
classify material handling equipment;
explain manual and mechanical material handling; and
describe electrical handling and electrical safety tips.
a) What are the general hazards in industries?
b) Describe some hazards in storing and handling of materials. Shelter-in-Place
Chemical, biological, or radiological contaminants may be released into the
environment in such quantity and/or proximity to a place of business that it
may be safer to remain indoors than to evacuate employees.
a) What are the best practices of storing hazardous materials?
b) What is EAP?
Introduction to
Industrial Safety
Storage of Material
Handling of Hazardous
Introduction to Side-loaders (Figure 6.12)
Industrial Safety
Introduction to Push-back Racks (Figure 6.16)
Industrial Safety
a) What are 4 main categories of material handling equipment?
b) Elaborate on ‘Engineered Material Handling Systems’.
Use webbing (Figure 6.21) around straps to secure them from slipping
Obtain assistance while loading a heavy object on the truck.
Use your body weight to tilt the object.
Place the lip of the truck under the object (Figure 6.22).
Figure 6.22: Place the Lip of the Truck Under the Object
Introduction to
Industrial Safety
Move off. The assisting person directs the movement (Figure 6.24).
a) What is the major occupational health hazard on account of manual
material handling and what are its main causes?
b) Provide some guidelines on how heavy materials should be handled
when only manual labour is available.
Storage of Material
Handling live electrical lines and equipment have been known to be one of Handling of Hazardous
the major causes of occupational hazard in the industry. The main causes and Material
their corrective actions of these hazards are listed below:
Improper earthing of electrical circuitry, building or plant has been
observed to be a major cause of accidents and fire. Make sure all
electrical circuits are properly earthed following the guiding IS
Inspect portable cord-and-plug connected equipment, extension cords,
power bars, and electrical fittings for damage or wear before each use.
Repair or replace damaged equipment immediately.
Always tape extension cords to walls or floors when necessary. Nails and
staples can damage extension cords causing fire and shock hazards.
Use extension cords or equipment that is rated for the level of amperage
or wattage that you are using.
Always use the correct size fuse. Replacing a fuse with one of a larger
size can cause excessive currents in the wiring in case of overload and
possibly start a fire.
Be aware that unusually warm or hot outlets may be a sign that unsafe
wiring conditions exist. Unplug any cords or extension cords to these
outlets and do not use until a qualified electrician has checked the wiring.
Always use ladders made with non-conductive side rails (e.g., fibreglass)
when working with or near electricity or power lines.
Place halogen lights away from combustible materials such as cloths or
curtains. Halogen lamps can become very hot and may be a fire hazard.
Risk of electric shock is greater in areas that are wet or damp. Install
Ground Fault Circuit Interrupters (GFCIs) as they will interrupt the
electrical circuit before a current sufficient to cause death or serious
Use a portable in-line Ground Fault Circuit Interrupter (GFCI) if you are
not certain that the receptacle you are plugging your extension cord into
is GFCI protected.
Make sure that exposed receptacle boxes are made of non-conductive
Know where the panel and circuit breakers are located in case of an
Label all circuit breakers and fuse boxes clearly. Each switch should be
positively identified as to which outlet or appliance it is for.
Do not use outlets or cords that have exposed wiring.
Do not use portable cord-and-plug connected power tools with the
guards removed.
Do not block access to panels and circuit breakers or fuse boxes.
Do not touch a person or electrical apparatus in the event of an electrical
accident. Always disconnect the power source first.
Introduction to
Industrial Safety
Electrical workers are frequently in close proximity to energized parts where
Engineering power arcs can occur. It is not necessary to touch an energized conductor to
receive an electrical shock. Anyone who has rubbed their feet across a
carpeted room and reached for a metal doorknob can attest to that. High
voltage may cause current flow through the air from one conductive surface
to another if the voltage is great enough and conditions are right. A lightning
strike, which might have an electrical potential of millions of volts, is an
electrical arc that could span miles. Similarly, in electrical work, when there
is a difference of potential between two points, an arc can occur under the
right set of conditions. Not only could an electrical arc jump from a
conductor to a person and give them a shock but arcing can result in serious
burns and explosive blasts.
Typically, arcing distances are rather small. Safe approach distances should
include a safety factor to the arcing distances in order to account for such
things as inadvertent movement and variable work conditions. Workers
should always be aware of the arcing hazard when handling tools and
equipment near energized electrical conductors. Personal Protective
Equipment (PPE) may be required in certain situations depending on the
amount of energy available at the source.
The power arc is a discharge of electricity through a combination of ionized
air and vaporized conductor material. The conductive material is vaporized
by temperatures in an arc which can be as high as 35,000 degrees Fahrenheit.
Burns associated with high energy arcs can be fatal even if the victim is
several feet from the arc, and severe burns at distances up to ten feet are
common. Clothing may also be ignited at distances of several feet. This may
also be fatal, because the clothing cannot be removed or extinguished quickly
enough to prevent serious burns over much of the body's skin. The following
Table1, gives several examples of the increased temperature of human skin
above normal when exposed to power arcs of varying lengths.
Table 6.1: Arc Temperature vs Distance
1 2.54 69 F 47 F 31 F 21 F 8F 2F
Introduction to
Industrial Safety
vaporization of conducting materials and superheating of air can fracture ribs,
Engineering collapse lungs and knock workers off ladders or blow them across a room.
a) What are some general safety tips for working with or near
b) Describe the effects of a power arc blast and precautions needed
to avoid it.
Storage of Material
The National Safety Council suggests employers relay the following Handling of Hazardous
information to employees to help reduce workplace incidents when handling Material
and moving materials:
Avoid lifting materials from the floor while seated.
Make use of available handling aids.
Refrain from using sudden or jerky movements.
Never lift a load over an obstacle.
Perform lifts in areas with adequate footing, space and lighting.
Modify objects and redesign jobs to make moving easier.
Seek assistance from co-workers.
Stay in good physical shape.
Begin lifts close to the body.
Use containers made of lighter materials.
Reduce load sizes when possible.
Do not twist or bend while lifting objects.
Ensure that repetitive, heavy and bulky lifts are not performed.
Keep lifts between shoulder and knuckle height.
Use conveyors, slides or chutes to eliminate pushing or pulling.
a) Write down any five important principles of material handling.
b) Name a few important safety aspects in material handling.
Introduction to Material Handling: Material handling is the movement, protection, storage
Industrial Safety
Engineering and control of materials and products throughout manufacturing,
warehousing, distribution, consumption and siposal
Bulk handling equipment: Refers to the storage, control and transportation
of materials in bulk and in loose form
Enginered system: Automated and created from a variety of units to enbable
both storage and transportation
Automated Storage and Retrieval System (AS/RS): Large computerised
and automated device that comes complete with racks, shelves and aisles
Automated guided vehicles (AGV): Portable robot that follows along
marked long lines or wires ont he floor, or uses radio wves, vision cameras,
magnets, or lasers for navigation
Storage equipment: Equipment atha tis sued to hold products and materials
when whty are not being used, or when they are waiting to enter or leave the
production process
Team Lifting or Team Handling: When more than one person is involved
in lifting or handling heavy loads
Electrical handling: Handling live electrical lines and equipment
Ground Fault Circuit Interrrupters (GFCIs): Interrupt the electrical
circuit before a current sufficient to cause death or serious injury
Electrical Arc Blast: Electrical shock and burns, blast effect that can result
from arcing
Storage of Material
Handling and storing of hazardous chemicals or toxic substances can be Handling of Hazardous
a source of major disaster not only to the workmen of the factory Material
concerned but to the much bigger area adjacent to it. Bhopal Gas
Tragedy is an unfortunate example.
a) While storing hazardous materials the best practices are:
place stores of liquid above ground where they're unlikely to be
damaged, eg. away from traffic routes
avoid overfilling containers
supervise deliveries
maintain gauges, valves and pipework
monitor oil use - unexpectedly high use may indicate a leak
have procedures for dealing with emergency leakages
use a secondary containment system such as a drip tray or bund (a
storage area designed to prevent liquids escaping)
b) EAP stands for emergency action plan. It has to be a written document.
The purpose of an EAP is to facilitate and organize employer and
employee actions during workplace emergencies. Well-developed
emergency plans and proper employee training (such that employees
understand their roles and responsibilities within the plan) will result in
fewer and less severe employee injuries and less structural damage to the
facility during emergencies.
a) There are 4 main categories of material handling equipment:
Bulk material handling
Engineered systems
Industrial trucks
Storage and handling equipment
b) An engineered material handling system is one that is typically
automated. Such systems are usually created by combining a variety of
units to enable both storage and transportation.
An Automated Storage and Retrieval System’ ( AS/RS ) is one example
of an engineered material handling system. An AS/RS can be integrated
with a production facility’s existing computer network to keep a tab on
stock control, plus other logistical systems.
Other examples of engineered systems are Automated guided vehicles
(AGVs), Conveyor systems, Robotic delivery systems etc.
a) One of the more frequent, higher risk outcomes of manual material
handling is musculoskeletal disorders (MSDs). It is found that the most
common MSD were due to obstructions on floors interfering with safe
Introduction to
Industrial Safety
movement of materials; unsafe material lifting, carrying and moving;
Engineering unsafe storage of material and lack of examination of lifting devices.
b) When heavy loads are required to be handled with purely manual labour,
one has to use Team Lifting or Team Handling.
Following are the basic criteria to be followed when using "Team Lifting
/ Handling".
Use team lifting and carrying where other solutions are inappropriate.
Remember that the combined strength of the team is less than the
sum of individual strength.
Select team members of similar height and strength.
Assign a leader to the team.
Determine a set of commands to be used such as "lift", "walk",
"down". Make sure that everyone knows what to do when they hear
the command.
Follow the commands given by the team leader.
Practice team lifting and carrying together before attempting the task.
a) Some general safety tips while working on live electrical lines are listed
Make sure all electrical circuits are properly earthed following the
guiding IS specifications.
Repair or replace damaged or worn out portable cord-and-plug
connected equipment, extension cords, power bars, and electrical
fittings before each use.
Always tape extension cords to walls or floors when necessary.
Use extension cords or equipment that is rated for the level of
amperage or wattage that you are using.
Always use the correct size fuse.
Be aware that unusually warm or hot outlets may be a sign that
unsafe wiring conditions exists.
Always use ladders made with non-conductive side rails (e.g.,
fibreglass) when working with or near electricity or power lines.
Place halogen lights away from combustible materials such as cloths
or curtains.
Risk of electric shock is greater in areas that are wet or damp. Install
Ground Fault Circuit Interrupters (GFCIs) as a safety measure.
Make sure that exposed receptacle boxes are made of non-
conductive materials.
Know where the panel and circuit breakers are located in case of an
Label all circuit breakers and fuse boxes clearly.
Do not use outlets or cords that have exposed wiring.
Do not use portable cord-and-plug connected power tools with the
guards removed.
Do not block access to panels and circuit breakers or fuse boxes.
Storage of Material
Do not touch a person or electrical apparatus in the event of an Handling of Hazardous
electrical accident. Always disconnect the power source first. Material
7.1 Introduction
7.2 5S: The Concept
7.3 Need for 5S
7.4 The Cycle
7.5 Implementation of 5S
7.5.1 Benefits of the Practice of 5S
7.5.2 Short - Seiri
7.5.3 Set in Order- Seiton
7.5.4 Shine-Seiso
7.5.5 Standardise-Seiketsu
7.5.6 Sustain-Shitsuke
7.6 Role of Management Implementing 5S
7.6.1 Additional Guidelies for Implementing of 5S
7.7 Let Us Sum Up
7.8 Key Words
7.9 Answers to SAQs
7.10 References and Further Readings
Everyone appreciates a workplace that is free of clutter and facilitates
effective, efficient and safe work. Think of a Wall Mart store where you step
into and find all sorts of items neatly stacked and arranged in an organized
manner making it just as simple for a customer to pick and choose as it is for
the store account manager to bill the product. In contrast, think of traditional
grocer’s shop running in a 10 × 10 room which is more like a store house and
he alone knowns what item is kept where. Some of the items may be stored
well beyond the expiry date of unpackaged goods which may have been
attached by rodents or further still, wrong items may be stored together like
unpacked food grains with liquid phenyl or mothballs. So now you
understand the context of our discussion in this unit. Similar concept applies
to workplaces. The system of 5S focuses on putting everything where it
belongs and keeping the workplace clean, making it easier for people to do
their jobs without wasting time as or risking their safety in any manner.
After the studying this unit, you will be able to:
appreciate the need and importance of 5S system in workplaces.
describe Value Stream Mapping (VSM).
describe the meaning, methods and benefits of 5S. and
Introduction to
Industrial Safety
discuss the role of management in implementing 5S effectively.
5S is amongst the first and fundamental steps implemented by an enterprise
towards the path of accomplishing Total Quality Management and continuous
improvement at the operation level. 5S is a process designed to organize the
workplace, keep it clean, maintain effective and standard conditions. It instils
the discipline required to enable everyone to achieve and maintain a world-
class working environment.
Over time, the 5S methodology led to many benefits that included, reduced
costs, higher quality, increased productivity, greater employee satisfaction
and safer work environment. And most importantly, it introduces standard
operational practices to ensure efficient, repeatable and safe ways of working.
The use of this tool was started in the 1920s by Henry Ford in the United
States as the CANDO program: Cleaning up, Arranging, Neatness, Discipline
and Ongoing improvement. The technique was popularized as ‘Japanese 5S’
in 1980 by Hiroyuki Hirano.
Many enterprises have practiced the 5S and derived significant benefits from
it. This technique has been widely practiced in Japan. Most Japanese 5S
practitioners consider 5S useful not just for improving their physical
environment, but also for improving their thinking processes. In Japan it is
also called ‘workplace management’.
Introduction to
Industrial Safety
5S is the acronym for five Japanese words: Seiri, Seiton, Seiso, Seiketsu and
Engineering Shitsuke and they represent the five steps for a systematic technique for good
housekeeping. The 5S cycle is represented in Figure. 7.1.
The five steps and their corresponding actions are as indicated in the table 7.1
and Figure 7.2 shows the Five Steps of Japanese 5 S.
Table 7.1: The five steps of Japanese 5 S
Step Corresponding action
Seiri (Sort) Distinguish between necessary and unnecessary items.
Remove the latter.
Seiton (Set in order) Enforce the dictum ‘a place for everything and
everything in its place’.
Seiso (Shine) Clean up the workplace and look for ways to keep it
Seiketsu (Standardize) Maintain and monitor adherence to the first three Ss.
Standardise the way of maintaining cleanliness.
Shitsuke (Sustain) Stay committed to practicing the 5S daily make it a
way of life.
7.5.1 Benefits of the Practice of 5 S House Keeping (5S
The general concept of the 5S is that they are intended to eliminate waste
(Osada, 1993). Working in disorder (Figure 7.3) is neither productive, nor
safe. 5S is a simple and practical method to instil a quality culture at the
workplace. It is relatively easy to undertake and requires minimal additional
resources. The first and small investment made in time and effort pays off in
a much bigger manner when the results are realized and maintained.
Among the main benefits of implementing 5S are:
the workplace becomes cleaner, safer, well-organized and more pleasant
floor space utilization is improved
workflow becomes smoother and more systematic and non-value-added
activities are reduced;
time for searching tools, materials and document is minimized;
machine breakdowns are reduced since clean and well-maintained
equipment breaks down less frequently and it also becomes easier to
diagnose and repair before breakdowns occur, therefore extending
equipment life;
errors are minimized leading to making defect-free products;
consumables and material wastage are minimized;
the morale and satisfaction of employees improves; and
the productivity of the organization improves together with the quality of
products and services.
Introduction to
Industrial Safety
a) Why should we implement 5S?
b) What is SEIRI and what are the benefits an industry can derive from
practicing it?
c) What does SEITON mean and what are the steps in SEITON?
d) Explain SEISO and its benefits.
Sensitize the management and all employees concerned about the House Keeping (5S
importance and benefits of 5S and get their commitment;
conduct a status audit with photographs ‘as is state’. The diagnostic tool
given in the appendix may be used;
measure throughput, time in materials handling, floor space, flow
distance, rack storage, engineering cycle times, annual physical
inventory time, and defect ratios before and after the 5S implementation.
develop an implementation plan, with clear responsibilities and deadlines,
in consultation with management and all employees concerned;
implement the 5 S plan;
take photographs after the implementation and assess the
share the experience and extend the implementation to other
conduct periodic 5S Internal Audits with ratings to monitor progress.
a) Which aspect of 5S does SEIKETSU deal with? Describe in
b) What do you understand by SHITSUKE? What are the benefits of
practicing SHITSUKE?
c) Why is it important to measure throughput, time in materials
handling, floor space, flow distance, rack storage, engineering
cycle times, annual physical inventory time, and defect ratios
before and after the 5S implementation?
Introduction to
Industrial Safety
5 S: is a process designed to organize the workplace, keep it clean, maintain
Engineering effective and standard conditions.
Seiri (Sort): Distinguish between necessary and unnecessary items.
Remove the latter.
Seiton (Set in order):Enforce the dictum ‘a place for everything and
everything in its place’.
Seiso (Shine): Clean up the workplace and look for ways to keep it clean.
Seiketsu (Standardise): Maintain and monitor adherence to the first three Ss.
Standardise the way of maintaining cleanliness.
Shitsuke (Sustain): Stay committed to practicing the 5S daily make it a way
of life.
Introduction to
Industrial Safety
8.1 Introduction
8.2 Mechanical Operations and Safety
8.3 Hazards of Working With Cranes
8.4 Types of Cranes
8.5 Safety Factors to be Observed in Crane Operation
8.6 Safe Loading and Operation of Cranes
8.7 General Guideline for Cranes
8.8 Let Us Sum Up
8.9 Key Words
8.10 Answers to SAQs
8.11 References and Further readings
Machines can significantly improve production and efficiency. But they do not
come without risks. This unit is designed to focus on what mechanical
operations mean and the various hazards connected to mechanical operations.
We shall then take up the study of one mechanical operation - cranes in detail,
to provide an overall insight on safety in mechanical operations.
After studying this unit, you will be able to:
categorise mechanical operations;
appreciate the need for safety in mechanical operations;
enlist the types of cranes
describe the safety factors to be observed in crane operations;
recognise the importance of safe loading in operations of cranes
Safeguarding of
The hazards involved in the various types of mechanical operations mentioned Machinery
above cannot be individually tagged to each operation and often overlap. For
example the hazard of a moving machine part not provided with proper guard,
can come under the categories of Design, Manufacturing and Transportation.
So we shall broadly mention the hazards that may occur in general during
mechanical operations and the safety measures needed for them. To provide
further insight on safety of mechanical operations we shall discuss one
operation in particular and safety measures connected to it, in detail.
Key risk areas in mechanical operations and safety measures needed for them
can be broadly categorised as follows:
Winding equipment – Safety precautions for winding euipment include
suitable guards covering high speed rotating parts and general electrical
Diesel engine systems – Safety measures for diesel engine systems include
safety against toxic fumes, heated pipes and parts and high speed rotating
Welding– Wearing protective gloves and clothing, using proper screen and
protection from electrical hazards is required for safe operations during
High pressure hydraulic equipment – Making sure that safety valves in the
system are always in working order, few routine checks like oil level, leak,
clogging filters, hoses defects, hydraulic piping and connections, abnormal
noise pump etc. should be the primary safety measures.
Metal cutting operations - To ensure safety avoid wearing loose garments
and using rags near running machines, wear goggles to avoid flying metal
chips, stop the machine before cleaning chips or when you are away and
never try to free a stalled cutter without turning the power off first.
Mobile and transportable equipment – We shall discuss the safety
measures for mobile and transportable equipment in detail with the help of
the example of cranes.
Introduction to
Industrial Safety When working with overhead cranes, falling loads are one of the most
Engineering common, and most dangerous, hazards. A falling load can result in several
injuries, fatalities and significant structural damage to buildings and
property. Additionally, it will also lead to significant time and money costs.
Falling loads from an overhead crane could be the result of:
Operator incompetency. One must ensure that the workmen are
adequately trained so that they are able to carry out their roles
competently and safely.
Slipping. If the loads are not secured properly it can result in slipping
of material.
Mechanical failure. The risk of mechanical failure can be reduced if
a competent person carries out routine inspections, maintenance and
repairs at suitable intervals.
Two blocking. Two blocking occurs when an uppermost hoist line
component (i.e the load block, hook block, overhaul ball) touches the
upper block, boom tip or similar component. When two blocking
occurs, increased tension is placed on the line which can result in
falling of loads or crane components.
ii) Electrical Hazards
Around 50% of accidents involving overhead cranes are a result of a metal
part of a crane coming into contact with a power source (i.e a high-voltage
power line). There’s a risk of a crane’s hoist line or boom touching
energized power lines when moving materials nearby or underneath.
While those directly touching the crane are the most likely to be
electrocuted, anything in the vicinity is also at risk. Therefore, one
accident can result in multiple deaths and injuries. Fatalities are also the
result of contact with power lines, so it’s crucial that pre-job planning is
carried out prior to starting work.
iii) Crane Overload
The majority of crane structural failures and upsets are the result of
somebody overloading a crane. Exceeding a crane’s operational capacity
may subject it to structural stresses and cause irreversible damage.
Crane overload may be caused due to the following reasons:
Swing or suddenly drop loads - Sudden swinging of heavy loads at a
height can topple the crane altogether and cause serious damage to life and
property. Dropping of heavy loads from a height can also cause damage.
Hoist loads beyond the cranes capacity - Electric Overhead Traction (EOT)
cranes are mostly used in shop-floors. Often weight of the load to be lifted
and moved is not known and people tend to overload the crane in an
attempt to maintain the workflow. Such practises often lead to disaster.
Mobile cranes are largely used outdoors. Again the tendency to manage
with the available resources at site leads to overloading of cranes, often
with fatal consequences. One may follow the cranes’ rated load while
loading but may find the hanging hook to be under-rated and may take the
risk which may soon turn into a disaster.
Safeguarding of
Use defective components – Sometimes there may be a tendency to Machinery
manage things in any possible way often ignoring the safety aspect. It is
the responsibility of a safety engineer to change such habits and provide
the right resources. A simple defective component in a crane, like a worn
out tyre or a badly welded joint in the lifting system can be dangerous.
Dragging or side-pulling loads – Loads are always meant to be lifted
vertically by cranes. However, to accommodate working conditions
operators sometimes drag or side-pull loads. This is a very dangerous
practise as when the load finally leaves the ground it can swing and cause
a lot of damage to life and property including toppling of the crane itself.
Not paying enough attention to the loading chart provided on the body of
the crane – That crane operations require a lot of safety precautions is
established by the fact that all cranes have very clear loading chart and
instructions fixed to the body of the crane in a visible location where it is
least likely to be damaged. This chart is particularly important for mobile
cranes. One needs to pay enough attention and study the chart before
loading the crane.
a) Name and explain the key risk areas in mechanical operations.
b) What are the main hazards in crane operation?
Introduction to
Industrial Safety
Safeguarding of
A hydraulic mechanism extends or retracts the tubes to increase or decrease the Machinery
length of the boom. Most construction cranes today are in some form, a
telescopic crane, except for the Lattice boom crane (picture below) that has a
frame of steel structure which is bolted together to get the right height for the
hoist. The Lattice Boom Crane is shown in Figure 8.3.
Introduction to
Industrial Safety Figure 8.4: Tower Crane
Some large tower cranes reach up to 1000 meters high. With an average
floor dimension of a high rise equalling 3.5 meters/floor, it equals to a
285 story building! One important thing to note about tower cranes, as
they construct past a specific height is that it is mandatory to have the
tower crane secured to the building to help prevent crane sway and crane
iv) Truck Mounted Crane (Also Known as Boom Truck or Picker Truck)
Boom trucks (Figure 8.5) or picker trucks are cranes mounted on a truck
with rubber tires and provide great mobility. Outriggers that extend
vertically or horizontally are used to level and stabilize the crane during
hoisting. The capacity of these cranes rarely exceed 50 tons. As mentioned
above, their versatility is found in their mobility and reach.
The outriggers extend vertically and horizontally to level and stabilize the
crane when hoisting. These types of cranes are single engine machines
where the same engine is used for powering the undercarriage as it is for
powering the crane. These cranes are ideal for construction sites that have
uneven, dirty and rocky terrain. The mobility and ability of the crane to
Safeguarding of
travel around the site make it an effective support crane for lighter hoists Machinery
on highway, construction and infrastructure projects.
vi) Loader Crane (Also Known as a Folding Boom Crane)
The numerous sections can be folded into a small space when the crane
isn’t in use. Capacity of these cranes have increased dramatically over the
years. Presently there are 200 ton capacity loader folding boom cranes in
the market today.
Safeguarding of
power lines. If such obstacles exist, one needs to ensure that the operator Machinery
and other workmen are aware of the plan for avoiding them.
Use cranes properly. Cranes are engineered for vertical lifting. That
doesn’t stop some crews from trying to use them for side loading or other
improper activities. Using a crane to drag something across the ground or
from under an obstacle puts extreme stress on the boom, the turn table, and
all the structural members. It could potentially weaken key components
and lead to their failure. If someone on the site has used a crane
improperly, one should ensure that it has been inspected thoroughly to
check for damages and impairment.
Stay in touch. Whether one uses radios, air horns, or hand signals, there
needs to be clear communication between the operator and other workmen.
That’s especially critical when a crane is making a lift in which the
operator cannot see the load, such as when air handling equipment is being
delivered through an opening on another side of a structure. One should
not assume that everyone will know how instructions will be
communicated. One should build specific guidelines, and make sure that
everyone on the site knows exactly what each signal means.
Avoid man-baskets. Sometimes the easiest way to put employees where
they’re needed is to lift a man-basket to the work area. However, that
approach creates hazards that must be tested and addressed before work
begins, such as providing proper fall protection, verifying basket capacity,
and checking that the basket is properly attached. In addition, the safety of
the employees in the basket is entirely dependent on the skill of the
operator, and a simple mistake could have tragic consequences. Before
using a man-basket, consider whether an articulating boom lift or a scissor
lift might provide a safer alternative.
Start with a plan. Each lift is different from another, and it’s important to
review load weight capacities, the integrity of the equipment, the possible
effect of wind, and other factors. The operator, riggers, and other workmen
involved with the lift should be part of that planning process.
Standing under a crane: One must ensure that employees know they
must not stand under loads and ensure that operators never lift a load over
an employee. One must never stand under a crane or have a load lifted
over oneself. It’s crucial that the employees are aware of this and avoid
walking through any zones where cranes are overhead.
Know, understand and comply with the Lifting Operations and Lifting
Equipment Regulations 1998 (LOLER). After all, the standards requiring
tag lines on loads, capacity limits, ground stability, and similar factors
have all been adopted because incidents, injuries and fatalities
demonstrated a need for them. Following those rules and ensuring that the
operators and other workmen have the right education, training, and
experience will protect everyone involved.
Carry out routine maintenance and repairs of all on-site equipment at
appropriate intervals. Part of one’s legal responsibility under LOLER
involves carrying out routine, periodic maintenance and repairs to ensure
your machinery is in safe working condition. The concerned authorities in
the Government issue a fitness certificate to each crane in operation, once
a year. It is grossly illegal to operate any crane without this Fitness
Introduction to
Industrial Safety Checking the operating functions daily: It’s important to check the
Engineering operating functions daily to ensure that everything is working properly and
that there are no defects or cracks in the support chambers. The cranes of a
generation ago were made with alloys that could handle overloading and
other abuse. Today’s cranes use materials that are less tolerant of
mishandling. Long time operators are often surprised to discover that the
tricks they used to push cranes beyond the limits in the past can easily
create very dangerous situations with newer cranes.
Overhead cranes used in heavy industrial applications such as steel
making need to be inspected even more carefully. Many of these cranes
spend decades working in extreme environments such as melt shops. That
constant exposure to intense heat and temperature swings can cause the
beam and other structural members to become brittle and lose strength or
even fail.
Ensure a supervisor is present on site at all times when cranes are in
Make employees aware of, and strictly enforce your loading and lifting
Ensure clear warning signals are displayed on-site when needed. One must
display the relevant hazard signs in all danger zones on-site to warn your
employees of the potential hazards. All the employees must know and
understand all the warning signs so that they are aware of when they are
entering a danger zone.
Select appropriate PPE for all employees. Ensure that employees wear
appropriate foot, head and eye protection, along with any other PPE that
has been identified during risk assessment.
a) What are the different types of cranes used in the industry?
b) Name and explain the safety factors to be observed during crane
Safeguarding of
the structural strength when the working radius is small, and Machinery
its stability when the working radius is greater.
However, there are structural limits at both the minimum and maximum
working radius. If a crane is over loaded, a structural or mechanical component
of the crane may fail, or the crane may overturn. The lifting capacities
specified on a load chart should not be exceeded except during testing of the
crane by a competent person under controlled conditions.
Each load chart should include enough information to identify the crane
configuration it applies to.
For example:
the safe working zone
the counter weight mass
whether a fly jib is fitted, in use, in place or stowed
outrigger extension or pick-and-carry mode
maximum speed for making a load mobile
rope and reeving details, including number of falls of rope in the hook
main or auxiliary hoist in use, and
whether the hook block is included or excluded.
Some important factors which are often overlooked when reading load charts
Subtracting the mass of the hook block and lifting slings from the capacity
of the crane at the particular radius. This should be noted on the load chart.
For example, if the load chart states the crane can lift 20 tonnes at a given
radius but the hook and lifting gear have a combined mass of a ton, the
load to be lifted cannot be more than 19 tonnes. This issue is critical for
heavier hook blocks and lifting gear, for example spreader beams.
Subtracting the mass of the fly jib (adjustment mass) from the capacity of
the main hook when lifting from the main hook on the main boom with a
fly jib attached to the boom head. This adjustment mass should be noted
on the load chart—there may be two different masses for some cranes with
swing around fly jibs—one for the fly jib in place and another for the
stowed position. Capacities of the main boom are generally based on the
fly jib being removed. If this issue is ignored, the crane is likely to
The increased maximum working radius that may result when using a fly
Introduction to
Industrial Safety a reliability level of Category 4 under AS 4024.1-2006: Safety of
Engineering machinery, or
a safety integrity level (SIL) of 3 under AS 61508-2011: Functional safety
of electrical/electronic/programmable electronic safety-related systems.
These categories of reliability level and SIL are related to the concept of ‘fail
Introduction to
Industrial Safety
8.6.8 Working at a Height
People installing, erecting and dismantling some types of cranes may be
exposed to the risk of falling when working at a height. An activity carried out
in relation to construction work where a person could fall more than 2 metres
is defined as high risk construction work and requires a safe work method
statement (SWMS).
To minimise the risk of workmen falling from a height control measures may
temporary work platforms e.g. an elevating work platform
travel restraint systems
fall-arrest harness systems, and
edge protection systems.
Safeguarding of
unexpectedly while mobiling or slewing (moving the load in a radius), the Machinery
load may swing unexpectedly. Cranes should only be positioned and
operated on stable surfaces, designed by a competent person, with the
correct bearing pressure and without significant holes or indentations that
may cause the crane and load to move unexpectedly due to being unstable.
Further information on crane stability is in the Guide to mobile cranes.
8.6.15 Communication
Lack of reliable communication between a crane operator and dogger or rigger
may lead to unsafe crane operations and contribute to injury to people from
dropped loads and collision with other plant and/or structures. Only one dogger
should give signals at a time. Signals may be visual, audible or a combination
of both. When more than one dogger is involved in a lift, each dogger should
understand when responsibility for their part of the lifting operation should be
handed over to another dogger.
Safeguarding of
Effective communication is particularly important where the crane operator Machinery
cannot see the load, the load’s landing area or the path of travel of the load or
the crane make an accurate judgement of distance and see if the crane or the
load may contact overhead electric lines or other obstacles. People using radio
equipment should be familiar with the manufacturer’s operating instructions. A
secure dedicated radio frequency should be selected for the duration of the
crane operations to prevent interference with other radio equipment being used
in the vicinity of the crane. A constant talk method should be used so the
people involved are aware of the progress of the lifting operations. Work
should stop immediately if there is a loss of radio communication.
Where radio communication cannot be used other ways to communicate
including hand signals, bell, buzzer and whistle signals should be used. Mobile
phones should not be used for directing mobile crane operations.
the lifting gear is tagged and relevant information listed e.g. relevant
information for a chain sling includes grade of chain, rated capacity,
manufacturer, chain size and the relevant standard marking.
lifting hooks are provided with operable safety latches unless a safety latch
would increase the risk e.g. a hook on a tea pot ladle at a smelter.
shackles used as terminal fittings are prevented from unscrewing e.g.
lifting eyes and inserts are compatible.
lifting slings are not damaged e.g. excessive wear, damaged strands,
cracks, deformation or severe corrosion, and
the sling is suitable for the load being lifted including capacity and
protection from sharp edges. The manufacturer’s requirements for lifting
gear should be followed including using protective sleeves and corner
pieces. Although the edges of the load may not appear sharp a sling may
be damaged when it is placed under tension.
Introduction to
Industrial Safety have enclosed sides or robust mesh with openings less than the minimum
Engineering size of materials being lifted (specifically designed material boxes should
be used to lift smaller components)
be inspected and maintained and inspection records should be properly
have loads secured against movement, and not have materials stacked
higher than the side of the material box unless they are secured—but at no
time should the material box become top heavy.
Safeguarding of
Before lifting a load, the crane operator or dogger should ensure that the hoist Machinery
rope hangs vertically over the load. Care should be taken to stop the load
swinging when lifting the load. The crane operator should always have the load
under control when lowering loads or when the load is suspended.
Introduction to
Industrial Safety if needed, reconfigure the crane before it can be used in this way
Engineering make sure the main winch and auxiliary winch drives are independent
not exceed the rigging maximum design fleet angle
rotate as near as possible in line with the plane of the boom to prevent side
loading the sheaves
monitor the load on the main and auxiliary winches separately and
simultaneously to avoid overloading either rope and to make sure the
combined load of both ropes does not exceed the rated capacity
not exceed the included angle between the main hoist rope and auxiliary
hoist rope by more than 10 degrees, or as determined by the manufacturer
or a competent person, unless otherwise specified by the manufacturer,
and rotate with enough clearance to make sure the load does not strike the
ground, crane or other objects.
A competent person, for example an engineer should confirm the
minimum required capacity of each hoist rope, that is the maximum load
placed on each rope during the rotation. Sometimes the auxiliary winch
line passes over the ‘rooster sheave’, the sheave mounted on a short boom
extension. Do not overload the rooster sheave as some are not rated for the
full line pull of the auxiliary winch and are not suitable for this purpose.
Rooster sheaves and the associated rigging on the boom head should be
designed and certified by an engineer.
a) Briefly state the check points to ensure safe loading of a crane.
b) What precautions are needed when loads are lifted with multiple
c) Explain the safety measures to be taken when a crane is not in use.
Introduction to
Industrial Safety We have touched upon safety requirements in mechanical operation in general
Engineering and studied the safe operations of cranes in detail.
We have learnt that:
Commonly 7 types of cranes are used in the industry, namely,
Mobile cranes
Telescopic crane
Tower crane
Truck mounted crane (also known as boom truck or picker truck)
Rough terrain crane
Loader crane (also known as a folding boom crane)
Overhead crane
The usual hazards of working with cranes are,
Falling Loads can be caused by,
Operator incompetency
Mechanical failure
Two blocking
Crane Overload
Swing or suddenly drop loads
Hoist loads beyond the cranes capacity
Use defective components
Dragging or side-pulling. Do not pay enough attention to the loading
chart provided on the body of the crane
Not following the cranes’ rated capacity/loading chart
Electrical Hazards
The safety precautions to be taken during crane operations can be summed
up as,
Have a certified operator
Know what’s below
Plan for swing
Use cranes within rated capacity
Stay in touch
Avoid man-baskets
Start with a plan
How to safely load and operate cranes
To ensure safe loading of cranes various factors to be considered are,
the safe working zone
the counterweight mass
whether a fly jib is fitted, in use, in place or stowed and the increased
mass and maximum working radius that may result when using a fly
outrigger extension or pick-and-carry mode
maximum speed for mobiling a load
rope and reeving details, including number of falls of rope in the hook
Safeguarding of
main or auxiliary hoist in use, and Machinery
whether the hook block is included or excluded.
limiting and indicating devices in working condition
suitable operator protective devices
crane positioned in right location
crane standing area
electric lines near operation area
working at a height
wind conditions
communication between operator and ground staff
Introduction to
Industrial Safety Welding – Wearing protective gloves and clothing, using proper
Engineering screen and protection from electrical hazards is required for safe
High pressure hydraulic equipment – Making sure that safety valves
in the system are always in working order, few routine checks like oil
level, leak, clogging filters, hoses defects, hydraulic piping and
connections, abnormal noise pump etc. should be the primary safety
Metal cutting operations - To ensure safety avoid wearing loose
garments and using rags near running machines, wear goggles to
avoid flying metal chips, stop machine before cleaning chips or when
you are away and never try to free a stalled cutter without turning the
power off first.
Mobile and transportable equipment – We shall discuss the safety
measures for this type of mechanical operation in detail below taking
the example of cranes.
b) The usual hazards of working with cranes are,
Falling Loads can be caused by,
Operator incompetency
Mechanical failure
Two blocking
Crane Overload
Swing or suddenly drop loads
Hoist loads beyond the cranes capacity
Use defective components
Dragging or side-pulling Do not pay enough attention to the loading
chart provided on the body of the crane
Not following the cranes’ rated capacity/loading chart
a) Commonly 7 types of cranes are used in the industry, namely,
Mobile cranes
Telescopic crane
Tower crane
Truck mounted crane (also known as boom truck or picker truck)
Rough terrain crane
Loader crane (also known as a folding boom crane)
Overhead crane
b) The safety precautions to be taken during crane operations can be summed
up as,
Have a certified operator
Know what’s below
Plan for swing
Use cranes within rated capacity
Stay in touch
Avoid man-baskets
Start with a plan
Safeguarding of
SAQ 3 Machinery
a) To ensure safe loading of cranes various factors to be considered are,
the safe working zone
the counterweight mass
whether a fly jib is fitted, in use, in place or stowed and the increased
mass and maximum working radius that may result when using a fly
outrigger extension or pick-and-carry mode
maximum speed for mobiling a load
rope and reeving details, including number of falls of rope in the hook
main or auxiliary hoist in use, and
whether the hook block is included or excluded.
limiting and indicating devices in working condition
suitable operator protective devices
crane positioned in right location
crane standing area
electric lines near operation area
working at a height
wind conditions
communication between operator and ground staff
c) Lifting a load with two or more cranes requires detailed planning and
supervision because the movement of the load between the cranes may
create extra loadings on the cranes, the load and the lifting gear. The
design capacity of a crane will not be the maximum rated capacity but the
de-rated capacity relevant to the multi-crane lift to be carried out. The
cranes to be used in the lift will need to be de-rated.
Where multi-crane lifts are carried out, a documented lift plan and
procedure should be prepared by a competent person, for example an
engineer, and followed. The crane de-ratings for each of the cranes used
for the multi-crane lift should be identified in the plan. Where it is
necessary to lift a load using more than one crane the person in control of
the lift must hold at least an intermediate rigging high risk work licence.
c) If a crane is to be stored it should be prepared to be left unattended and:
the manufacturer’s storage instructions followed
remote control equipment isolated
the power supply and controls isolated and locked off
storm anchors applied, if fitted, and
doors and windows locked to prevent unauthorised access.
Except in an emergency due to fire or other life threatening reason, the
crane operator should never leave the crane cabin or controls while a load
is suspended from the crane. A crane should not be left unattended unless:
loads are removed from the hook or lifting device
the hook has been secured or raised to a position where it is clear of
other operations
the crane is properly stowed
powered movements have been disabled, and
Introduction to
Industrial Safety the keys removed or the starting device locked out.