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Stopaq Tensile

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Product properties Stopaq product
Product Information Colour Green (corrosion preventing compound) with
grey backing (EPDM)
Generic type: Low temperature, cold-applied, non-crosslinked, non- Thickness 1.5 mm ± 10%
crystalline prefab monolithic viscous polymer wrap coating with cold Density 1.4 – 1.6 g/cm3
flow, self-healing, visco-elastic properties, fitted with an EPDM backing. Temperature Operational temp.:
Stopaq® Wrapping Tape System is a non-toxic wrap material adhering ranges -45°C up to +70°C
extremely well to steel and pipeline coatings like PE, PP, FBE. It is fully Application temp. substrate:
resistant to water and has a very low gas- and water vapor permeability. -30°C up to +50°C
Product application temp.:
Product description: Stopaq® Wrapping Tape System is always +5°C up to +50°C
viscous at the indicated temperatures of use (cold flow) and therefore Adhesion Tested at 23°C and 70°C (EN 12068)
flows into all irregularities on the steel surface. No adhesive failure. (C-Steel, PE, PP and FBE:
Stopaq® Wrapping Tape System has high impact and indentation residual protective layer: > 0.5mm).
resistance due to the flexible and rigid EPDM backing. Peel test Cohesive fracture
Impact resistance ≥ 15 J (EN 12068)
Features: Indentation ≥ 15 J (EN 12068)
• Cold flow providing permanent inflow into the finest pores of the resistance
substrate Hardness 60 ± 10 shore A
• High temperature resistance Tensile strength ≥ 7 MPa
• Conforms to any shape Elongation ≥ 250 %
• Low surface tension; adheres on all dry substrates at a molecular
• Surface tolerant: no grit-blasting, only wire brushing or hand tool General order information
cleaning required Product Stopaq Wrapping Tape System is available in
• Constant film thickness rolls of various widths and lengths:
• Adhesion based on van der Waals forces 50mm x 10m; 12 rolls/box; 360 roll/pellet
• Chemically stable 100mm x 10m; 6 rolls/box; 180 rolls/pellet
200mm x 20m; 2 rolls/box; 96 rolls/pellet
• Inert and amorphous
300mm x 10m; 2 rolls/box; 80 rolls pellet
Benefits: Handling Handle with care. Keep rolls upright
• Harmless to environment and workers Storage Store in a cool, dry and clean place, away from
direct sunlight and below 45°C.
• Fast and easy to apply
Unlimited shelf life.
• Easy to control during application
• Can be moulded onto irregular shaped objects
• No osmosis or creep of water/soil underneath

Application examples

Piping & Vessels: Underground carbon steel pipelines structures and

Repair coating: Rehabilitation and repair of existing coating systems.

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(주)피엔케이엔지니어링 경남 거제시 아주 1로 58 Tel: 055-632-3114 / 055-681-7993 Fax: 055-681-7998 Email: pnkeng@pnkeng.co.kr


Application instruction: Preparation Post application instructions

Tools and Temperature probe, Dew point tester, 20 kV Visual inspection The applied Wrapping Tape System must look
equipment holiday tester, Scissors, Knife, Measuring tape, smooth and tight and should be shaped around
Abrasion pad. all details and into corners.
Ambient Wrapping Tape System can be applied in a Inspection by Immediately after application, holiday testing can
conditions humid atmosphere. The substrate to be covered holiday testing be carried out with a voltage of 5 kV/mm + 5 kV.
should be heated to at least 3°C above the dew A brush probe is recommended.
point. The work area and substrate should Bringing into Bringing into service is possible immediately
be protected against negative weather service after completion of the coating application. The
influences. areas coated with Stopaq® materials should not
Product conditions The Wrapping Tape System should be dry and be exposed to loads, e.g. from supports, lifting
the temperature must be within the indicated equipment, etc.
product application temperature for the ease of Backfilling Backfill and compact with clean sand or filling
handling and shaping. material without sharp stones or hard lumps.

Application instruction: Surface preparation STOPAQ ® information and warranty

General The area to be coated has to be clean, dry, and Documentation Extensive information is available on our web-
free from oil, grease and dust. All contamination site. Application instructions, “Stopaq® Technical
including mill-scale has to be removed. Standard” and other documentation can be
Degreasing Degrease surfaces with isopropanol. obtained from our head office, from our local
distributor or by email to info@stopaq.com
Salts and Bacteria No need for additional cleaning.
Certified staff The application of Stopaq® coating system
Condensation of Prior to and during the application, the
should always be carried out by certified
water temperature of the substrate(s) must be at least
3°C above the dew point to avoid condensation
of water.
Steel Minimal requirement for surface preparation is
ST-2 according to ISO 8501-1. Roughness
profile is not essential for adhesion.
Other substrates De-gloss and degrease the surfaces by using an
abrasive pad and preferably isopropyl alcohol for
proper adhesion.
Final inspection The substrates prepared for coating, should be
clean, dry and free of dust according to ISO
8502-3, grade 3.

Application instruction: Brief version

Wrapping Start with removal of a small part of the release
liner and apply the Wrapping Tape System on
the substrate. Apply with some tension, but be
careful not to overstretch. Avoid air-enclosures.
Mould the Wrapping Tape System tight onto the
substrate surfaces. STOPAQ B.V.
Release foil Do not remove the release foil completely before Gasselterstraat 20
application of the Wrapping Tape System. 9503 JB Stadskanaal
Remove only at the moment of adhesion of the P.O. Box 285
9500 AG Stadskanaal
Wrapping Tape System to the surface. The Netherlands
Overlap of wraps Side-by-side overlap: ≥ 20 mm T: +31 (0) 599 696 170
Consecutive rolls: ≥ 100 mm F: +31 (0) 599 696 177
Spiral wrapping Start with one full circumferential wrap E: info@stopaq.com
perpendicular to the pipe. Continue wrapping I: www.stopaq.com
slanted and spirally, thereby creating an overlap
of ≥ 20 mm. End with one full circumferential
wrap perpendicular to the pipe.

DISCLAIMER: To the best of our knowledge, the technical data contained herein is true and accurate on the date of publication and is subject to change without prior notice. User must contact Stopaq
B.V. to verify correctness before specifying and ordering. No guarantee of accuracy is given or implied. We do not accept any responsibility for coverage, performance or injuries resulting from use.
Liability, if any, is replacement of products. No other warranty or guarantee of any kind is made by Stopaq B.V., express or implied, statutory, by operation of law, or otherwise, including merchantability
and fitness for a particular purpose. Stopaq® is a registered trademark of Stopaq B.V.

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(주)피엔케이엔지니어링 경남 거제시 아주 1로 58 Tel: 055-632-3114 / 055-681-7993 Fax: 055-681-7998 Email: pnkeng@pnkeng.co.kr

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