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ES0448A Hard Drive and Ethernet Option

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The Haas Hard Drive and Ethernet option includes enhanced software to access, copy, delete and rename files.
In addition new directories (folders) can be created on the devices from the Haas CNC control.

The device manager will control up to 5 devices. These are:

Memory – The internal CNC control’s memory (Available on all machines)

Floppy – Optional 1.4 MB Floppy disk
Hard Drive – Optional 20GB internal hard drive
Zip Drive– Optional External Zip Drive
Net Share – Files accessed from a remote server (Ethernet)

The following illustration shows the Device Manager screen and describe the display.

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To enter the Device Manager, press “List Prog”.

The screen has two windows; The Device window, on the left, and the Directory window, on the right. The left
and right arrows changes between the Device window and the Directory window. The Up and Down arrows will
scroll through the selections in the active window. Pressing “Enter” selects the highlighted program. There is no
need to press “Enter” in the Device column; device directories will come up automatically after a few seconds
(except the floppy and zip drive as a disk may not be in the drive).

The following example shows the directory for the hard drive. The selected program is shown with a “*”. The
selected file will also show on the “Source” field.

Program “O00000” is Selected

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The lower portion of the screen displays the current Source and Destination devices.

To copy a file, select a file and press Enter. Notice that “Source”, at the bottom of the screen is now followed
by the selected device and the file name. The path or sub-directory is not shown due to filename length.

Use the arrow keys to scroll to the destination directory. Press F2 to copy the file.

Note that files copied from the control’s memory to a device will have the extension “.NC” added to the end of
the file name. However the name can be changed by entering a new name before the F2 is pressed.


An existing file can be duplicated using the Device manager. Set both the Source and Destination device as the
same device, type in a new file name and press F2.


All file names should be kept to a typical eight-dot-three style. This means no more than eight characters
before the period and then the three characters of the file type after. For example: program1.txt

Note: Some CAD/CAM programs use “.NC” as a file type recognition. This is also an
acceptable file name extension.

Files developed in the control will be named, using the Haas naming convention. This is the letter “O” followed
by 5 digits. For example O12345. Therefore, copying a file from the control’s memory to another device, means
that an extension will have to be added to the copied file (e.g. .txt or .nc)


To change the name of a file, highlight the file and press “Enter”. Enter a new name and press “Alter”.


To delete a file from a device, highlight the file and press “Erase Prog”.


Sub-directories are displayed with their name followed by <DIR>”.

To enter a sub-directory, scroll to the sub-directory and press “Enter”.

To leave a sub-directory, go to the top of the sub-directory. Use the up arrow key to scroll through the programs
or press “Home” to jump to the top of the directory list. At the top there will be “..<DIR>”, highlight this line and
press “Enter”. Note: The top of the device directory is shown with “.\”.

Creating a New Sub-directory

Go to the directory where the new sub-directory will be located. Create a new Sub-directory by entering a name
and pressing “Insert”.
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On-Screen help is available by selecting the Device window (left arrow key) and pressing “End”.

To exit the Help screen, press the “Home” key, which will return to the device manager.

On-Screen Help


This is a feature of the Hard drive / Net share devices only

A program can be run from its place on the network or hard drive (Does not work for Floppy or Zip Disk). To do
so highlight a program from the directory and press “Select Prog”. This places the control in File Numeric
Control (FNC), which is shown at the top of the editor display. The program will be displayed on the current
commands screen, and the name of the running program will be at the top of the Device Manager screen.

Sub-programs can be called using an M98 provided that the subprogram is in the same directory as the main
program. The sub-program cannot be in a sub-directory or on a different device.
Additionally the subprogram must be named using the Haas naming convention e.g. O12345.NC.

Caution: The program can be modified remotely, and the change will take effect
the next time the program is run.
Subprograms may be changed while the CNC program is running.
Caution should be taken when downloading programs to the CNC.

Program editing is not allowed in FNC. The program is displayed and can be browsed through, but not edited.
Editing can be done from a networked computer or by loading the program into memory, editing the program
then sending it back down to the device.
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The following instructions are for locating a Haas CNC machine through a remote computer on the same
network using Windows 98. Other operating systems may vary; use your current OS manual of locating
computers on a network.

1) Left click on the Start button.

2) Select Find -> computer
3) Type in the Username used on the Mill setting 137
4) Press the button FIND NOW
5) The Username will be listed in the window after the search is completed.
6) Double click on the Icon with the username.
7) The HAASMILL Folder is the hard drive on the CNC. The user can either create a shortcut to your
desktop or leave the window minimized in the task bar.

Accessing and running a FNC (File Numerical Controller) File from the CNC control’s hard drive.

1) Locate the file in LIST/PROG under the device wanted (Only available with HARD DRIVE or NET
2) Change to the DIRECTORY window and highlight the program.
3) Press the SELECT/PROG key.

Reviewing a program while in FNC mode.

1) Make sure in MEM mode.

3) Enter the line number and press the down arrow.
4) You can use Page Down, Page Up, Down Arrow and Up Arrow.

Exiting FNC mode.

1) Press LIST/PROG
2) Down or Up arrow to select a program from memory.
4) Program name no longer appears along with FNC at the left corner of the screen.

Subprograms from FNC (Cannot be done from Memory)

Subprograms must be in the form of Oxxxxx.NC where x is the program number. The subprograms must be
located in the same directory as the main program from the selected device as the source file.

Example. The program TEST.NC calls two subprograms, with M98 P71 and M98 P22 from the hard drive in
directory CURPRG. Therefore, 3 files will be in the directory “CURPRG”



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