Lesson Plan
Lesson Plan
Lesson Plan
At the end of the class the students will able to get required knowledge about the family welfare program, aims
and objectives, scope, and role of nurse in family welfare program
➢ define family welfare program
➢ list down the aims and objectives of family welfare program
➢ enumerate the scope of family welfare program
➢ discuss the role of nurse in family welfare program
S. Duration Specific Content Teacher’s Leaner’s Av Evaluation
No objectives activity activity aids
3 5 min list down OBJECTIVES AND AIMS Explaining Listening Leaf What are
the aims the the let the
and objectives objectives objectives
❖ To reduce growth rate of population so as to achieve
objectives and aims and aims and aims
of family stable population at the earliest.
of family of family of family
welfare ❖ To ensure good reproduction and childhood status. The welfare welfare welfare
program maternal and child health care is an integrated part of program program program?
the family welfare programs both services are to be
delivered as a package by the same health workers.
❖ To bring about wanted conception
❖ To develop the wanted conception into healthy new
❖ To rear wanted new born into healthy children
❖ To avoid unwanted births and to regulate the interval
between the pregnancies
❖ To determine the number of children in the family
❖ Education and counselling on family planning
❖ Provisions of contraceptives
❖ Management of infertility
S. Duration Specific Content Teacher’s Leaner’s Av Evaluation
No objectives activity activity aids
5 15 min discuss ROLE OF NURSE IN FAMILY WELFARE PROGRAM Explaining Listening Black What are
the role the role of the role of bord the role
of nurse nurse in nurse in of nurse
in family ❖ Counsellor’s role family family in family
welfare ❖ Administrative role welfare welfare welfare
program ❖ Educational role program program program?
❖ Role in research worker
❖ Role in clinical nurse in hospital/ community
❖ Supervisory role
So far we discussed about the family welfare programme, objectives and aims, scope, and role of nurse in family
welfare programme.
The nurses are in an excellent position to participate in family planning activities that is through the provision of
daily care, those working in hospitals quickly gain the confidence of sick person. This confidence provides an effective base
for preventive nursing care. Those employees in community health agencies, perhaps because of the comprehensive nature
of the care they given are in a unique position for participation in family welfare programme.
1) What is meant by family welfare programme?
2) What are the objectives and aims of family welfare program?
3) What are the scopes of family welfare program?
4) What are the role of nurse in family welfare program?
Write an assignment on role of nurse in family welfare programme.
1. B.T Basavanthappa (2016) “Text book of community and health nursing for BSc nursing and PB BSc
nursing students”, vol 2, 3 edition, published by Jaypee brothers, Page no:967
2. S. Kamalam (2017) “Essentials in community health nursing practice” ,3 rd edition, published by Jaypee
brothers, Page no:184-186