Inspection attribute L015 Air Card Item varchar(100) Free-form text
Inspection attribute L016 Air Card Description varchar(30) Free-form text
Inspection attribute L017 Air Card Frequency Days num(5) 0 - 99999
Inspection attribute L021 OOS From Date Date Date
Inspection attribute L022 OOS To Date Date Date
Inspection attribute L023 OOS No. Days num(5) 0 - 99999
Update New Notes
X Optional today; becomes mandatory for blue card
X New permissible values apply X X X Multiple waivers delimited by spaces X Multiple waivers delimited by spaces X X Defined as text to hold number or 'Drilled' when applicable X Defined as text to hold number or 'Drilled' when applicable X X X X X Mandatory field; see tab for permissible values X X Mandatory field; see tab for permissible values X X X New inspection attribute for blue card X New inspection attribute for blue card Used in PI (FRQ) inspections only. Field accepts a one or more of the defined X codes 1-7. Multiple codes are delimted by spaces. X Used in Air Card inspection only X Used in Air Card inspection only X Used in Air Card inspection only X Used in Out-of-Service event reporting only X Used in Out-of-Service event reporting only X Used in Out-of-Service event reporting only A068 8-char field Displays on Blue Card
XXXXXXXX the value passed in A068 (e.g., SD70MAC)
Free-form text for Field 3 on blue card
Characteristic of the locomotive Mandatory field in Umler for locomotives Spaces no longer valid L013 4-Char Propelled By Text Description Code DE Diesel-Electric E Electric MU Electric Multiple Unit DMU Diesel Multiple Unit MUC MU Control Cab NMUC Non-MU Control Cab T Turbine TC Torque Converter O Other
For Field 6 on blue card
Characteristic of the locomotive Mandatory field in Umler for locomotives L018 1-Char Checkbox in Field 8 of blue card that gets 'X' Code P Passenger R Road Y Yard O Other
For Field 8 of the blue card
Characteristic of the locomotive Mandatory field in Umler for locomotives A093 4-Char Displays under Remarks section on Blue Card as Code "Event Recorder: " EQPD Displays spaces on blue card (value must be filled-in manually on PDF) BS53 BACH-SIMPSON 53000 BS54 BACH-SIMPSON 54000 PO BACH-SIMPSON CHM BSTS BACH-SIMPSON TS324 PS BACH-SIMPSON 54360-512 CHM BE BARCO ELECTRIC BS BARCO SIS 800 CM CHICAGO PNEUMATIC MECHANICAL EDIE EDI EDI-PCM-2M EDII EDI IFC-PCM-04 F0 EMD FIRE F1 EMD FIRE GEN 1 F2 EMD FIRE GEN 2 F3 EMD FIRE GEN 3 FI EMD FIRE INTEGRATED PJ PULSE/EMD CAB CONSOLE COMPUTER PV PULSE IFC-PCM-02 PK PULSE IFC-PCM-04 PSS PULSE SOLID STATE 1054418R3 PI PULSE TTX REC-13 PM PULSE TTX-IDR-01 PU PULSE TTX-IDR-02 PE PULSE TTX-REC-03W PD PULSE TTX-REC-06H AEROQUIP PP PULSE TTX-REC-CAT-01 CAT RCL PG PULSE TTX-REC-M4W PL PULSE TTX-REC-M6 PT PULSE TTX-REC-M6FRA PH PULSE TTX-REC-M6W PR PULSE TTX-REC-M6W GE INT ALT PN PULSE TTX-REC-MTR PQ PULSE TTX-REC-RCL-01 RCL PF PULSE TTX-REC-SF01 QT20 QTRON 2000 Q5 QTRON 5000 Q1 QTRON 5100 QT52 QTRON 5200 QTD QTRON DC 6000 (Q-93271/1) QTE QTRON DC 6000 (Q-93271/6) Q3 QTRON Q-92251/33 QS QTRON SOLID STATE(MODEL UNK) QA QUANTUM C/AOR MANFLD 1058 M2 QUANTUM ETR QM QUANTUM Q1017 QB QUANTUM Q1026 QC QUANTUM Q1027 QD QUANTUM Q1028 QE QUANTUM Q1029 QV QUANTUM Q1040B QW QUANTUM Q1040E QU QUANTUM Q1044 SOLID STATE Q44E QUANTUM Q1044E Q45B QUANTUM Q1045B QCHM QUANTUM Q1045CHM Q45E QUANTUM Q1045E QECA QUANTUM Q1045ECA Q146 QUANTUM Q1046 QH QUANTUM Q1046E QI QUANTUM Q1055 QJ QUANTUM Q1057 QK QUANTUM Q1058 QL QUANTUM Q1059 Q7 QUANTUM Q1067D Q6 QUANTUM Q1067E QO QUANTUM Q1069 QP QUANTUM Q1070 Q4 QUANTUM TTX-REC-M6 M4 QUANTUM Q1046 UP SOLID STATE MS QUANTUM SOLID STATE/ALERTER RK ROCKWELL ICE TM87 TMACS 8709 D3 WABTEC DATACORD 300 D5 WABTEC DATACORD 5000 W2 WABTEC ICF-CPCM-02 W4 WABTEC ICF-CPCM-04 WS WABTEC SOLID STATE - PCM 04 T1 WABTEC TTX-IDR-01 T3 WABTEC TTX-IDR-03 W8 WABTEC TTX-REC-401 WA WABTEC TTX-REC-F11E W5 WABTEC TTX-REC-F5 W7 WABTEC TTX-REC-F7ST W6 WABTEC TTX-REC-M6 WB WABTEC TTX-REC-M6E IW WABTEC WRE25539P W1 WABTEC WRE26432P WT WABTEC/PULSE F7S WU WABTEC/PULSE FE-133 WZ1 WABTEC/PULSE FIRE WV WABTEC/PULSE ICE WX WABTEC/PULSE IDR T4 WABTEC/PULSE IDR-01 PX WABTEC/PULSE IDR-02 PW WABTEC/PULSE IDR-03 WY WABTEC/PULSE PCM/IFC WZ2 WABTEC/PULSE QES WW WABTEC/PULSE TTX NE Displays 'NOT EQUIPPED' on blue card O Displays 'OTHER' on blue card UN Displays spaces on blue card (value must be filled-in manually on PDF) Characteristic of the locomotive e.g., A093 = 'PE ', the text description defined for that code is displayed on supplemental Remarks Line #1 of blue card: arks Line #1 of blue card: L001 2-byte Displays on Blue Card as field 1 Travel 1 inches 2 Travel 2 inches 3 Travel 3 inches 4 Travel 4 inches 5 Travel 5 inches 6 Travel 6 inches 7 Travel 7 inches 8 Travel 8 inches 9 Travel 9 inches 10 Travel 10 inches Characteristic of the locomotive
Note: For Field 10 of the blue card
Field will accept values 0 - 99. Business input is that value is typically 8 but could be up to 10 If value not provided, field will not be filled in on the blue card L020 3-byte Displays on blue card as field 92 Checbox for 92-day PI interval day gets 'X' 184 Checbox for 184-day PI interval gets 'X'
Characteristic of the locomotive
Note: If field not valued then neither checkbox gets checked
ECC RAIL0000000218 E L013 MU ECC RAIL0000000218 E L018 Y ECC RAIL0000000218 E A093 PO ECC RAIL0000000218 E A068 LO956687 ECC RAIL0000000218 E L020 92 ECC RAIL0000000218 E A068 12345678